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DEC 2024
Dearest Friends,
I am putting the message from Lady Quan Yin first this month, because it paves the way for me to explain the astrology behind what she is telling us (and I channelled her before knowing what the astrology is going to be for the year ahead, so I was happy to see that her message and the astrology were confirmations of one other.)
Channelling from Quan Yin, 11 Dec 2024 — Bringing my children back Home
Yes, I know it is a surprise to hear from me, but I have important information to impart, and so, listen up, for we need to know these things if we are going to survive the coming year ahead.
My heart, and the hearts of all the gods and goddesses, are with you all on Earth, for this is going to be a grounding experience that you will be going through, and in that I mean, that the ground beneath your feet will shake and tremble like it has never done before. I mean this literally and figuratively too.
And so, all is a-changing, as they say, not just for others but for you too. Yes, you, each and every one of you. There will be nothing left unchanged by the end of the coming year. Many things will die, but many new things will be born as well. Such has it always been throughout the eons.
But this will not be the normal cycle of things. This is a unique time that we are going through, and I wish for you all to appreciate that. And while it may not be the best of times, these are times that will bring out the best in you. And so, grab your courage and your willingness to participate in the transition of all transitions. Life will become brighter for some and darker for others. Let you be on the right side, the bright side, and then you will agree that you will have been blessed by Heaven.
Your ticket has already been arranged, and so just be willing to move forward on the path that you are on, for your past deeds and past love will have prescribed the direction that you will now find yourself heading in. Do not resist but allow yourself to flow, for then the times will be easier for you. The new energies will take you to your destination, so don’t fight against them but enjoy the current, and I mean that in both senses of that word.
Look at yourself in the mirror now. Are you the one that you have always wanted to be? Have you fulfilled your purpose and your deepest desires? Do you like what you see? And are you happy to be moving on to your next phase?
If not, there might be some remedying that is needed. It is not that this will change your direction now, for directions have been set, but remedying things will make your journey easier, more vibrant, more enjoyable, lighter and less loaded. And so, it is up to you how comfortable you make this final journey to your ultimate destination. There is the high road and the low road. I know which one I would take myself.
Gather your courage and your determination, and let these days upon Earth be glory days where you feel brilliant in your victories. The gods are waiting for you to join them.
I am Lady Quan Yin, mother of the Earth and Heaven, and bringing my children back Home.
Sophia: As Quan Yin has described, 2025 will be a year of great change for everyone. Of course, we have probably all been feeling these changes for a while anyway, but the year ahead is brimming with astrological turning points. Let me point out just a few of them.
The planet Pluto kicked off this latest bevy of changes in mid-November when it moved into the sign of Aquarius where it will remain now for the next 20 years or so. Both Pluto and Aquarius are all about change and transformation. Pluto hastens letting go or destruction so that there can be a clean slate for the new things to come. Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, gets us to rebel against the old, conservative ways of doing things in order for a new way of thinking to be installed, and Aquarian changes are sudden, unexpected, and non-traditional. (So, the sudden fall of the Syrian government, and an iconoclastic incoming president of the USA, are very much in line with this!) I would say that the Age of Aquarius is upon us properly now!
Pluto is also going to rear its head on New Year’s Eve when it favourably aspects the North Node of Destiny. Expect opportunities to appear, and changes to your plans if they don’t fit with your Soul’s preferred destiny for you to follow. It is also a good time to heal old wounds, with Mercury favourably aspecting Chiron on that day too.
This is especially important because the North Node of Destiny is itself changing signs on 11 January 2025, and this always shows new pathways for us to follow. But it is even more special this time because it is changing signs from Aries, where it has been for the past 18 months, into Pisces where it will stay for 18 months until end of July 2026.
Why special? Well, Aries energy, ruled by Mars the warrior god, has been a catalyst in the past 18 months for taking action and initiative, feeling anger and frustration, being ambitious, competitive, selfish, in our ego, and revering the physical body and physical world of things. Now the North Node is moving into the Piscean domain ruled by Neptune, a realm of emotions, images, and spiritual dimensions. We could see a move towards true spirituality, but religious issues will probably take centre stage as past life memories and ideologies bubble up to be dealt with. There could also be an increase in addictions and mental health problems as people try to escape their earthly woes.
There are several major instances of planets changing signs in the coming year, which always signifies great changes for mankind too.
• North Node of Destiny moves from Aries into Pisces on 11 January.
• Neptune moves from Pisces to Aries at the end of March, and back into Pisces again in October. Neptune will re-enter Aries again in Jan 2026 (for approx. 13 years)
• Saturn moves from Pisces to Aries in late May.
• Jupiter moves from Gemini to Cancer in mid-June.
• Uranus moves from Taurus to Gemini in early July
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto (the Outer Planets) will be moving as a ‘gang’ in the latter half of 2025. Uranus and Pluto both in air signs at this time, may cause a revolution in our minds and mental thinking and perhaps an experience of the death of our old selves and rebirth of our new selves, the death of religion, revolutionary technological advances, especially in the field of communications, and perhaps even contact with aliens! Expect the unexpected!
Personally, I feel that everything is coming to an end—for the world and for me personally. My intuition and personal messages from the Masters are urging me to tie up all loose ends in my life, to let go all unimportant things, to clear up my messes, to whittle down everything to a minimum, and to write my Will and instructions for dealing with my death. I’m making sure all my books and finances and relationships are in order.
Of course, I may just be feeling the Transition to the New World and my death in the Old World as we pass over into a new, higher frequency way of being (but I have been wrong before!) But it pays to be prepared nonetheless, and I’m an old lady in my 70s now so I won’t be here much longer anyway.
All I can say right now is that we should make every moment count whilst we are still on this Earth. Make it the best Christmas and New Year ever, filling ourselves with love and harmony, and forgiveness and peace to everyone, past and present. Flood everyone and everything with love, but this alone won’t change things. We need to have awareness too, which is really wisdom (the intelligence of the left brain and the intuition of the right brain). Then we can truly understand what others are feeling or undergoing, or what is really going on in a situation. Love and Awareness together will help us work the magic we need in this coming year.
I wish you all this Love and Awareness in abundance this Christmas season, and may 2025 be truly magical for you and your loved ones. Personally, I am feeling this New World magic already, so I hope you are too, or that it comes your way very soon.
All my Love, Awareness, and Blessings to you all,
P.S. I’m sorry to say that at present I am not doing any personal counselling sessions, channellings, or astrology sessions. This may change in the future, but I will let you know. My website www.earthwithspirit.com is still packed with lots of useful information and has free meditations and all back issues of Messages From the Masters since 2014.
SEPT 2024
Dearest Friends,
Changing quantum consciousness
You will probably have noticed that the world is in a sad and sorry state. But, you yourself don’t have to be likewise. We have great power over our consciousness, if only we could believe this, and the thoughts and beliefs we hold in our consciousness are what design our reality, the world we experience every day. Therefore, if we don’t like our present circumstances, we can change what is in our consciousness, and this will directly or indirectly begin the process of changing the environment around us.
Recently, I was shown by the Masters/gods a new way to imagine changing my consciousness. Perhaps it was based on the fact that I had a career in computer programming for nearly 30 years, but I expect everyone will understand the concept, seeing as computers are an everyday necessity of our lives these days.
I was taken to a large computer room, a bit like a NASA Control Centre, but it had only one desk with a computer, monitor, and keyboard on it. I was told that everything that had ever happened in this universe, every minutiae of detail from the time of its birth to the present moment, has been recorded and stored away, preserved exactly intact, and is totally unerasable and incorruptible. It is there for all eternity, never able to be tampered with, only accessed for viewing. Some call it the Akashic Records. I presume all that data is kept offsite somewhere in some higher dimension.
However, this computer in front of me represented my current consciousness—all my thoughts and beliefs from this lifetime, and those still affecting me from my past lives. I was told that I was able to change this version of my consciousness by putting my commands into this computer, a quantum computer. I asked if it was an AI computer? The reply was that this was Consciousness itself which is much more than Artificial Intelligence—it was Natural Intelligence, and it linked into the Quantum Universal Consciousness which oversaw everything.
I was informed that I could give this computer my commands to let go any of my current thinking and beliefs that were presenting problems for me. I wasn’t to type them in on the keyboard but simply speak or think my commands. I did so and the computer did its thing, filtering through my current consciousness to let go all my issues. I didn’t feel a thing! Then I was told to speak or think my new thoughts and feelings that I wanted to have. I felt like a computer programmer again, but I only had to think my commands, not code anything. When I’d finished, I stood back and waited to feel different.
Master Chiron then appeared and told me that only time would tell if I had made any difference. It would only become clear when I started to apply myself to the world. He also told me that I could use this process of giving commands to my quantum computer for any issue at all—feelings, thoughts, beliefs, energy blockages, physical symptoms, personal situations. The magic trick was to be totally firm with our commands, raising ourself first to our highest possible frequency so that we are purer, more powerful, and more focused and persistent. There should be no underlying doubts, negations, or blocks.
Chiron also informed me that I could use this quantum computer scenario for helping to let go, heal, or change, the issues of other people or situations in the world. We are all linked together in one global quantum consciousness, so we are able to easily influence other humans. We just need to link our own quantum computer to the quantum computers of other people. I saw my Control Room fill up with other computers in a circle around me. These were my family and friends. I then needed to command my own central quantum computer to link up with these computers around me. I gave it my commands, and eventually extended the circle to include all the people of Earth.
This, of course, is only one way of healing ourselves and others, but I just wanted to describe a way that many people may not have come across before, and that may appeal to those of us who are more technically-minded. And remember that it is our INTENTION and FOCUS that drive the process—we don’t need to know any technical details at all.
Can we really change our world, especially those crisis situations and wars that are so prominent right now? Yes, some of it we can, especially our reactions and attitudes towards them. If we ourselves are at peace, then we will bring more peace into the world, even if just one little iota. It all adds up.
However, some world situations are occurring because this is the time of the Great Transition, and whenever there is great movement, some things come to an end, while new things are born. There are lessons to be learnt on First Earth, about caring for the planet and for fellow humans, and following the path to evolve ourselves into good and spiritual beings. Many people have not done this.
Astrology has been a guiding blueprint for what happens on our planet, and it’s a shame that people don’t take it more seriously, for it shows us the way and what is to come in the future.
For instance, the North Node of the Moon changes signs every 18 months and is a pointer to the flavour of our destiny, personally and globally. It has been in the sign of Aries since mid-July 2023. Aries is ruled by Mars and is related to war, anger, action, independence, new beginnings, initiative, ambition, bullying, selfishness, ego, competitiveness, fire. We can see how this narrative has been playing out over the past 15 months. Added to this, we have had Chiron, the god of healing and woundedness, also in Aries (since May 2018). Chiron will remain here until April 2027, teaching us how to heal the more unsavoury aspects of Aries.
However, the North Node will move into Pisces in January 2025, ruled by Neptune, and is the sign of spirituality, imagination, artistry, flow, addiction, delusion, trust, compassion, intuition, self-pity, victimhood, water. It will be interesting to see how this new flavour affects our world. We are likely to see even more flooding than we do now!
We also have a solar eclipse to contend with on October 2/3 at the time of the New Moon in Libra, the sign all about relationships. Eclipses can bring about amazing sudden changes of fortune, some good, some not so good, and their energy starts to ramp up even months before the eclipse itself, and lingers some months afterwards as well.
This will no doubt have an effect on the US elections in November, this and the planet Pluto. Pluto’s remit is all about death and rebirth, transformation, power, secrets, letting go, sharing, destruction, revenge, sex, obsession, magic. Pluto is currently in Capricorn, all about government, control, authority, work, status, responsibility, ambition, conservatism. Pluto has a 248-year cycle. It was exactly 248 years ago that the Declaration of Independence was issued in 1776. Is the USA to see its death this year, or a major transformation of some kind? Pluto jumps into its new sign of Aquarius soon after the US elections, and the flavour for the next 248 years will be that of, especially at first, sudden change, chaos, disruption, rebelliousness, future technology, isolation, nervousness, but hopefully transitioning into freedom, enlightenment, uniqueness, higher consciousness and a new way for humanity to live.
I have written at length about the Final Shift and the Transition Times leading up to it in my books, “Guide to Consciousness and the Unseen Universe” and the three “Training Manual for Gods” books (these three channelled from Master Chiron), available from all good online bookstores. Thank you to all those who have read these, enjoyed them, and who are applying them to their lives.
I enjoyed this one-hour interview below on YouTube between the astrologer Pam Gregory and the channeller Ann Tucker. They discuss in more detail some of the coming events in the next two years.
If all this transition talk makes you feel nervous, here is a delightful piece of music (2½ mins) to calm you down. It is spring here in Australia right now, and this is “Spring 01” a recomposition by Max Richter of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons – Spring. I love the way it seems to describe the buds and flowers popping into life, and the final glorious bursting forth into summer. I hope you enjoy it!
All my love and hugs and blessings to you all. Whether it is your spring or your autumn, make it an eternal summer in your hearts.
P.S. I’m sorry to say that at present I am not doing any personal counselling sessions, channellings, or astrology sessions. This may change in the future, but I will let you know. My website www.earthwithspirit.com is still packed with lots of useful information and has free meditations and all back issues of Messages From the Masters since 2014.
It has been a while now since the Masters, the gods, have broached this particular subject, so I am bringing it back to the forefront of your consciousnesses from where it may have slipped, for it is important in these times to know what is good, or bad, or evil, and to have some guidelines that will keep you on track with the god community and appealing to our values.
You might think that the question of values and ethics and morals is an old-fashioned one, and that it doesn’t apply nowadays, but I would beg to differ, that good and decent values and ethics and morals need to be applied more than ever in these times of crisis and disturbance and disruption. How can we follow our hearts if our hearts are ruined by questionable values?
What is a value? It is what we esteem the most. And in human society today, what is esteemed most is power and money and righteousness, that one is superior to another, that one is right and others are wrong, that only a few are the chosen ones, and the rest can be negated or done away with altogether. These are not the values of the Masters and gods.
We cherish love and understanding above all else. We cherish assimilation of all races and all personalities and all kinds of creeds and beliefs, as long as they adhere to our values of love and understanding. We cherish and welcome differing points of views and the ability to discuss these with openness and honesty, and trusting that others will understand even if they do not agree. We gods do not always agree with one another. And we can be quite passionate about this or that in an opposing viewpoint to someone else, but we will still remain respectful and loving towards one another. And enmity or violence or blame or righteousness will never enter the picture. We can agree to disagree, and negotiate our way to a world in which we can all live together, appreciating our various values as long as they are based in love and understanding.
And so, we do not have rigid rules or Ten Commandments or any kind of religious texts that keep us in line within our guiding values. Because our values are simple and straightforward: always be love, always be understanding, always be respectful, and always seek to be inclusive so that we, in this universe, can live in harmony and unison.
So, go measure your values against our guiding principles, and check where you may have strayed from the path. For the end times are coming where the path shall diverge, and those who follow the guiding values and principles of the gods will follow one path, and those who follow other values and principles shall take a different path. And let us see what the world shall be like for you then.
I am Lord Lanto, lawyer and truthsayer for the gods.
(Channelled from Lord Lanto by Sophia Ovidne, 12 Sept 2024)
JUNE 2024
Dearest Friends,
Mirror, Mirror!
In my previous Message From The Masters in March 2024 (read below) I described how things are becoming a tad weird and wonderful out there in the spiritual world (or, even more than before!). I spoke of how I had been invited on 14 January this year by the Masters/gods to go to one of seven mirrors on Second Earth that are projecting the created reality for First Earth, and to switch off that mirror. The outcome was that the highest frequency level for our planet was turned off and the spirit consciousnesses of approximately 250 million humans were taken through their ascension to now reside on Second Earth. (This did not mean that they died physically, although some might have chosen to do so!)
This left six mirrors remaining to project from Second Earth the varying frequency levels that hold the First Earth in place.
Then, on 24 May (last month) I was asked by the gods to once again switch off the next frequency level mirror, mirror #2 (a lower frequency than mirror #1). Whereas the first mirror had been placed in the Andes in Peru, this second mirror was to be found at the North Pole. And whereas the first mirror had been round in shape, this second one was a hexagonal shape. This was interesting, as I had read somewhere about there being a hexagonal-shaped ice cap at the North Pole of the planet, Saturn. The gods had also told me some time ago that each of the planets in our solar system has a ‘second’ or mirror planet, just as Earth does.
With the switching off of this second mirror at the North Pole, it triggered the ascension of another 150 million consciousnesses to ‘arrive’ on Second Earth. We still have two more mirrors to be switched off (at lower and lower frequency levels) with a total of around 750 million consciousnesses eventually being transitioned across. The other three mirrors (7 mirrors in total) will stay switched on to hold the First Earth in place, and all the consciousnesses at these lower frequencies will not ascend at all, nor be taken across to Second Earth.
What does it mean for people to ‘arrive’ on Second Earth, to have ascended? Everyone on Earth is currently being tested and challenged to check whether their consciousness is good enough to be initiated into the Program for Training Gods. Are their hearts and minds good god material? If so, their consciousnesses will be transitioned to a higher frequency level by going through what is termed an Ascension Initiation, and they will ‘arrive’ on Second Earth. And so, even though their physical bodies will still reside on physical First Earth, their mind is actually operating from the higher dimension of Second Earth, the spirit world. They will be consciously across two dimensions at once, human and spirit, which we now know is perfectly possible within quantum physics, but it will take quite some time for new arrivals to understand their new operating environment, and how human and spirit must work together from now on.
As well as 400,000 human consciousnesses ‘arriving’ on Second Earth from First Earth, 20,000 gods ‘arrived’ on Second Earth in May from the higher gods’ dimension. They are now organising themselves to take control of the physical transition and Final Shift where First Earth splits off from Second Earth. This had been forecast to take place around the end of 2026, but I’ve been informed that the agenda has been moved forward, because of negative events taking place on First Earth, and is now likely to take place at the end of 2025.
This is a minimalist summary of what is happening to us. For all the details, read either my own book published last year, Guide to Consciousness and the Unseen Universe, or read Chiron’s trilogy, Training Manual for Gods, channelled by me and also published last year, all available from good online bookstores.
So, what do we need to do in order to ensure our own consciousness gets to transition across to the Second Earth?
It’s imperative that we keep our own vibes high and let go of any sabotaging Inner Voices/Personas in our consciousness, those voices which make us fear, doubt, judge, hate, resent, or get angry. There are brief, free Letting Go meditations on this website which can also be freely downloaded.
I also have a free Flower Essence Meditation on this website which can help if you have any emotional, mental, or physical issues, such as a headache or tension or feel worried or upset or irritable (Lord Lanto – Baby Blue Eyes is good for this.) You can send the energies of this flower essence from your own mind to children too, especially if they are having tantrums or other anger issues.
On Friday, June 21 (in Australia) we have the Solstice, the shortest or longest day of the year, depending on whether you are in the Southern Hemisphere or Northern Hemisphere. It is a period of intense energies and marks the entry into a new phase of the year. Perhaps this is why Master Chiron is encouraging us to birth a new path in his channelling below?
On Saturday, June 22 (in Australia) we have the Full Moon in Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, and it will want us to focus on our path, our mission, our career, and/or our status in life. These energies usually bring a desire to work hard and get organised, and to restructure our lives if necessary. Fathers or authority figures could also be very prominent at this time, and we could experience feelings of suppression or restriction too.
We are living in extreme and challenging times, but it is also a stage of evolution for our human race and for our planet that has never before been experienced. We can either view it as alarming and something to fear, or we can welcome it with open arms and feel the build-up of excitement and the increase in vibrational energy all around us. Whatever is playing out in our consciousness is what will be created as our physical reality, so it pays to be positive and to recognise the magic that is now enfolding us, although we may need to go through the Dark Night of the Soul before we can experience that magic. We cannot reach the shores of Second Earth if we are still anchoring ourselves to First Earth through our old human habits and negative thinking.
So, let’s start to imagine ourselves flying, because that’s exactly what our spirit is doing on Second Earth. Feel the freedom of the New World and the magical ways it can manifest our dreams for us, even for us down here on First Earth, because, in truth, ‘As Above, So Below’ as the old saying goes.
I wish you much love and many blessings for the next few exciting months ahead until I write again in September.
P.S. I hope you all enjoyed the link to the ‘Coconut Song’ in my last message. A bit of fun!
It has been a while since you heard from me, and much water has flowed under the bridge, and now we are in very deep waters indeed. And some of our bridges are even flooding, and we are all awash with emotions and tragedies, but sometimes triumphs too.
It is time to take stock, my dear ones, of where you stand in this world right now. For this world is requiring a choice be made by you. Do you wish to sit there in the status quo, doing what you are currently doing, or perhaps what you have always done? Or do you wish to make a few changes in your life, so that you may move forwards on a new path towards a new destiny, one that suits you much better than the one that is playing out for you in this present moment?
You will know what you dislike about yourself and your environment and your reality. So let you be honest with yourself. Let you really give some deep thought to what needs changing in you and around you. And don’t just sit there and put up with your conditions any longer.
You have been conditioned, of course, to accept this reality and to accept that there is little you can do to amend it or repair it, or to change it out of all recognition. But I am telling you now that the power of your own consciousness is enormous, and if you were to believe in yourself, then you would bring into your life, and attract to yourself, all those better ways of living that you have only dreamt about, or perhaps could not even have imagined.
But these dreams cannot infiltrate your reality if you do not give them space. And so, make a space in that mind of yours, and create a dream wall or a dream box and describe there in detail all that you would want to see in your life. For this is how dreams are manifested, by dreaming upon them and birthing their energies until you magnetise them towards you. But if you are just of the opinion that you are helpless or a victim or that nothing will ever change, then so the status quo will remain and your prophecy will come true.
So, wake yourself up now before the universe does this awakening for you, for there are huge changes coming from on high. And you will be swept along in the current, going who knows where, unless you have already decided upon a destination. So, do yourself a favour today. Put a line in the sand and put a stake in the ground, and tell yourself that you will not go any further along your current path in your current circumstances until you have thought things over and made yourself a new plan.
The New World is coming to us very soon. So, what is the New Path that you will take towards it?
I am Master Chiron, healer of the world’s woes.
(Channelled from Master Chiron by Sophia Ovidne, 18 Jun 2024)
MARCH 2024
Dearest Friends,
Weird and Wonderful!
My own journey in the past three months, since I last wrote my Message From the Masters, has been nothing short of weird and wonderful, and on occasion, miraculous, but also challenging. We are going through some testing times here on Earth, but our spirit selves are also being mightily transformed too, and this is why many of us are having vivid dreams at night, as our spirit leaves us to undergo all the new training we are being put through. We need to be kind and compassionate towards ourselves as we are compelled to leave behind our old ways of thinking and doing and being, and grapple with new beliefs and things we need to now understand.
I, myself, felt compelled to undertake an online course to master OBEs (out-of-body experiences). (With IACWorld, the International Academy of Consciousness) You might think that with all my channelling ability that I do OBEs all the time in order to speak with the Masters and gods. But this isn’t so. I discovered through this course, that I do indeed leave my body, but only with my mental consciousness. I have hardly ever had an OBE where I am outside my physical body and still have my body with me, but when I go and speak to, and visit, the Masters and their dimensions, I can see and hear everything perfectly clearly in the other dimensions. But I don’t arrive there physically with my semi-physical spirit body as in a traditional OBE. My consciousness travels there instead, and I am lucid and fully conscious and have all my senses and wits about me. In fact, by not having my semi-physical body with me, I am unimpeded as I travel through the universe. I can usually go anywhere, into any dimension.
I learnt a lot on this great course, and I would especially recommend to everyone to learn their free meditation technique that they call VELO, created by Nanci Trivellato. I have meditated for 30 years, but this 5 minute technique is the most effective I’ve ever done. It really helps me to straighten out any gnarled up energies and heal any pain in my body, and to have a much better sleep. I can also really feel the waves of energy coursing through my body. Here is the link to just one of the many free podcasts on the subject of VELO.
I would like to share with you just one of the many spiritual journeys that the Masters have had me go on, in order to do some work for them, so that you can understand the kinds of things that are going on in the background, preparing us for the big Event to come where we will be transitioning to the new higher dimension of Second Earth.
On 14 January this year, Master Chiron told me he had something to show me. It was a big, round mirror, about 11 feet (3.3 metres)in diameter. He wanted me to go to it in my spirit body. It was high in the Andes mountains in Peru. I asked what was this mirror for?
He said, “It reflects.”
I asked, “The Sun?”
“No. It reflects the hologram of frequencies that creates the First Earth.”
“Ah, so is this mirror on Second Earth reflecting onto First Earth?”
“Yes,” he confirmed. “Actually, there are seven mirrors around the world, all reflecting different frequency bands.”
So, this was interesting. These seven mirrors were creating, or helping to create, the physical body of First Earth.
Chiron then told me my task was to go to the Andean Mirror and switch it off, switch off this particular frequency band that was creating one part of First Earth.
I felt a little alarmed at this. What would this do to the First Earth? Would 1/7th of that world just suddenly disappear? Would one billion people suddenly pop off the planet, 1/7th of the world’s population?
Chiron told me this would be a catalyst for the Final Shift to come, where four of the seven mirrors would be switched off eventually, leaving three of the mirrors in place to hold First Earth together. He said that this switching off of the first mirror would take approximately 250 million people off the planet (1/4 billion), but that it wouldn’t all happen at once. Time is different in their dimension, and the effects would filter through slowly to our dimension.
The Andean Mirror is/was holding the highest frequency band for First Earth. This means that those people with the highest frequencies or vibrational levels will transition to Second Earth first. They will then prepare the way for all those who will follow behind them in the subsequent switching off of the next three mirrors, those with slightly lower vibrations and frequencies than the highest frequency band.
Those with the very lowest vibrations, who live on First Earth in the three lowest frequency bands held by the Mirrors, will not be leaving First Earth at all, nor transitioning to the Second Earth.
So, I don’t know what you will make of all this, but I felt it important to share this information with everyone so that you can understand what is happening. Of course, some or all of this could be symbolic and maybe not to be taken literally, but it does fit in with what Chiron has channelled to me previously in his “Training Manual for Gods” series of three books, although this particular information was new to me.
We now have Pluto in Aquarius, so be prepared for the weird and wonderful to happen frequently from now on. Pluto is all about change, death and rebirth, and metaphysics, and Aquarius is all about energies, technology, and humanity.
We are also moving into the intense period just before a Total Solar Eclipse (on April 8/9th, depending on where you are in the world. In Australia it will be in the morning of April 9th but won’t be able to be seen in Australia.) That day will also be the New Moon in Aries, which is always about new beginnings. The three months before a Total Solar Eclipse and the three months afterwards, are charged with special energies that can motivate and inspire us, but also force us to change our ways if we are not on our right paths to our right destinies.
Already we had the Northern Lights of the Aurora Borealis stretching right down into the south of England last week, something that never happens, and which the Masters told me many years ago would foreshadow the start of the Final Shift.
Scientists are also intently watching the star, Betelgeuse, part of the Orion constellation, which is currently acting very strangely, and portends that it is at its tipping point and about to explode as a supernova. This wouldn’t damage our own planet physically, but who knows what invisible energies would affect us here? If it did explode this year, it would have actually gone supernova back in AD 1300, and only now would its light and energies be seen and felt by us on Earth. Therefore, the Masters and gods would have known about this for a long time, and would have been preparing us for it.
Something else that the Masters have been preparing me for is the arrival of E.T.s on Earth. Up until last year, I hadn’t taken much interest in E.T.s. I liked the idea of them up there in higher dimensions, and I liked that we were seeing lots of UFOs these days, and that more and more evidence is now coming out to prove their existence. But, I wasn’t someone who avidly followed all the news on E.T.s, or who researched them in any way. All that is now changing! I am being introduced to more and more of them in my nightly journeys to higher dimensions, in order to become familiar with them and to feel relaxed in their presence. There is certainly nothing to fear from the ones that I have met. They are all very nice beings, and extremely wise and intelligent, much more so than us humans!
So, with all that weird news from me, I had better sign off for now until I write again in June. Who can say what will have happened by then?!!! I just hope you have enjoyed this little excursion into other dimensions. My four books that I published last year, the ‘Training Manual for Gods’ series of three books, channelled from Chiron, and my own book, ‘Guide to Consciousness and the Unseen Universe’ will definitely help to answer many of the questions you might have about what on Earth is going on in this world right now!
One final thing to share with you before I go. If you are feeling tense or down, I can recommend listening to this song (link below). It never fails to make me feel happy and positive again! I’m not saying what it is. Let it be a nice surprise!
I send you all my blessings and love for the next three months until June. May the forces be with you, as they say.
Thank you for this opportunity, my dearest one. Let us review what is going on in the world right now, for it is in a sorry state, a shambles, and we need to be lifting ourselves out of this state and into a higher way of living. You cannot do this by yourselves as human beings. You will need to enlist help from the spirit worlds, from your own spirit self and soul, and from the many higher beings around you.
You have dug a deep hole for yourselves, and now it is almost impossible to get out of it, so do take our advice and call upon us higher beings for our support. And you cannot know how well we will be able to come to your aid. It is those who think they can go it alone who will suffer here. They know they don’t have the answers for themselves, and yet they will not consider looking outside of themselves for what is needed to make their way clear again. They are stuck in a self-perpetuating loop of self-damnation.
And so, if you are going to make some headway, you will need to get outside of your own heads, and even outside of your own hearts. And you will need to connect to a higher part of yourself and to the higher worlds around you.
I am not saying that all the answers can be found there either, but we gods do have a much better idea of what is going on and how to overcome the hurdles. So, don’t be stubborn, don’t be proud, don’t be masochistic. Open yourselves up to the higher dimensions of love, peace, harmony, and wisdom. We would love to download our thoughts to you so that you can be getting on with a new way of life and existence, rather than being at war with one another and in the throes of violence and injustice at every turn.
You have been told by your priests to pray, and so, pray! Pray with all that your heart can give it. But you do not need to go through priests or any intermediaries. We hear you directly in these higher dimensions. So, speak with us. Call it prayer if you want, or conversation, or impassioned pleas. Just communicate with us, for it is only then that you will hear our ideas and answers.
We do not look with happiness upon your world, for our hearts are breaking that you have let it come to this. It is not about making your world great again. Firstly, it is about making your world love again.
I am Lady Juno, respecter and inspector of your world.
(Channelled from Lady Master Juno by Sophia Ovidne, 13 Mar 2024)
DEC 2023
Dearest Friends,
A Certain Kind Of Light
The Bee Gees once sang, “There’s a light, a certain kind of light, that never shone on me. I want my life to be…”
Well, what do you want your life to be? Some of us may be lucky enough to be living exactly the kind of life that we had imagined for ourselves; we have made our dreams come true. But many of us will be living lives that are missing something. We may know what this missing ingredient is, or we may have no clue. But I will wager that what we are missing is “a certain kind of light”.
We might think that we can find this “certain kind of light” when someone loves us or we have found love for someone, or through the love of children, our pets or animals, or through our love of Nature, or through the fulfillment we have from our work or interests, or through the happiness we feel in our homes and gardens or while on holiday. Certainly, any love and joy we have in our lives contributes to that “certain kind of light” shining upon us, and this light helps our lives to flow more evenly and with more balance and harmony than is normally experienced on this planet. Therefore, if we want that “certain kind of light” to shine upon us, then it’s good to know that we can take some action to bring it in.
This special light that helps make dreams come true is all around us in every moment in the higher dimensions—what some may call Heaven. It’s a bit like the fact that the Internet and mobile phone networks are all around us 24/7 too, and likewise they are invisible. In order to connect to the Internet or mobile networks, we have to ‘plug ourselves in’, or switch on a device, or bring up an app, or do something to initiate connection. It’s the same with connecting to the special light of the higher dimensions. We need to intend to connect, making a conscious decision to connect, just like we have the conscious thought to make a phone call or go online.
Firstly, we have to turn on our device, in this case not a computer or a phone, but our trusty, old, beating heart. We must intend for our heart to be open so that it can receive this wonderful light. Even opening up just a little crack in our heart allows the Light to come in. And just as the Internet or our phones don’t write our emails or texts for us, we ourselves will have to do a bit of work once the connection is made. We will need to request that the Light shine down upon us and help us to improve our lives. And depending on how much Light we desire, we need to keep our heart and communications lines open for as long as possible.
Most of us don’t make enough time in our busy, human lives, and especially at Christmas, to connect with the universe which can offer us an abundance of light, love, and good energies, and all for free. For many of us, if we have a spare moment, then we might give some thought to connecting our heart to the higher dimensions, but in truth, it should be our priority for our day, just as important as eating and showering and sleeping. Opening our heart to the Light will certainly help to elevate us to a higher level of living and loving.
This is going to become even more important as we enter another year of forceful energies for change, raining down upon us. It begins in January (next month) with the planet Pluto re-entering the sign of Aquarius for nine months until September. We were given a taste of Pluto in Aquarius from late March to mid-June this year, and similar themes may re-emerge.
Pluto is the planet of death and destruction, change and transformation, secrets, sex, and metaphysics. It deals with the dark and mysterious. But it’s not an evil planet! Its job is to be rid of all that is rotten and dangerous and not-love, so as to prepare for rebuilding from purer foundations. So, for the first nine months of 2024, especially initially, we are likely to see major changes for our planet, politics, and people. Pluto will eventually settle into Aquarius from mid-November 2024 for a period of 20 years, so Jan-Sep will be a preparatory period for this major phase of transition for planet Earth from 2024-2044!
The Masters have been warning us of this Transition for many years now, and we can all feel the energies bearing down on us. We are all being forced now to choose between First Earth and Second Earth. (for the complete explanation of the Transition Period, see my past Messages From the Masters, or read my new book “Guide to Consciousness and the Unseen Universe”. ) Many people are now finding themselves making major life changes— and could be wondering why!
