Bringing Heaven to Earth


Earth with Spirit has been created by Sophia Ovidne

to share the teachings and ideas of the Ascended Masters.

Sophia is a messenger for these Masters.



 * * * MESSAGES for JUNE 2024

      •  NEW BOOKS – Published 2023: “GUIDE TO CONSCIOUSNESS AND THE UNSEEN UNIVERSE” by Sophia and the 3-book series”TRAINING MANUAL FOR GODS” channelled by Sophia from Master Chiron

                               These will be very helpful to you in these challenging times!

                       Go to Books for the full details.

 The most recent Message From The Masters is 20 June 2024: (next one due Sept 2024)

  •  Sophia speaks about her adventures with switching off mirrors in the higher dimensions
  •  Master Chiron’s message  – Birthing a New Path

Go to Messages From the Masters for the full messages.


 Highlights of Earth with Spirit:

  • Messages From the Masters (quarterly messages on current topics)
  • Meet the Ascended Masters
  • How to get a healing or counselling session with Sophia
  • How to get an astrology reading by Sophia
  • Workshops by Sophia
  • Free Meditations by Sophia
  • Books and Flower Essences by Sophia
  • Hope in my Heart – inspiration and support
