Meditation – Letting go through the EARTH element

This series of free meditations is based on the four elements and is designed to assist with letting go any disturbing emotions, thoughts, beliefs, physical pain, or spiritual resistance to your rightful destiny.

It will take you on a journey in consciousness through all four of the elements; water, earth, air, and fire. The meditations take you through each element separately.

I’m going to guide you through several different scenarios and it’s going to be quite action-orientated, so go with it, don’t ponder, and don’t analyse, or you will break the flow.

I’m also going to be asking you within the meditations to kind of ‘die’ to your old self. So, first and foremost, you will need to remember that your consciousness can never truly die, and when I ask you to let go, or even to die or disintegrate or dissolve, all you are doing is dissolving or disintegrating old parts, old segments, of your consciousness, not your whole self, and certainly not your physical body. So, I don’t want you to be afraid at all that you are going to physically die. You are just killing off old brain cells, old consciousness that needs to be let go.

This will leave you feeling purified and clear, with new space created in your consciousness for better and more positive thoughts and emotions, and more energy, motivation, and love for pursuing your life and desires.

Visual aids

Before you begin the meditation, you may want to gather some props that might assist you with setting the mood for whichever element you are dealing with. For instance, you may wish to gaze at a picture that represents the element you are about to meditate with. But if your imagination is well-developed, these props are not necessary.

Water: pictures with blue tones or water scenes.

Earth: pictures with green or brown tones or scenes of countryside.

Air: pictures with scenes of sky, clouds, birds, winged insects, angels, stars.

Fire: pictures with red, orange, and yellow tones. A lighted candle.


LETTING GO Meditation through the element of EARTH (7 mins)

Audio Meditation (MP3 file) (7 mins)


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The transcript of this meditation follows below:

LETTING GO Meditation through the element of EARTH (7 mins)

Hi, this is Sophia Ovidne, and I am going to guide you through a meditation for letting go through the element of earth.

The element of earth represents strength and power, the powerful planet Earth that holds us, that stabilises us, that makes us strong, gives us resilience, energises us with great power, and provides a firm foundation for life.  Here you will let go of any weaknesses, any physical pain, any burdens that weigh upon you, especially things to do with survival, shelter, money, your  job, illness, and everyday practical concerns and worries about your life and the body that has to carry you through it.

The meditation should leave you feeling stronger and more capable of coping with everyday life, trusting that you and your body can make it through your issues and burst through any limitations you have previously felt.

So, leave all your troubles behind for a few minutes and get nice and relaxed and comfortable, and breathe deeply for a few moments.

I would like you to take yourself to your favourite place on land. Anywhere in the world, somewhere on terra firma. Mountains, valleys, deserts, it doesn’t matter.

And as you look around you in your favourite place on Earth, you see that there is a cave, and I would like you to go into the cave, and in the back of the cave you will see that it leads into a tunnel. And you will have enough light to see your way into this tunnel.

And you follow that tunnel down and go deep into the Earth. Take your time now as you walk through the tunnel, to feel the ground beneath your feet, feel the walls, smell the air, and go deeper and deeper into the Earth.

Finally, you come to a cavern with a flat floor. And I would like you to lie down on the ground, face up, and put your hands out to your sides and feel the ground underneath your hands. Open your heart, open your mind, open all the cells of your body, and let all the old energies be absorbed by the Earth. Let go any thoughts of not being powerful enough, not strong enough, not coping, not stabilised enough. Feel your energies sink into the ground. (PAUSE)

But there might also be parts of you that feel stuck and too grounded. And there might be anchors that are stuck in the ground here. So, I would like you to jump up and pull out all the anchors that are keeping you stuck and limited, keeping you in habits that you need to let go.

Lie on the ground again now and absorb the energies of this planet, begin to feel one with the Earth. Let go of all your old thinking, let go of the old limitations, the old powerless you, the old self-image that you had of yourself. Let go all your weaknesses, all your physical pain.

Feel the strength of this planet underneath you. Feel the strength of the rocks and Earth around you. And allow yourself now to disintegrate into the ground completely, all your body now disintegrating into the Earth. Feel as if a weight has been lifted from you.

Try to stay in this state for a few minutes to glean any messages that may be coming to you from higher parts of your consciousness.

I will leave you now with light and love, and you will come back in your own time when you are ready.