Don’t think that all is doom and gloom as this old Earth comes to its climatic tipping point. (And not just from climate changes!) There is every reason to be brilliantly happy about the fact we are moving to a higher frequency of living where life can be lived in harmony, peace, and respectful love between all peoples. We are not losing anything of value, only gaining a wonderful future where we can truly be ourselves in a loving and supportive environment.
In the meantime, open those hearts to the beautiful Light, and give thanks for all that we have, for much of this planet is now in true survival mode, as the Earth splits further and further apart into First Earth and Second Earth, a lower and higher dimension.
Thanks again to all who supported me this year by purchasing one, or all, of my four new books, the “Training Manual for Gods” 3-book series, and “Guide to Consciousness and the Unseen Universe”.
I wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and festive season, and may 2024 bring that “certain kind of Light” to you all. All my love, hugs, and blessings,
I thought I would come and have a chat with you all this Christmas, for it is a long time since you may have heard my voice. But I can assure you that I am still here, still standing, still flying around the cosmos, doing the work of the gods and trying to put things right and make them whole and holy.
And so, I hope that this time finds you in the same way, in the same good health and hearty. And if not, why not? Why are you not feeling in good cheer and going out there and helping to do all that you can to make this world brighter and righter?
Have you been suffering from selfishness this year, or self-pity? And while I can understand that these times have been quite rough in some areas, this is also a time for your ingenuity, for you to come up with some clever ideas on how to make your world, and the world, a much lovelier place to live.
‘Love’ being the most important word here. We need to make everything lovelier. We need to put the love back into everything and everyone so that our days are filled with love and lovelier all round.
And so, how much love have you been injecting into your world, and the world, in this past year? I know some of you have been flooding the world with your special kind of love. But others of you have pulled in the reins and you’ve been a bit miserly, a bit stingy, with your love presents and presence this year.
And so, be a good Santa this week if you can. And forget about all those material presents that hang in stockings from your mantelpieces, and focus on the true gift of Christmas and this season, the gift of giving love. This will be appreciated more than anything else. And as you give out love, so will you elevate yourself above the miseries of this external world, and you will float above all the noise and the nonsense in a haze of lovely glory.
And so, there is not much else that I can say to you, in this moment or evermore. For if you are not producing love, for yourself or anyone else, then there will be no future, and maybe never another Christmas time again.
So, be love, send out love, create love, and our universe will be restored and all will be healed and lovely.
I am St.Germain, lover extraordinaire—one who knows how to love.
(Channelled from Master St.Germain by Sophia Ovidne, 21 Dec 2023)
SEPT 2023
Dearest Friends,
A very big thank you to everyone who has bought any of my new books, the 3-book series “Training Manual for Gods”, channelled from Master Chiron, or my own guidebook to this series, “Guide to Consciousness and the Unseen Universe”. I would be very grateful, if you have enjoyed them, if you could write a review and put it onto Amazon or the online store you bought it from, and/or send it to me so I can put it on my website. In this way, we can attract more people to read and understand what the gods are trying to teach us right now, and help humanity just that little bit more. (On my website, I will only add your initials and state/country to it, so it remains confidential).
You can read about my new books on my website www.earthwithspirit.com/books. TIP: The first few chapters of all my books are available to read online if you go to the e-book section of any of the online bookstores and select the “sample” option. You might be thinking that the prices of the books are a little steep, but please don’t blame me! I would just like to point out that I receive only a tiny fraction of this as a royalty. Store markups are 53% of the price, printing costs are 30-39% of the price, and sales tax is 10%, which is why Mr. Bezos is the richest person in the world and I am not!!!J
The United Nations Secretary-General warned this week that the world is becoming “unhinged”. That is such a descriptive word for the current state of our planet and human society. Many of us may be feeling “unhinged” within ourselves too! The energies are barrelling in from the universe and some of us may not be handling them too well. These energies will highlight whatever is low-vibrational, within our physical bodies, our emotions, our minds, as well as in our society in general, as in business, governmental, and environmental practices, and even leisure activities. Attention is being called to whatever needs to be amended, repaired, cleansed, let go, or replaced. We all know that we cannot keep on doing what we have been doing, and have ourselves a loving, fully-functioning world that cares for and supports everyone within it. Neither can we wait for governments to step up to the plate and go into bat for us. We will all need to carry our own responsibilities and contribute to a better world. All of us could be asking ourselves a few more questions about the way we live and is it sustainable? Having watched the brilliant series on Australian TV, “War on Waste” by Craig Reucassel, I myself have gained a totally new perspective about all the waste we generate on a daily basis, and I am now being extremely careful to rein in bad habits. We can all do our bit even in small ways.
This may seem all very earthly and nothing to do with the spirit world and our journey towards godhood, but Earth is our classroom, and here we are learning ways to better ourselves and how to better look after our neck of the universe, and all this earns us Brownie points towards our ultimate ascension from being a human and becoming a god. If we don’t pass our tests on Earth, then we are not going to be allowed past the Gates of Heaven to also defile the higher dimensions with our negative and selfish mentalities and unclean ways! So, as we journey towards The Final Shift, and enter into new and higher dimensions, let us do all we can personally to clean up our own act and our relationships and our practices and our little piece of territory that we sit in. It will make a world of difference!
I send you all my love, energies, and blessings, and I hope we can all find new eyes to really see what is around us, and how we can bring in love and high vibes to make it all shine.
We all know that we are going through conflagrations upon this Earth, be it wildfires, tornados, floods, or earthquakes. There is not a continent that has not been touched by these.
And you may not be dealing with these climatic changes yourself, but you may be experiencing different kinds of conflagrations—within your emotions, within your mind, within your daily relationships, or in your labours at your work. The universe has put us on notice, that it is time to wake up and step up into a higher vibrational level from where we can look around us and all will be good and beautiful.
Perhaps you do not think that such a place exists, and that it is all in the delusional minds of your spiritual teachers, that we need some Paradise to escape to and so we invent this place to give respite to our troubled minds and hearts. I can assure you that beyond your earthly dimension, there exists another dimension, or two, that are invisible to your human eyes, but they are not invisible to your spirit eyes, if only you would open these and open your hearts likewise. Many on Earth are enjoying the luxuries and the rewards of having reached up to these higher realms. Take a tip from them that it is worth it, that here you will find solace and the elements of your dreams.
You are not barking mad to try to do this, but it may seem so at first, to yourself and those around you. Let me assure you that those who see it through will find treasures here that are not available on your human Earth. And so, dig deep into your heart and into your consciousness, and do your research which you may not have bothered with before, but there is much available out there that could guide you, if only you had the intention to search for it and not give up until you find the way.
The energies are coming thick and fast now, and your governments may be telling you that all the calamities are caused by this or that. Certainly, what is held in your consciousnesses has helped to create this reality, but there are also outside influences way beyond your control. And the universe is bowling your Earth along as if it were in some skittle alley, and that is why you will need to get out of the way before you too are quite bowled over.
I am El Morya, Master and trainer for humans upon Earth. I bid you well.
(Channelled from Master El Morya by Sophia Ovidne, 19 Sept 2023)
Master Chiron – GROVE OF TREES
I just wanted to talk about a grove of trees. You would know what I mean about that, a small collection of trees in a huddle like some small tree family. We would all love a grove of trees. There is something about trees that gives us succour and comfort. And a grove of them makes us feel as if we are being hugged when we are in the centre of them.
Us gods can be like a grove of trees for you. Come into the centre of our circle and feel comforted and hugged by us. We are the big, tall ones, the wise ones, like the trees, and when you are within our circle, you will receive our energies and our enlightenment. So, do not feel afraid of us or intimidated by us. We are here to guide you and to support you. You are our children, and we love to see you playing in our midst. Come, bring your hurts and woundings to us, into our circle, and we will help you to be brave and to heal.
We are the guardians of the galaxy, and the trees are the guardians of your Earth. We both have a similar purpose; to bring all that is good into our worlds.
(Channelled from Master Chiron by Sophia Ovidne, 26 Sept 2023)
JUNE 2023
Dearest Friends,
Over the past couple of years I have written often about First and Second Earth, the mirror-image planets of humans and their spirit selves respectively. In my newly published books, the “Training Manual for Gods” series, channelled from Master Chiron, First Earth and Second Earth are described in detail, and also the fact that these two separate dimensions have recently merged together.
I had just finished writing more of this article when my own Star Self appeared to me, and she wanted to write her version of what is happening right now. So, I am here making space for her own words and energies.
Sophia’s Star Self: We are going through a period of great transition right now, where Earths are colliding and parting once again. This has been foretold by many Masters and in many books, and while many have been waiting for this momentous time, here it is upon us now. We were warned, and it is now manifesting into our reality.
There is nothing we can do about the event itself, where a great division of the peoples will come about. And there will be those who are placed on one side, and those who are placed on the other side. And there is no one making this judgement about which side you are finding yourself on, for the frequencies of the dimensions will funnel you to one side or the other.
And there will be a lower camp and a higher camp, and these will exist in different dimensions. And if your frequency, your vibration, is of the lower kind, then you will find yourself marked for the lower camp, and if your frequency, your vibrational level, is of the higher kind, then you will find yourself in the higher camp in the higher dimension.
It will be no good crying to us gods if you find yourself on the lower side and wish that you had been chosen to live in the higher world. Those who have done the work on themselves will now be reaping their rewards, and those who have chosen to ignore the god kingdom over many lifetimes, well, they will carry on living in their godless kingdom.
This is a time for celebration for some, and a time of agony and anxiety for others. Some have already been moved to the lower side. And the filtering process will continue for some years to come, so there is yet time to get your hearts and consciousnesses in order. But there will come a day when the doors shall close, and the lower camp and the higher camp shall move apart for all time.
And so, work on raising your frequency, your vibrational level, by thinking good thoughts and doing good deeds. This is the only way to earn your ticket to the higher world. Many will ignore these words, to their chagrin at a later time. But those who heed these words shall benefit immensely, and the life ahead of them shall be filled with love and blessings.
So, go now and make your life divine. For the divine world is visiting upon us now, and it will embrace all the divine ones within its arms and take them to the New World to live a new and brighter life.
I am Sophia’s Star, and I can see the Future and it is good.
Sophia: Many of us are noticing how our world is polarising to a great degree now, and we may be observing how our own circumstances are improving, and how we are able to feel the love, beauty, and harmony of our own reality, even in the midst of surrounding chaos. We are already experiencing the elevated frequencies of Second Earth (the higher camp). We have only a few years remaining (or maybe less) to get our hearts and consciousnesses in order so we can make it across the line and end up in Paradise as opposed to Hell on Earth.
One thing we all need to do is to wake up and become aware how our own consciousness creates our own reality, and how our consciousness joins with all other consciousnesses to form a group consciousness which in turn creates the world we live in. What we focus on, we create! So, what are we all focused on? Is this the world we want to create?
I implore everyone to start envisioning our world, our nation, our community, our family, and ourselves, as we would wish them to be, not as the flawed models they may be presently. Consciousness is the path forward—everything else will spring from that. A path towards love, sharing, and joy, or a path towards judgement, greed, and intolerance? Your choice, but make it quick!
My three new books, “Training Manual for Gods” have been channelled from Master Chiron specifically to help people make this choice, and to guide them in how to follow the path onto Second Earth, the higher camp. (Please note, this does not involve your death, only dying to your old human ways that no longer serve you or the universe!)
This will be a good time to go inwards and do this preparatory work on our consciousnesses, as all the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) will be going retrograde within the next couple of months, and all of them will be retrograde during September. This indicates a period of less activity and more introspection. Things will begin to ramp up again from mid-October. In the meantime, it’s not a good time to start new ventures but rather to tie up loose ends and let go of old baggage, physically and mentally. (See my website www.earthwithspirit.com/meditations/ for some free, short meditations for letting go.)
Thank you to all who have bought my new book series, “Training Manual for Gods”, and for all the wonderful comments about them. Find out more about these books on my website www.earthwithspirit.com/books/
I send my love and blessings to you all for the next few months, and I hope you find that Higher Path of Love and Joy.
Lady Master Venus – GROW YOUR STAR SEED
We can rule this world with a sword, with words, or with our heart. What are you choosing for yourself today? I see all the calamities and catastrophes mounting up, and my heart bleeds with tears, for there is so much potential in this world, so much greatness and goodness in every heart. Why can we not see this? Why is it so obscured? We cannot see it in ourselves, let alone in one another.
Every person on Earth has the seed of a star within them. For some, this seed has grown and flourished. For some, the seed is struggling. For others, the seed has yet to succumb to its conditions and to break itself open and begin its journey into the sunlight. You will know where you are on this continuum, and we would hope that your little face is turned towards the sun, and that you are receiving its bright rays, and that you are being filled with the potential of the starriness of your seed.
You have grown from the smallness of what you once were, into the mightiness of who you are now. But are you a beautiful flower, or are you an ugly weed? Are you fragrant and joyful, and a wonderful addition to this world, or are you toxic and not of benefit to any man or beast?
Every seed is a spark from a star. Let it not fall upon infertile soil, but let you develop it and raise it with your kindness and your love. You do not always know what you will get with a seed. It may be exactly as its parent, or perhaps something different, a new species in the making. We gods are always delighted to watch what is in the making, and it is a wondrous day when the seeds in our garden come into full bloom.
So, reach into your inner star, and find the love for yourself there. The world is waiting and watching to see your petals unfurl. And then we will have a universe of beautiful, sparkling stars.
I am Lady Venus, star-maker in the wings. I sprinkle you with my stardust now.
(Channelled from Lady Master Venus by Sophia Ovidne, 19 June 2023)
MARCH 2023
Dearest Friends,
Great news to start off this newsletter! Finally, my three books have been published that I have been channelling from Master Chiron over the past few years. They make up a series entitled Training Manual for Gods, Books 1-3. There will also be a companion guide to this series that I have written myself (not channelled) which will be published in mid-2023.
Below is a summary of the three books which are available from all good online bookstores. Read more about them on my website https://earthwithspirit.com/books/ which also has links to the bookstores. The books are available as paperbacks or e-books.
In the Training Manual for Gods series, Master Chiron takes us on an amazing journey which is targeted at those who are already gods (or Masters) on Earth, plus those humans who are in the process of transforming into gods, and those who are merely curious about what it takes to become a god.
In Book One of Training Manual for Gods—Consciousness and the Unseen Universe, Chiron describes the hidden dimensions of this universe, including consciousness, the worlds of the gods and the superpowers that gods can attain, and introduces the metaphysical foundations of our universe and reality. He explains in detail the journey we humans need to undertake to become gods, and how this is the ultimate mission of everyone on Earth. Our journey is not just a physical odyssey but an emotional, mental, and spiritual one too.
Because Book One contains much metaphysical knowledge that many people may find needs some extra explanation, I have written a companion book, Guide to Consciousness and the Unseen Universe, (to be published mid-2023) to describe these concepts in further detail and with many analogies from my own experiences and teachings. My guidebook covers only Book One of Training Manual for Gods. Books Two and Three by Chiron are more self-explanatory.
In Book Two of Training Manual for Gods—Arrival of the Gods, Chiron depicts what it will be like when humans are separated into two dimensions of First Earth and Second Earth, and how it will be to live on Second Earth as a human-turned-god, or as a divine god who has arrived on Second Earth from an even higher dimension. How will humans and divine gods interrelate? What will spark the Final Shift that causes our two Earths to split away from each other, and how can we prepare for this? What will happen to those left behind on the non-god First Earth?
In Book Three of Training Manual for Gods— Ingenuity of the Gods, Chiron deals solely with the training and operational needs of the gods on Second Earth. He describes how the gods can develop their superpowers and help build the fledgling all-god society on this new higher- dimensional earthly world. He also guides us in how to manage the transition from old world to new, revealing some of the incidents that will lead to the final event which separates our two Earths completely.
Now on to other interesting stuff, since we are currently going through a massive change of astrology this month.
You may have noticed the shift in energies since March 8, perhaps a softer, more compassionate you. This is due to Saturn now in Pisces. He stays here for the next two and a quarter years, and Saturn is always a major player in transforming our world. He says it is time for something monumental to happen, or to prepare for it.
Well, Saturn in Pisces will be wanting us to take charge (Saturn) of our spiritual path (Pisces). He will be wanting us to climb our personal mountain and achieve our ascension and godhood. This will be a good time to unite with, and work with, our Soul and spirit self.
Meditations, artwork, dancing, going with the intuitive flow, and feminine energies, will all feature in the next two years or so. Our challenges may be with addictions, wanting to escape our situations, losing our identity, or wanting to merge into others because we don’t have the courage or strength to go it alone.
Saturn loves boundaries, and will want us to identify what we want in our lives and what we don’t want. The Pisces energies may see us fall into victimhood or sacrificing ourselves. Saturn will want us to pull ourselves together and stand resilient. He challenges any helplessness we may want to exhibit.
Pisces represents the feminine goddess, and Saturn represents the masculine father/god, and so we will undoubtedly experience challenges if we have our feminine/masculine energies out of balance.
Even more of a wow factor is Pluto entering Aquarius from March 24, in a week already influenced by an Aries New Moon on 22 March, which is all about new beginnings.
Pluto is always the destroyer in order to clear the decks for something new and better to be installed, and when in Aquarius he will want to destroy old human ways of negative thinking and resistance, and install brand new, innovative ways of thinking that will suit our new world in the higher dimension (the Second Earth). This will come about via separations, revolutions, and uprisings against the status quo (personally and for nations), and wherever we feel stuck in our lives.
Pluto remains in Aquarius until June 12 then back into Capricorn until Jan 2024. He only finally enters Aquarius in Nov 2024 for an extended period of 20 years.
Governments and businesses will yo-yo this year and next, as Pluto goes in and out of Capricorn and Aquarius (Capricorn: authority, governments, businesses, status, responsibilities, traditions, dictatorships) (Aquarius: separation from that which no longer serves us, anti-authority, new technology and innovation, working together as groups, higher consciousness).
Pluto has a cyclical orbit of around 248 years, and so 1778 was the previous time Pluto entered into Aquarius (for 20 years), but Pluto wasn’t yet in the external consciousness of people as it was only discovered as a planet in 1930, so it would all have been unconscious transformation.
These two decades (1778-1798) were a time of great global unrest, of revolutions and wars and pandemics: American Revolution, French Revolution, Russo-Turkish War, Russo-Swedish War, Polish-Russian War, Chinese White Lotus Rebellion, Xhosa Wars in South Africa, Irish Rebellion, and the Hawkesbury and Nepean Wars as Australia is first settled by the British. Smallpox and yellow fever epidemics are rife throughout the world. Have we progressed since this period in history?
Checking the astrology for the next three years until early 2026, I feel very strongly that we may have just under three years until the Final Shift of our planet into the higher dimension (Second Earth). So, let us prepare well. This may be our Final Chance! You won’t want to be left behind on the lower vibrational First Earth, that’s for sure.
The new Training Manual for Gods books describe all this in great detail and will help you to prepare for what is happening to our world. And Master El Morya gives us more advice about this Final Shift below.
I wish you much love and many blessings in these challenging, changing times. I encourage you to read Chiron’s wonderful books, as these will help you to understand what is going on.
Let us get down to brass tacks, for we have much ground to cover today, for things are a-changing; the world is a-changing, our universe is a-changing. So where will we be standing in months to come? I hope we will be standing upright and have not fallen flat on our faces. For there is an avalanche of energies coming our way, and will we be resilient enough to withstand it? Are we secured into the base rock of our convictions and our foundations, or will we be blown asunder by the gales?
Let me not scare you by this. For we have been forecasting this weather for many a year now, and you will know that we have entered the transition period where we are moving from one dimension into another. This was never going to be a little ‘tap and let’s go’ session. It was always going to be a mighty upheaval, from our roots and from everything that we have known before.
So, we are embarking on a space age mission into the unknown, and we are wondering if we shall survive? Let me assure you that everyone shall survive, even if their body shall rot away. For your consciousness is eternal. And we shall all still be here with the same thoughts, with the same minds, that we have had all along, even if we no longer have a body to go with them.
I am not saying that all will die, although all of us will die one day. Some shall retain their bodies, and some shall choose to rather travel as their spirit vehicle, but we shall still be us inside. So, do not be afraid of death or change, or the conversion of yourself from one state into another. We shall all still be around to converse with one another, albeit in different kinds of bodies.
And so now we are making our way swiftly towards the end times, towards our new beginnings. I say, let the past be past. And let us now embrace the potential of our future, for the Bright New Day is coming upon us and we shall know love and light like never before. There is nothing to fear, only the joy of what is to come. You will know what I mean by this in the years hence.
And so, keep your hearts swathed in love through all the tumult, for this will see you flying above the waves. And those who drown will be swept away to another part of the universe, for they will face a different kind of future than that proposed for us gods and those who have held onto love.
I am El Morya, Master and mentor for these transitional times.
(Channelled from Master El Morya by Sophia Ovidne, 20 March 2023)
DEC 2022
Dearest Friends,
Let us begin with a message from St.Germain. Wow, hold onto your hats because it’s a bit hard to hear, and very direct in its delivery!
Let us hold on to what is dear to us this Christmas, for in the coming year we are going to be sorely tested about what we value most. And if we haven’t given enough attention to what we value, then it is likely that we will lose it. For only those things that are securely attached to our heart will last through the whirlwinds that are fast approaching us. So, ensure that you lock in all that you treasure, all who you treasure, so that you are not parted from them, watching them sail away in another direction on the winds.
This is a very serious tone to be having at Christmas time when ‘tis the season to be jolly and merry. But make merry while the sun shines, for we may find it blotted out in the coming year several times. And you know what happens to you when you have an eclipse of the heart!
So, you will need to hold the sun in your heart at all times. And even if it is not there for you physically, you will need to be feeling its radiance from within. And shine your light too on those around you, for the light may be in short supply as a darkness settles over the Earth.
So, if you succumb to all the externals, and you do not have it within you to light your own light and your own home and your own reality, then things could be very troublesome for you indeed.
And so, take these next few months and practise being the light, holding the light, and radiating the light. You will need to be a light source. For this present Earth and its present civilisation are coming to an end now. We are transitioning into a new era. And so, all could get messy and befuddled before we emerge fully at the other end.
I come with this warning so that you are prepared, not to fill you with fear but so that you will act on my words and ensure that you are in the right place vibrationally to survive anything that may be thrown at you in this next year.
And so, treasure all that you love, and open your eyes and treasure more, for it will be a sad thing to treasure it when it is gone.
I am St.Germain, and I am fighting on your behalf, but you must fight for yourselves too.
(Channelled from St. Germain by Sophia Ovidne on 19 Dec 2022)
Sophia: I am hoping you are still okay after that massive missive from St.Germain! Take some deep breaths and centre yourself and read on…
Perhaps much of what St.Germain had to say is due to the new year starting off with some quite threatening astrology.
Jupiter enters the sign of Aries this Christmas week, and remains there until mid-May. Aries energy represents the ego, bullying, self-centredness, huge physical energy, male power, ambition, soldiers, fighting, and selfishness. And Jupiter always makes everything over the top! But Jupiter also wants to establish Divine Law and for us to learn and grow from these experiences.
Added to all that, this year ends with five planets in the sign of Capricorn, whose energies represent authority figures, parents, business and career, suppression, control, responsibility, organisation, structure, foundations, buildings, and ambition. So, you can extrapolate from all this that wars, unrest, and resistance my escalate. Everyone will feel the fighting spirit and want their independence and freedom, no matter what the cost to peace and harmony.
With all this fiery energy in the global consciousness, and the desire by others to control and suppress it, we can see what path the world may be going down. And even the Earth herself may respond with eruptions!
And so, the only way through all this mayhem will be to become a beacon of light within yourself. Do this in whatever way feels right to you. We always experience what we need to experience in order to evolve.
It is extremely difficult to evolve a human consciousness which is very tenacious in holding onto its programming and beliefs. If just flooding it with love and light would do the trick, then this would have worked by now. The Masters are very adept at understanding the wiles and trickery of the human mind, and how to get it to change its programming and let go any faulty thinking and beliefs. So, do work with the Masters and the parts of your consciousness such as your spirit, soul, and Inner Children.
Whatever way is attractive to you for learning how to improve your human consciousness is the right way for you if you keep persisting with it because you enjoy it. In the same way that you can enjoy driving a car without knowing anything about how the engine works, you can enjoy the energies and love within this universe without needing to understand how the universe operates.
Do not allow others to make you feel inferior or unworthy just because you are following the path that feels right for you, and which you enjoy following and which helps to raise you up to becoming a better person of lovingness. We have no right to interfere with the journeys that others are taking to evolve from humans into gods. We can certainly advise, we can teach, we can help to heal, but we must not judge another’s path as wrong and try to force them onto the path that we reckon is best for them. We must never take away another’s free will and self-determination.
Make time every day to be with your spirit self and go travelling astrally with them, or just have a chat about any issues you have. Even if you don’t seem to get any messages in return, your spirit will have heard you and will set up your reality for you to experience the answers you need. Be alert and aware to these answers! Wonderful coincidences and opportunities may appear.
While today’s message may seem a little dark and dire, please know that at the same time we can also be experiencing the light and beauty of a higher reality if we maintain ourselves at a higher vibrational level of love. We don’t need to be affected by any of these nightmarish scenarios. I myself am living proof! For instance, I personally have not experienced COVID, and haven’t even ever had a COVID test. COVID has not really been part of my reality.
So, create the beautiful reality that you desire this Christmas and for next year. It is possible, by focusing on love and all that you cherish dearly.
I will write again in March 2023, but until then I wish you all a very happy Christmas and New Year and holiday season, and I send all my love, hugs, and healing.
SEPT 2022
Dearest Friends,
Let us start with the message from Master El Morya, and my article will continue after this.
El Morya – Getting Through The Archway
Let us go over the matters of the past few months and years, for you will have noticed that the energies are increasing, and more so every day. The pressures being placed on the populace are now quite immense, especially if you are not working with your spirit or your soul to guide you through these phases. Then you will feel quite alone and unsupported. But when you have the wings of gods and angels behind you, then your burdens are uplifted and you can fly through your days with less cares and more joy.
And so, I cannot emphasis and reiterate enough that you need to be tuning in with your spirit and/or soul on a daily basis to receive your directions and guidance and wisdom from the greater universe. For your higher self is party to much more information about what is going on out there beyond your borders, and they can show you the right path to take so that you miss all the calamity and catastrophe and weave your way to a more heavenly area. I cannot grant you Paradise just yet, perhaps, but I can get you out of the danger zones where you may find relief and even relaxation from the noise of your earthly world.
It is becoming too much for many of you to bear, and we understand that many of you are at breaking point. But do not break just yet, for there is mercy around the corner and miracles too. Form yourself into an arch, for this structure can sustain itself with greater strength than other forms of structures. It will withstand the bombardments of the day.
And as you configure yourself into this arch, note that one side is Earth and the other side is Heaven. Which way are you looking towards? And do ensure that you tuck yourself through this archway from the Earth side to the Heaven side. For it will take physical effort and physical willpower to translocate yourself from one side to the other. You will not just flow easily through the arch on a river of chocolate and marshmallow. There are all kinds of eddies and whirlpools to contend with, and you must be strong enough to swim on and get to your destination on the other side.
We are not speaking of dying physically, of course, but you will need to die to your old self, that old human consciousness that does not naturally act like a god for 24 hours of each day. So, be mindful of what you are thinking and how you are acting, for the eddies can spit you either earthwards or heavenwards, depending on what is in your thoughts at the time. And so, let your thoughts always be of the loving and positive kind, and then you will always get spat out in the right direction.
These are testing times for everyone, including for us gods. So, let us all calm down, have our wits about us, and implant kindness in our hearts. Let us forgive and be unjudging towards those around us who might not yet have mastered some of the arts of godhood. But do not let those pull you down into the whirlpools beside themselves. Be prepared to go it alone, if necessary, for your future depends on you getting through that archway and landing on godly shores. And soon, in the coming years, you will come to really understand what this really means.
I swim with you every day to encourage you to hold on and make for that archway. I am your heavenly guide, Morya.
(Channelled by Sophia Ovidne from Master El Morya on 19 Sept 2022)
In his message above, Master El Morya urges us to let go of our human consciousness in order for us to get through the archway to the heavenly dimensions. Many of us may be diligently doing our letting go procedures and wondering why the old beliefs and consciousness return within a short while and we find ourselves back in the old frame of mind again.
This is because when we do any kind of purification, we empty out areas of our consciousness and create a vacuum. You’ve probably heard the old saying that ‘the universe abhors a vacuum’ and it quickly fills it with something else. That ‘something else’ can be the new positive programming and beliefs that you have created for yourself, and so you find yourself with new ways of thinking and acting. However, if you haven’t prepared new programming and beliefs, the universe is forced to go back to your ‘recycle bin’ and take out your old programming and beliefs and reinstall them!
Also, the universal consciousness is like an ocean washing over us every day. We get immersed in the energies and the emotions of group consciousness. Can you hold back an ocean? Not normally, but if you go up against it with a stronger force of energies then it is possible. This stronger force has to be your own rock-solid beliefs, love, and gratitude.
Therefore, it is important that as soon as you do any kind of letting go, that you are ready to install a set of new beliefs and thinking that you have pre-prepared. And you will need a few days or weeks of applying these new concepts in your everyday life to bed them in well. It’s really like training a new puppy!
I myself like to install my 5G Plan every day, not the one for mobile communications, but the following.
- GRACE. Tuning into, feeling, and loving the grace of the universe on a daily basis.
- GRATITUDE. Being appreciative of everything and everyone that comes into my life.
- GIVING. Enjoying giving of my love, wisdom, and healing.
- GODS. Devoted to the gods and goddesses, and those on the path to godhood.
- GAIA/GARDENING. Loving and tending to Planet Earth and my own garden.
The astrology for September and October is extremely challenging, with Saturn square Uranus for the entire time, with Saturn saying it’s time for sudden revolution, uprising, separation, new governance, and change of any kind that will lead to a new higher consciousness, for us personally and for the world at large. It’s interesting, then, that the Queen (God bless her) died at this time, and that many Commonwealth countries are now contemplating quitting and becoming Republics.
Also causing mayhem, is Chiron (the god of woundings and healing) semi-sextile with the North Node of Destiny. A semi-sextile is an aspect that deals with unfinished business, therefore if you have any ‘woundings’ or vulnerabilities or obstacles blocking the path to your true destiny, these will come out of the woodwork for you to deal with from September to at least the end of this year.
Jupiter returns to Pisces at the end of October until Christmas, so we could be in for a period of feeling sorry for ourselves and needing to really put in the effort to be on our spiritual path. A solar eclipse in Scorpio at the end of October and a Lunar Eclipse in early November will also bring big transformation wherever it is needed. Change is the name of the game, all round!
These are really stressful times, and I can only suggest you do as much clearing of negative human consciousness as is possible, and connect with your soul or spirit on a daily basis to receive the guidance that is right for you, as Morya states above.
I do offer a counselling service for those who wish to get some spiritual advice, and there are several short ‘Letting Go’ free meditations on my website.
I wish all of you around the world a very happy spring or autumn until my next Message from the Masters at Christmas. Be strong, stay balanced, and know that we are being turned upside down so that we finish the right way up!
With all my love and hugs and blessings,
JUNE 2022
Play with the Universe
Dearest Friends,
Many of us are feeling the disquiet of the world—the tension, stress, violence, the lack of food, fuel, job, money, security, housing. The earthly situation is bearing down on us like a heavy weight, and we may fear there is not a light at the end of the tunnel. How can we get through these times with forbearance and even joy?
If we believe that this world is all there is, then I’m afraid we don’t stand a chance in hell. Whether we believe in it or not, the universe around us will mirror our consciousness back to us, so we will merely get more of the same.
Therefore, to get out of this hellhole that we may be in, or which is approaching us like an avalanche down a mountainside, we need to not only recognise that there is a bigger picture beyond our human boundaries, but that we need to enter into a different game and begin interacting with different, but unseen players. (Many of us are now used to this idea, having played video games and apps across the Internet with invisible competitors or teammates!)
A Master told me recently, “When you play with the Universe, the Universe begins to play with you in return.”
This is the key to leaving behind the wretched challenges presently facing the human world. We may argue that our bodies are still on the planet, even if our consciousnesses can fly elsewhere, but when our human consciousness begins to play in the Big League (the higher dimensions), the Universe will start to alter our physical reality to reflect what we are creating in the heavenly realms. So, we will begin to notice that wars and violence and scarcity and other tragedies are not touching us or involving us like they used to. We are seemingly protected to a degree by Divine Intervention (although this does depend, of course, on what you are creating with your consciousness in the Higher Realms!)
To connect with the Big League, it’s necessary to contact, and keep in contact, with your spirit self or soul. They don’t have an email address or Twitter account, so you just have to speak with them in your mind—every day, many times a day, just as you would with a loved one who lives with you. You don’t have to get down on your knees or go to church. Lying in bed or sitting in an armchair will do fine. As long as you focus on whom you are speaking to, and you listen carefully to what they say and suggest, and you put it into action, then you will start a beautiful relationship with the higher part of your consciousness who inhabits a higher dimension. Once you get this going well, other Masters and Angels will be delighted to come and visit you too. There is nothing more to it than this!
Your spirit/soul knows the Plan, the Mission, for you at this present time. When you are in constant communication with them, they will guide you well to where you need to be and what needs to be done there. You will think your life magical when this happens.
There are many teachers out there on the Internet, and they are mostly beautiful souls and have interesting and useful things to say. However, do not solely follow their teachings, because you are an individual and a unique soul, and only your own Higher Self knows what is right and best for you. So, make more time for your own guru to come through, and for customised teachings from the Divine Masters which are exactly right for your path and your own nature.
Many of us are currently being trained to become gods, or higher level gods whom the Masters call The Divine Ones. For this, we need to let go of our human consciousness and begin to think and act like a god. This is the future for all of us. Shine from your heart like the true star you really are, and then your world will begin to light up with starriness in all directions.
We cannot personally change all facets currently playing out on Earth, but through our consciousness, and the thoughts and beliefs we hold there, we can definitely move ourselves onto a higher plane of living and begin to live across new dimensions where love, laughter, and harmony are the cornerstones of everyday existence.
So, begin to play with the Universe more often. Invest more time and effort and commitment into this kind of interactive game. You will begin to see magic manifesting at unexpected times and in unexpected places. Heed the signs and coincidences. These are the clues and signposts for your next steps. Enjoy your game!
We are currently in a countdown period of nine months until March 2023 when Saturn changes signs and moves from Aquarius into Pisces, and more sensationally, Pluto changes signs from Capricorn to Aquarius. It will truly be the beginning of The Aquarian Age. Pluto is the transformer, the destroyer of the old ways so that we can begin to build anew. He is also a Magician, along with Uranus who is the official ruler of Aquarius. So, we will have two Magicians in play for at least twenty years. (Pluto will actually yo-yo between Aquarius and Capricorn until November 2024 when he will finally settle into Aquarius until 2044.)
Pluto, Uranus, and Aquarius are all about change, and especially change to do with higher consciousness, other dimensions and beings (gods!), technology and the future, and humanitarian causes.
This nine-month period until March 2023 is the conception and preparation phase for the birth of a new kind of human and new kind of world. And the more godly we have been able to make ourselves, this planet, and society, the easier this birth shall be.
We also have one year remaining of the North Node of Destiny in Taurus. We are being taught by this aspect to value our Green Planet and ourselves and others. If we fail to do so, then we will lose whatever we haven’t valued. Be aware there is a big crunch coming at the end of July this year, when Uranus in Taurus meets up with the North Node in Taurus. Big changes, especially to financial systems, resources, our talents, and relationships, will be pinpointed at this time. The Universe will change The Game at this pivotal point, with new rules, new goals, and new players/avatars.
So, if you haven’t already done so, join up to the play The Game. And for those already in The Game, ensure you keep playing diligently daily to gain the required skills to move up to higher levels. The rewards are astonishing and keep you much safer from being ‘eliminated’!
All my love, hugs, and blessings for your game-playing until my next message in September.
Master Chiron – No Judgement
The knives are out in many quarters of the world. Let not you be stabbing others in the back, or using these knives inappropriately. But use these knives to sever and let go all of your anguish, your worries, your concerns, all your grief, your sorrows, all the nervousness from all the challenges in your life.
Life can seem dire when you do not trust in Divine Providence. And you may argue that it has never worked for you before, and that miracles have not been abundant in your life. But I will have you know that the Universe believes greatly in tit for tat, give and take.
And so, if you have given openly from your heart, then the Universe will be generous from its own heart too towards you. But if you have been a sole player, and have selfishly hoarded your talents or your bounty, then you will find that the Universe is now acting selfishly towards you, and is not creating loveliness for you in every corner of your world.
As Sophia says, you need to play The Game, and for that you need to know the rules. And the rules are that for everything you give out, you will receive for yourself in equal measure and sometimes more. So, let you examine every quarter of your life and how you are abiding by this rule. For if you are a very thin straw, then it is this same thinness of straw which will bring down Divine Grace into your life.
So, open your heart and fill it will love in all its formats and aspects. Fill your mind with loveliness too, loving thoughts about yourself and everyone else around you. Think to the last time you criticised yourself or someone else. Was it today, yesterday, this week?
Do not stand in judgement about others but focus merely upon yourself and bring yourself up to the standard of a god. Then there will be no cause for judgement of yourself or anyone else. You will merely love whatever is. And you will understand that by loving whatever is in this moment, you bring about the seeds for new growth. But criticism kills off growth, and so you will remain where you are, as you are, stuck in perpetuity. So, allow yourself and others to be as you are, or as they are, in this moment, and then help everyone to grow by pouring your love into every situation and thought. This is how we will grow a new world. This is how we will grow our new god society.
So, as the old saying goes, “Be the change that you want to see.”
I am your ever-loving mentor, Chiron.
MARCH 2022
Final Split of the Two Earths
Dear Friends,
My previous Message from the Masters was entitled “The Tipping Point”, and this revolved around the date of 22 Feb 2022. Well, the world was certainly tipped on that day! It was the day that Russia invaded Ukraine, and now we are beginning to see the ramifications of that.
It was also the day the heavens opened up over my area of Queensland in Australia, unfortunately not for the Divine Gods to arrive but for rain to teem down like never before. We had floods in my town, not seen in the past 130 years. In fact, it was the second biggest flood here in recorded history. For weeks, the rains edged down the whole eastern coast of Australia, likewise bringing floods of biblical proportions. Many people and businesses have been devastated by them. Certainly, half of Australia seems to have been tipped into the waters!
Master El Morya told me that we “choose our poison”. Some are being tipped into waters. Some are facing fires, hurricanes, volcanoes, or scandals, health issues, or bombs and bullets.
These are the final times, the “End of Days”, where we are facing our final challenges as we transition from the 3rd dimension into the 4th dimension or higher, transitioning from the First Earth to the Second Earth. Saturn in Aquarius is stirring up this chaos, and will continue to do so for the remainder of this year. In March next year, Pluto will enter Aquarius for a stint of over twenty years. Pluto is the god of death and destruction and transformation. I cannot imagine what he has in store for us if we are not already on the road to Heaven. (Although he is also the God of Metaphysics, so it could be a very exciting time too!)
Uranus and the North Node of Destiny, both in Taurus, are making us face the consequences of our neglect of Mother Earth, and showing us what we need to value by way of relationships, possessions, food and water security, and the planet itself.
If you have read my previous messages, you will know that the Masters have been telling us that the First and Second Earths will split from each other at some time in the future. The non-gods (those who have not reached their Ascension) will stay on First Earth. Those humans who have reached their Ascension and become gods, will be living on the Second Earth. These Earths are mirrors of one another, but the Second Earth exists at a much higher vibration and is/will be invisible to those on the First Earth who are left behind.
I asked the Masters when will this split of the Earths take place? I was told it would be different timings for everyone. It was explained to me as follows.
We are all flowing down a river towards the Great Ocean. Along the way we have to navigate lock gates on the river. These locks will move us to a higher level, but only if we ourselves raise our vibrations high enough. It is not an automatic process, and no one does it for us.
Therefore, some people are getting stuck in the lock gates and are not moving forwards or upwards on the river. At some point along the river, there is a lock gate which defines the boundary between the First Earth and the Second Earth. When we have successfully navigated this lock, we have gone through our Ascension and now begin our training as gods.
As we move through these locks, we can see those who are stuck in the lower locks below us, because we will be moving ever higher and further along the river from them. Eventually, the lower locks will recede from our sight and we will not be able to see, interact with, or be affected by, those on the First Earth. Nor will they be able to see us in the Second Earth locks.
And so, the timing of this disappearing from sight, the Final Split, will depend on how far away we get from the First Earth locks and how high we rise to new levels. Each person will experience this differently.
In Warwickshire, England, near the town of Hatton, the Grand Union Canal has to ascend 146 feet up a hill over a couple of miles, and goes through a flight of 21 locks. It looks like some gigantic staircase and has been named “The Stairway to Heaven”. A very apt image for what I am speaking about. (Google “The Hatton Locks” https://www.drifters.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Caen-Hill-Locks-1500×1000.jpeg)
On a different theme, please note that I will not be doing personal channellings anymore. Instead, I wish to focus more on personal healing and counselling sessions on a one-to-one, heart-to-heart basis where I can explain your challenges in a broader context. Usually, the Masters will still come through with a few messages or show me visions, but I feel I can interpret these better for you if we are having a conversation with one another. Healing or counselling sessions are $120 for one hour. Sessions can be longer if needed. Check out my website. https://earthwithspirit.com/healing-and-counselling/
And so, it is onwards and upwards, and with each new lock gate we will experience the commensurate rewards of living at a higher dimension level. I wish you a great journey and send all my love and blessings to you.
Hang in there until my next Message from the Masters in June.
Message from Venus – Furnace of Love
So, let us see what the world needs right now, shall we? And I would say that what it needs is love and tenderness, and a caring that has never been there before. Can we look to other people as we look to our own family, and can we help to take care of their needs as we look after our own? For when we help others, we indeed help ourselves, for others are just a reflection of us.
And so, what we see one person may need, is probably also something that we need ourselves. And you may be thinking that you don’t need money or this object or that, but maybe what you are needing is the tender love that you are willing to give to others?
Can you not turn around now and give that tender love to yourself, for many of you are going without? You enjoy to be seen to be loving, but when you are behind closed doors on your own, how much of that loving is directed inwards to love the very core of yourself? Or are you constantly judging yourself, criticising, measuring yourself against others and finding yourself falling short?
I would have you love every single part of you, every cell, every bump and protrusion, everything that is not as it should be. But who are you to say what should be and what is acceptable to our God? Our God loves all, and I mean that—all of you and all the parts of you, even those parts that you resist bringing to the light of day.
And so, cultivate love for yourself, for this will become the hub, the inner circle, from which all your other love is generated. It becomes the furnace of creation. When you are giving out love to others, and you have little reserved for yourself, then it is as if your love comes on ‘Post-It Notes’ and you give it away most casually, but it does not come from the depths of you.
Love that is outspread, that comes from the depth of your heart, your furnace, comes with roots that are forever attached to you, and you are forever entangled in consciousness with those to whom you have given this type of love.
And so, you form a network of love which will support you during your darker days. For then the love that you have given out can rebound back to you, and you will find that love in all its aspects and formats will begin to take their rightful place within your life. But if your love has been given out merely on ‘Post-It Notes’ then they will long have flown away and there will be nothing left of substance for you to bathe in when the dark waters are encircling your ankles.
So, create your furnace of love, predicated on the love that you have for yourself, and you will find that this world becomes a marvellous sphere of lovingness. And all that you have ever dreamt of will be found within this world.
I am Lady Venus, victorious in the world of love.
Venus channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 21 March 2022
The Tipping Point
Dear Friends,
This is a long one today, but there is so much to tell you about. I hope you can make your way down to the very end, as it’s all valuable information for surviving these crazy times. Chiron’s message about the gods arriving on Earth is the much needed hope we have been waiting for.
As the COVID crisis deepens and many are experiencing lockdown again, or lockout if they are unvaccinated, do remember that your consciousness creates your reality and that it is a great tool for healing yourself and others, for letting go of fears and any unwanted toxins within you, for establishing harmony and balance, and for raising your vibrations so that you are lifted above what most humans are having to go through right now. Visualise what you want to have happening around you, and don’t focus on what appears to be occurring. You can change the script at any time. But you must believe you can!
And change is definitely coming! We have the final squaring off of Saturn and Uranus on Christmas Eve. They have been fighting each other all year, with Uranus trying to get us to let go of our Saturnian traditional, old ways of being human and being controlled by the human mind (First Earth). Uranus is trying to show us the new, higher dimensional ways (Second Earth).
Jupiter will be entering Pisces on December 30 and will be there until May. This could mean more compassion and spirituality entering our consciousnesses, but could also take us into confusion and vagueness, religious fanaticism, or addictions to substances that will take us out of our current harsh reality. For those humans who are becoming gods, this will be the wind beneath our wings to fly us higher into a new dimension.
Then in mid-January, the flavour for our destinies changes, as it does every 18 months. The North Node of Destiny has been in Gemini since May 2020, causing us to focus on communications, the way we think about things, learning, teaching, siblings, and neighbours. Now, the North Node will move through Taurus until July 2023, and the focus will be on what we value; love, friendships, beauty, leisure and pleasure, Nature, performing arts (music, dance, singing, acting, etc), self-worth, self-confidence, and finances (to pay for all of the above!) It is very likely that we will have an economic reckoning in 2022, especially around July when Uranus and the North Node are conjunct in Taurus, and changes to finances and financial systems are highlighted.
The Masters have advised me that a special event will be occurring on 22 Feb 2022. They asked me to write down the date in numerals. 22022022. It’s a palindrome, reading the same backwards as forwards! They told me this day is a tipping point, where people can choose to go backwards or forwards. They won’t tell me what exactly will be happening, but circle this date as one to watch, and be ready for anything (i.e. be in the highest vibrational state possible.) When you’ve read Chiron’s chapter below, you will understand what I mean by this.
In the past few years, Chiron has channelled through me three volumes of a “Training Manual for Gods”. All are now completed, and I am hoping these will get published in 2022. These three books explain what is happening with our world at this time, and how we humans are now evolving into gods, and how the divine gods will be coming here to help us build a new god society. I have also written a companion book, “Consciousness and the Unseen Universe” which describes in more detail the concepts in Chiron’s books. May the publishing gods make this happen so that people can understand what is going on!
I wish you all a very loving and happy Christmas and New Year and holiday season, and I send you all my Star energies for a very magical 2022. I have no idea what the year will bring, but I am sensing that our reality is exploding into something we have only dreamed about before.
Love, blessings, and hugs,
Chiron – Arrival of the Divine Gods
How it will be for the divine gods to arrive on Earth from Heaven? For they will be enduring a different set of conditions than human gods who are arriving from the old Earth.
So firstly, let us clarify what I mean by the divine gods. These are the gods of the spirit world, of the higher dimensions. They will come from different dimensions, not all from the same one, and some will be more senior than others. And these divine gods are those who are normally in spirit form but who will be taking on a physical human-like form when they arrive on the planet. And when I say the planet, I mean the Second Earth, the new world. And although the new world is at a higher vibrational level than the old world, for the divine gods this will be a lower vibrational world for them that they will have to live in. They themselves will remain high vibrational, and they will endeavour to cause their environment around them to be high vibrational too, but it is a fact that they will be venturing out into a lower vibrational world than that which they are used to. And so, this will not always be pleasant for them and there might be some issues to deal with at first.
However, this is the work that they have pledged to do, to be the senior gods amongst the more junior gods on Earth. They come as leaders and teachers, those who will point the way. And they will certainly be magicians and capable of causing miracles to occur.
When these divine gods arrive on Earth, they will not be born as babies but they will land here as fully-formed, mature adults. They will have no human history to speak of, except that many of them will have once taken on some human form. But their consciousness now will not contain any human traits; they have divested all of these. And so, they are purely god consciousness and they will be able to see and act with great clarity and justice.
Many of these divine gods will have previously placed parts of their consciousness on this planet in earlier times. We often refer to this as cloning themselves. And so, there have been many parts of these divine gods running around the Earth in recent years. But all of these will have been born as human babies, yet they will have had god consciousness within them. And so, of course, these clones of the divine gods will be very attracted to their makers once they arrive. They will feel a natural affinity towards them. It will be like children finding their parents again after some long separation. And the divine gods will be overjoyed to be matched once again with their offspring. So, all the humans who have become gods, and who go through this gateway to Heaven, will have this to look forward to, this reunion with their divine family.
These divine gods will look and act exactly like a member of the human race, with the exception that they have total god consciousness. And so, although they will have arms and legs, and fingers and toes, and eyes and ears and mouths, and they will have all the functions that a human has, their minds will be liberated and they will not think in human ways.
Their connection to the universe will be faster than any supercomputer upon your Earth. And they will be able to travel both as human and as spirit in equal measure. And sometimes they might just disappear before your eyes and reappear again before you have time to know what is happening. You might see it as a little flash or flicker or adjustment in your vision, but know that the divine god might have gone off travelling somewhere in the cosmos to some other dimension, or even another place upon Earth. And they might spend many hours there, or days or weeks or years, but they will return to the space before you before even a second has ticked by. For remember I have said that time will lose its meaning in this new world and new dimension. And so, it is a fact of life that the divine gods can time travel, and even you as new gods will be able to do this before too long. You will get used to the concept, just as you grew into the concept of having time when you were young. Time is a constraining thing, so you will feel quite liberated to live out your life without it.
So, how will these divine gods live when they appear in our landscape? Well, they will live just as you do, in houses and apartments, even caravans and tents. Each to their own. You will not be able to recognise them from any other human, not with your eyes alone. And yet their presence will be quite marked, and you will feel their energies and their aura. And there will be a certain light within their eyes and, when they act and speak, you will know of the love that is contained within their hearts.
They will not begin to act as street magicians, nor will they know the winning numbers for the lottery. They will be ethical gods and they will abide by the rules of a godly society but, that said, they will not always abide by the laws of your classical physics. For they know a thing or two about the new physics, or what you would call quantum physics. And since our universe uses this style of physics, it is quite allowable for the gods to utilise it in any way they prefer. And gradually the gods who were humans will begin to take on board this new knowledge and make use of it themselves. And so, then it might seem that we have superheroes flying around, but I won’t give the game away for there are many new experiences for you all to discover for yourselves.
The manifestation of things, of objects, will be one of these new things that you will learn. And you will be taught to take the matter of the universe and sculpt it into whatever you desire. And it will be fun, like being children again, playing with Play-Doh or plasticine. And as you get the knack of this, then you will be able to build things with more refinement, more complex things, and things of greater beauty and utility. How do you think the creator gods created our universe? It started with simply playing in this way.
Of course, all of this will not happen overnight, and we must be patient as we wait for our skills to be upgraded. But all this will come in time. By the end of this century, all the gods on this Earth will be as practised as the divine gods are at this present time.
Some of you human gods will die within this time. But you can choose to come back again and you will again be born as a baby with human-god parents. And you will be brought up in quite a different atmosphere than the ones you have known before. For growing up as a god on a planet of gods will bear little resemblance to growing up as a human on the planet of mankind.
So, do not deplore your death but view it as a changeover, the end of playing one role and the taking on of another. You will find it quite exciting when the time comes. For death from the gods’ perspective is a very different matter from the death that is viewed by humans. We do not see it as a loss or a tragedy. We see it as the end of that role in the movie of the day, and that person has now gone on to make a new movie and star in a different role. We are quite lightened up on the subject of death in the gods’ dimension.
There may still be accidents and illnesses and things that do not go to plan, for even in the gods’ world things are not always perfect. We must still try to accommodate millions of different god personalities, and not everyone will agree with everything all the time. And some gods will be more passionate about this, and other gods more passionate about that, and some will want it this way and some will want it that way. And so, there will still be cause for debate, negotiation, and even forgiveness and mercy at times. But we shall not go around murdering each other or blowing up cities or downing planes. We shall not defraud, or deride, or destroy. We will find ways to hear everyone’s points of view. And we will find ways to build everyone’s desires to the best of our abilities. And as a god, you will understand all this.
Will the divine gods build a family? Will they take partners, have children, and generally reproduce themselves? And will these new children be a higher race? And I would say ‘yes’ to all these questions. And it is not that they will begin to create a society where again there will be divisions along the lines of race. For this is a society of gods, and although the children of divine gods will certainly have an elevated god consciousness, it will be no more different than a human who has the intellect to attend university as opposed to a human who only has the intellect to get through grade school. Could the divine gods mix with the lower gods, you may ask? Yes, this may indeed occur. And so, the divine god consciousness will be spread throughout the population, raising the consciousness to even higher levels.
So, I am sure by now you are looking forward to these days, the time when the divine gods shall be amongst us here on the ground. But this will only happen once the gates have been closed on the old Earth. And the new Earth is simply the playground for us gods.
Chiron channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 3 June 2020, for Book Two of “Training Manual for Gods” (Arrival of the Gods)
The Game
Dear Friends,
This has been the weirdest few months, not only because of the craziness of our human world, but also with respect to my own spiritual journey. In brief, in order to give a background to today’s Message, part of my Ribbon of Consciousness has been able to reach Star Consciousness and has been born as a baby star. No one was more surprised than me!
However, this part of me is just a baby, and just like a baby born to human parents, I won’t be running around all-powerful and able to influence people for many years to come yet, thousands of years in fact. But it is a fact that part of me is now evolving as a star, and the experiences I am having because of this are thrilling and magical. All of us, once we get to Godhood/Ascension, start off on a new path towards Starhood, so this is really all quite normal on the Evolution Path, and I hope that some of you are also experiencing this too now.
My new Star Consciousness requested that she be given an opportunity to send a message to us humans, so I have warmly allowed her to do so, quite intrigued as to what she would say. I hope you enjoy it, as I did.
Sophia’s Star: Greetings to you all. I have not been given a voice before, and so I welcome this opportunity to address you all, gods and humans.
I am a higher consciousness of my host, Sophia Ovidne, and, in that, I am a higher consciousness of many of you too who are reading these words, for we are all related in one way or another. And so, from the heart of myself, I send this message to the hearts of all of you. May you resonate on this wavelength, and may these words serve to give you solace in these chaotic times.
You are being dazzled by the sunlight, but equally depressed by the darkness. I would have you know that none of this is real, that you are working through a kind of video game. And sometimes you hit the jackpot and get rewarded with many points, and sometimes you find yourself in the midst of challenges which no human rightly should have to go through, but which serve to bring attributes to your personality and your consciousness, which will serve you in good stead when you finally fly out of this video game and into a new dimension where everything takes place in real time.
And so, I want you to imagine yourselves now merely as avatars upon this Earth. These scenarios are not real, although of course they seem real to you as you go through them. But if you jump into the higher perspective of your controller who is outside of this game, then things will not affect you quite so much, for you can see how you are being played and you can see where you will have fallen into the trap of believing that all this is real.
So, now begin to make your way out of this video game, and that path begins when you can see it for what it really is—just a game and a role that your avatar is playing. Seek the new dimension outside of this game and you will start to follow that path. And eventually you will find the Exit door, just like Jim Carrey did in “The Truman Show”. And then you will be able to look back on these scenes below and you will chuckle to yourself that you got so caught up in it all and believed it to be true.
Many of you are finding the Exit door now, and you are realising the composition of this universe and that it has many layers and hidden dimensions. Set your intention to find that Exit, and if you have already done so, set your intention to help others find that door too.
This version of The Game will be over before too long, and then, where you find yourself is up to you. Will you be in a higher dimension, or will you be put back into a new video game as an avatar with a brand new role to play? I think you will enjoy the role of controller more than you would as avatar.
So, make some effort now to correct your trajectory and head on for that door. It is time for us to be getting on with a new phase of our evolution. It is time to stop playing these games.
I am the Star Consciousness of Sophia Ovidne, and of many other consciousnesses out there too. Heed my words now, for I come from a higher place of love and light.
Sophia: After channelling the above, my personal angel, Auriel, also wished to have her say. See below.
I hope you have a wonderful few months until Christmas when I shall write to you all again. Who knows what will have happened by then? The astrology is laced with potential for amazing events to occur, especially in December and January. So, prepare well! From mid-October, a number of planets come out of retrograde, so we should see some forward movement again after months of stagnation.
All my love and blessings,
Angel Auriel – Protection
Yes, like your Star, I have not had the opportunity of addressing the world as yet. And so, here are my words to all your readers today, to add to those of your Star.
I have been given the task of protecting Sophia Ovidne from Dark Forces that are prevalent in the universe right now, and who are trying to prevent our junior gods and our novices from attaining higher consciousness and achieving their rightful missions in the world.
There are many angels protecting many of you right now. You may be aware of them, you may not. But know that if it is your intention to do God’s Will and the work of other gods, then there is a task force of angels that have thrown a protective grid around you and who will not let you be tainted or tortured by those who would see this world and humans rot in hell.
If you are worried or anxious or need protection for yourself against the licence to harm that is prevalent throughout this planet, then request the presence of us angels, and we will take you under our wing. We have creative ways of protecting you from mankind and from other forces that permeate this universe who do not wish to see mankind succeed on their evolutionary path towards godhood. There are beings who believe that humans were a mistake and that this race should be snuffed out. But equally there are just as many beings who wish to preserve life and this race and help it to evolve to higher status.
And so, we are battling forces, not only on your planet, but throughout this galaxy. And we wish you to ask yourself, which forces are you aligned with? Are you being used as a puppet to further one army’s agenda over another?
Look into your hearts, dear humans and gods, for it is the time of reckoning, and soon we will reach the point of no return. Who do you fight for in your heart of hearts? For when the Final Shift comes, the split between dimensions, which side will you find yourself on then?
I am Angel Auriel, servant of the gods.
Sophia Star and Angel Auriel channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 30 Sept 2021
JUNE 2021
How to Raise Your Vibrations
Dear Friends,
The multitude of cosmic rays coming into our reality right now are like arrows stinging us into higher consciousness. Are we on the right path and do we have the right kind of heart that is filled with love and harmony for ourselves and for others?
We may not know anything about Masters and gods, physics and metaphysics, but we can all turn our attention to our hearts and make them happier spaces, despite all the challenges going on in our present circumstances. All we need to do is be determined to raise our vibrations. How do we do this?
Spend time daily doing some of the things below and your life will change dramatically for the better. Our thoughts create our reality; therefore, we use our thinking to also raise ourselves vibrationally and create a happier and more harmonious world.
- Ponder on lovely things and images: a rainbow, meadow, flowers, waterfall, sunrise, a baby’s laugh, a cat’s antics, a lover’s eyes, turquoise ocean, graduation, a gold medal
- Dream often of good and serene things
- Step into your dreams. Play out your destiny in your imagination
- Visualise the outcomes you want in life. Feel into your desires
- Be love itself. Not-love holds you down in lower waters
- Love yourself. Love others
- Do good deeds for other people
- Believe in a higher you and a better future. Have hope
- Get creative
- Listen to, or play, beautiful and uplifting music. Go dancing.
- Jettison old programming, beliefs, negative thinking, doubts, anger
- Feel yourself being a bright, shining star or sun. Install that fiery star in your heart
- Ramp up energies in your heart until it’s like a ball of fire. Set your world aflame
- Send out waves of love and light. Let your vibrations flow out from your heart star
- Be godly. Have traits of a god. Do tasks expected of a god—transforming humans
- See yourself whole and as you’d like to be, and all situations harmonised
- Utilise meditations, mindfulness, and inner journeys
- Visualise climbing up steps or a mountain, or ascending in an elevator, or lifting off in a balloon or aircraft, or flying like an eagle
- Write a Joy List to lift up your spirits. Write all instances of joy you can remember, and victories and successes. Include favourite movies, books, and places
- Stop resisting what your soul wants for you.
I have been reading through some of my old channellings, and the messages are so wonderful that they bear sharing with the world once again. Below is one from Lord Lanto (a Master of Wisdom) from 2005, and published in my Meet the Masters book. It’s very apt for today.
May the next few months be beautiful for you, despite the pressure from the cosmic rays to transform ourselves and our planet. I send you all my love and blessings until the September Message.
Message from Lord Lanto – Shenanigans
I would like to speak on the subject of shenanigans, for I would like to expose the trickery of mankind for what it is, an exposé of the illusion that mankind lives within, thinking that this is reality. Let me give you an example, first up.
A man goes to the barber shop and has his hair cut and his face shaved. He is lathered and pampered and sprayed on and fawned over. And he looks in the mirror and he likes what he sees. He is clean and pure and pretty. And he goes out onto the street and feels good about himself.
Many days later he is walking in the woods and he becomes lost and disorientated and cannot find his way home. He is reduced to living on berries and roots, and scrabbles in the earth for water. It is many months before he is found again, and his hair has grown long and his beard full. His fingernails are black and his body smells with the stench of sweat. He is raving and unbalanced for he has been faced with all his fears, at night and in the daytime too. And he has truly come to know who he is, and he needs no mirror to tell him so.
And yet men will liken themselves to the barber shop model all the time, seeing an image that they wish to portray which is, in truth, nothing like the image that we, the Masters, see inside. We see those who strut the streets, and we do laugh a little at times at the magnificence of their illusion, and we cry a little too as we see the humiliation yet to come.
I would urge you to know your true selves, dear folks. Who is actually looking back at you when you look in the mirror? And how distorted is this mirror that you use? I can play many tricks with mirrors, and I do so on a regular basis, for it is a wonderful tool to reflect light on a situation. I would have you use your mirror to bring in the light of God and set fire to your soul, and burn away all illusions about who you think you are, and put in place the truth of who you really are. For it is only when you establish truth as your base that you will be able to build your tower that reaches to God. All other attempts will founder as the foundations crumble, for they were based on dreams.
My second example is to do with cats and dogs, these furry companions of mankind that bring us so much joy and so much love. If you watch the antics of cats and dogs you will laugh, and you will assign them no meaning except as behaviour of lesser mortals.
We Masters would like to look upon the antics of mankind in a similar vein, but we must take them a little more seriously, for your free will is connected to consciousness and your shenanigans are not as innocent as your cats’ or dogs’ might be. You have a motive for your actions, and if these motives are purely to have fun and laugh like a child then all is well. But most often your motives are tinged with a darkness, and this can range from anything like greed or resentment to revenge and even murder. And then the show we are watching is not so pleasant anymore and we stop laughing and our hearts are saddened.
So even if you, for example, go for a drink with friends, and it starts off as a social occasion with much laughter and love, pretty soon the drinks are numerous and emotions are rising, and one or two of you are taking on thoughts that do not lie well with a child of the light. And before the night is out there can be a great pall of denseness over this crowd, for the thoughts have magnified and affected you all. And you wonder why it is you wake up hungover the next day. You think it is merely the alcohol, but I tell you that it is more likely the energy of your group when thoughts have become uninhibited and have risen from your darker depths. Which is the true you, the one at the start of the evening or the one at the end?
We are mindful of the ways of Earth, and we see it all, for there is no illusion in our eyes. I would come clean, my dear folks, that you may spend your days in purity and in possession of your senses in their truest form. I hand you a mirror now as a token of my affection for you, and I hope that when you look upon it, you will like what you see. For this mirror will always show the truth, and the truth can be very ugly at times.
If you would like to sign up for my beauty parlour I can make a reservation now, and we will have you transformed into a Hollywood smile, and a holy-would heart. Then you will truly know the beauty of who you are.
I AM Lord Lanto, Master beautician for the transfiguration of mankind.
Lord Lanto channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 24 June 2005
March 2021
Becoming gods
Dear Friends,
You might be asking, “Why are we going through such crises at present?” The short answer is that humans and planet Earth (and our entire solar system) are evolving to a new and higher level of existence. Humans are being offered the chance to become gods and live in a higher dimension of consciousness. Our planet will soon split into two versions of itself, with one version for humans who have chosen to become gods, and one version for those humans who have chosen to remain as humans. There is no judgement in this, no God or Master judging you in this way or that. It is your own choice.
Lest you imagine that you couldn’t possibly become a god, think again! Anyone who wishes to do so will be welcomed into god training. However, this training is no walk in the park (think of how a god would act and how far away you might be from acting like this at all times!). But for many of us, we are already in this training, and these current crises are testing our strength and mettle to see if we are suitable god material. So, hang in there! Pull out all your resilience and perseverance and determination to stay balanced, kind, and loving.
As Lady Pallas Athena states below in her message, Heaven is just around the corner now, or at least over the crest of the hill. We are progressing towards Paradise, but first we have to traverse the Plains of Pain and Pity in order to rid ourselves of all the non-god traits within us. The main ones are not loving every aspect of ourselves and the lack of forgiveness for others. We cannot become a new, cohesive god society if venomous snakes still lurk beneath our skin.
In mid May, we can expect a change of focus for 2½ months when Jupiter moves briefly into Pisces. Then we might find ourselves examining our spiritual beliefs in more detail and wanting to embrace the god world. It might also be a time of some confusion.
Jupiter will resume his journey through Aquarius between August and December, and we could be in for more chaos and upsets again to our world. If we haven’t already embraced the needed changes to our life, this will be our final chance before the end of the year when Jupiter enters Pisces for the next 12 months, and the North Node (destiny) enters Taurus for the next 18 months, and the ‘flavour’ of events takes a new course. Perhaps this will be the time when our two Earths split?
So, the remainder of this year is preparation time to get ourselves into position for The Event, whenever that is to occur, but definitely coming soon. For the past 15 years, my Messages From The Masters have been speaking of The Great Shift. It’s been a long time coming (and some of us might have given up believing in it!), but there is great urgency now in my channellings from all the Masters, and this is backed up by many spiritual presenters that I am watching on the Internet. (My favourite is Matias de Stefano whose series “Initiation” on Gaia TV is the best thing I’ve seen in a long time.)
How should we act as gods? Each of us needs to be the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine in equal balance. So, it dismays me to see women marching in protest under banners that say, “Die, Rapist, Die!” and “Ditch the Dicks!”. This is not Divine Feminine behaviour, no matter what men may have done or still be doing. Women want men to be called out on their bad behaviour, but this applies to women too! One of the traits of the Divine Feminine is compassion and the ability to forgive.
In no way should we condone the behaviour of men (or women) who behave sexually inappropriately or commit actual sexual crimes, but tarring all men with the same brush will merely cause men in general to despise all women, and this is not the way to harmonise relationships and bring about a united world. There are many good, kind, and considerate men out there, and we cannot denounce all men for the sake of those who misbehave.
Yes, let us protest in order to bring about changes to our society, but let us do it in a dignified and divine manner which will bring about better outcomes. And let our men also have more courage to stand up and counsel on the Divine Masculine way of doing things too.
Becoming a god is not all about understanding metaphysical concepts, or raising our Kundalini, or being able to astral travel, or speak the Language of Light. We don’t need to know any of this; we only need to be love in every aspect of our life. Anyone can do this; no one is barred from pursuing godhood.
So, go and pursue your godhood, for we have a great future waiting for us—Heaven on Earth!
All my love and hugs for the next few months, and don’t forget to check out the free flower essence energies and meditation on my website www.earthwithspirit.com/flower-essences/ . These will help to support you on your journey.
Message from Lady Pallas Athena – Paradise on the horizon
We are in awkward times, tumultuous times, times that are making us catch our breath, and sometimes lose our mind. We foretold of these waves that were coming, and here they are upon us now. And so, are we sinking or are we swimming? It is too easy to let ourselves drift down into the depths instead of making for the light and the higher atmosphere. We are in the grip of pincers and it is hurting us, that’s for sure.
But can we show our more godly natures, and can we rise up in strength and grace and be above all this palaver and this mayhem? Can we act with dignity and with kindness, show compassion to our fellow man? Can we help those along who have been disabled by these crises, and can we, most importantly, show the way? Can we be a beacon of light in these dark times? Can we say to people, “Follow this light, for it will show us the way.” Or are we too hiding in our burrows, scared to come out and face these times and days?
Your reality will be whatever you are projecting around you. If you are in fear and scarcity, then this is the type of world that will be reflected back to you. And if you can be in joy and optimism, then a more glorious world lies at your feet. We are pushing through the muck and the waterfalls so that we may arrive in our new Paradise. It is edgy stuff, and we are getting stung and bitten and sometimes losing our way. It is like those old explorers of lost worlds.
But our new world is not lost; it is there waiting for us, just on the horizon. And all we must do is have the strength and sense of purpose to make our way there. Many are falling by the wayside, and it breaks my heart.
But, come, let us be seeing you soon as you rise over the crest of the hill and see our new nation before you. Only those who make it to our gates will be allowed to live here. So, come, get your skates on, or your hiking boots, or skis, and let’s be seeing you soon. Do not give up in these last few miles, for Heaven lies just around the corner and all your dreams are waiting for you there.
I am Lady Pallas Athena, goddess of comfort in these trying times.
Lady Master Pallas Athena channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 19 March 2021
December 2020
Into the Aquarian energies
Dear Friends,
Well, I’m back, (see end of message for when I reopen to readings!) and I hope this message finds you happy and healthy, having survived all the energies that have been thrown at us in the past few months! I do hope everyone has had as good a Christmas as possible, given the COVID circumstances this year. I’m very fortunate to be living in Queensland, Australia where we’ve been little affected, but my heart goes out to all those who have suffered this year.
I was waiting to see what the new Aquarian energies bring before sending out this latest message from the Masters. Saturn and Jupiter are now both in the sign of Aquarius for the next 12 months, and Saturn is there until 2023 when Pluto then takes up the baton for Aquarian energies for a further 23 years (until 2044)!
I’m sorry to say that I’m as much in the dark as many of you. Aquarian energies are all about Chaos and the Unknown, and the human race has entered into the Void of the Unknown at present. All we can do is experience things as they occur and bring to bear our god qualities in each situation. Many of us are now training as gods, learning our craft as to how to act, see, hear, and think as gods and how to behave in the New World, our new god society. We are creating this New World, the Second Earth, where all shall be gods. Yes, this means even you! Those who don’t make the cut and achieve their godhood will not make it into our New World (which is still planet Earth but living there in a higher consciousness and perceiving everything differently.)
People don’t have to know they are actually gods or know any of the metaphysical or spiritual beliefs that I have been teaching over the past two decades. They need only be a quantifiable amount of love and light, with a desire for harmony and unity. They will be taught what it means to be a god in the coming years.
Aquarian energy is all about being a higher kind of consciousness. To instruct us in this, Uranus and his Aquarian rays come suddenly into our lives, out of the blue (Uranus is a blue planet!). At first, this often causes us to be separated from those we love and all we have known in the past, because this awakens us to new ways of being and to valuing things we may not have done before.
These energies may also incite rebellion in our hearts, at being suppressed or limited or quashed in any way, for Uranus loves freedom and wants us to have the ability to go and explore where we have never ventured before, personally and as part of humanity. After all these COVID lockdowns and shutdowns and being stripped of personal liberties, we can see how the Aquarian energies may act out, giving us the impetus to break free from stifling and constraining circumstances.
Finally, Aquarian energies are a call to help humanity, and we will see an abundance of humanitarian concerns springing up once our sense of separation falls away. We can look forward to these times where mankind will want to do their utmost to help each other.
We might wonder when all this is going to play out, and this will depend on each individual. There is no concept of time in the New World, which is a higher dimensional world than our current Earth. Therefore, we will experience events in our own time, as we become ready and open to them. Some of us are already living with our consciousness in the New World, and some of us are yet to cross over the threshold. Being love in all aspects of our life and keeping our vibrations high will see us joining the gods on this Second Earth and flying above all the low vibrations of the old Earth.
I wish everyone a very happy New Year and send all my love and blessings for 2021 which may turn out to be even more unusual then 2020. Uranus loves change, and we will need to embrace it too!
Message from Serapis Bey – Alacrity
(Sophia: This is an old channelling from April 2005, when the Catholic Pope had just died, but the message is very relevant to us today.)
Serapis Bey: I wish to speak about alacrity. Alacrity, as you may know, means well-being, happiness, ecstasy, excitement, all those good things that make our emotions high. And I would ask you to sustain your emotions at a high point, especially today, a day when there is much grief around the world at the demise of the Pope. Are you in grief too? For you should not be, but rejoicing that one of ours has come home again, for we are rejoicing here to receive him. Gone are his burdens, and open to him now is the Kingdom of Heaven for which he has worked so truly to receive.
I ask you, too, to work so truly that you may enjoy the benefits of Heaven when comes your turn to transition. It is not a question of what you do on this Earth but how truly you do it. Are you working to your truth, the truth of who you are and the truth of what you believe in? Let no one sway you from your path. Let no one sway you from your mission. Let no one sway you from the truth of who you are with their own opinions and perceptions that may not match your own truth. Are you strong enough to stand in your own truth or do you succumb to the batterings of mankind around you? Can you withhold your own when all around you are falling down in a malaise of maya and madness? Can you be the one that is a shining light left to guide them?
It takes a courageous man or woman to stand up amongst the dead, for indeed I consider most of mankind already dead, for their energies provide no evidence of life to my eyes. Life is radiance, life is love, and how many beings on Earth are shining examples of radiant love?
But we get off the point here, or maybe not, for to be a shining example of radiant love means that emotions must be kept high with alacrity. And so we come full circle now and you may ask, how do I keep my emotions high when all around me are dragging me down into the depths of their deaths?
I say to you, sever yourself from the madness each morning when you awake. Take your sword and cut yourself free from the bondage of mankind who would tie you down in mediocrity and dangerous damage. Still the waters within you, calm the emotions. Allow the radiance of the dawn to enter your heart and enter your soul. Fill your Being with light until there is more to spare and it overflows out from your body and into the space surrounding you. Let your light go before you like an aroma that people will pick up, and their heads will lift and turn to the direction whence it came, and their eyes will meet your eyes, their heart will be in line with your heart, and now what will you do? Do not turn away but connect Being to Being, and pass the flame from your heart into someone else that they may live another day and find a new way.
I would have you hold your head up high, knowing who you are and what you stand for. I would have you be so proud that your heart begins to sing and your soul takes wing.
I am speaking to you about this for a reason today for the world has not yet begun to know the grief to follow. Hard times are ahead. And a tidal wave of mourning will sweep all away who are not strong enough and light enough to swim to the shore of a very new future. The dead will die for sure. And the living will make for the shore. And so this is why I ask you now, are you of the living or of the dead?
And can I wake you from the dead, for this I can do if you should choose this option? All is not lost yet, and I am surveying the seas and the plains for those who can yet be saved. But many will perish and go under and there will be nothing I can do to rescue them then. Do not be the living dead when the time comes, but keep your mind bright with the light at all times and we will be able to see your beacons in the dark and dive down and pluck you up.
I wish I could tell you more but I’m sure you get my gist. Do not forget my warning for it is a way yet but will come soon enough. We need you to believe that all is on track for wondrous happenings that will see us jump dimensions. I put it to you now, will you play the game or will the game be over for you?
I trust you will forgive my seriousness tonight. The gravity of the situation calls for serious expression and a warning to heed my words.
I AM Serapis Bey, Master of ancient cultures and seer for future ones. I bid you adieu.
Master Serapis Bey channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 3 April 2005
***Sophia will resume doing personal channellings and astrology readings from Monday, 1st February 2021
Sept Equinox 2020
Sept Equinox Message – Is this the end?
Dear Friends,
This may perhaps be the final Message from the Masters that I shall ever send out. I began to channel them in February 2002, when the North Node of Destiny was in its first months in Gemini, the sign of communications. Now we come full circle, 18 ½ years later. It is the ending of this path of destiny and the beginning of a new era. What will come in its place, I don’t know?
What I do know is that the Masters have told me that the Final Shift is now approaching fast, not within the next few years (as I wrote in my last message) but in the next few WEEKS! The Masters have said that in mid-November we will experience a profound transformation. At that time, Jupiter is conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (the sign of timing and structure); the Sun is aspecting and highlighting both Jupiter (over-the-top) and Pluto (transformation), bringing even more power to them both; Mars (action) goes Direct in Aries (initiation); and there is a New Moon (new beginnings) in Scorpio (sign of transformation).
So, the astrology would seem to support some massive event such as the shifting of humanity to the Second Earth and the falling away of the old Earth. (I wrote about this in detail last time—you can read it here below.)
I have been regularly travelling (astrally) back and forth over the bridge between the First Earth and the Second Earth, and just this week I have experienced the bridge shaking and beginning to crumble. It will fall away completely in a few weeks’ time, and then the two Earths will separate and follow different paths into the future. All that is high vibrational will have moved to Second Earth. All that is low vibrational, and which has not reached ascension, will remain behind on the First Earth.
No one is going anywhere physically, I need to point out. It is your consciousness that will find itself in a new dimension (or not). At first, the Second Earth may look very much like the old First Earth, but gradually its hidden dimensions will begin to reveal themselves to you. You will also find that everyone around you on the Second Earth is a god, including yourself! Yes, you will still look the same and won’t have grown wings overnight, but now you will be in a gods’ dimension and working through your godhood program. Some will be more advanced than others when they first arrive. Some will be complete newbies and will wonder what on Earth has happened to them.
We are now entering the Age of Aquarius and a new dimension, and will now work together on creating a new god society and a beautiful planet to live on. The very best thing of all, to my mind, is that the Masters will be arriving on our Second Earth. They come as divine gods, to lead us and teach us. We will get to meet them, learn from them, and work with them. Imagine walking with Jesus or Buddha or El Morya or Quan Yin or Mother Mary!
Yes, it could be that I’ve finally lost my marbles and I’m living out my fantasy world, but I know that many of you out there are feeling and experiencing all that I am describing here. I can only pass on my messages and own true experiences to you. Whether you listen or not is up to you.
But regardless of whether you believe my words or not, I hope that you will accept my message of love. If you can believe in nothing else, believe in love. Love will get you over the bridge to Second Earth (before it falls completely), and even if that sounds like nonsense, love will make your life work so much better and help to build a more harmonious world—that is the end goal for all of us.
So, I may or may not be writing to you all again around Christmas time at the December Solstice. Our world may have changed completely by then, but hasn’t it already done so this year, anyway? I urge you to cleanse and cleanse—your mind, your heart, your body, your home, your workplace, so that you and your world are filled only with love and high vibrations. This is your pass key to the new dimension. I hope to see you there!
With much gratitude to all the loyal friends who have been with me throughout these 18 magnificent years, and with much love and many blessings, au revoir until we meet again, whether on this Earth or the next,
Message from Lady Sedna – The Final Shift
These are all the fruits coming together now, from all our labours. Many of us have toiled for years, even for thousands of years, to make this present event come true. All of you reading this message will have been involved in this process in some way or another, and we gods give you thanks for that.
In any project there is always a time when it comes to its final point, and the end game is laid out and we hope that we have the result that we have worked for. This is the end game for our Earth right now. We have put all our players into position. Our energies have been fine-tuned. We have orchestrated all the action that is needed. And now we await the final outcome. We cannot delve into it anymore and put our fingers in the pie; it will have to eventuate naturally. And all that are coming our way shall arrive, and all that have chosen to stay with the First Earth shall say goodbye.
Never before in all of humanity’s history has an event like this taken place. And so, it is not some trivial matter. But it heralds the future for all of us, and the choice that each individual makes now will set them up for their eternal future. We have been laying these paths for many eons. We have been helping you traverse your obstacles so that you can see your way clear to entering this new dimension. There will be much to congratulate yourself for when you arrive here, but it will be tinged with sadness at the loss of those who were dear.
There will be a mighty upswelling of love in these end days, and this tidal wave will get many over the breach and over that rickety bridge. They will be like wet flotsam when they first arrive, but better that state of dishevelment than never arriving at all. And so, we are preparing our halls to welcome you all. For many, this will be your first taste of Heaven, but everyone is deserving who gets here at all.
These will be strange times for you, so hold onto your hearts and stay centred. Our dimension will reveal itself to you as you are able to cope with these new paradigms and magical wonders. So, do not lose hope in these final times. We have a new world awaiting just around the corner and across the bridge. So, jump to it and make your way here.
This is a new era of evolution for humankind, and no longer will you be humans, but you will become incredible gods. I will see you anon and it shall be a very special day.
I am Lady Sedna, curator for this Earth, and mother of the new dimension.
Lady Sedna channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 21 Sept 2020
June Solstice 2020
Dear Friends,
What a time of great change it has been for the world since I last wrote in March. In April, the North Node (destiny), coming to the end of its reign in Cancer (home and family), saw all of us ensconced in our homes and having to deal closely with families. On 6 May, the North Node entered Gemini (for the next 18 months), and now we get an entirely new flavour to the path our world needs to tread, and for us personally too. Communications and connections are central, and the desire to learn or teach. There is also a greater desire for movement. (Gemini people can’t sit still and are always curious and into more projects than they can handle.) Hence the desire for lockdowns to end and to get back to work or school.
Gemini is an air sign, and all about the mind, so beware being too much in your headspace and forgetting your heartspace. Look to nurture your mind, however, because in the next 18 months your thoughts will want to go haywire and could take you down deep, dark holes, especially between now and October while Pluto and many other planets are retrograde. Your thinking creates your reality, so get thinking positively and constructively and toss out all those old demons and snakes that are surfacing in your consciousness.
All this work on your consciousness and heart will pay dividends as the energies of the New World bear down upon us ever more strongly. You may find it difficult to believe that we are moving towards some new world, but many scientists are out there in a race to discover hidden dimensions of our universe. They certainly believe they exist!
Just like our experience of those 3D optical illusion pictures that suddenly pop out into our vision and we see a whole new world behind the original image, there is a whole new world of a higher dimension waiting to pop into view for us. This is the Second Earth, a mirror world to our First Earth, but existing at a higher frequency and thus invisible to us in the past. But as we raise our personal frequency, the vibrational level of our consciousness, we will indeed begin to see and experience this Second Earth, the New World.
In quantum physics, some scientists have proposed a theory of the existence of brane worlds. These branes are considered to be like thin slices of the universe on which life exists, but which are only millimetres away from each other, and which sometimes collide together. According to the Masters, this is exactly what is happening to our Earth right now. Earth is a brane world which is colliding, or more accurately, merging, with its mirror brane world, the Second Earth. The higher dimensional Second Earth (some call it the 5th dimension, but the Masters prefer not to label the dimensions with numbers) is ‘swallowing’ the lower dimensional First Earth (some call this the 3rd dimension), and all that exists at the lower frequencies will eventually disappear—people, objects, even the entire planet.
We are in the middle of this merger right now, but we won’t find ourselves moving physically to a new planet. It will be like the 3D pictures—a new world will reveal itself to us that was there in the background all the time. When the Final Shift takes place, in a few years’ time, and the merger is complete, everyone will either have reached the higher vibrations required to live on the Second Earth, or they will remain on the First Earth. These two planets/branes will then separate and will no longer be able to see each other or connect. Which world you end up on is up to you!
The coming months are perfect for preparing ourselves for The Shift, and I wish you all love, courage, and blessings as we move into the New World.
Message from Lady Pallas Athena – Design your new world
My, my, what a tumult the world is in. We have never seen such chaos, and yet out of the chaos something is bursting forth, like a ripened fruit bursting out its seeds. So, do not despair in this time of doom and gloom for we are birthing something new. Something is coming out of these seeds, and it will be a new way of being and a new way of living.
We shall appreciate these times in years to come, once the debris has been cleared and we can see with clarity once again. This was the cleansing process that we had to have. We had to spill out the old so that we could provide space for the new to come in. Many of you will have been poked and jiggered and upset by this, but you will need to understand that your world and your own personal world have not been working in a way that is beneficial for you. So, we have pulled the rug from underneath you. Sorry if you have fallen flat on your face. But, come, here is my hand and I will help you to get up again and face the challenges of a new world.
Forget now about what has happened, but rather face ahead and face your future and get designing it in a better way. Do not slip back into your old rut lines, but step to one side and onto a different track and be courageous as you forge ahead. All are in the same boat, flailing around lost and confused. Do not add to the mayhem but know your purpose and, most of all, know your heart.
Have you been happy in these erstwhile years, because now is the time to put things right and follow a new fashion, the fashion of a loving world. How can you bring in more love? How can you send out more love? Examine every facet of your life. Empty its old contents and allow the new light to shine in.
Don’t worry so much about what is going on out in the larger world. Examine who you are and what you want, and if everyone goes about their own business of manifesting love, then the world will naturally transform overnight and love will become our basis. Who are you to dictate to the world what it needs if you haven’t established the foundations of love in your own heart and mind, in your own family, in your own home, in your own little world?
We have many blaming others, but each has contributed to the downfall of this world by any unloving thought or deed. Malicious vengeance will not put the world aright. It is only love that can clear and cleanse the past from all our hearts. So, let us not be at war with the world. Let us instead inject love. If we are fanning the fires of chaos instead of harmony, then those fires will burn us, and all that we stand for will be scattered to the winds.
Love is the only substance that can be sustained. It will survive any war, any catastrophe, any bomb or sword. So, until we make love the foundation stones of our world, all will continue to fall. For love is eternal, and everything else shall fail.
I am Lady Athena, warrior goddess for a world of love and joy.
Lady Master Pallas Athena channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 16 June 2020
March Equinox 2020
Dearest Friends,
Firstly, a message from Lady Pallas Athena, and then my own message comes after this.
Lady Pallas Athena – Lanterns of the World
We are very aware of the predicament of Earth right now. It is in a tailspin. And it has been thrown into chaos for this is the way that we can up-end the truths and the non-truths, and let the non-truths sail away while the truths are left standing. There will be much that will emerge in these significant times, not only in the world at large but from within you yourselves. For this stuckness will help you to give time to focus on yourself and to make some plans for yourself, which you may have been too busy to do up until now. So, give thanks for this hiatus in your busy lives, this pause, this time for you to reflect and ponder. For many of you have been driving down a highway to hell, and now that you have reached hell you will no doubt make new plans to turn about and face another direction.
It will be the end for some, but it will be a new beginning for many others. So, rejoice in the clearing away of many of life’s obstacles and the arising of new opportunities, new visions for the future. Yes, you may feel that the rug has been pulled from under you, but this is so that we may lay a new foundation as the ground beneath your feet. All is not lost. You have only lost what was never meant to be, and now there will be space for you to grow in new ways. So, open your hearts and minds to these new realms, and fortify yourselves with hope and an excitement and anticipation of this creation that is coming your way.
Yes, we are having to slash and burn a bit, but what will arise in the future will more than make up for what you are enduring right now. Your world will sit on a more even keel. Power will be redistributed, not only amongst countries but amongst the people themselves. You will understand your failings better as a world and you will seek to put these things right so that you don’t fall into these traps and holes again. There will be greater compassion and magnanimity and more people will share one heart and one mind, and there will be less barriers between races and nations. You will begin to work more as one planet instead of many separate states.
So, it is good that we have this climax of catastrophe, for when the dust settles and the viruses have been put to flight, then humanity will realise what a gift it has been given. And this time next year love will be flooding this planet like it has never done before.
So, let us have no dour and doleful faces. Let us take the silver linings of these events and thread them into a tapestry of our dreams. For this is the way we shall create the new world, by what we are visioning today. So, do not focus on your tears and lack but focus on what you will be manifesting for tomorrow. Everyone has the power to make a difference. Do not leave it all to others and merely follow in their wake. Do your bit now, to focus on your dreams, for the dreams of today become the future of tomorrow.
Charge yourself with light and you shall be protected. Charge yourself with light and you will not feel separated or isolated, but you will be caught up in the light of others. When everyone’s light is touching, how could anyone in the world feel apart?
So, put a lantern outside of your door to show the world and remind yourself that you are sending the light out into the darkness. And when we have seven billion lights sitting at people’s front doors, there will be a shift in the consciousness of this planet, and all will be taken to a new level. So, start this social media trend now. Show your lights to the world and let you feel the joy that this will bring.
I am Lady Athena, spokesperson for the gods, and mistress of the lanterns of the world.
The Coming Together of Humanity by Sophia Ovidne
Dearest Friends,
For the first time in human history every single person in every country has been personally affected by the same event—the Corona Virus. Even the World Wars didn’t touch this many people. This is the event we had to have, and I have been warning about it in my previous newsletters.
In December 2019 I wrote, “Get used to it, folks, for we have the whole of 2020 to get through in this mode, with a three-month window from April to June where we may just lose the plot and start a revolution against all the stress and pressure. In this coming over-the-top Capricorn year, we are preparing for the Age of Aquarius, which begins at the end of 2020. We need to dig strong foundations for ourselves so that we aren’t blown over in the hurricane of Aquarian energies that are arriving soon. This means knowing who we are and what we stand for, and loving who we are and what we stand for. Unique and different is okay. Strong and resilient is okay. Loving, wise, and powerful is superb. Weak, indifferent, valueless, will be blown away.”
On Sunday 22 March Saturn goes into Aquarius for the first time in 28 years and stays there until 1st July, giving us a brief taster of his brand of Aquarian energies (Saturn will re-enter Aquarius in December for three more years). The negative key words for this sign are SEPARATION and ISOLATION. The positive keywords for this sign are FREEDOM, HUMANITY, and HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS. Saturn’s energy is often a limiting one for us at first, until we find the courage, strength, and nobility to crash through those limitations. So, we can understand why the current measures are being put in place to restrict the world’s movement.
However, we can choose a higher consciousness and bust through all the fear and hype and operate at a level where we can find love, kindness, compassion, and respect. When we let go of any feelings of imprisonment, suppression, or limitation, and can speak our truth, then this will be our immunity from the virus.
I sense many people are now feeling like a part of humanity-at-large, maybe for the first time. This drama encompasses them too, tragic though it is, but anyone who has felt marginalised can now feel included in the world. In the past, wars did this for people and brought them together with a common purpose. This is now a world war for our times.
Aquarian energies are all about going into the unknown and into Chaos, so that we can experience new ways of doing and perceiving things. It is a very metaphysical sign, so watch out for unusual events and visions. In my book ‘History of the gods’, Master Thoth says, “Now all continents and the solar system have been conquered, it’s time to explore new dimensions.”
So, let us all take up the challenge that Lady Athena has set us, to light a lantern at our front doors and send out our light into the darkness. This is what is needed in these times. Put your photos of your lanterns onto social media and send your light around the world!
I wish you all the light and blessings of this beautiful universe. Keep your vibrations high and you will be protected.
Until the June Solstice, love and hugs,
Lady Master Pallas Athena channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 18 March 2020
Dec Solstice 2019
Dearest Friends,
The planet Jupiter moved into the sign of Capricorn on 3rd December and will be there for the next 12 months, and so we may be feeling the added pressure of this Capricorn energy on top of Saturn, Pluto, and Venus who are already in that sign (Venus moves on this week into Aquarius.)
Capricorn energy, ruled by Saturn, can feel like a weight on our shoulders, or a wagging finger pointing at us to do better, lift our game, be a success. The guilt trip may come from ourselves or from others. In response we may try to raise ourselves to new heights, or we may become belligerent and anti-authoritarian, disliking being controlled and told what to do.
Get used to it, folks, for we have the whole of 2020 to get through in this mode, with a three-month window from April to June where we may just lose the plot and start a revolution against all the stress and pressure. Not ideal! (This window is when Saturn gives us a foreshadowing of Aquarian energy.)
Therefore, what tactics should we employ to flow through 2020 in the most unscathed way, emerging next Christmas with a smile on our face and our consciousness at a much higher level than right now?
The week of 11th – 14th January 2020 will give us a taste of where our major vulnerabilities and triggers lie buried deep within us. These will be the areas we need to work on throughout the year. During these few days in January, we have the perfect storm in astrology terms. Saturn meets with Pluto and the Sun in Capricorn, at the same time as a Full Moon in Cancer with a Lunar Eclipse, and with Uranus turning Direct and coming back into full power. Think Category 5 hurricane!
We won’t be able to bury our heads in the sand with this one, so we had better acknowledge our rough edges and dark hearts and get clearing out our thoughts that don’t resemble love. Any skerrick of not-love that is still polluting our consciousness and the world around us, will be brought to the fore, have the spotlight of the Sun shone on it, and will rebound onto us if we don’t work to transform it or let it go completely.
In this coming over-the-top Capricorn year, we are preparing for the Age of Aquarius, which begins at the end of 2020. We need to dig strong foundations for ourselves so that we aren’t blown over in the hurricane of Aquarian energies that are arriving soon. This means knowing who we are and what we stand for, and loving who we are and what we stand for. Unique and different is okay. Strong and resilient is okay. Loving, wise, and powerful is superb. Weak, indifferent, valueless, will be blown away.
One of the things we can ask ourselves is, “What triggers me off? What gets under my skin, makes my hackles rise, makes me edgy, makes me depressed, weakens my mojo, makes me want to run away?” These are the areas which we need to work on, removing all the underlying thoughts behind our emotional reaction. It may take a lot of transformation to become tolerant and forgiving and compassionate, but this is what we have to do in order to raise ourselves and our society to a higher level of consciousness in readiness for the Age of Aquarius.
Aquarius energies are electrical, vibrational, mental wavelengths. If we don’t do this work we will be swamped with an overload on the electrical circuitry of our minds and we will blow a fuse. So, the pressure is on us this coming year to prepare for higher amps downloading into our consciousness. We need to get as clean and pure as possible. March 23 – 2 July will give us a sample of just what Aquarian energies will mean for us personally, playing out even more in 2021 which will be a highly Aquarian year.
Lest I have painted a dismal picture for 2020, I need to also point out that Capricorn energies are very beneficial for planning and preparing foundations and getting things organised and built, but it is all predicated on lots of hard work and taking full responsibility and accountability. Aquarian energies are hot beds of revolution against authority, but also a springboard for birthing pioneering new ideas and inventions and ways of doing things. Old, traditional ways come crashing down but are replaced with breath-of-fresh-air new solutions. Aquarian energies want us to focus on humanity as a whole and become united, even as we value uniqueness and individuality. It’s all about working in a complementary way with one another —being on the same vibrational wavelengths and producing beautiful harmonies.
I wish you all a very happy Christmas and New Year, and a magical 2020 ahead, and I thank everyone for their love and support this past year. Next year I hope to be publishing all the books I’ve been labouring over for the past few years. Exciting times, sharing all the marvellous wisdom of the Masters with you all.
Love, hugs, strength, and blessings until March next year,
Lady Master Pallas Athena – Freedom
This is a wonderful time of year and a wonderful time in our evolution where we can begin to make things as they should be, where we are crunching up all the old stuff like used Christmas decorations, and we are designing and getting creative about how we can embellish and decorate the coming year ahead. Methinks we should put aside the old ways that we have done things before and we should put on our thinking caps and come up with new innovative ways for us all to go forwards into the New World, into the new domain of higher consciousness. We will not want to see the old stuff re-emerging. Let us sink all that beneath the waves and let us shoot now into the heavens and begin to touch on new titillating ideas that will really raise our motivation and inspire us to create in ways we could never have dreamed of before.
So, sharpen your pencils, my dear friends, and take some time out to be reflective, for if you are busying yourself in the old world you will not be giving space for the New World to emerge and be birthed. So, draw a line under this year, and then cross that line, and take yourself into the Unknown and the emergent world of many good and loving things. Tread on the old carpets and use them as springboards to lift off and fly into those cloudless skies. Dump the weight of the old world and soar into the higher realms, and grow your wings so that you can navigate this new clear air.
There will be a tussle this year, that is for sure, as you seek to set yourself free, and yet your anchors bind you to the old Earth. You will need to unhook yourself and be very deliberate about where you are heading. It will be all too easy to remain stuck and then sink beneath the swamp, from where it will become harder and harder to arise again. So, cut yourself free now, for freedom is the keyword for the Aquarian Age. Allow your consciousness to roam and not be imprisoned, for those who do not understand these new ways will seek to keep you tied down, for they will be alarmed at all those who are escaping.
The New World is here. All you must do is muster the courage to come and live here.
I am Lady Athena, usher for those who want to be shown the way.
Lady Master Pallas Athena channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 18 Dec 2019
Sept Equinox 2019
Dearest Friends,
Climate Change
Today is the Equinox (Spring, here in Australia, Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere). It’s all about balance, when day and night are of equal length, and the Sun moves into Libra, the sign of balance, harmony, and justice.
So, it’s a favourable day to speak about climate change, an imbalance in our present world, and it’s a hot topic that everyone needs to be aware of, and even involved in. I’m not going to advocate joining protestors around the globe—the Masters teach us that anything we resist merely leads to further pain. So, how do we spiritual folks need to think about, and take action on, climate change in a way that actually adds value and makes a difference?
Our world and all our reality manifests from the thoughts and emotions we carry in our consciousness. Therefore, if we change our thinking, we change our world. If we believe climate change is something that governments or someone else is causing, then we are abrogating our own responsibilities in this mess. Disharmonious minds create disharmonious worlds. If we have any disharmony within our lives then we are contributing to the state of global weather. The Earth’s climate is merely reflecting back to us the climate in our own consciousness.
So, folks, you know what must be done! It won’t matter a jot if we stop burning down rainforests, or accumulating toxic waste, or polluting the air and water with smoke and chemicals from our factories if we don’t address the issues of the pollution within our own minds. Governments can only provide band aid solutions at best. Personal responsibility is needed here, both physically and in our consciousness. We need to clean up our own act first.
The universe always uses our world and physical dimension to help us learn our lessons and evolve as spiritual beings. There is more going on in the hidden realms to bring about climate change than just the irresponsibility of countless governments and businesses, and the general greed and apathy of much of humanity. We are being taught lessons—to value our planet and work together on solutions to bring about harmony and peace. In past generations it’s been mostly wars we’ve had to contend with (and still is in some parts of the world). Now we are being given a different focus—to work as one united world to fix a global problem. No doubt, once we gain victory in this particular area, we may find ourselves having to unite again, as one species, against alien invaders (just kidding!)
So, let us all work on our own consciousnesses, to clean out and clear away all old, polluted, and mucky thinking, all grudges and non-forgiveness, and any types of unloving thoughts, like judgement, negativity, resistance, greed, or revenge.
I saw a banner on TV at one of the climate change protest marches, that stated, “There is no Earth B!” Well, actually, they are wrong about that! The Masters tell us that there is a Second Earth! It is a higher dimensional replica of our own Earth, and it is presently merging with our planet at an energetic level, at a level of consciousness (not a physical merge.) Those who have elevated their consciousness to high vibrational levels are now currently living on the Second Earth. They may not even realise it. It is a place where our consciousness dwells, and while they may think they are travelling on the old Earth, in reality their world is the Second Earth, and they enjoy a much more harmonious and pleasurable existence than those still stuck in the old Earth level of consciousness.
As the Second Earth pushes further and further into the old Earth domain, it will squeeze out all lower vibrational thinking and ways of being. Those who cannot transform will find themselves in more and more pain and in intolerable conditions. This is not some overnight transition but is taking place over many decades until gradually the old Earth has been swallowed up entirely by the Second Earth, and a new epoch for humanity will prevail.
In case any of you have been wondering what I’ve been up to lately, I am still working on the book I’ve been writing all year. It is a guidebook to explain a book that I channelled from Master Chiron last year, entitled Consciousness and the Unseen Universe. I hope next year that I will be able to publish both my and Chiron’s books, with their exciting metaphysical and spiritual revelations about the nature of the universe and the beings who reside in it. There will be a lot more about the Second Earth in these books.
Make the most of the last couple of months of Jupiter in Sagittarius, to get all your travelling and learning done. He enters Capricorn in early December to join Saturn and Pluto there for the whole of next year. It’s going to be a hard-working and serious year, and many of us will feel extra pressure to conform, and governments and businesses will go even more into Big Brother mode. However, it will be a good time for creating foundations, building businesses and structures, and work, work, work.
My next newsletter will be just before Christmas at the Solstice. Until then, all my love, hugs, and blessings, and enjoy cleaning out your consciousness.
Master Serapis Bey – Change your mind, change the world
So, as you have chosen to speak on the subject of climate change today, let me add my tuppence worth to the mix. Of course, I could wax lyrical on this subject for many hours but let us keep it brief and to the point, for our readers are busy people and there is much work for them to do, on their minds and in the world.
Ganging up on governments to change the world just will not work. Governments come and go at alarming rates, and what they tell you to get your vote is not necessarily what they will do when they are in office. So, forget about governments and let’s make another plan, a plan that involves you.
What can you do to make this world aright? What can you do even sitting in your armchair at home? Well, as Sophia has said, you can get to work on your consciousness, and you can turn this world around one thought at a time. Don’t dwell on what is happening but what you would like to happen. Focus on the future you would like to see. When you dwell on the all the evil that is going on, then all you will do is hold that evil in place, giving it energy, giving it strength, giving it reality.
So, get together with your friends and out-picture this world in all its glory. Picture sunny days and life-giving rain. Picture quiet volcanoes and settled seas. Picture winds that are refreshing and days which are a pleasure. Picture bountiful crops and everyone enjoying their work.
All too often your consciousnesses resemble that of a fear-stricken cat. Your energies look like hair standing up on end. You live frazzled lives and are stressed beyond belief, for you munch on a daily diet of anxiety and heightened levels of fear. You can strip all that away and replace it with nicer scenes of harmony. Every day can be like that of a holiday, relaxed and joyful, and one where you open your eyes to new things. If your life is currently a horror story, then stop, right now, and do something to change your tune. Your world does not need to be like this. So, do something about it now and change the climate of your mind.
I am Master Serapis Bey, organiser and arranger for a brand new world.
Master Serapis Bey channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 23 Sept 2019
Winter 2019
Merging with the higher dimension
Dearest Friends,
You may have noticed that this Message from the Masters says ‘Winter’ and not ‘June’. I am changing from a monthly message to a quarterly message. After 18½ years (interestingly enough, this is a full North Node cycle of destiny!) of sending out the message monthly, I have decided a change of pace is in order, seeing as I have now reached retirement age! But, I am busier now than ever, writing my metaphysical books, and I have six waiting to be published and another half written.
But as fast as I am writing my current book, all about the unseen dimensions, things keep changing and I’m having to rewrite sections. This is in line with The Great Shift that is currently happening. I did write a book about this Shift in 2006 but I think a lot of what I wrote back then has been superseded, and now I have a much better idea of what is going on.
The Shift in question is still happening and currently in process. It is the merging of the hidden higher dimension of spirit with our dimension of Earth. We are really beginning to feel the effects now. The Masters have told us that those who are at the higher end of vibrations would feel it first, and those who are low vibrational will feel it last, although, like a candle in a dark room, the light will still affect the whole room even while only directly lighting up the area closest to it. This process will take place over many decades, and may even last a century or more, so it’s not some overnight transformation.
A New World is being generated which will consist of our physical Earth as we know it, which abides by the laws of classical Newtonian physics, overlaid by the new higher vibrational dimension which abides by the laws of quantum physics. We will begin to experience things ‘pinging’ in and out of existence, including our own consciousness (and maybe even our bodies!), and whatever we think about will be what creates our reality in front of us. We know this type of weird world from our dreams at night—this will be our experience in everyday life very soon. We will need to train our consciousness to get a grip on its thinking, or all manner of strange situations could present before us.
I had an example of this last week when I was walking along a suburban road. A bird of prey, maybe a hawk or a kite, came and circled right over my head. It was much lower that I would have expected, and I was a little nervous that it might be aiming to strike my head much like a magpie swoops on people. I kept my eye on it as it followed me along the road for about 200 metres. Then I stopped walking to get a better look at it, and as I swivelled around, the bird just disappeared into the cloudless blue sky, not flying off but just disappearing from where it had been in the sky!
Keep your eyes peeled for similar spooky occurrences and let me know if any inexplicable things happen in your world. I’d love to hear about them, and will maybe publish some of them to give as examples of the kinds of things that are happening to people!
The downside to all this activity is that our consciousness will be especially affected. If we have done a lot of letting go of issues and negativity and forgiven many of our fellow humans, then we will get off more lightly. But those who have not attended to their consciousness and their thinking and beliefs, will find themselves severely pressured by the new energies and the fact that their thinking is more instantly manifesting and rebounding in their face. It could lead to even more mental health issues. The answer is to think only loving thoughts and then only love will be manifested in our life.
Wednesday, 3 July, is a New Moon in Cancer and also a Total Solar Eclipse, which always tends to ramp up energies and their effect. The focus here will be on families and home life, and getting the work-home balance right, and this period will also intensify any fears and emotional issues we may have. It’s a time for nurturing ourselves and others and spending quality time with loved ones.
Most of the outer planets are retrograde for the next three months, so this is definitely a time to go inwards and work on ourselves and our thinking. It will pay plenty of dividends as the power of the New World makes itself increasingly felt.
I wish you all a wonderful winter in the southern hemisphere, and a lovely summer in the northern hemisphere. It’s been a very cold winter here in Queensland, Australia, and I can’t wait for sunnier days to arrive—but I’d better watch my thinking and create the reality that I desire!
Love, hugs, and blessings until springtime,
P.S. Many of my recent Messages from the Masters have been about letting go, with some tips for how to do so. All my past Messages since 2014 are available on my website for free, along with details of how to get a personal channelling from the Masters or an astrology reading. https://earthwithspirit.com/messages-from-masters/
Master Chiron – Passport to the New World
Chiron: Let us take a turn around this New World and let us give our readers a taste of it so that they recognise it when it comes upon them. For they might think that an earthquake is happening to them or that they have been spun into some kind of vortex, such will be the strength and power of these energies. And it is affecting not only people but the Earth herself too, so you can expect many more geophysical events to occur in the coming months and years. Things will be aligning but also resisting. And with the resistance will come graunching and pain, just as if your bones were being pressed up against a slab of concrete.
And so, the answer is to surrender and go with the flow. Accept that all human life is now changing and it will never be the same again. Everyone will be rattled, but whether you feel rattled is up to you. It is not that we Masters and gods wish to make the Earth a terrible place to live in. On the contrary, we are bringing Paradise down to Earth. But to be able to live in Paradise, you will need to be a new clean type of being, for the old human will not be welcome. Clean up your act and you will get your passport. Remain in your dirt and darkness and you will be refused a visa.
And the energies will come relentlessly down and down, sinking into the lower vibrational areas and cleansing them whether they like it or not. And many will not be able to cope with this pressure and they will go insane.
So, commit to a period of cleansing out your mind before the universe does it for you in ways that may not be to your liking. This is not punishment for anyone. This is the wheels of the universe grinding on, and if you are under that wheel you will be crushed. So, centre yourselves and get to the hub of this New World. Your passport is your loving mind. And what could be more awesome than embracing love for yourself and for all the world around you?
I am Chiron, cleaner of the cosmos, and this is our curriculum.
Master Chiron channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 26 June 2019
May 2019
Dearest Friends,
A Magical Month
Today, I pulled the Death card from my Tarot pack. I nodded in understanding, not because I felt like death or that I might die, but because I have the Sun squaring my natal Pluto today, and Pluto is the planet and god of death, rebirth, and transformation.
Tomorrow, everyone in the world will experience the Sun trine Pluto, so it will be a transformational day for us all. And on Saturday, when Mercury trines Pluto for everyone, there will be more of this to ponder, the day before the Full Moon in Scorpio (Pluto’s own sign), and also a Blue Moon.
So, folks, it looks like being a very transformational week. Just remember that Pluto and Scorpio are all about change, and that resistance = pain. You can either surrender to this new phase of your life and embrace it with curiosity, if not joy, or you can be pulled kicking and screaming by your soul onto the path it has chosen for you.
I advise surrender. Your soul knows exactly what is best for you, and knows the mission you came here to complete. If you are at all off track, this is the week you will be realigned with your proper destiny. Accept it with good grace for, after all, it is for your own benefit, and further down the track you will see the wisdom of these changes.
Pluto is also the Magician, and Scorpio is the sign of metaphysics, so you can perhaps expect an element of magical occurrences to play out too — but only if you believe in magic. Bah-humbug people will not get to appreciate the wonders of the universe and how our soul and the gods can make our life richer, more fulfilling, and joyful.
The Sun and Mercury move into the mentally-active sign of Gemini on May 21st for a month. Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods, is the ruler of Gemini and, of course, all about communicating — speaking and listening.
So, what better time to “Hear what your soul is saying” — the title of my one-day workshop on Saturday, June 1st in Noosa, QLD. Check out the details on my website www.earthwithspirit.com. You never know what your soul and the Masters wish to say to you, especially with all this transformation on the cards right now. Never a better time to get some true guidance and navigation skills.
I wish you all a wonderful time of transformation, as you let go of your old selves and old lives, and step into the magical New World of higher vibrations, love, and harmony.
With love and hugs until next month,
Master St. Germain – Blue Moon
Let us take a look at what is facing us right now. Is this world in a calm and contemplative state? No, not at all. There is hardly a calm person on the surface of this planet. All are being jiggered and messed around, and people don’t know if they are coming or going, and usually they are doing both at once.
So, can I ask that people take a few moments of down time. Set aside half an hour of your day every day to reconnect with what is good for you, what is best for you, for you ain’t gonna find it on the TV or in the shops. Don’t become separated from who you really are; you are your soul and your source. You are a spark of God. How long is it since you have seen that spark or felt it within your heart?
Are you waiting for a Blue Moon to turn things around for you? Well, you know what they say about Blue Moons, so you may want to get on your horse and make tracks down that new path of yours. For there is no better time than this, when the universe is opening her doors to you, a time when you can wander into the unknown and begin to make it known.
This world as you know it is not going to be around in its present form for much longer. It is not only you that is transforming; it is the planet too and all the environment around her. The climate is definitely changing, and in more ways than you folks could give credit to. The whole atmosphere around your Earth is undergoing a deep transmutation, so that the air that you breathe will be a different air, and I mean this more than literally. You are becoming a different species and you will need to let go of your humanness and transition into your godness. It is unavoidable, so don’t try and run away.
Open your arms to the coming days, for when you realise what is coming you will wish that it were here now and that you were already transformed. But you know how these things work, and things such as this take time. But take a step forwards every day and soon you will be over the line.
I am Master St. Germain, god-giver of the sacred flame. Light up your torches and follow me.
Master St. Germain channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 13 May 2019
April 2019
Dearest Friends,
What do you value?
Yesterday, with deep horror and sadness, the world learnt that the magnificent Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris had been engulfed by fire. 850 years old and surviving two world wars, it took only a matter of hours for much of it to be destroyed. Ironically, authorities had been battling to attract sufficient funds for the restoration of the cathedral, and yet since the fire a billion euros have been pledged already from all around the world.
People don’t realise what they value until it’s taken from them, and this is the key focus of Uranus in Taurus, which I spoke of last month. Uranus is in this position for the next seven years, so we had better heed his warning!
Mercury and Venus leave the sign of Pisces this week, so we can say goodbye to any whingeing and ‘it’s not fair’ and ‘poor me’ attitudes we might have been harbouring and get ready for a bit of warriorship as these planets move into Aries, the sign ruled by Mars. We should have much more energy, strength, fighting spirit, and ambition, but unfortunately more ego too!
Jupiter is now retrograde until 12 August so there will be less focus on the outer world and more on our inner world, especially our belief systems and travelling with our own soul rather than with external companions. Pluto also turns retrograde next week until early October, so again the focus will be on inner transformation. Saturn joins the retrograde club on 1 May and only adds to the intensity of needing to do work on our inner selves.
Therefore, it’s a brilliant time to attend my new one day workshop, “Hearing what your soul is saying”, on Saturday, 1 June 2019, at the Islander Resort in Noosaville, Queensland. Early Bird Special of $99 ends on April 30. Full details are on my website www.earthwithspirit.com .
It’s a Blue Moon and a Full Moon in Libra on Easter Friday, a great time to foster harmonious relationships. Enjoy your Easter holidays, and your loved ones and friends!
With love, hugs, and many blessings until next month,
Lady Master Sedna – Wrap up your love and send it
Yes, all is astir and troubles are brewing, and yet we gods must ensure that we do not allow the brew to boil over and make more of a mess of this planet than it already is. And so we come to soothe, to comfort, to ease and to heal, that things may calm down and people can sit once again in their rightful hearts and make decisions and choices which are for their own benefit and that of the world.
A planet with this many people is sure to lose its way in the cacophony of voices and egos that pull it this way and that. And we gods would have you listen to us, but not so many are hearing. For we know the way out of your dilemmas, and you will not get there by jumping up and down like two-year-olds screaming in a supermarket.
So, let us focus on deep breaths, on finding the love within our hearts in all of this. Let us share, let us praise, let us be reasonable and yield to common sense and divine sense. If we want what we want and cannot tolerate the points of views of others, then we shall all fall into a deep heap from which we shall never recover.
So, we will need to modify our stances, soften our attitudes, accommodate others, and enable the world to work a little more amiably together. Let us be inclusive and make sure that we do include others. Let us be generous and be sure that we are not just stockpiling for ourselves. Let us be understanding and ensure that we are not saying that it’s my way or the highway. And let us help all around us who are struggling to get up off first base.
Heaven will deposit her delights amongst you, but these will flow to those with the most open hearts. So, perhaps you don’t see money or gifts coming to you on Earth, but the presents will be on their way, sent with love and many blessings from the heavens. So, wrap up your love and send it out in parcels to all those who are involved in your life. For this is the greatest gift that you can give, and all else pales into insignificance against the power and the treasure that is love.
I am Lady Sedna, purveyor of small gifts and goods, and owner of the sweet shop of Heaven.
Lady Master Sedna channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 17 April 2019
March 2019
Dearest Friends,
Don’t Separate!
Uranus has been in Taurus for over a week now, starting his new seven-year phase there, and you may be noticing new issues coming up in your life because of this transit. Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, and although he is primarily all about leading us to higher consciousness (Aquarius is an air/mind sign), Uranus most often displays himself at first through separation. Because he is now in Taurus, which is all about love, friendship, harmony, money, values, and the performing arts such as music, dance, and singing, Uranus may start testing what we value in these areas, and if we don’t value someone or something, we may be separated from it until we can love or value it again.
On a more positive note, it’s possible that people or things we have already been separated from may come back into our lives. This happened to me last year when Uranus made a brief foray into Taurus (from mid-May to early November), and I found myself visiting my family and friends in the UK after an absence of ten years. It was a fabulous reunion. I look forward to more of this!
The universe also helped me to understand this separation issue in a very different and oblique manner, which I am sharing with you as it’s quite amusing and informative of the way in which spirit works with us.
I’ve had a beautiful, tall, wooden TV cabinet for over thirty years, but it’s become too small to house a modern-day TV. It’s in two sections, the top section inside which sits the TV and the bottom section to house the DVD player and other paraphernalia. I decided I would separate top from bottom to give myself a lower cabinet on which to perch a bigger TV, but in the process it would mean damaging a lovely, handmade piece of furniture.
The carpenter was delayed for a week (fortuitously, as it turns out!) and was meant to come and do the separation job for me this morning, but overnight Archangel Michael came to me and told me not to separate the two halves of the cabinet and that it wasn’t recommended.
“So, what?” you may be asking, and this normally wouldn’t have had too much meaning for me either, except that I knew Uranus was focusing on the issue of separation and I’d been told not to separate! I am also currently reading a complex book, ‘The Master and His Emissary” by Dr. Iain McGilchrist, a neuropsychiatrist, and this book is all about the left and right hemispheres of the brain, and how they work separately at times but how they need to work together in harmony to provide a richer and higher consciousness.
The right hemisphere, I have come to the conclusion, represents our soul/spirit consciousness, and the left hemisphere represents our human consciousness. My message from the universe in not separating the two parts of my TV cabinet was a metaphor for not separating my brain hemispheres, and making sure my human brain works in harmony and unison with my soul brain, each side contributing their specific talents to produce results on Earth with are imbued with soul.
This kind of symbolism is how our soul likes to speak with us and get its messages across. If you become aware of this, you too will be laughing at the strange circumstances that happen to you and that you find yourself in. And it helps us to feel much more in harmony with our souls, the main message that Uranus is trying to teach us right now.
Have a wonderful month of laughter, friendship, and harmony,
Until next time, love and hugs,
Ascended Master Kuthumi – Be love!
Well met, my old friend. You have been on my mind of late, and I have been on yours as you ponder about Pythagoras and those ancient philosophers of Greece. So, let us see what we can bring now into the modern day. What wisdom can we expound to help our scholars and students to overcome the verisimilitudes and vicissitudes that beset us in everyday life?
Of course, I am all for love, and you know that. And things have not changed on that score from this day to two thousand years ago, to twenty thousand years ago. We should all be for love. But love has been put into the too-hard-basket somewhat these days. It is too hard to love, and it is too hard to keep loving when things and people around us do not behave as they should to our terms.
So, we love while people and situations are behaving and stroking our egos, but as soon as people or things veer off on a different course and stand in opposition to us or at awkward angles, then we lose interest in love and we look around us again to find who or what will fit our own parameters. And so, the world becomes a smaller and smaller place where anything or anyone will fit exactly into you. And you are tossing this or that off for it does not fit, and very soon all you are left with is longing and loneliness.
And so, you will need to, during these years of Uranus in Taurus, to open up your parameters much wider and be eclectic in your mix and not so picky and choosy, but tolerate a wide range of personalities and situations for it is these things that give life its life.
When you are sticking your head down only one tunnel, you will have only one very narrow focused beam. And you might cover only one degree of what is on offer, yet there are 359 other degrees all around you that could offer you more. So, throw open the doors and windows of your heart. Welcome in all others and weathers, for you never know what joy you may find as you explore this larger universe.
I am St Francis of Assisi, aka Kuthumi, aka Pythagoras. I have explored this world well and its meanings.
Master Kuthumi channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 15 March 2019
February 2019
Dearest Friends,
New seven year phase
The planet Chiron is in Aries now until July 2026 (7+ years), and Uranus is in its final throes in Aries for the next two weeks. So, there is a big focus on Aries issues this month. We may already be feeling the changeover, as Chiron partnered with Uranus wheedles out any thorns and woundings relating to our ego, personality, sense of self, and need for control.
If we have any hubris or arrogance, or anger that the world is not as we want it, or a belief that our needs must be met over everyone else’s, then we can be sure that the gods will be onto us and helping us to make adjustments!
Aries is ruled by Mars, the god of war and action, and any unnecessary war-like aspects of ourselves will need to be examined and modified. I say ‘unnecessary’ because there are times when we are required to be warriors and to move this world forward in a good way as pioneers of innovative ideas and systems. If our mission is to be a warrior, and we are still sitting on our backsides, stuck or lethargic, then we may be feeling a boot there any time soon!
Fiery Aries energy requires us to be confident (but not arrogant), start new projects, use initiative and take appropriate action, and to be ambitious and strong. If we are resisting this energy, it may play out as headaches and migraines, facial issues, skin rashes, insect bites, inflammatory illnesses, fevers, or accidents to body or car (the car is symbolic of our bodies).
The next seven years will be a great time to bring into this physical world our teaching and healing ideas that we were inspired with while Chiron was in Pisces (the past 7 years). This new phase of Chiron’s will see us healing human consciousness in preparation for us moving into god consciousness during the Age of Aquarius (which starts properly, in my opinion, in December 2020 and continues for the next 2000+ years.)
On a different note entirely, I want to mention a fabulous night I had last weekend attending a lecture of Dr. Jordan B. Peterson at the Brisbane Convention Centre. He is a Canadian Professor of Psychology and the author of “12 Rules for Life”. He is an absolutely wonderful role model for how a god should be on Earth, and a truly gracious and authentic being who is the voice of reason in this insane world. It was remarkable to see how he has garnered such a huge following of young and intelligent people. I feel the future will be more assured now, by the way that Dr. Peterson is influencing not only our young adults but those who are interested in making this world of a higher consciousness. Check out his website and numerous podcasts and YouTube videos.
He returns to Australia at the end of February because his earlier tour this month was such a success. If you can get to see him, I recommend it. As I stood in his presence, it was akin to what it must have been like to stand in the presence of Jesus when he was preaching to the crowds too.
Have a wonderful month putting your ideas into action,
Ascended Master Chiron – Be aflame!
I am aflame with ideas and passion. And in this new phase of my journey across the heavens I will hope to inflame you too. But will this set you alight, or will it burn you out or cause a conflagration? How well will my flames be received by you? Will you take them to light yourself up, or to burn yourself down? There are some aspects of ourselves that need to be ignited, and there are some aspects of ourselves that need to be burnt to ashes like garden rubbish.
So, utilise my energies with proper intent. Do not run amok as if your pants are on fire, but rather feel the flames of inspiration licking your heart and soul. There is much to do in this earthly world. Come, take up arms, and use your legs too. Be a warrior for our cause and let us turn this world around and bathe it in glorious light.
Let go now of all the old conflicts, within you and around you. Put away your sword of steel and adopt instead a stance of steeliness that you may be strong enough to withstand the blows that emanate from this world. Strength of character is what I shall be looking for in this next phase of my journey.
So, where you are performing, I shall applaud you, and where you are withering, I shall show you what you lack. Do not take it as an affront to your sense of self nor resent me or the other Masters for our pointing out your faults. But allow us to work with you, to bring you up to the mark, so that you can become a warrior who stands with us gods.
I am Chiron, your friend and your foe, but fighting with you for a better you.
Master Chiron channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 20 February 2019
January 2019
Dearest Friends,
New Paths
I hope the New Year has begun well for you. It has certainly started with quite a bang. Two eclipses, a shift of Mars into Aries, Uranus turning Direct in Aries, and a New Moon in Capricorn, all conspired to launch many of us on new journeys and down new paths. If you’re not on track yet to your personal destiny, the universe is prodding you (or maybe even kicking you!) into place. It’s unwise to resist, as resistance always results in pain—physical and/or emotional.
We are at the pointy end of the transition into the Age of Aquarius where the Masters are preparing us to live in a new kind of world, one where love, compassion, reason, and unique ability prevail, a world of higher consciousness above that of the level of base humanness.
How high is your own consciousness right now? Worry about that more than what is going on with others. Get yourself fit for purpose and achieving the steps of your destiny or mission, and you will certainly enjoy the fruits of this new world and new 2000-year period of the Age of Aquarius. The universe works forever in cycles, and we are about to click over into a profoundly different epoch, never before described in human recorded history.
Aquarian energies are all about higher consciousness, technology, astrology, science fiction, innovation and invention, humanitarian concerns, and the future. What an amazing time to be alive to watch this magical universe unfolding her secrets for us! The Sun is in Aquarius for the next month, so be aware of these qualities playing out in the world around us now.
Enjoy these next few weeks until my next message,
With all love and hugs and blessings for a magically-unfolding year,
Ascended Master El Morya – Work with your soul
This is a blistering time for many. They are being chafed by the universe and it is causing blisters. For that’s what resistance does, one surface pressing against another; it causes blisters. So, if you are feeling somewhat chafed and a bit ragged around the edges, then know that you are putting up resistance in some quarter of your life, or perhaps all quarters. And it is time for you to go with the flow of what your soul wishes for you to do, what your soul has in store for you, and not how you would have your life play out.
Certainly, you have free will up to a point, but if you do not want to toe the line that your soul is dragging before you, then there will be not much point in you remaining on this planet and you will be tagged to go Home where you will be taught to toe the line a little better.
So, do make a conscious effort to contribute what you promised to contribute before you touched down on this Earth. Many are reneging on their contracts, and this is not a viable proposition for the gods who put great store in taking responsibility and keeping to one’s word.
So, if you are feeling a little shaken of late, perhaps this is the source of your troubles, that you are walking a wicked line away from that which you promised us you would take. You will be held to your promise. What else is the reason for your being here? It is not just for the pleasures of being human, I can assure you of that.
So, look lively and be love-ly. And when you are fitted into your correct place, all shall feel comfortable and the world will be very rosy all around you. So, don’t wail at me or the gods that life is devilishly hard. It is only hard when you are in the wrong place at the wrong time. And when you are working fully with your soul, the Earth is as like Heaven as you could hope it to be.
So, we are shaking you into place. But we would rather you move yourself smoothly there, then all shall be far less painful and confusing. When you are in place, all shall be smiles again and all shall be forgiven. So, just look at me as your dentist. I am giving you pain to give you that perfect smile.
I am Morya, more on your side than you can imagine.
Master El Morya channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 23 January 2019
December 2018
Dearest Friends,
How to be happier this Christmas
Do you spend the leadup to Christmas (if you are honest) with a little bit of a sinking feeling in your heart when you think of some of the people you will have to face and smile at and make merry with, when all the time you are feeling a sense of panic that some hair trigger inside you might be set off by an action, word, or unsettling look? Or perhaps you dread the hair triggers that might be set off within some members of your family or amongst certain friends, and you await the inevitable explosion of emotions and wish to God that Christmas didn’t come around so quickly each year?
We can’t be responsible for the hair triggers in others, but we can certainly try to ensure we don’t have any within ourselves, ready to be set off by some perhaps unsuspecting person who wanders into a forbidden part of the territory of our psyche. Most of us have hair triggers within us, but for the most part we try to manage and control our lives so we don’t set them off or allow others to do so. This takes a lot of effort, self-discipline, stress, and anxiety as we seek to avoid any kind of relationship or situation that might upset our trip wire. Inevitably, we fail at times to be in control and we lose it, and the hair trigger shoots off with all its consequences to ourselves and others. So, we pussyfoot around our hair triggers (and those of others), building our life around them in order not to set them off—a complicated and incomprehensible life of uncomfortable detours.
Because it is others, or life, that set off the hair triggers inside us, we of course blame them for doing so. But shouldn’t we ourselves do something to remove our triggers? If we had none inside us, nothing could ever trigger us off, nothing could bother us, nothing could disturb our equanimity. If we left a skateboard in the hallway and someone tripped over it and hurt themselves, who is to blame? The careless owner of the skateboard or the unlucky, accidental victim?
This Christmas, we may be hoping, even expecting, to have a happy time with loved ones and friends. We may be hoping, even expecting, to receive some lovely presents. We may be hoping, even expecting, that the external world will bring us some happiness, that people and things will make us feel joyful. But people and things may disappoint us, and our expectations may not be met, and the scenarios we had planned in our minds may not play out in the way we had envisioned, and our control of life begins to unravel and our hair triggers get to be revealed, and we find ourselves anything but happy.
Let go of all your triggers this Christmas. Let everything flow through you and out of you and don’t react in a non-loving way. Tune into a different channel of love, peace, harmony, and forgiveness. Let people and things be what they are, while you yourself remain in your own bubble of happiness. This will disarm most people and situations, and the atmosphere will quickly change.
I have read two wonderful books recently that really help with letting go: “The Untethered Soul” by Michael A.Singer, and “The 12 Rules for Life” by Jordan B.Peterson. And of course, there are always my own books, available from my website www.earthwithspirit.com or from Amazon.com. I have written extensively about letting go this year in these Messages from the Masters, and these are available to read at any time on my website.
There is a Full Moon in Cancer playing out this Christmas (exact on Dec 23), and therefore energies will be highly focused on the emotions around home and family. On Christmas Day itself, Mercury squaring Neptune could lead to confused thinking, misperceptions, and a tendency to project our own issues onto others. Past life memories may be stirred too. Use this energy rightly to feel compassion and to forgive, and connect with the more spiritual part of yourself. It could be a beautiful day for meditation and feeling more universal.
The New Year for 2019 will start off very energised with Mars entering his own action sign of Aries, and with the burgeoning energies of the New Moon in Capricorn and Partial Solar Eclipse (exact on 6 January). This will be a great time to prepare and make plans for the upcoming year. Uranus goes Direct in Aries the next day, bringing all the planets now into Direct motion for the next three months or more (an unusual situation). Nothing retrograde or going backwards or delayed during that period, so it’s a phenomenal time to take action and ground those plans into reality.
I wish you a peaceful and harmonious Christmas and New Year, and don’t forget to include our beautiful spiritual Masters in your thoughts and celebrations.
All my love, hugs, and blessings, and a big thank you for all your love and support in 2018. I hope that 2019 is magical for us all.
Ascended Master Jesus – Stand Strong
Sophia: I am seeing Jesus in front of me now. Wow! I haven’t channelled Jesus for many years. Thank you, beloved.
Jesus: Yes, it’s time I made my presence known again. We have been separated for far too long. So, let us come back together again at this time. Let us bathe in each other’s company and energy. And let us know what it feels like to be encompassed in arms of love, with another heart touching yours, and all peace laying there like petals on the ground.
This has been a year of turmoil and I can’t promise that this coming year won’t be the same, for you know that we are trying to transform this world, and these renovations come not without disturbance and inconvenience and a letting go of the old.
We are bringing in the new, which means demolishing the old. We are not going to bring the new world in and sit it on the footprints of the old world. No, we are building our foundations anew. And this is causing some cracking in the old pavements, in the old pillars.
And we are sorry that you are having to be part of this destruction and we ask you to hold your own, that you may rise from the dust of this collapsed state. And even though you may feel a little worse for wear, you will soon notice the sun shining, the clear water, and that the air has a magnificent quality about it. The survivors will look at each other and grin. And there will be joy in your hearts as you know that you have made it through the explosions and the implosion. And you can begin to walk now in another world, one where it is safe to be who you truly are.
I am glad to be the bringer of these glad tidings. You are not alone. You are never alone. And all of Heaven’s souls are settling down beside you as I speak. The glory of the gods is coming to fruition. Stand strong and you will be there to greet them.
I am Master Jesus, messenger for the gods, and one of you.
Master Jesus channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 17 December 2018
November 2018
Dearest Friends,
What price godhood?
What price would you pay to become a god? Sometimes I have thought the price too high. We can be asked to give up partners, homes, families, careers, income, friends, reputation, status, or a good and stable life. Ascended Master Dominic asked me this morning, “What have you received for the price you’ve had to pay?” It was a good question, and as I mulled over all that my journey has given me, I gained a more appreciative perspective.
Yes, we have had to go through so many sacrifices and challenges to get to the Doorway to Godhood. It can feel as if we’ve been sand-blasted or emptied out, or we have barely survived the flames of Hell itself. And it continues. This week’s massive change-fest of a powerful and transformational New Moon in Scorpio, plus the North Node of Destiny slipping into its new sign of Cancer for the next 18 months, with Uranus, the planet of sudden change squaring it full on, and Jupiter slipping into its new sign of Sagittarius for the next year, have all ushered in a brand new phase in the evolution of mankind. No one will be left untouched. We will all be walking some kind of new path by month’s end. This is the price we must pay to become a god and to integrate Heaven on Earth as the New World. Let’s pay the price with a smile on our lips.
I have just watched on TV the final episode of Leo Tolstoy’s “War and Peace”. The hero, Count Pierre Bezukhov, who only just survives the Napoleonic War against Russia, has this to say at the very end. It marries very well with what I have stated above. “They say sufferings are misfortunes, but if was asked would I stay as I was before I was taken prisoner, or go through it all again, I would say, ‘For God’s sake, let me be a prisoner again.’ When our lives are knocked off course, we imagine everything in them is lost. But it is only the start of something new and good. As long as there is life, there is happiness. There is a great deal still to come.” There is indeed, a great deal still to come when we step into the New World, a higher dimensional, higher vibrational world of love and joy.
The North Node of Destiny in Cancer will require focus from us on; homes and families; getting the work-home balance right; understanding the role of the mother, in the family and the greater world; nurturing ourselves and others; counselling with empathy and compassion; dealing with our emotions and our past. Think back to the period April 2000 to October 2001. There may be echoes of this time.
Jupiter in Sagittarius until December 2019 will have us focusing, and sifting through, our belief systems and philosophies and may bring up religious issues. It will be a fortuitous year for studying, teaching, publishing, expanding businesses and knowledge, and for overseas travel. Think back to the previous cycle of Jupiter in Sagittarius from November 2006 – December 2007 for similar or repeating themes.
Love, hugs, and blessings for your great transformation and new path ahead.
Ascended Master El Morya – Your New Path
Yes, there are changes afoot, plenty of them. And we would have you mind your feet and where you are putting them, for these new paths that you tread will be unknown to you and you will not be able to dance down them with alacrity as if you had been this way before. No, you will feel unsure and uncertain, and you’ll be easing your way forwards a little at a time. And this is a good thing, to ease yourself in gently, into your new climate and environment, into your new relationships and work tasks.
You may be wondering how you found yourself here, for it was not on your agenda. It was not something you maybe had in mind. Yet, here you find yourself, where the universe has positioned you. Make the most of it, for it will suit you at this time. Don’t go resisting and wishing you had stayed or be preferring somewhere else.
All the players have been moved on the chessboard and you are set up now for your next game. You cannot run away and leave the game in suspension. It will play out one way or another whether you are on your squares or not.
So, get used to where you find yourself and settle in. Appreciate all the good points and tolerate those that scratch. You are being moved mercilessly and mercifully onwards towards your destiny. You may not see how it can play out just yet, but trust that the cogwheels have moved you right and true.
The more you are accepting and open, the more will be revealed to you about your plan. So, come, do not wail in your corner as if you have been enlisted against your own free will. Your soul has signed you up, with or without your knowing. So, have words with your soul if things aren’t quite going your way.
Yes, it may seem as if the world is chaotic, and that the gods have lost control of the greater plan. Far from it. Things are coming together nicely and we are proud. Things are being shaken out of their holders, and we are freeing up space so better things can come into play.
So, do not look with alarm but with alacrity. The world is coming together in a new and more glorious way. Perhaps you cannot see it at this moment but one day around the corner it will be there and plain for all to see.
I am Master Morya, adventurer and agent for the New World
Master El Morya channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 9 November 2018
October 2018
Dearest Friends,
Moving to the New Earth
The lateness of this month’s Message is due to a tornado ripping through the town where I live in Queensland, Australia, causing trees to crash through my fences and garden, (narrowly missing roof, rain tank and precious fruit trees), and bringing hail the size of golf balls which totally shredded every leaf on every plant.
So, I’ve been doing a lot of cleaning up for the past two weeks, and have had to empty the gutters three times! The day after the tornado, my laptop suddenly died and I still haven’t got it back from the repairers. And a week after the tornado, my smart phone died and I had to buy a new one. I’m over it, I can tell you, and I have to admit to feeling despair for a brief while. But today the sun is shining and the garden is already bursting with new growth, and it’s had plenty of rain after four months of drought. Everything has been cleaned and pruned and I’m well on the way to getting things mended.
It’s been cathartic! And it’s all very symbolic of what is happening in the world at this time—we are all being forced to clean up and let go of the old. The move to newer technology too is symbolic of new higher consciousness with more rapid communications, extra capabilities, and greater clarity. As I get over the shock of all these sudden changes (caused by Uranus, the planet of sudden changes and technology squaring the North Node of Destiny), I’m beginning to feel the New World settling in around me, and I know it will all have been worth it.
Here is an extract from my upcoming book, “Consciousness and the Unseen Universe” where Master Chiron elaborates further on what we are currently going through.
“Your days are numbered in the lower vibrational dimension of Earth as it is today. Things are coming to an end there. All is being wiped away. It is not sustainable and is collapsing in every quarter. So, we encourage you to ride the waves into the higher dimensions. We are next to your Earth, only millimetres away, and many of you are now jumping on board as you feel us and see us. Yet, many cannot see what is staring them in the face. So, a few millimetres is not a very big step up to take, and yet it will take many years for you to make this crossing. The vibrations are vastly different, and you would be electrocuted if you stepped up without having been trained. As it is, when you get here, you are electrified instead.
So, if you have not yet started on the journey between the old Earth and the new, then you had better get going, for time is running out. As the new higher vibrations nestle closer and closer into the old Earth, living conditions at the lower end will become quite intolerable and many will go mad.
Many are hoping that the discovery of exoplanets will augur the survival of mankind. But it is not some distant star that we need to arrive at; it is the star in our own backyard. We have everything we need right here, on this planet, in this solar system, to bring our consciousness to its full potential. We go searching for something we think we might need in the future, but all we need is here, in our consciousness, in our higher levels.
We are, to all intents and purposes, evacuating the old Earth and moving ourselves to a new planet. Yet, don’t be fooled. Our feet will not be leaving terra firma, but our consciousness will cross the millimetres and cross the abyss that lies between Earth and Heaven. It is not so much a physical journey as a journey of the mind to higher vibrations.
From here, the planet will look very different indeed. People will behave as one heart. There will be a gloriousness that sits in the air. You will feel it, and it will strike you up and make you come alive. The travails and tragedies of the lower Earth will be forgotten and forgiven, and we shall move on to more lovely and sunnier days.”
Stay strong as we move through the present chaos and out of the old Earth and into the New World. Before too long we will be experiencing those more lovely and sunnier days.
I wish you a happy Taurus Full Moon, ruled by Venus and all about love, harmony, friendships, talents, and abundance. However, Uranus is at the forefront too, so definitely expect the unexpected!
Love, hugs, and blessings until next month,
September 2018
Dearest Friends,
Don’t you just love it when little ‘pings’ happen to you (the Masters’ term for coincidences and synchronicities)? This morning, I pulled the Tarot card, 6 of Pentacles. It said, “Money always comes to you with this card.” I thought, “I wish!”, and forgot all about it.
In the afternoon, while gardening, I saw a blue piece of paper stuck in a flower bed and picked it up to throw it in the bin, only to find it was a $10 note! This really made me smile. Not a fortune, but enough for a coffee with a friend. Thank you, universe! I’m hoping the beneficence carries on into tomorrow, when the Prize Home Lottery is drawn, for which I bought a few tickets!
It seems like things come our way when we least expect them, yet when we are desperately focused on an outcome, often the result is disappointing. This is because, when we feel desperate, usually we harbour not only the positive energies of holding our dream in place, but also the opposite negating energies; fear that the outcome will not eventuate, or a lack of belief that this good thing could actually come to us.
In order to manifest something we desire, we need to:
- Hold the dream and picture ourselves in that dream as if it has already manifested.
- Let go of all negating thoughts towards that dream, such as “I am not worthy to receive this,” or “I’m never lucky like that.”
- Ask our soul if this thing we desire is appropriate for us at this time.
As the energies flooding into our world continue to intensify, we will find that manifesting becomes easier and easier and more instantaneous. This is the natural way of the gods, and we humans are learning how to become like a god. Keep practising!
Love and hugs for loads of ‘pings’ in the coming month,
Lady Master Quan Yin – Taste the New World
It is a bright new day in the heavens. Are you feeling it yet? Let the sparkle come into you. Let you turn your face to the sun and feel its rays. Let go of your dourness and your sour attitudes, and ramp up your energies so that you may work with the gods.
We have not been idling for the past few decades, but we have been working hard to bring you this show. Open your eyes, the eyes of your consciousness, and you will see that remarkable things are beginning to take effect. We are making a mark on the energies of your world, and things are beginning to turn our way. Although, many of you will not have noticed this yet, for you are still turned looking at your human world instead of the world that is before you now in the higher dimension. Come, step up. It is for you to see and taste. We are not sheltering it from you, but we cannot bring it down; you must raise yourself up.
So, begin to dance and feel some merriment, for doors are opening on this side and closing on all that is old and grey. Walk away from the way it has been before and embrace your new life in the gloriousness of the higher realms. Who will want to stay in the floodings and the turmoil, when we offer you a higher seat where everything is harmony and love prevails? So, come, just set your intention to walk away from the old ways and embark upon the new. For you never know what is around the corner. Love lives there, and so could you.
I am Lady Master Quan Yin, Mother of the New World and Empress of Eden’s fields.
Lady Master Quan Yin channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 18 September 2018
August 2018
Dearest Friends,
Sudden change
Sudden unexpected changes in work arrangements, relationships, and destinies have been the order of the day in the past week, and will continue to be so for weeks to come. Saturn (work, government, status, structure, control) is trine Uranus (change, rebellion, separation, group work, technology, higher consciousness), and is the reason behind the current upheaval in Australian politics right now.
The Piscean Full Moon this weekend may bring up compassion and forgiveness but there may be some woundedness and wallowing in self-pity too. It’s a good time for reflection and connection with your Soul.
Some good news is that if you’ve felt a bit lacklustre of late and unmotivated, Mars is due to turn Direct again on Tuesday, 28 August, closely followed by Saturn turning Direct on Friday, 7 September. These are both action planets, and so plans which may have been stalled for months, can now move ahead with gusto.
I wish you many blessings as you get moving again in the coming month and cope with all the changes the universe is raining down upon us.
Love and hugs until next month,
Master Mercury – Voice of Reason
I thought I would give my tuppence worth today for there are so many clamorous voices going on and no one seems to be listening to reason. So, let me be the voice of reason today.
Everyone wants to win. Everyone wants their own needs met, usually at the expense of someone else. When are we going to think like a whole combined planet, and think about how we can all win together, not by climbing on top of one another but by standing side by side?
When are we going to think and work as one voice and have concerns from one heart? There are many who are pushing us forwards but there are just as many pulling us back. And so, we are getting nowhere.
We need to be looking at what is good for the planet, rather than what is good for ourselves, for when we get the planet right then our lives will be secured and successful too. If we think selfishly, then we might win, but several others may lose around us. Is this really a win for mankind?
So, let us think and drive forwards more as a community, utilising common sense. Let us call out those who are holding us back, those who are not interested in furthering the interests of humankind. Let us shame people into waking up out of their torpidity. There are many things we can do as a community. There are many things we can do as individuals. Check what you are doing to help this planet survive.
When we think as one joint consciousness, then we will have the strength and the resources to climb to the highest places. When we work alone, we will be left behind, forlorn, dejected, and isolated. You won’t want to be left behind while others are flying high.
I am Master Mercury, cultivator of the One Voice.
Master Mercury channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 23 August 2018
July 2018
Dearest Friends,
Crop Circle Projections
I’ve just returned from the most wonderful holiday in the UK, reuniting with family and friends whom I haven’t seen for ten years, and in some cases, longer. The love I am feeling in my heart at this time is transporting me on clouds of joy and gratitude every day, true Venus/Taurus aspects. With Uranus in Taurus for the next seven years, this planet will be helping us to learn what we value and what we don’t, and all that we don’t value might be taken away from us until we can learn to value it well.
Taurus energies are also about manifestation, and I had such fun in the UK creating my reality in magical ways. One of the things on my Bucket List was to see a crop circle while I was in England. I was going to be in the right area at the right time, and when I was travelling through the area near Avebury Circle in Wiltshire with a friend, I was scanning the wheat and barley fields for any sign of alien visitation. No luck there, but in Avebury we were in the delightful thatched Red Lion pub which stands in the centre of the ancient stone circle, and to my astonishment there was a leaflet on the wall advertising the latest crop circle which had appeared nearby. My friend and I dashed down there and found not only one but two massive crop circles, one two weeks old and about to be harvested, and one only two days old and still in pristine condition. We were cock-a-hoop, to say the least.
The Ascended Masters have told me in the past that crop circles are signatures and messages from the gods for us to decipher. They speak to us through these pictographs. If we tune into them, we can decode the message. This is just one way they are interacting with us from their higher dimension to our lower one. They are utilising the energy of light, patterning it with their minds, and projecting it onto the Earth. It is like looking at a projector screen filled with light from the projector lamp, and then a slide or film is placed into the projector providing the pattern, and then we see an image on the screen.
Our own minds are creating the slides, the patterns, that form our reality. Whatever is going on in our minds, creates the patterns that become our earthly life and experiences. So, we can never blame others or external circumstances for the way our life unfolds; it all comes down to us and to our thoughts and feelings that are patterning the slides in the projector. If you don’t like the images on the screen of your life, then you will need to change your patterns and slides.
This weekend sees a Total Lunar Eclipse at the same time as a Full Moon in Aquarius, with Venus trine the Magician Pluto, Mercury going retrograde until August 20, and the Sun conjunct the North Node of Destiny. This could be a week full of surprises and sudden events, with many designed to shoot us forward onto new and more fruitful paths. There may be big inspiration and innovation, a huge urge to let go of the past, and much reflection, with many an ah-ha moment as we come to realise something significant. But that Aquarian energy will separate us from anything that is not for our highest good, and we could feel a bit disconnected or lonely if we let our vibrations slip too low. Draw a line under the past and move on, opening your heart to brighter days ahead. Work on planning and preparation and doing internal work for the next few weeks; it’s not a great time for taking external action.
I wish you a magnificent time as you wave your magic wands and weave your new realities.
With all my love and blessings until next month,
Master Chiron – Nutcracker
Let us see what we can arrive at today for there are many messages to be delivered, so little time, and so few people to receive them. It is not that we are despairing in Heaven, but we do wish that more hearts were open, more eyes, more minds. For we are up against it in trying to transform the philosophies of most people upon this Earth. They are more aligned with their smart phones and with their televisions and bank accounts than they are with us gods in the higher regions.
And this, of course, must change. And so, many upon Earth are about to be cracked open, for while they remain closed we cannot do anything for them. What does it take to crack a nut open? It takes a nutcracker. And so, you can see where this is going. Unfortunately, we will have to remove all the hard shells around people. It is their internal kernel that we must reach, the heart of themselves.
So, if you have shed your hard casings, your shell-like natures, all will be blessed for you as you feel the sun’s rays and the bountiful energies of Heaven. If you are still cocooned within your shells, then the nutcracker is coming for you very soon.
What more can I say than this, except to urge you all to show others how magnificent it is once you have escaped your hard shell and been exposed to the cosmic rays of the universe. Light can fill you now and you become good enough to eat.
So, do not pity those who are being cracked open. Rejoice that they are coming out of their shells.
I am Master Chiron, cracker of nuts, unsheller of people, unveiler of hearts.
Master Chiron channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 26 July 2018
June 2018
Dearest Friends,
Your True Puzzle Piece
Are you tired of being worried, in fear, lacking in confidence, or having no money? It could be because you are out of shape—not being the shape of your True Puzzle Piece. Let me explain.
Last week, my Beloved Source had a surprise for me. She told me I was an odd piece and that I find it hard to fit in with this world, but, nevertheless, I do fit in exactly with this universe. Then she showed me the shape of the True Me, the shape that fits into the universe like a puzzle piece in its proper place.
I asked her, “Why don’t I feel like I fit in with the world, then?” She told me that my consciousness wasn’t conforming to my True Shape. Human thoughts and feelings had distorted the True Me and, once I deal with these, I will feel like I fit in perfectly. I set about letting go all that wasn’t the True Me, and many magical things began to happen for me.
There is a prayer on my website (www.earthwithspirit.com/ews-hope-in-my-heart) which I often say to the universe. Here are a couple of the verses.
“Come, O Will of God, guide my heart, my head, my hand.
Give me the courage to be who I really am.
Give me the power to fulfil my potential.
Let not my strengths sit idle under the tree.
Let not the mists of illusion cloud my path,
But let me shine in the fullness of the energy of my stars.”
I urge you to discover the shape of your True Puzzle Piece and get yourself aligned with it. If you need some help with this, I am offering to channel the shape of your True Puzzle Piece, to sketch it for you, and explain what I am seeing and feeling. I will send the photo of the sketch and description via email, so this is available to you no matter where you live in the world. Send in your request via my website (www.earthwithspirit.com/ews-readings/) and select the 30 minute channelling. Cost is AUD75.00 (PayPal or credit card)
This focus on being who we really are is coming from Chiron who is now travelling through Aries (for the next 7-8 years). Master Mars carries on this theme in his message to us below. Mars is the ruler of the sign of Aries, so they are obviously working closely together now.
Within the next month, three planets (Neptune, Mars, and Chiron) will all be going retrograde, and in the first week of July, six planets in total will be retrograde. This augurs a time of going within and doing work on our inner selves and taking time out for inner reflection. Launching new initiatives may be put on hold during July and August while we plan and prepare ourselves for a new future. However, on July 13, Jupiter comes out of retrograde in Scorpio where he has been focusing on letting go our inner darkness, and this will be a time to step into our true power, share our talents and resources, and be a magician.
So, have the courage to be who you really are and let yourself shine in the fullness of your stars. It’s what you came here for.
Have a wonderful month ahead, discovering the True You,
Love, hugs, and blessings,
Master Mars – Reach for your star
Greetings from a higher domain. I am locked into your wavelength at present for it is time to turn out some warriors amongst you. And I do not mean that I am looking for a legion of fighting men, but I am looking for a team of people who will fight for what we Masters stand for here in the heavens. We will have no shrinking violets on our team, no cowards, no Johnny-come-latelys, no narcissists, but only those who are team players who can give me their all.
What is it that people have to give? It is their pure, unadulterated talent. But much of this is still in the box which many people have not yet opened. Or perhaps they have just taken a peek inside and just a whiff of their talent has escaped out? So, I want those on my team who are prepared to throw their box wide open and let all their toys spill out. For one’s talents are like your toys; they are here to bring you joy. So, do not keep them stuffed away, unused or under-utilised.
It is time to bang your drum, time to make a noise about who you are. You may have been told to shut up for most of your life, to suppress that which gnaws away at you inside, that wishes to see the light of day. And so, you may have become used to suppressing yourself and limiting your goals.
I am here today to tell you to shoot for the Moon, and from there you can catapult yourself out amongst the stars. It is not in the lower echelons of Earth that stars are made, that stars shine brightly from above. You must hurl your consciousness into the stratosphere and let yourself be imbued with starriness. This then will open all the portals to your locked-up potential. It will open the floodgates, and star qualities will begin to bubble up within your life.
Some of you may not wish to be a star, to be notable or famous, but every one of you is meant to be a star of your own world. You have come here with talent for something. It would be wasteful to go home with any of it unused. When you are in the flow of your star energy you will feel comforted, successful, and fulfilled. You will be at ease at last in this world, for then you will fit into the space allocated for you.
Talent is not given to you. Talent rises up from who you are already. Come find that star within you and then you will be ready to join the Masters’ team.
I am Mars, warrior god of action, and seeker of star potential.
Master Mars channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 16 June 2018
May 2018
Dearest Friends,
Love Stars
You have probably been feeling that the past month has been a doozy! All that Scorpio/Pluto energy has served to transform and cleanse and clean us out. All the old baggage, emotional and physical, has to go. We are now learning about our true selves and true power.
True power doesn’t come from we do and have forced ourselves to do through sheer human willpower, but true power comes from allowing the gods and angels to work through us, using our physical forms as agents for divine will and divine magic. We need to say to ourselves, “Power comes not from me but through me. I am God’s fingertips.”
Scorpio energy must first destroy before it can rebuild, so there will be many who are pondering upon death, but it is the death of the old consciousness that is required, not death of the physical body. Once we let go of the old, defeating thoughts and ways, then rebirth can take place and we can step into our true power and glory.
This week will see yet more change, with Uranus stepping into his new sign of Taurus where he’ll reside for the next seven years. This augurs a new phase for the world where our consciousness will be focused on valuing the planet, relationships, possessions, and the arts. The economy is set for a big shake-up since Uranus comes like a lightning bolt out of the blue and Taurus highlights money and finances.
All that has not been valued will be taken away until love can bring it back again. Taurus is ruled by Venus and Sedna, so love is going to feature prominently for many years to come, finding ways to infiltrate love into everything we are and all we do, as individuals, as communities, as countries, and as a planet of over seven billion humans who need to find a way to live together in peace and harmony (Taurus traits).
The New Moon is also in Taurus this week (Tuesday, 15 May), supporting Uranus’ new thrust, and on Wednesday, Mars will enter Aquarius, Uranus’ own sign, and will aspect Uranus himself, causing explosions and/or inspiration to be triggered in our consciousness.
Yep, it’s going to be quite a week, and that’s not even counting the Royal Wedding. I’m sure Harry and Megan must have consulted an astrologer to choose this time of New Love energies falling like stars from Heaven.
May you catch these stars in the month to come.
Love, hugs, and blessings,
Master Chiron – Time for Harmony
Yes, it’s time people heard my voice again. So, let us deal with the issues at hand. And this week it’s all to do with remarkable changes. We will do an about face from dealing with the masculine energies of Aries to focusing upon the feminine energies of Taurus.
Everyone has both a masculine and a feminine side, so all will be involved and all will be helped to evolve, bringing their feminine sides up to a higher level, appreciating all that the feminine energies bring to this world, but at the same time not denigrating the masculine energies that we have worked hard to evolve in the past seven years.
Taurus energy speaks of harmony. It is now time to bring wholeness to everyone and everything on this planet where both the masculine and feminine energies are valued as equal and bringing in complementary assets.
So, come away from the extreme edges now. Move towards your centre and settle down. Work from the centre of yourself, which is your heart. This is what Uranus will teach us during the next phase of this planetary evolution.
Many have not known how to live in harmony within themselves. This is the focus we shall be working on, and when harmony reigns within yourself then harmony shall reign throughout the world external too.
Try not to resist what is being done to you, what is being done for you. For any disharmony within you now shall be stirred up by the winds of Uranus, until you can let that disharmony go, let it fade into the cosmos, and choose only energies that delight your heart.
It is time, folks, to meld the masculine and feminine energies and for us to know our wholeness.
I am Chiron, healer for this planet, healer of your hearts.
Master Chiron channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 14 May 2018
April 2018
Dearest Friends,
New Beginnings
If there was ever a week for new beginnings and new opportunities, it is this one. Not only is it a New Moon in Aries today (New Moons are always about new phases starting, and Aries is about new start ups and taking initiative), but the planet Chiron enters Aries on Wednesday after 7-8 years in Pisces, meaning there will be a new focus on healing Aries challenges which will endure for another 7-8 years.
These challenges include dealing with overly-masculine and selfish egos, dubious risk-taking, anger and impatience, pretence, and narcissism. The commensurate problems manifesting in the human body will show up as headaches, head and facial issues (ears, nose, eyes, mouth, teeth), skin eruptions and rashes, and insect bites.
This is the reason we have the superpowers of the world currently having an ego stand-off and rattling sabres at each other, leading us to the brink of World War Three.
Positive Aries energy wants us to be courageous and brave, take action and initiative, be independent, claim our own identity, and generally be optimistic and use our life force in a fulfilling way. It is warrior energy but we need a new way of being warriors in this day and age.
With all this masculine and earth-bound Aries energy around, it will probably be more difficult to find a connection with the divine world, but not impossible. It will just require some time, effort, and intention rather than feeling the intuition flowing freely through our consciousness as it has been while Chiron was in Pisces. In truth, this is the moment where the energies and lessons of the Masters, gods, and angels, find application on Earth. All we have learnt about spirituality from the teaching/healing planet of Chiron in the past 7-8 years must now be applied to our physical planet and physical bodies. A new phase, indeed, of our evolution!
The Sun conjuncting Uranus in Aries on Thursday, 19 April, will augur a change of consciousness and give us inspiration on how to take different action. Mars conjuncting Pluto in Capricorn on Thursday, 26 April will be a power battle, a keystone marker of things to come, on the world stage and also for ourselves, highlighting the consequences if we do not transform.
The messages I have been receiving from the Masters lately, are that we are about to enter a time of chaos (no surprise there!), and it will be important for us spiritual folk to hold the light and love like never before, within our own hearts and for the entire world. Many will be falling into dark holes and we cannot let ourselves fall in after them. We must stay in the life boat, not dive (or fall) into the dark waters to save people.
This is the time now for us to step into our Masterful shoes and put into practice all we have learnt on our spiritual paths.
May the gods be with you and with the whole world in the month ahead.
With all my love and hugs,
Master Djwhal Khul – Door to the New World
Thank you, Sophia, for being here and conveying our messages. It will be an interesting one this month, one like we have never given before, so sit up straight and pay attention. You will not want to miss this one.
Once upon a time, on the banks of the River Nile, a baby was born and his name was Moses. Moses went on to live a rich and colourful life. He led a whole dynasty to The Promised Land.
Well, we Masters come like Moses to you now, to lead you to The Promised Land, the land that we have promised you for eons, the land of richness and riches, of harmony and health, of love and luxury. You have, for the most part, not believed in this land, for you see your own world becoming more and more dire and you cannot imagine a way out of it and into something more pleasant.
I can assure you this place exists. But to get there you will have to go through the portal, through the nexus, between your world and the one that I inhabit. Some of you have made the journey, some of you are beating at the door. Some of you have no notion of any door, and that’s a shame. For the door will close before too long, and those who are on my side shall enjoy what has been promised them. And those who have not yet found the door, they are doomed to live a life of broken promises, the promises of Man.
So, elect to come find this door and get yourself and loved ones through it, for your world shall not be a pleasant place to live unless you have been elevated into the higher dimension. The two worlds exist side by side, and both can see each other, just as humans can see fish in water and the fish can see the humans in the air.
Choose which environment you wish to be in; the lower world or the higher world, for your choices shall be limited before too long. We shall leave the lower world to play out its scenes. And if you don’t wish for a part in that play, then come and join us high above. We welcome lighter hearts.
You are asking how you may find the door and walk through it? All that is required is that you wish to get here with all your heart. Then you will find yourself directed to paths that will lead you here. Do not come here out of fear, but out of love. Fear will stay in the old world, and love is your ticket to the new world.
So, wake up to your new path now, or you may be rudely awoken in the days to come.
I am Master Djwhal Khul, saviour for those wanting to find the new world.
Master Djwhal Khul channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 16 April 2018
March 2018
Dearest Friends,
I’m sorry this has come to you so late in the month, but it’s been a whirlwind of activity for me this month and I’ve had no time to write a piece for you. So, I will let Master Hilarion have the floor all to himself this month and just wish you all a very happy Easter holiday with it’s Full Moon in Libra on Saturday night and with Venus entering the sign of Taurus. It’s going to be all about relationships and harmony this weekend.
I send all my blessings to you for a wonderful month ahead.
Love and hugs,
Master Hilarion – Love Yourself
I think we shall speak about jewels today, gemstones and diadems, treasure and preciousness. And we might think that this is the ultimate in prizes upon this Earth, if we were to secure a diamond or two, a magnificent gemstone on our finger or at our throat. For we value these pieces of glass and we put high prices on them and we make them signify the love we have for one another.
But there is something much more precious than this that we should go searching for as treasure above all else. And this is the love for our self. This might surprise you, as you think that we should put love for others above our self, but I say love must start with ourselves. It must be at the core of our being and radiate out from there.
If we do not love ourselves and we think disgusting thoughts about ourselves and we deem ourselves not good enough, not worthy enough, unsuitable enough, then we are digging a hole for ourselves and we will fall in and only see darkness from there.
So, come to love the gifts that God has given us. Come to love every skerrick of yourself, every cell, every trailing thought, every talent and emotion, every memory, every desire and ideal. You are a work-in-progress, that is for sure. So, when is it that you will get to the cut-off line and deem yourself good enough and deem yourself ideal? We must love how we are going at the moment, knowing there is more improvement to come, but appreciating what has gone before.
In this moment you can decide to carry on with your old ways or you can turn to a new path, one that will set yourself alight. For to be filled with light and love is the ultimate ecstasy for yourself, and therefore for everyone around you, too, who will share in your ebullience and effulgence.
We love the sun, for it is a star that gives out brilliance. It uplifts us and creates sunniness inside us. So, let us be like the sun ourselves and come into our stardom. And let us have no more beating up of ourselves, just an opening of our heart to fill the world with our sunshiny days.
You bring no gift to the world if you keep yourself in shadow. You bring no joy to the world if you shut yourself away, fearing to face the world just as you are. Each of you was born as a spark of God. Just show that spark and the world will be a lighter and brighter place.
This world can be a cruel place. Do not add to it by being cruel to yourselves.
Master Hilarion channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 29 March 2018
February 2018
Dearest Friends,
Aquarian energies
Can’t sleep? Feeling weird? Lots of dreams? You are experiencing the Uranian energies of today’s New Moon in Aquarius, with the Sun, Moon, and Mercury all being in Aquarius too. Uranus is the ruling planet of the sign of Aquarius. It is an electrical planet, sending out sudden, charged wavelengths of energy that stir us up and change everything in our lives that isn’t responding to our divine life plan. Add in a solar eclipse too and that’s a recipe for momentous events affecting us right now and in the weeks to come.
Uranus has been in the sign of Aries for the past 7-8 years and is making preparations currently to move into the sign of Taurus on May 16 where he will sit until 2026. Just prior to this, the planet Chiron will move out of Pisces where it’s also been for 7-8 years and into the sign of Aries. So, huge changes are building up for us all, for when a planet changes signs there is always some almighty announcement by the Heavens heralding the new energies and new focus for us.
Uranus wants us to raise our level of consciousness and work for the benefit of all humanity. Whilst in Aries, he has been focusing on getting us to release our egos and self-centred natures. Soon he will be focusing on love, including loving oneself, friendships, valuing what needs to be valued, talents, beauty, harmony, earthly pleasures and sex.
Chiron, whilst in Pisces, has been healing our sense of victimhood and powerlessness, and teaching us about spirituality and connection with the divine realms. For six months from April to September this year, when he transits Aries, he will focus on bringing Heaven down to Earth and applying spirituality to this physical realm. Maladies that may erupt during this time will focus on the head and skin, and any residual ego still within us will trigger anger and risky behaviour.
So, at present we are being moved into the right position for us so we can better carry out our divine plan. Any resistance will equal pain. We are also being urged to release all ego, fear, and weakness so that we can work as spiritual warriors, utilising the new energies of Chiron in Aries. April and May may have us in a spin, but if we can ride the waves we’ll be taken on the current to new shores which better serve us.
Happy surfing and all my love and blessings for the month ahead.
El Morya – An uplifted life
So, what is this New Moon bringing in for everyone? It brings change, that’s for sure. For these old stale ways of ours must be gone, must be let go, and a new refreshing uplifted life must be put in its place so that we can move forwards with alacrity, with more joy in our hearts, more enthusiasm in our hands and our feet, and all dancing to a different drum, a new beat, an upbeat.
For have we not been in the doldrums somewhat in the past few years? For life is becoming quite hard for some, and a struggle, and it is not meant to be this way but to be a life of flow, of flourishing, of flowers and music and dance.
How many of you can say that your lives are like this? So, let us unmould you from your straightjackets. And let you feel limpid and flexible, feeling the air around your bodies and the freshness within your minds. It may mean up-tipping some stalwarts of civilisation but, hey-ho, these compromises are acceptable, for we are flushing out the old to make space for the new whirlwind that is coming our way.
So be brazen in your hopes, be courageous in your confidence, be tantalising in your trust. For this is the edge of a new realm and dynasty, and those who are higher will experience it first, just as those at the top of a mountain are the first to see the dawning of the sun at daybreak.
So think not that your lives will be bitter and bereft for this is not the idea or the intention of the gods. We seek to make this planet less divisive and more divine, and these energies are slowly curling their way into your hearts, into your soil. Let us look forwards with more than just hope. Let us know that we are at the entrance now of a new world that will define us as we move humans into godhood, and slowly but surely we will leave this old race behind.
We are seeing inklings of it in every quarter now, the goodness of people, the starriness in their eyes. Yes, there are still blaggards and black hearts but these are dissolving even as we speak. And in the decades to come, there will be less of these that will cross our paths and our loving hearts. So let us be on the positive now for it is a good cycle from hereon. We are moving at speed into the new world. Allow yourself to be pushed or pulled, or just take the leap and you will be there.
Know that everything will have to change, so allow this to happen and you will never look back or regret that you have walked forwards into Heaven.
I am Master Morya, a mind behind these manoeuvres.
El Morya channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 16 February 2018
January 2018
Dearest Friends,
The Saturn Push
Yesterday I went on an adventure day with a friend, and we ended up in a maze which was in the shape of a star. We laughed so much at the symbolism and lessons that were provided to us as we proceeded to journey through the maze.
Firstly, we couldn’t even find the entrance to the maze, although the sign had been right in front of us as we left the ticket office. This represented that we found it difficult to get started on things because we didn’t look around us for the appropriate signs. We’d seen people going through a gate and had automatically followed them, and it was the wrong way.
Secondly, once we were inside the maze, we had stumbled around like blind women, completely lost and confused, until finally, by total trial and error and after an extortionate amount of time, we came upon the centre of the maze which had a raised platform where you could look over the entire star-shaped labyrinth. It felt good to be at the centre of a star!
Now we decided to employ some science for our return journey to find the exit from the maze – some spirit science, our soul guidance. Every time we came to a junction, we stopped and properly tuned into our souls and asked for direction. 99% of the time we both got the same answer and headed off. Sometimes we were guided down a dead end path, but invariably we found a clue there for the quiz we were completing at the same time, so the journey wasn’t wasted. And we arrived at the exit in a tenth of the time it had taken us to get the centre of the maze, and it had been very easy.
So, the moral of my little story is that we shouldn’t forget to employ our spirit GPS guidance system, not ever! GPS stands for Guidance for the Path from our Soul! Before we make any major decision for the direction for our life, always tune in to our spirit self and get advice. It makes life so much easier and enjoyable, and we’ll end up exactly where we want to be.
Today is a New Moon in Capricorn, the sign ruled by Saturn, and there are numerous other planets in Capricorn too at present, including Saturn himself, all adding to the energies that influence us to take things much more seriously and act more responsibly (or they can trigger off any anti-authoritarian inclinations and desire to act irresponsibly). For most people, the energies will be a great boost to business and career, imparting the desire to work hard, be a success story, earn more money, and build proper sturdy foundations to their lives. Be careful to balance any workaholic tendencies with a restful home life.
All this Capricorn/Saturn energy can feel pressurising. We may want to prove our worth yet find ourselves not yet good enough (even if we are!). This energy can be a hard taskmaster, so steady yourself and call upon your strength and resilience. Saturn is like an ambitious father and only wants the best from you, so he pushes you hard. Once these Capricorn energies dissipate somewhat (although Saturn and Pluto will be here all year!), you will feel a much stronger person and more in control of your world and more able to cope with whatever comes your way. Be grateful!
Today, the goddess Ceres, Earth mother of the harvest and nurturing, is conjunct the North Node of Destiny in Leo for everyone. This usually indicates that it’s time to give birth to something, or to plant something new. It’s not just about birthing children but also creating new ideas or exciting projects, long term things that will provide sustenance for you or the world in the future.
I hope you are having a great start to this new year. Many changes are in the offing, and undoubtedly you are already feeling the tug. Saturn and Capricorn are ‘preparation’ and ‘building’ energies, so this will be the focus all year.
I wish you much love and many blessings as you start out on new ventures. Don’t forget your spirit GPS so that at all times you follow the right direction.
Until next month,
El Morya – Move to your new world
Resistance is futile. We Masters have said this many times before, that as soon as you resist you will feel pain. So, come, let go of this resistance and allow yourself to go with the flow. Allow yourself to be taken along on the current which is moving you along to climes more sublime, to where you will fit in better, to where you will feel you belong.
So make use of these extraordinary energies that are around us in present times, for they are conveying you to a better world, they are conveying you to the right road. So do not swim against the current. Do not hold onto the fence posts and door lintels as if these could save your life. Let yourself be carried off, even if this means saying goodbye to your old world, for a better world for you lies just around the corner. And you may already be landing there as we speak.
Those who resist until the bitter end will feel rather bitter, and pain will wrack their body and their mental state won’t be that hot either. So accept and surrender. Embrace these energies and coming days. Intend to be determined to do the right thing by yourself and your soul. Intend to do what needs to be done, to uplift yourself and raise yourself onto better foundations.
Those that have been wobbly will not withstand the coming storm. “Be prepared for the storm season” is one of the mottos on your television screens right now. I say the same! But the storm won’t just be in your gardens. The storm will rage throughout this world and no one will be untouched and all will be transformed.
So get yourself to the place where you will need to be, within your hearts, within your minds, as well as in your bodies. For those with the strongest hearts shall survive anything and those with the weakest hearts shall be swept away.
Serious words from me this month, I know, but get yourself on your right road then you won’t be a refugee from your fate.
I am Master Morya, Governor of the new world. I hope to see you there.
El Morya channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 17 January 2018
December 2017
Dearest Friends,
Making Magic
Mowing the lawn this week and watching the ominous dark rain clouds approaching, I was reminded of something St.Germain said to me recently, that we need to control the energies around us otherwise we are letting them control us. So I commanded the dark clouds to stay away until I’d finished the lawn, and they never came near my garden for the rest of the day. Magic is as easy as that!
How often do we just let the world happen around us, and to us, and merely accept what is occurring? It doesn’t have to be that way. With focused intention we can change our reality, just by dreaming what we want to have happen. Of course, the universe needs to also take account of all the other focused intentions coming from others and so you may not always get your wish, and maybe not immediately, but there’s nothing to lose from trying. Magic and miracles start with dreaming.
Distance is no obstacle to magic, and so you can lie in bed or sit in your armchair and send waves of love, peace, and harmony to the whole world without even lifting a finger. You only need to lift your vibrations, and your energies and thoughts will go out there into the universe, across this world, across this galaxy, and across dimensions too. There is no end of good you can send to the world this Christmas.
In my recent Metaphysical Magic workshop, I informed my students that they can send out a gift to the world every day, by just imagining something they would like every person to receive. It can be something beautiful like love, peace, and harmony; something practical like a comb with which to straighten things out; something useful like a bridge to make connections to people, to Spirit, to new places, to new dimensions; or something quite abstract like a wake-up call to higher consciousness. Your gifts are limited only by your imagination, and imagine all the gifts you may receive in return!
This Christmas and New Year, I send you all the gift of strong foundations for the beginning of this three-year period of Saturn in Capricorn (starts on Dec 20 but its energies are already exerting themselves). This is now the time for all planning phases and exploration and study to come to fruition in a construction phase – time to apply and build on what has come before. Make the most of these three years – Saturn in Capricorn won’t happen again for another 28 years. It’s a great time for business and organisations which comply with the universe’s plan, and for working really hard at your success story. Anything not complying with the universe’s plan is sure to take a tumble during this period – companies, governments, economies, structures, anything not built from foundations of love.
May you and your families have a wonderful Christmas and here’s hoping for great magic-making in 2018!
Love, hug, and blessings,
The Group Consciousness of Ascended Masters – The tide has turned
We are coming together as one phalanx, as one unit, as one mind, and one heart. For that is what we really are. Yes, we have individual personalities but our focus is one, our outlook is one, and we all pull together to get this thing done.
What is this thing we speak of? It is the transformation of this lovely planet. We have been through dark times of late and in the past number of centuries. We are now entering a new era, an era where divinity holds sway. Not the divinity of religions but the divinity of yourselves, the part of you that is god-like.
Many of you are blossoming into your god-beingness, and it is a joy to see by everyone up here in the higher dimensions. We are seeing the Earth taking on a new flavour now, a new aura, and it cannot be taken back. It cannot be diminished. And it will go on growing now, developing into a new type of consciousness that will pervade every mind in this world. We have turned the corner. Yes, we have turned the corner.
And to all those brave souls who have helped us, we heap our accolades upon you. This shall be a time of sublime happiness for you, even as those who are still dealing with their darkness are suffering around you. It shall be hard to feel so contented when others do not know your vibrations. So help your fellow man and raise them up, for it is only when they know their own glory shall they share in the glory of this world.
This is a turning point in our history. Let you realise it, for it will only be in the coming years that it will begin to make sense. Stand strong and firm in your godliness and do not let others tear down what you have built that serves to make you strong. There will be the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’ and, as always, the ‘have-nots’ will cause consternation in trying to get something that they have not worked for. But know the tide has turned for many of you now. The universe shall bring in waves of glory, even as it takes out the rubbish with the waning tide.
So congratulate yourselves in this festive season. Many of you have done splendid jobs to arrive at where you are. There shall be new doors opening in the New Year. Steel yourselves to walk through one of them, for adventures lie beyond them as we open up this universe for those who will come and see.
We are invested in your futures. Come join our phalanx and let us spread to new horizons. We are the gods of the divine world. Embrace your divinity and come join us.
Ascended Masters channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 13 December 2017
November 2017
Dearest Friends,
Time to move on
You may have been feeling the Scorpionic energies of late, pulling and pushing us to transform ourselves and our lives and let go all that no longer serves our destiny.
This week we have masses more Scorpio and Pluto (ruler of Scorpio) energy, with a New Moon in Scorpio on Saturday, 18 November, and Sun, Venus, and Jupiter all currently transiting the sign of Scorpio. Mars, the planet of taking action, is squaring Pluto on November 19, along with Mercury trining the North Node of Destiny. Venus is aspecting Pluto on November 21st, when Mars is also aspecting the North Node of Destiny. So, the week ahead is going to be pretty full on!
Scorpio and Pluto also represent metaphysics, so the timing of my new workshop, Metaphysical Magic couldn’t be more apt. This is a time of great change and wonderful challenge and opportunity for us all. It’s also a time for amazing magic to happen! If you’re still wondering how to bring this magic into your life, come and join me at my 5 day workshop in Noosa, Queensland. Starts in less than two weeks, on Monday, 27 November. It will totally transform your life. More details at www.earthwithspirit.com.
I have chosen a very appropriate channelling this month from my upcoming book, History of the gods, channelled from Master Thoth. I think you will enjoy it.
With love, hugs, and blessings, for a very creative month doing scissor work,
Master Thoth – Scissors: tool of the gods
My subject today is scissors. Yes, scissors! How can this relate to gods, you ask? Well, let me tell you that gods are good with scissors. They know how to cut. They know how to cut away and trim. They know how to cut out all that is irrelevant so that the important stands proud.
And this is a skill that the gods are teaching to humans, to cut away the unnecessary, the flack, the unimportant, the stuff that takes away from the central theme. They will teach how to focus on your mission and how to cut away all that does not support this, all the fluff, all the fine print, all the bureaucracy and paperwork.
The gods have learnt to let go of all that does not support them to be who they really are. And this is a skill that they are transferring now to humans. Letting go of ancillary stuff is imperative. Helping you to complete who you are is imperative. You did not come here to copy others but to fulfil your own potential, to fulfil the starlight that is within you. A Ford car does not pretend to be a Ferrari. And you have been birthed with a certain design and it is to this design that you need to be true and show yourself as this to the world. So do not be something you are not. Do not try to be something that you cannot be. But by all means work on your inner urges which give you hints of who you are. You know yourself, in truth, and your spirit self certainly knows who you are. But often you do not want to acknowledge this, for you would rather that you were a different design and had a different mission. This will not work for you so it is better to accept and embrace the design of you. Then you will begin to feel comfortable. Then you will begin to feel as if you belong, as if you are working out in this world, as if you are succeeding.
So if you feel like a failure, or are feeling unfulfilled, perhaps it is because you are not committing to your own design, you are not embracing your true path. So do work at what you are really good at, and trim away the fantasies that will leave you wanting and leave you at a loss. Focus on your strengths. Focus on your true desires not the urges of your ego and your fears. Get out those scissors and cut away those fears, for then you will be able to see clearly and be able to make multiple jumps without any limitations, without any ties. If you have no fears you will step boldly forward. Nothing will stop you on your way to your truth.
So scissors are a major part of your toolkit and will need to be used daily. But use them appropriately, not to cut away others or to stab them, but use them judiciously to sever parts of yourself that no longer serve you.
Every idea you’ve ever had forms a little root within you. And sometimes those ideas have reached their use-by-date and those roots need to be cut away, for they can root you to places and people and things that no longer support your on-going journey. It can be a hard decision to make, to cut away roots, but it feels very freeing and your soul can become boundless, released to make new and more innovative choices for your future. Uprooting yourself is never easy, but the benefits will become clear once you have settled down again in a more suitable place which nurtures your new vibrations.
The art of scissor work, of course, is to know what to cut away and what to leave intact, and for this you may need the guidance of higher minds. Your spirit self is one, but the gods and angels are available to you, too, so do consult them. They can see well where your next cut needs to be.
And be careful not to cut yourself with your scissors for they are sharp and can do some harm. Always cut with loving intent. Do not cut in anger or frustration. Cut like a surgeon, with precision, with skill, with your intended focus well in mind, and see the result that you wish to get. And keep your scissors sharp, for a blunt tool will benefit no one and just causes bruising and pain. The sharpness of your scissors is your decisiveness, your commitment, so do not be half-hearted or you will go awry; you will merely bend things out of shape instead of cutting through cleanly.
Clean your scissors after each use so that you may have clean cuts in the future and not contaminate with the past. And keep your scissors safely in a sheath for you would not wish them to hurt anyone inadvertently as you go throughout your day.
So look at the scissors around your home. Do you need a pair of scissors, and do the ones that you have sport sharp edges? Are they broken or blunt or need a good service? Look in your toolbox, for a pair of sharp scissors is a necessity for a god and all those who would approach the godhood.
Master Thoth channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 1 April 2016
October 2017
Dearest Friends,
Be Divergent!
If you haven’t been going through major transformation already in the past few weeks, this is the week you will probably be catapulted into a new dimension of living. Pluto, the planet of transformation, power, and magic, and the ruler of Scorpio, turned direct on September 29, giving us the full thrust of his boot into making changes that profoundly affect the way we move into our future.
Well, hold onto your hats, because this week powerful and magnificent Jupiter moves into Scorpio to lend a hand to Pluto’s transmutational antics, and Jupiter will be here for the next 12 months, so get used to major letting go and moving on and stepping into your power and the magic of this universe.
Last night, I was guided to watch again the movie, “Divergent”. The plot bears some resemblance to what we are all going through right now, being called to choose the faction, or pathway, where we feel we most belong and can do our best work. The heroine chooses, against her natural inclination to stay with the gentle folk of her tribe of birth and upbringing, the powerful and fearless faction of “Dauntless”. She starts off weak and intimidated, in danger of being cast out for not cutting it, but she finds her strength and determination and sense of purpose and, most importantly, her authentic self, and is instrumental in overthrowing tyranny and becoming a voice for a better world.
All of us are being challenged to become “Dauntless”, and the training can be pretty brutal at times in order to find our power and our voice. But we must realise that we also need to become “Divergent”, a voice for every faction; intelligent, wise, helpful, compassionate, honest, of service, selfless, strong, and fearless. This is wholeness and true harmony. Our souls are leading us into this future and new way of being. Surrender and get your lower human consciousness out of the way. Your soul wishes to come and shine brightly and brilliantly through you as you walk on Earth.
Today, Saturn, the planet who says it is now time for something to happen, is playing with Destiny itself (The North Node), and is laying the groundwork for us to move through the Gateway of Transformation. It’s a day to think hard about your mission and purpose in this lifetime. Mars and Saturn will get together on Wednesday and trigger us further. If we don’t make the move of our own volition, the universe will move the ground beneath our feet for us. Nothing and no one will be left unmoved!
I cannot emphasise enough how this is a time of great change and wonderful challenge and opportunity for us all. It’s also a time for amazing magic to happen! If you’re still wondering how to bring this magic into your life, come and join me at my 5 day workshop Metaphysical Magic, in Noosa, Queensland. It will totally transform your life, I guarantee.
Come along to the Islander Resort in Noosa, right in the heart of world-famous beaches and restaurants and a National Park, for a fabulous tropical holiday while you learn and partake in amazing and fun life-changing processes. Have yourself a pre-Christmas retreat from the world and set yourself up for the new 3-Year Phase of Saturn in Capricorn which starts on Dec 20. Only $995 for the workshop, (or Early Bird Special of $888) with self-catering villas available from just $55 per person per night. More details at www.earthwithspirit.com.
Have a fabulous month rising as phoenixes from the ashes of your old lives!
With love, hugs, and blessings,
Lady Master Ceres – Heaven on Earth
I come to you with much wisdom. So please hear my plea. It would be impertinent of you and silly not to listen to me, for the Earth is a crucible in my hands and I can make designs of it to my liking and I can wrench from it what I desire to mould. So work with me, earthlings, that we may design a better world, that we may get the soil to flourish, that we may get our consciousness to nourish our seeds.
Many have not planted, up to now, and they see bare plains before them, for they have not utilised tillage and effort and fortitude to grow what is needed to sustain them. Others have sown upon infertile ground; you must prepare your soil if you are to get results forthcoming. And some of you have crops withering on the vine for you have not maintained your impetus in caring for your little seeds of bountifulness.
I say to you, you need to plant at the right time, maintain full vigilance over your crop, feed it with the right ingredients, and then your cornucopia will be filled with the fruits of your labour and your love.
So let us have some changes now about what it is you bring into this world. Or do you merely take and contribute nothing? Those who provide will be catered for in future eras. If you have let your soil lie dormant then there shall be nothing but deserts of dust, stretching before you in your future. Galvanise yourself to contribute your talents so that you may feed yourself when times are thin.
I will work with those who are managers of this Earth, and I will care little for those who blight this planet. My energies are boundless and bountiful. Work with me, dear people of Earth, that we can turn this globe into a garden from which we can all copiously eat and drink our fill.
I am a lady for Eden. Let you bring Heaven into your territory now.
Lady Master Ceres channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 09 Oct 2017
September 2017
Dearest Friends,
The Return
The Masters promised us last month that it would be a watershed time in our history and it certainly has been! Irma was the largest hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic Ocean; Mexico had its biggest earthquake in a century; North Korea was testing missiles as if they were fireworks; and all manner of other unprecedented events were happening around the planet and solar system, including the Cassini spacecraft crashing into Saturn after a journey of two decades to get there.
For many of us, we were not directly affected by global disasters, but for many others a very different watershed event was taking place—their consciousness was moving fully into the New Dimension. What do I mean by this? Our consciousness is like a ribbon, with the top end firmly fixed in our Source in the Higher Dimensions. The bottom end of our consciousness, our ribbon, passed through the Doorway between Heaven and Earth when we were born as a human and became anchored into this planet. It is the spiritual journey for all of us to raise our consciousness high enough to pass back through that Doorway and make our home again in Heaven—even while we are still walking around with a human body.
In the past few weeks, with universal energies supporting us, many people have finally managed to fulfil this wonderful quest. It’s not been an overnight job but an odyssey of many years (and many lifetimes) to up anchors and detach from old human consciousness and move into the realm of our spirit consciousness.
The delicious ecstasy of moving on Earth with the full consciousness of our spirit selves is absolutely rewarding. However, I would be remiss if I didn’t inform you that once you make it all the way Home, you must then turn around and begin the return journey. Every road, every twist and turn, event and relationship you have ever experienced since you left your Source way back when, must be revisited and harmonised as you now make your return to Source. This next odyssey make take another million years—it is the continuing adventure in our evolution.
But let us stay with the present and deal with The Return as it faces us right now. The ecstasy of becoming one with our spirit selves will undoubtedly begin to fade as we wade back into the reality and issues of living as humans on Earth. We will need to remember all we have learnt on the previous journey and utilise our tools, skills, spirit powers, and universal love. This is the time where we repay the gods for helping us to achieve our new status, where we look to see how we can act and help others who are still struggling to reach the Doorway.
With Saturn about to enter a new 3-Year Phase in Capricorn (his own fiefdom) from December 20, the focus will be on hard work, career, strength, resilience, responsibility, success and governance. We are now preparing for this 3-year regime. Uranus will also be moving signs next year after seven years in Aries, so we are preparing for a new 7-Year Phase of Uranus in Taurus as well. Are you ready to face all these massive changes next year?
With this in mind, the Masters have asked me to present a 5-day workshop, Metaphysical Magic, which will help to set people up as Masters and Magicians to bring success to everything they tackle for themselves and for the world. More details are on my website www.earthwithspirit.com. Come and have a tropical holiday in Noosa in Queensland and learn the secrets of Mastery at the same time. It runs from 27 Nov – 1 Dec.
Watch out for Thursday, 28 Sept when Jupiter opposes Uranus. Sudden sparks are likely to fly as the world is given opportunities to free itself from past restrictions.
Five planets in Virgo this week, along with a Virgo New Moon, will see us focusing on cleansing, health, and dealing with details. Come along to my Spring Equinox workshop on Saturday, 23 Sept, in Gympie, QLD, for a head to heart spring clean and rebalancing that will have you greeting Jupiter and Uranus with open arms! More details on my website www.earthwithspirit.com.
All my love, hugs, and blessings for a healing month ahead.
Master St.Germain – Dreaming Your Role
Oh spirit, this is a blessed day! Let our minds wander to the past and the future, let us embrace this whole universe and all its time spans. And let us remember that this universe is one whole sphere. There is no top nor bottom, west nor east. We are directionless in space and also in time. This means we can go off in any direction from where we are now. And we can uncobble and unravel things that have gone before and we can put in place stepping stones for those things that we wish to have happen in our future.
Right now, in this moment, is one of those stepping stones. And if you really take the time and trouble to imagine what it is that you want a few years down the track, then you will be setting yourself up on this trajectory. And in a few years time you will find yourself there, where you had dreamed. And it all will start from now.
So get yourselves into a space where you map out the details for your upcoming life. Don’t gloss over anything for then the universe will substitute something you may not like. Fill out your order form and neglect not one iota, then the universe can begin to fit you out to enjoy this role that you have requisitioned for yourself.
This is how great lives are made, seeing yourself in the part, walking your talk, and all the details coming to pass that you have envisaged. If you do not dream these roles for yourself then you are allowing anything that comes along to pave your way. So why not step up and become a captain at your helm, and then you can stop complaining that life is not as you desire it.
Many of you are now learning how to manifest like gods. If you do not begin to use your magic wands soon you will find life taking you down all the wrong paths as you are caught up in the flow of other people’s magic. So make the magic happen for yourself. There is plenty of it abroad. Utilise it and make yourself smile.
I am St.Germain, Master Manifestor of Magic.
Master St.Germain channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 18 Sept 2017
August 2017
Dearest Friends,
True Forgiveness
We’ve just had a Full Moon in Aquarius and a partial Lunar Eclipse and I found that things kept spilling and leaking, great symbolism for the lunar emotional energies. The Aquarian energies also had me watching TV programs about aliens, consciousness and the mind, future technologies, and relationship separations. I often wonder if program selectors are aware of the astrology influences when they make their decisions because they are so aligned!
But now the countdown begins to the ‘biggie’, the Total Solar Eclipse on Tuesday, 22 August at the second Leo New Moon within a month. (What were you up to at the first New Moon in Leo on Sunday, 23 July—the themes may be repeated?)
Also on this day, the two trigger planets, Mars and Saturn, are aspecting each other, all contributing to this being a time of great momentum and significance, a turning point, if not a trigger point. Also, the day before, the Sun is playing with Uranus, stirring up rebellion and revolution and auguring change. It’s not necessarily a situation to fear or feel dismayed about. It has the potential for amazing creativity, leadership, love, and strength as well. You will experience whatever is going down (or up) according to your vibrational level, so if you wish to feel the ecstasy rather than any calamity, then get your heart and consciousness into a good place, filled with loving thoughts.
One of the best ways to raise your vibrations is to forgive—yourself, your loved ones, your friends, your enemies, the world situation, your own situation. We might think we have forgiven but we might be mistaking tolerance for forgiveness. When we merely tolerate someone, we may find our heart shutting out that person to achieve a neutral effect where the person no longer affects us emotionally. We can tolerate being in their presence but we don’t open our heart to them and warmly accept them there and allow them another chance. We might still feel defensive and protective of ourselves where we will not allow the person to repeat the offence against us.
True forgiveness asks that you open your heart and allow the other person in and love them unconditionally, letting your heart be vulnerable and open to be hurt once again. This may seem like utter stupidity but true forgiveness is loving and holding someone in your heart without rancour or judgement. If you are still wanting to protect yourself then you are still judging that person as capable of hurting you again. You will not be giving them a clean slate and a chance to start afresh. You will be projecting your fear of repeat behaviour onto them, and this projection then causes them to act out the part that you have given them. It is a nightmarish circle that needs to be broken—who will break it, if not you?
True forgiveness does not say, “I will love you (again) only if you stop doing the thing you have done to me.” True forgiveness says, “I will love you despite all you have done to hurt me.”
This kind of love will raise you to the top of the mountain really quickly, raising your vibrations so that you become unaffected by all the mayhem and chaos going on in the valleys below. And you may need this kind of love at the end of this challenging month!
Significant astrology days for the coming month:
12 Aug – love and romance figure highly. (How lovely for my birthday!)
14 Aug – good day to get things done, take control, be strong. Mercury goes retrograde for the next 3 weeks, so expect delays and do some inner thinking and preparation.
17 Aug – destiny calls! The Sun is shining on your true path.
21 Aug – unexpected surprise or change. Inspiration, revolution, separation, technology.
22 Aug – New Moon in Leo, Total Solar Eclipse, action, triggers, control, creativity.
26-27 Aug – Saturn goes direct. After months of planning/preparation, it’s now time to apply action. Take steps to further your mission/destiny. The energies will support you.
2 Sep – changes and surprises are likely. Be spontaneous.
5 Sep – could feel confused or dreamy.
6 Sep – Mercury direct again. Delays are over. Put plans into action.
9 Sep – good weekend for transformation, pruning, and letting go
14 Sep – time to get organised and structured and take control.
Wishing you all my love and blessings to get through what may prove to be a watershed time in our history.
Many hugs,
Master Hilarion – The Energies
Let us speak about the energies of these times for they are spiking up and down and many are feeling these spikes in their auras and their personas. We might feel we are being attacked but it is merely the universe trying to set things right, trying to redress the balance, and if you are causing any imbalance then you will be upset until such time as you come in line again.
So anything in your life that is out of balance will need to be shifted. And if things have been precariously balanced in your life up until now, then you might find things falling, tumbling, for things that have been holding on tenuously will now need to be let go or their support structures strengthened.
It is like an earthquake is coming to rattle everything that is loose, that is not where it should be, that has been built upon sand instead of stone. Nothing is unaffected by an earthquake except that which has been strongly built, which is properly balanced, and which is destined to remain for durations to come.
Do not think you can hoodwink the universe, that it has not seen your sleight of hand. Anything not built upon the foundations of this universe will be rocked and the outcome could be severe. So let you get your house in order. Clean and embellish it with love. But that will not save it if it has not been built with love from the ground up. So you might be surprised what takes a tumble and what still stands after the universe has had her way.
Be grateful for these energies that are sweeping clean, for in the tomorrow we shall have finer things to work with. Quality shall be restored. The old world shall not survive but glorious energies shall flood in and we shall build diamond cities and citadels where love will shine.
Be with us as the Earth turns about. Hold on to your centres and work from your hearts. Have we not been waiting for these days where the Veil is pierced and all goodness shines on through? Avail yourselves of the new light, for light is the manifestor with which we shall rebuild.
Our star is out there. Let it be inside you too.
I am Master Hilarion, construction manager for our new world.
Master Hilarion channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 9 August 2017
July 2017
Dearest Friends,
Prepping Yourself
Do you feel it, the ramping up of energies as if we are approaching some climatic event? Of course, there are rising tensions across the globe, especially with North Korea’s provocative behaviour, the overcoming of ISIS strongholds, and cyber attacks daily. The Masters are telling me that the world is indeed heading towards a watershed period this year. Are you ready for what may eventuate?
It’s not for us to be Doomsday Preppers in the sense of stockpiling resources and provisions, but the best preparation is to be travelling at a high vibration and then you will float above any disasters or crises and be immune to them and protected from their outfall. High vibrations come from a love-filled heart, positive and hopeful thoughts, and a focus on a future where all is harmony, balance, equality, and peace.
So, with this in mind, I offer you another letting go technique today, as last month’s seemed to resonate with many people. Letting go of all past thinking and emotions is at the core of prepping our hearts for the new dimension that is entering our space even now. (See further below for the technique.)
An interesting couple of months is coming up astrology-wise. We are also being ramped up for the Total Solar Eclipse which occurs on Tuesday, August 22, at the same time as a second New Moon in Leo within one month. Also on that day Mars is trine Saturn and, as these are both ‘trigger’ planets, we can expect something momentous to happen in the world around this time. All the outer planets plus Mercury will be retrograde too which will give us all pause for thought.
This Total Solar Eclipse is linked to the one of 11 August 1999, being an 18 year cycle when the North Node of destiny was previously in the sign of Leo. Think back to what was happening for you around that time as similar themes could play out again. For me, I changed my career after nearly thirty years in IT, and my car was written off! Don’t underestimate the power of a Total Solar Eclipse!
A partial Lunar Eclipse (visible pre-dawn in Australia) on Tuesday, 8 August, at the time of the Full Moon in Aquarius, will be setting us up for later in the month. The first Leo New Moon on Sunday, 23 July may give us a taste of what may occur at the second Leo New Moon on 22 August. Leo= ego, leadership, fire, love. New Moon = new beginnings.
Interesting days to be hyper aware will be:
Jul: 18-19, 21, 27, 30 and Aug: 4-5, 17, 21
Another Letting Go Technique – Inner Children (a very Leo attribute!)
If you are feeling ill-at-ease or out-of-sorts then something is not on track for you and needs to be resolved and let go.
So, ask in meditation to see your Inner Children (parts of your consciousness that symbolise your thoughts and emotions), the Inner Children that represent your present ill ease or anxiety. You may see one child or many, or they may even appear to you as animals or other symbolic forms important to you. At times, I have seen hundreds of my Children thronging a road that wended over the horizon!
You will need to speak to your Inner Children like the parent that you truly are to them. Firstly ask what is their issue and listen carefully as they explain or show you. With compassion, love, and gentleness, yet also firmness, acknowledge their issue and try to come up with a wise method of resolving it.
Sometimes the Children are only reacting in the way they have been taught (or the ways they have subconsciously absorbed while growing up), and all they may need is a fresh perspective and a new direction from you. Sometimes you may have to negotiate a deal, e.g. they might think you are driving them too hard and they need a holiday or at least a break! Whatever the situation, you, as the parent and higher self, must remain loving and tolerant, patient and inclusive.
If the situation is such that you realise these Inner Children are sabotaging your life, the remedy cannot be to kill them off in any way or to dump them unceremoniously. These are parts of your consciousness and must be honoured for all they have been for you and all they have taught you.
Ask them if they would like to experience inner peace and joy forever more and, if they accept, gently bring them into your heart with love and gratitude, and they will dissolve there. If they are still resistant, then it will take a period of time to negotiate with them and soften their stance, until eventually one day they will want to return Home and forsake all conflict.
This is an especially good technique for long-held or stubborn issues and it really changes all dynamics for ever after.
Love, hugs, blessings, and courage as we prepare for a very special time ahead,
P.S. Many people are benefitting from personal astrology sessions which describe what is coming up in your own life in the next few months and years. Only AUD$75 for a half hour session (personal visit to me in Gympie, QLD, or via Skype, or recorded onto CD and posted anywhere in the world). Book through this website under Astrology Services.
Lady Master Pallas Athena – The Doors are Open!
Good morning, and I hope it is a good morning for you, for diamonds are out in force today. So let us see how we can commiserate with the rest of the world who may not be feeling so bright and brilliant. Let us see how we may cheer them up for I have good tidings from abroad, from the heavenly realms.
The doors are open and we invite you through, yet we will check your qualifications as you enter and those who do not meet our standards will be disbarred. We are sorry to turn you away, more sorry than you can imagine, for it is our purpose to get you all here and if you walk away then we have failed our mission.
The truth is, many of you are coming this way right now. There is quite a party going on in Heaven, I can tell you! We are running at a fifty percent success rate, so we are cheered by this but saddened for all the rest.
So, come, sweet folks of Earth, give it your last push. Let us birth this new Earth, and for that we need your attendance, and for that we need you to be love. What is still hanging within you that reeks of not-love and worry or woe? Let go of your attachments to these thoughts and you will soon feel your anchors lifting and you will be carried aloft and through our doors.
Work on these aspects and it will save your life, for the energies bearing down on you now will be more than you can cope with if you are standing in the dark. Every little trigger inside you will be set off and you might explode. So swish away those triggers right now. Have nothing that can stir you and make you react.
There are thousands of years of bad thought forms to transform so don’t sit on your laurels and imagine that you are done. Any little discomfort in your thinking or your feelings is a sure sign that something is wrong. Delve down into this matter and resolve it quick smart.
You do not want to be Cinderella, not going to the Ball, and no one will come running after you to magic you there and grant your every wish. All must arrive here under their own steam. There are no pumpkin carriages, no glass slippers, just you. So stop waiting for the magic and make magic of your own. And love is the magic ingredient that will see you heading for Home.
I am Lady Pallas Athena, mistress of magic and godmother to you all.
Lady Master Pallas Athena channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 12 July 2017
June 2017
Dearest Friends,
Letting Go
Last month I wrote about change, change, change affecting us and this situation will not be changing anytime soon, not with Saturn and Uranus partnering each other until the end of the year.
But it’s difficult to change if we are holding onto stuff that prevents that change. It could be insecurity, doubt, emotional pain and memories, physical pain and limitations, resistance and aversion to change, or a belief in lack of any sort (money, resources, support, hope).
As soon as Mars entered the sign of Cancer this week, I could sense some resistance building up within me involving my destiny. Insecurities and doubts started to emerge, whereas the week before I’d felt strong and on fire and on purpose. We do have to wonder at times where these gremlins have been hiding but that’s the job of the planets to winkle out these snakes and scorpions when it’s their turn in the limelight. So, Mars, Mercury, and the Sun will all be doing this in the weeks ahead, winkling out our fears and insecurities as they travel through the sign of Cancer. Expect a big spotlight also on home and family until mid July.
This week three planets have crossed over into new signs (Mars, Mercury, and Venus) and this may make us feel a little unsettled as we are given a new focus. Venus in her own sign of Taurus until early July will have us being more indulgent, and beautifying ourselves and our surroundings, seeking out friends, and pursuing creative arts. Resources, money, and self-confidence will also be Venus’ target. Whatever the price tag you put on yourself, which is your self-worth, this is the amount you will attract to yourself.
The Full Moon today (Friday 9 June) in Sagittarius highlights our philosophy and beliefs, wisdom, teaching and learning, cultures and religions, growth and expansion, and travel. Therefore, some of our beliefs could be tagged for dumping during this period. With all this letting go and dumping required of us, I have included below a letting go technique you might like to use that is very effective.
Lady Master Eris has told me that our mind, our consciousness, can be viewed as being like an orange containing many segments. Each segment holds a different belief or attitude or memory. We can click out these segments (like changing a printer cartridge) and throw them away.
So, in meditation, visualise yourself going into your “orange-like” consciousness and seeing all the segments there. They may have labels on them or you can ask to be shown the ones that contain the issue you want to be rid of. Click out these segments and throw them into the Black Hole at the centre of our galaxy (the recycling bin!).
Then visualise the improved situation you would like to take the place of the old segment and click that into place instead.
Do this for each issue that you encounter and you’ll be amazed at how quickly your mind will be transformed.
Yesterday, after writing the above technique, I decided to do it for myself on the issue I had with resisting my destiny. Masters El Morya and Antigonus joined me with supermarket shopping trolleys and filled 18 of them for me and shoved them into the Black Hole. Today my destiny changed momentously—but that’s a story for another time…
All my love and blessings and hugs for a very special month ahead,
Master St.Germain – Grace and Sunshine
My presence here today is because it is a truly remarkable day. We are lifting the lid on many secrets today, opening the bank vaults of Heaven and spilling the beans, as it were. So there will be many things come to light today, many old mysteries solved, new perspectives on old conundrums, fresh updates on things that had gone stale.
This is what happens when you clean and cleanse and let go; there is space for marvellous new data to come in. So let us glorify in this glorious new knowledge that we shall be enveloped in. Let us make the most of it and grow it to its full potential. Each person shall receive their own gleanings in their own way. And the whole of humanity shall take a bound forwards which is what we like to see up here, of course.
So it is good tidings that I bring you today and I hope that you enjoy the tidings that have come your way. And as you clear out more space, more inklings and twinklings can come in. This is what the change is all about, getting rid of the old and embracing the new.
And so if you have been holding off from opening up the veil and letting the light come in, then I do urge you to play the game now, for you cannot imagine what is there waiting for you up top. You think that you will lose stuff but in fact there is all to gain. But the cleansing process must precede the endowment process. Once space has been made and allocated, so the gifts of this new world can begin.
So hurry up there and sweep away those segments. There is so much here on offer that you will grin from ear to ear. So even while the world is jettisoning its junk there is still much to smile about, for the Brand New Day is on its way.
I am Master St. Germain, bringer of good tidings and sunshine and grace.
Master St.Germain channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 9 June 2017
May 2017
Dearest Friends,
Change, change, change!
You may have been feeling all the change in the air in these past few weeks. The planet Uranus is one of the culprits. He causes sudden unexpected change in order to bring about a new consciousness in our lives. He comes like a lightning bolt and is very electrical in nature and has a big effect on anything electrical too. His brand of energy often has us resisting at first and feeling quite rebellious until we surrender to what is good for us.
Uranus has been playing with Mercury, god of the mind and communications, and it’s no coincidence that the world has just experienced its biggest hacking event when these two planets have been huddled together! Perhaps your own communications have gone haywire lately too?
Uranus is also in league with Saturn at present, and will be for the rest of the year, with an exact alignment due this Friday along with an alignment to the North Node of Destiny (a Grand Fire Trine), so we can expect some fireworks to happen! Saturn is the timekeeper in astrology and so when he is in the mix, it is time for something eventful to happen.
What is this event? It is the change that is needed to place you wherever you need to be as the Old World rolls over into the New World. Everyone is being shifted into place now. No one is immune from this. Master El Morya told me yesterday that even Heaven has had a tidal wave go through there this week and all plans had changed! It seems even Heaven is having a corporate reshuffle! No use complaining and resisting. Go with the flow is my advice and find yourself in a much better position down the track. Master Kuthumi advises us below to keep our hearts open too.
Many of us are getting new souls as our current soul merges into us and our new higher soul descends closer to us to take up their new position to become our new guidance system and navigator. It can take a while to adjust to a soul merger so go easy on yourself as you get your bearings and take the time to connect with and to get to know your new higher soul (who is a higher part of your consciousness now taking over the reins). Stay in alignment with your Soul as this is what will guide you through all the chaos and turmoil in the next months. If you are feeling not so harmonious then you know you are not in alignment with your soul. When you are feeling harmonious, then you will know you are on the right path.
Jupiter, which has been retrograde since early February and has prevented much in the way of external growth, goes Direct again on June 10 and it will be as if the gates are now opened to a flood of opportunities. Relationships with others will be back on the agenda big time.
As Jupiter comes back online, Neptune will go retrograde in its stead and it will be time for much spiritual inner reflection until the end of the year, with a need for much forgiveness and compassion, and a letting go of the past and of any addictive behaviours.
Enjoy these quirky weeks ahead,
Until next month, love, hugs, and blessings,
Master Kuthumi – Open Your Hearts
Let us present the facts to the world. What is happening in these grey mists which is causing them to part, to separate, and allowing the new light to come through? The energies of the new dimension are bounding through your atmosphere. And you are either absorbing them or they are bouncing off you, for it will depend on how open is your heart as to whether you receive these energies or push them away.
So my advice to you, of course, is to open your hearts wide for you will want these new energies inside you, for they are harmonious, they are loving, they are natural, they are strength-building. All that you desire for yourself is contained in these droplets from Heaven and you do yourself no favours to deny them passage and let them dwell and grow inside you.
You might think of them as alien spore but I think of them more as manna from Heaven. And they bring great benefits to you, which you will not have begun to yet realise, but in the months ahead, as these seeds take hold, you will begin to feel them growing inside you and all that is nutritious to you will come from within and not from without. These seeds will sustain you, and those who have closed their hearts to them may be wanting for food and go hungry.
People might call this panspermia, where seeds from another part of the universe colonise a new place. And this is definitely what is happening here. Nuggets of golden and diamond energies are making their way across the universe from our dimension to yours. And those who welcome this seeding will survive, and those who turn their backs on it, well, hard times are ahead indeed.
So let us have some awareness about you now for you know that all is changing. You know that we have come to the end of the old days and the old ways and that we are opening now on a new chapter in our history. It will be those who are regaled by the past who will not make it onto these new pages. So if you wish to be part of the future, open to this new light and come join our merry band. Time is of the essence, so look smart, look sharp, and look to where your sustenance is coming from for coming days.
Be noble in your spirit. Be noble in your families. Be noble in your neighbourhoods. Nobility will carry you through while those who seek only for themselves will find themselves crushed.
Open the windows of your heart, right now, for there is not a moment to lose!
I am Master Kuthumi, feeder of the world and my food is love.
Master Kuthumi channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 17 May 2017
April 2017
Dearest Friends,
Saturn’s 3 Year Plan
Jupiter and Pluto’s cyclonic partnership last week certainly made its presence felt in my part of the world in Queensland, Australia, and many towns are still mopping up after the huge winds, rains, and floods. Let us send everyone our love and support even if we can’t physically help them.
Today, it’s the turn of authority-figure, Saturn, to make his influence felt. Saturn rules the sign of Capricorn and is very focused on business and career, structures, organisations and governments, taking responsibility and working hard. Yet because Saturn has turned retrograde today, his thrust is more on planning and preparation rather than taking action. This phase lasts until August 26 (nearly 5 months) and sets us up for the next mighty 3-year era of Saturn in Capricorn during 2018-2020.
From September this year until Christmas we can begin putting our plans into action and then Saturn will be pushing us to take flight from the 2018 New Year onwards. Saturn is the time-keeper in astrology, and when he hits a certain point it’s time for that event to occur. He will be in his element for the next 3 years, in his own sign of Capricorn, and this only happens once every 28 years. Think back to what themes were playing out for you 28/29 years ago and these may raise their head again. Saturn wants you to succeed, to get to the top of your personal mountain, and he’ll be pushing and prodding you all the way. Governments will also be in line for reorganisation and restructure, so expect some big moves there.
Not only Saturn is in retrograde (seemingly backwards) motion. From Monday, 10 April, Mercury will also go retrograde until 3 May. So this three week period is definitely a time to go inwards and ponder on life, a time to draw up a 3-Year Plan in detail and work out where you want to be when Saturn moves into Aquarius in December 2020 (and briefly between March 2020 and June 2020 to give us a taster). With Saturn being the time-keeper in our solar system, the December Solstice 2020 is the official start of the new Age of Aquarius, an era of bringing us all into Higher Consciousness.
Happy Full Moon in Libra on 11 April, all about balance and harmony in relationships, and a Happy Easter to you all. May love and peace bless you at this time.
Until next month, many hugs,
Master Djwhal Khul – The Meringue on Top
Let us speak about meringues today, those lovely crunchy, toasty toppings to desserts and pies. Who doesn’t like a good meringue? But on its own it’s not very much; it is the topping to something else, something more substantial.
And this is a bit like life, isn’t it? We yearn for the lovely topping stuff that elevates us into sheer happiness and bliss, yet unless there is something more substantial underneath, it leaves us feeling unfulfilled, a brief taste of Paradise that dissolves too quickly on our tongue. So in truth we need to get this filling right for that is the basis which will show off our lovely meringue. And so we need to get the structure of our life in order, get it to the tastiest level that we can. Work on that filling mixture so it is just right to support our meringue heaven on top. The meringue is the showy part but the filling has the taste.
So be sure to give much thought and effort to whatever fills your life. Don’t let it be just some bland substance but titivate it and add some spice. Dress it up or make it fruity. Give it a tang, make it flavoursome as you can. For then you will want to dine out on your life. You won’t stop wanting to take a piece of its pie and you’ll feel so happy and nourished and strong.
Look at the ingredients that you pour into life. Are they the best ones? Are they ones you even like? What is the point of having a table spread with life if there’s nothing of your choosing, nothing that takes your fancy? So bake up some goodies and build yourself a banquet then life will be thrilling and you’ll always come back for more.
It’s too easy to have a bare table, for life requires effort and a desire to create and nurture and build a better day. So shake off any idleness and grab yourself some eggs, and whip up for yourself some delightfulness and life will be so sweet.
I am Master Djwhal Khul, baker and maker of meringue.
Master Djwhal Khul channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 7 April 2017
March 2017
Dearest Friends,
You might be asking, “What is going on with the world? What is going on with me?” due to all the terrorism, anger, and darkness that seems to be permeating the planet, and maybe ourselves too.
Four planets in Aries at present (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Uranus) with a New Moon in Aries due on Tuesday, 28 March, is causing a lot of anger, frustration, selfishness, blame, and ambition to rise to the surface. Uranus is agitating the blood, pushing for humanity to change its ways and its path, and will see us separating from all that no longer serves us, personally and as a planet, and the Aries energy will see us being pulled towards new beginnings and new paths.
Jupiter, who has been opposing Uranus for quite a while, and will continue to do so for much of this year, is exacerbating the situation and calling for total balance, equality, and harmony in all things—in relationships, in justice, in racism and religion, in international affairs, in education.
We are at the pointy end of the change to humanity, and the changes will start with ourselves. If we’ve been square pegs in round holes, we will be plucked from them and set down where we better belong. There’s a lot of wailing going on as this happens, but we will look back in hindsight and sigh with relief that it’s done and see we’re definitely in a more promising position.
So, hold onto your hats, go with the flow, stop holding onto posts as the winds of change blow through your life, pulling up your anchors. Resistance is not only futile, it is painful. And why wouldn’t you want to get to the place that is your destiny, the life you truly desire and deserve?
I wish you all a comfortable and enjoyable journey.
Until next month, love and hugs and blessings,
Master Thoth – Your Cave of Darkness (excerpt from Sophia and Thoth’s upcoming book “History of the gods, Book 3”)
Let us delve into another unusual story today, as if we were going into a cave, into the back of a dark and long cavern. In truth, the darkness scares many of us, and has done since childhood. There is nothing really to be afraid of in the darkness and yet children and adults alike would prefer not to be alone in the dark. What they imagine to be there beggars belief; everything from monsters and ghosts to aliens and nasties.
The mind plays many tricks on us, especially in the dark. As soon as we switch the light on, or daylight breaks, there is a feeling of relief and yet nothing much has changed. So we are more comfortable in the light and we shirk away from the shadows.
The dark forces us to look at who we are, for our focus cannot be on the outside for we cannot see anything there. So the spotlight has now turned to our inside and often we don’t like what we come to find there. As we have learnt, the outer world is created by us as our reality. It is a reflection, an outward manifestation of our thoughts. So in the darkness we come face to face with those creative thoughts and we may see that they are not so pure and kind. They may be corrupted or distorted. They may be less than love. And from this base, as a horror creator, we are giving birth to its manifestations in our world.
So if you want a safer world then you’ll need some safer thoughts. The thinking behind your creations will need to change. You may argue with me that you don’t create these things, but every nasty thing in your outer world has its source in a nasty thought inside you. So in the cave you will face those nasty thoughts. You will decide how to manage them, to keep them or let them go. Some people like to play with monsters and beasts, but most of us would like to clear them out. So examine your thinking and be honest with who you are. For the universe knows you; you cannot fool us in any way. So grapple with every thought that is not love for it will harm you and erode you and take you down spiteful paths.
If you wonder why your visions do not come, it is because you are being averted by dark thoughts. When all is clean and harmony you’ll be on the road to your dreams coming true. So applaud the fact there are days of darkness for these are the days when you can clear your mind. You’ll feel the push from within as your dark thoughts begin to surface, so give them some time to wipe them from your slate. Everyone does housekeeping within their homes. No one would live there for years without a clean. Yet some of your minds have not been touched in decades. So it is time to haul it out and adjudge the clutter, time to save only that which is love and useful and represents who you are. Swill away the dirt there. Be uncompromising in coming clean. You have no idea what you will find there so get digging and throwing away.
The sense of space and clarity when you have finished will be your reward but that’s not all. For now new vibrations can settle in there; new wavelengths, new places, new faces, new love and new work. All will be open for improvement. There is nothing more invigorating than a spring clean and renovation. Your whole life will change and your outlook too. Toss away the barriers to your destiny. Open yourself up to the road that lies ahead.
The cave will always be within you. But instead of monsters and ghouls it will now sparkle with delight; gemstones and crystals, minerals and joy. Your cave of fascination, a birthplace for your mind. Let your creations be inspired instead of dampened by your fear. Let your cave be a place of delightful retreat instead of somewhere you fear to tread, not knowing what you will meet.
The darkness is a place of beauty. Watch how the stars hang out there. Your cavern is for your soul to dwell in, a blanket of love while it escapes from the world. Your soul cave is important; get cleaning and a palace make. And when the darkness comes you’ll have somewhere nice to sit in, a place called home, a place filled with love. Do not be afraid of the darkness. Overcome it and make it a place you find peace.
Master Thoth channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 24 March 2017 (for “History of the gods, Book 3)
Feb 2017
Dearest Friends,
15 Years of Masters’ Messages!
Today’s Message From the Masters marks the 15th anniversary of sending out these free messages every month. Some of you reading this will have been with me and the Ascended Masters from the very beginning, and I applaud you for that and hope you have enjoyed every minute!
To commemorate the occasion, I have included one of the channellings from that first ever message (it came as a printed booklet back then). Entitled ‘Self-Love’ by Master Kuthumi, it is very apt for tomorrow’s Full Moon in Leo (Saturday, 11 Feb), accompanied by a Lunar Eclipse. Leo is all about love, romance, laughter, children, leadership, and creativity. But the eclipse will have us focusing more on our inner self than on others, hence the need for self-love. The Full Moon’s light reflects back to us whatever it is we need to see within ourselves or our lives. If we want love in our lives then we first need to be the source of it inside ourselves. The Sun trine Jupiter at this time will cause any issues to become even bigger. We won’t be able to miss them!
The Solar Eclipse at the New Moon in Pisces on 27 February will help take us out of ourselves again and may highlight new spiritual paths to follow, or the end of addictions and confusion.
On Valentine’s Day, Juno, the goddess of marriage, is dancing with the North Node of Destiny and this could be a good time for marriage proposals or business partnerships. However, with Jupiter in retrograde mode (backwards) now until 10 June, this may not be the best time to over-extend yourself in the outer world. It’s a better time to work on your limiting beliefs until June and then you’ll be able to take the world by storm.
16 February – good day to birth something new.
18 February –Sun enters Pisces, highlighting more spiritual and compassionate energies.
22 February – good day for furthering destiny and letting go of any obstacles that block the path to your dreams.
27/28 February – expect the unexpected, and perhaps big ideas and new paths will unfold.
3 March – big day for surprises, perhaps technology issues, or revolutions.
5 March – Venus goes retrograde until 15 April. Work on self-love. Inwards focus for 6 weeks.
11 March – good day for healing or teaching.
Don’t forget that from Valentine’s Day onwards, I will be present at The Quartz Hub in Gympie, QLD, every Tuesday for astrology readings and channellings, and in March I am presenting ‘Astrology for Beginners’ workshops. All details are on my website www.earthwithspirit.com.
With so much love for you all, and hoping you will feel it in your hearts, until next month,
This was what I wrote in the very first edition of Messages From the Masters (previously called Ascended Masters Today) on 14 February, 2002. The five different messages were all about love.
“It’s fitting that the first Ascended Masters Today has been published on 14th February, traditionally St. Valentine’s Day, a day dedicated to love. It wasn’t purposely planned that way; just the Ascended Masters playing another of their cosmic jokes! For, according to the Masters, love is the basis of everything.
The Masters themselves requested that this newsletter come into being, to be used as a voice for their guidance to us, helping us with practical assistance for the right way of thinking and acting in today’s world.”
Master Kuthumi – SELF-LOVE
The love for oneself is like the fruit of one’s own tree. It is the blossoming of potential, of the seed within that God has planted. And the fruit is to be eaten, not left on the tree to rot or to lie fallen on the ground. Eating of the fruit provides nourishment and joy and refreshment, just as when the juice from the mango trickles down your chin, you cannot help but smile.
Your self-worth and your value to God are the same, equal, one not less than the other. If you take from the one scale it does not diminish the quantity in the other scale but only serves to unbalance the scales. See that you commit to giving God equal measure. You do not want to short-change God, do you?
Loving yourself is to give yourself pleasure and fun and to relax yourself. Much can be done in this atmosphere that cannot be fulfilled when the heart is heavy with rain clouds. Be forgiving of yourself as we forgive you, knowing that you are learning and in training and have not yet the accomplishments of the Masters. Be not so hard on yourself like a stern parent with a stick, but be the gentle, loving mother with a sick child who prays only for the child’s improvement and never minds the naughtiness of the past.
We love you so much and see only your brightness and light which we seek to make ever brighter and lighter. We do not dwell in your darkness, wasting effort in seeking the cause of the darkness, but we provide the Light to show you the way out of the darkness. It is better to seek the cause of Lightness than the cause of darkness, just as it is better to seek good role models than seek to pin blame on figures in your past.
If your worth could be measured in gold, what would you be worth? One guinea, two? One hundred guineas or a chest full? In God’s eyes, there is no chest big enough to hold your value. Your value is beyond the comprehension of mortal man; it is inestimable. Such is your worth. So, why do you put such a low value on yourself, or a price tag at all? Without you, there is a hole in the fabric of the universe, a dropped stitch where God would have perfection. Your value is in keeping the fabric whole and perfect, just by being who you are. There is no other task, except to be part of the whole.
Love for self is the rose in your heart. No matter the colour or shape, the perfume is still as sweet, the petals as soft and velvety. Would you refuse the gift of one rose and not another? Nor does God deny the beauty of any rose. All are roses, all are beautiful, all are exquisite, all bring joy and invoke love in the heart.
You are a rose, sweet dear heart. Bathe in your fragrance that at every moment you are caught in your senses with your own essence, which like a nightcap or medicine soothes your troubled waters and engenders strength.
I shower you with the roses of my being that you may know the fragrance of true love and seek it out forever within yourself and others.
Eternally your rose,
Master Kuthumi channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 21 October 2001
Jan 2017
Dearest Friends,
Planning for action
A happy New Year to you all and I hope that 2017 is starting out how you had wished.
This week you may feel that you are pushing against the reins and that, although the spirit is willing, something or someone is holding you back. This is courtesy of Mars squaring off against Saturn. Mars wants to take action and Saturn can limit or suppress you until you plan your actions responsibly and utilise your talents wisely. Saturn, too, will not let you take action until it’s the right time.
Conditions will improve at the end of the month when Mars enters his own sign of Aries and Venus soon joins him there, and it will be full steam ahead in February. Work may take precedence over relationships, especially as Jupiter goes retrograde in Libra on 7 February, until mid-June, and the focus will be more on the relationship with yourself for the first half of this year rather than on others. Valentine’s Day may be more practical than romantic!
The New Moon in Aquarius at 8 degrees occurs on Saturday, 28 January, with the Sun also in Aquarius. Aquarius/Uranus energies spell changes and strange, unexpected things happening, often leading to realisations that take us to higher consciousness. We may see the world with new eyes because we’re on a new wavelength. This often leads us to feeling separate from others because we’re no longer on their wavelength.
The Full Moon in Leo, on 11 February, also has a Lunar Eclipse in tow, and these feelings of not belonging may be exacerbated, if they exist. However, Leo energy is all about fun and creativity and romance, so try to insert some of this into your life and open your heart and say ‘yes’ to the universe. In May, the North Node of Destiny moves into Leo for the following 18 months, and this Full Moon in Leo may be a little precursor of what is to come later in the year.
In the meantime, the North Node of Destiny remains in Virgo, where it’s been since November 2015, until May this year, giving us our final opportunities to clear up any health issues and to organise our life in general, getting rid of old stuff that no longer serves us.
I wish you many blessings to get you started this year, and the strength and courage to persevere with your dreams.
Love and hugs until next month,
Lady Master Vesta – Flame of your heart
I come to you as a flame within your heart, a flame of passion, of energy, of life force. Do not allow me to be put out, to be dimmed or extinguished, to have a cover thrown over me. For I would rather blaze within you and show you to be the star that you really are.
I am burning inside the Sun, and your heart is your Sun too. Is it a cold sun or a hot sun? For cold suns do exist although they are rather dead places, not conducive to fun and love. Heat and fire are needed for life. Without the Sun in your solar system you would not exist. Without the Sun in your heart you would not exist.
So pay attention to your burning heart. What does it flare up at, in excitement or in anger? What causes its flames to shrink away? Are you providing the fuel for those flames to exist? For a sun will eventually burn itself out when there is no longer any fuel to feed it. Feed your Sun with your thoughts and your desires, your dreams and ideas, even your regrets and sorrows. It is all grist to your Sun’s mill, experiences of the past and visions for your future. These are what will turn the cogwheels of your Sun.
If you think of nothing much then your Sun will lie dormant and you will be asleep and eventually become comatose. You will be the walking dead, a zombie, to all intents and purposes. And you wonder why zombie films are so popular in this present day! There are many zombie-like people walking around; their Suns have died within them. And you can see it in their eyes; there is no life, no spark there.
So let you turn up the heat within your heart, that you may blossom into the full star that you are meant to be. Engage with life and dream it. Do not lie on a raft and just drift in the ocean. Hatch plans and pursue them.
What do you see when a rocket launches into space? You see the fire that propels it from its tail end. Let you have a rocket behind you and inside you. And let you be propelled by your fire into the new dimension where fire too is the very source of life. It is not Hell but it is the very basis of light.
Fire cleanses and obliterates. It is a wonderful tool for starting anew. So let your hearts be fired now and transformed in the process into a work of art, a work of heart.
I am Lady Vesta, mistress of your Sun, Goddess of the Flame.
Lady Vesta channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 18 January 2017
Dec 2016
Dearest Friends,
Astrology for 2017
A very happy Christmas and holiday season to you all, and I wish you every blessing for a magical 2017.
Christmas week itself may be a very intense time this year, with Saturn and Uranus gifting us with challenges and changes and Venus with Jupiter providing opportunities for big displays of love. The Sun and Mars will be highlighting our destiny. Jupiter with Uranus will force us to look at our old beliefs and may cause a storm in, and over, our heads! Saturn working with Chiron will help us take responsibility for healing old wounds in ourselves and others that perhaps have emerged during the Christmas period.
We may get a little taster of all this in the next few days with the Sun partnering Saturn, Uranus, and Chiron this week. Be aware of the themes playing out in the next few days as they will probably be continued in Christmas week. Another Super Moon on 14 Dec in Gemini will get us thinking and reacting in this respect.
Try to get all thinking and plans in place by December 20 as Mercury goes retrograde again until January 9. This may put the kybosh on travel plans over the holiday season, so just take a deep breath and let yourself be taken in the direction the universe wishes to lead you. The whole month of December augurs big change and movement.
At the start of 2017, stabilisation and assimilation will be the order of the day for the whole of January, with all outer planets in direct motion, which is quite unusual.
The first major change of direction in 2017 for the outer planets, which affect humanity in general, comes on 10 May when the North Node of Destiny leaves Virgo where it will have been for 18 months, focusing on health and purification issues. The North Node now enters Leo for the following year and a half. So, Destiny will then be focusing on creativity, fun, children and the Inner Child, leadership, and romantic love. It should be a lovely sunny time for many but could also augur a heating up of the climate since the Sun rules Leo which is a fire sign.
The next major shift of direction in the stars comes on 10 October when Jupiter leaves Libra, the sign of relationships, balance, and justice, and enters Scorpio, the sign of power, transformation, death and rebirth, and metaphysics. We could see some major power plays in the world from October onwards.
Saturn continues with his final year in Sagittarius where he has already sat for the past two years, challenging our belief systems and expanding our lives. If you’ve put travel plans or study on hold, get them fulfilled during 2017 while Saturn in Sagittarius is supporting this. On 21 December Saturn moves into Capricorn for the next three years and the world will experience a major shift in focus especially around the economy, work ethics, and business (we could see financial collapses and recessions in 2018). We may feel the burden of Big Brother constraining us, adding fuel to the Jupiter in Scorpio power plays,
On a more positive note, Saturn in Capricorn from 2018 could see us all taking more responsibility for ourselves and working hard to all pull together to establish better structures for governance and companies. It could be a marvellous time to start a new career or business, and find work and positions that truly suit us. It will be a good time to build things; organisations, houses, systems, infrastructure, laws, boundaries, and anything that requires structure or strength. 2017 will be the year for getting all the big picture visions in shape to achieve this. Read Archangel Michael’s message below which echoes this!
Wishing you and your families a beautifully loving and harmonious month ahead and I’ll be back with you in the New Year. Many blessings and much grace for 2017!
Love and hugs,
Archangel Michael – Dream your world
Yes, it is the season of goodwill to all men upon Earth. And how much goodwill will we see?
Let you be one of those who shines their light, gives of their love, and makes the world a better place to be. We cannot expect goodwill to hover over our planet and within our hearts if we are not willing to be goodwill ourselves. Many forget that their own energies are contributing to the climate of the planet. So do not expect others to clean up the climate when you are not doing so yourselves. Balance and harmony are the order of the day, and when you feel this within yourself then it shall be demonstrated outside you as well.
And so another year comes to a close and a new one begins. What is it we wish for ourselves and the world this coming year? Envision it and let it manifest through your thoughts and cells. What you do not dream can never be born.
What are you scared of dreaming? Do you think it impossible or that it will never visit upon you? Have courage this year to dream big and widely. You are a creator god; get practising now! Just because you perhaps haven’t had much luck in the past doesn’t mean this will be so in the future. The energies abroad are supporting you. Take risks. Take leaps. You never know what may be awaiting you at the other end.
We angels are here to guide your way. Allow us into your life and we can make things a little easier for you, more comfortable, a lot less bumpy. Invite us into your hearts and homes. Let us not just be a stuffed doll on the top of your Christmas tree this year. Let us truly fly into your lives and take you under our wings and move you to places that will be more heavenly for you. We are all in this together, this shift into the New Dimension. We are eager to make it work and get you there.
So set a place for an angel at your Christmas table this year. We know how to bring goodwill to all men. Let us show you the way.
I am Archangel Michael, Angel of Freedom and the Right Path.
Archangel Michael channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 9 December 2016
Nov 2016
Dearest Friends,
Donald Trump and the Masters
Now the world is getting over the shock of Donald Trump’s election, let us hear what the Masters have to say about it all. They had warned me before the election that they had the issue under control and the outcome would be whatever the world needed most.
Why, therefore, did the world need Donald Trump to become US President?
We are all aware that our planet and peoples are going through a time of major transformation. That means expect changes. And America needed to change. There is much that is rotten at its core, and Donald Trump, love him or hate him, has been used by the Masters to expose this rottenness to its hilt, on both sides of the political divide. The Inner Child Ego of that nation has been on full display, and Trump himself has been a prime example, giving voice to much that is in peoples’ hearts and minds.
Yet we must stop and take stock here; we must not judge. Every single one of us has an Inner Child Ego that has had similar displays of rhetoric in the past. Some of us have worked with our Child and trained it to love better and act more reasonably and considerately. Most of us are still a work-in-progress—as is Donald Trump! One day, he too will become an Ascended Master. It may not be in this lifetime but he, along with the rest of America and the world, is on a journey to higher consciousness and ascension. Perhaps playing out the role of President will be the making of him? Perhaps he will have some brilliant new ideas to “make America great again”? After all, it was his destiny to become President!
So, we need to embrace this new situation, with an open mind and even more importantly, with an open heart. We have no idea what is in store for us down the road, but resistance to ‘what is’ never helps the issue. Let us deal with, and resolve, our own Inner Child Ego problems, and if each person were to do that adequately, our world would be a place of peace and harmony overnight.
Send love not judgement, harmony not hatred. Everything we send out eventually finds its way back to us.
I wish you a beautiful month until next time, with love, hugs and blessings,
P.S. It’s fitting that Master El Morya gives us his message this month. He was, in a past life, George Washington, the first ever President of the United States of America!
Master El Morya – Making the world great again
I have been champing at the bit to get my voice heard on this one. Thank you for the opportunity, Sophia.
Yes, we may stand in judgement of the man. Yet how would you be judged if you were to stand in this exact same position? Would you even have the guts to try? Acknowledge this man’s courage and audacity. Acknowledge his belief that he is right and everyone else is wrong. He believes in himself and that is not a bad thing in itself.
If you were put in the spotlight under public scrutiny, how would your life and character shape up? Are you a shining example of the godhood? Have you always paid every cent of your taxes? Have you never made derogatory remarks about anyone or the opposite sex? Have you always been completely unbiased with never a thought of racism?
This man is a loose cannon, it is true, and he fires it off injudiciously, yet he is echoing the thoughts and behaviours of many a man and woman. So let us clear up our own mess first before we throw stones at others.
Mr. Trump is a child of God like everyone else. He has the same spark of God within him as you or I. Let us be keen to develop our own spark of God before we denigrate the sparks of others. And let us see how we ourselves can make the world a better place, how we can make our own nations great again, before we go diving into the politics of others. Let us help this man turn the world around. Send him our love and good intentions. He is but a pawn in the greater scheme of things. Allow him his moment and let us move him forwards.
The success of this planet does not hinge on one man alone. It hinges on the goodness and godness of over seven billion beings. Look to your own family and to your own hometown, for you and where you live are a microcosm of the greater world. Bring harmony and peace to your own neck of the woods and this shall be the movement which will eventually transform our planet.
Each of us has a responsibility to uphold the law and to bring about changes for a better world. And we will not have a better world until we change this one.
I am Master El Morya, prime mover for the President.
Master El Morya channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 11 November 2016
Oct 2016
Dearest Friends,
The Moon and our Emotions
Having just been through the energy-filled SuperMoon this past weekend, the Full Moon in Aries conjunct Uranus, you may have noticed how charged your emotions were. It was a Moon that could send you crazy, crazier than normal Full Moons because of the influence of Uranus, the planet of electricity. But it could have been a Moon of bliss or new perceptions because Uranus is also the planet of Higher Consciousness and seeks to help us to go to new levels of thinking and feeling.
The Moon represents the Mother principle in us all, the feminine aspect of caring and nurturing, and also the aspect of deep intuition and dealing with issues from the past. The Moon reflects sunlight onto us to help us to see what needs resolving in our earthly personas.
When the Divine Masters work with us, they very much include the Moon and other planets in our lessons for the day or week. Therefore it is helpful to pay attention to which sign of the zodiac the Moon is traversing at any time.
The Moon travels through the entire twelve signs in 28/29 days, taking approximately two and a half days in each sign. During that period, the Moon will trigger off our emotional issues relating to that sign. You might notice that every month you fall into the same trap of emotional mire and it could be that you are particularly sensitive when the Moon falls on that same aspect each month. It’s not just a woman’s menstrual issue, I can assure you!
Get yourself a Moon Calendar or Diary so you can observe the Moon’s shenanigans and how it might be affecting you. I myself always use the brilliant Moontime Diary by Iris Detenhoff www.moontimediary.com.au which is suitable for Australian and New Zealand readers. It will give you a whole lot more than just the Moon’s travels.
To give you an indication of how the Moon could affect you, I have briefly listed below the issues that could potentially be triggered when the Moon is in that sign. The Moon is today in Gemini, the sign of communications, hence my urge to write this message to you today!
Moon in Aries: Head, face, teeth, skin, rash, anger, ego, identity, energy, ambition, movement, sport
Moon in Taurus: Voice, throat, thyroid, values, self-worth, money, possessions, beauty, music, friends
Moon in Gemini: Hand, arm, shoulder, lungs, ribs, mind, communication, neighbours, education, siblings
Moon in Cancer: Breast, pancreas, gall bladder, stomach, home, family, mother, nurturing, fear, insecurity
Moon in Leo: Heart, spine, pancreas, liver, creativity, love, fun, children, inner child, ego, leadership
Moon in Virgo: Digestion, bowels, cleanliness, healing, service to others, detailed work, animals
Moon in Libra: Kidneys, bladder, ovaries, adrenals, balance, justice, relationships, social scene
Moon in Scorpio: Genitals, bowels, prostate gland, liver, letting go, resentment, forgiveness, sex, secrets
Moon in Sagittarius: Thighs, hips, pelvis, religion, beliefs, higher learning, travel, expansion, freedom
Moon in Capricorn: Bones, joints, teeth, authority, father, career, structure, foundation, status, suppression
Moon in Aquarius: Ankle, lower leg, separation, friends, humanity, future, causes, rebellion, pioneer
Moon in Pisces: Feet, weakness, divine connection, imagination, addiction, past, mental health, illusion
Your own birthchart may have particularly important aspects to the Moon or to other representations of the Moon such as the goddess, Selene, the White Moon, or to the goddess, Lillith, the Black Moon.
I am offering a half hour Moon astrology session that will help you understand better where the Moon aspects are aiding you, or hindering your destiny or ability to live a harmonious life. The cost is $75 and is available wherever you live in the world. We can do the session at my home, or via Skype, or I can record it for you on CD and post it to you. Just send me an email.
I wish a harmonious, Moon-blessed, month ahead for you.
With love, hugs, and blessings,
Lady Master Juno – Mix yourself into the cosmos
I come without fanfare. I come as a goddess of Heaven, it is true, but I am nonetheless just like yourselves and I have walked the path that you walk and I have risen in glory to take the place where I am now. This is a path that will lead you to Heaven too.
And we are all of us brushed by the energies of the planets, and showered with starlight, on a moment by moment basis. We breathe in the air of the cosmos. We take the universe to deep inside us every day. What we do with those energies is another thing.
We can allow them to embolden us, to glide the way ahead for us, that we may experience our destiny. Or we can allow these energies to build brick walls inside our hearts so that we protect ourselves from the outside world. We separate ourselves and then we can’t help but feel alone and unsupported, disconnected, and that we don’t belong. So pull down these walls inside your hearts. Allow energies to flow in and your own energies to flow out. Mix yourself into the cosmos and there will be rich experiences indeed.
You have come from this place and you shall return here. In between you are living certain roles to knead out the knots in your character. This kneading can be a painful process but better that than to endure stiffness and immobility your whole life long.
Let the cosmic energies move you, not suppress you. Let go of your resistance and join with the universe in the universal play. Many of you are like truculent children and it is not a good look from where I stand. So be prepared to play nicely, willingly, in a sharing and co-operative manner. Everyone can be your friend. There is no need for separation. Allow for all colours of people’s personalities to ride the winds of your world. Do not wish for this Earth to consist of only your colours, your ideas, your way. When all the colours are mixed and entwined then we shall see the palette of the universe in all her glory.
I am Lady Juno, a queen of Heaven and a mother to you all.
Lady Master Juno channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 19 October 2016
Sept 2016
Dearest Friends,
Venus entered Libra at the end of August, giving us a taste of what’s to come from tomorrow with mighty Jupiter in Libra for the next twelve months—lots of friendship and socialising, a desire for justice, and the need for balance and harmony. We might find difficulty with procrastination and sitting on the fence, as we’ll be able to see the pros and cons of both sides, but it’s a small price to pay for the love-ly energies of Venus and Libra.
This weekend may be a bit tense, with controlling and masculine-orientated Saturn squaring off against emotional and feminine-orientated Neptune, but this is a taste of the balancing act required in all our relationships and the focus of Jupiter for the next year, and especially on 26 September when the Sun is conjunct Jupiter and highlighting this issue.
When I say relationships, I mean not only our partners but also our children, parents, siblings, friends, business associates, authority figures, teachers, clients, Higher Self, Masters, and Angels. We’re at the pointy end now of our transformation into a better class of human, and having kind and loving relationships with EVERYONE is paramount and the foundational rock on which our new civilisation will thrive. Imagine a world where everyone is loving and considerate! Please do, as our imaginations fuel the creation of reality for ourselves.
Be aware there is also much Uranus activity next week (Sept 17/18) and this planet often provokes rebellion or distancing oneself from others, sometimes leading to separation. Tune into your Higher Self to check the road you should be travelling—at times you need to hang in there, forgive, and work things out. October 8-15 may be a week for you to make some life-changing decisions.
Forgiveness and compassion will be themes of the upcoming Full Moon in Pisces on Saturday, Sept 17, which also hosts a Lunar Eclipse thus trebling the emotional pull at this time. Intuition, creativity, and spirituality will be heightened too, so once again tap into your Higher Self to keep yourself uplifted above all the emotional waters and flying with spirit.
People often ask me, how do you know when your intuition is speaking to you? One of the ways is to notice the signs around you, the clues, since your Higher Self/Angels/Masters often show you the way through symbolism. I get many of my own clues and messages through the movies I watch, the plots and characters of which very often mirror what’s going on in my own life. Music and lyrics can often play the same role, as can books. Ask yourself, why am I watching this movie/hearing this song/reading this particular book at this time? It’s because you were meant to! Yes, it is a sign! It’s your intuition connecting with you! Take note of it and ponder on what it means to you.
We can also let the universe know that we’ve received the message loud and clear by responding in some significant and symbolic way. My recent gall bladder issues left me with a problem with malnourishment; my body wasn’t getting all the nutrients it needed. So I had a chat with my body to get it to absorb all the vitamins and minerals it needed and I supported this in another way by putting down lots of new soil and compost in my garden to feed it all the nutrients it was lacking. Since we are all one consciousness, my human self and garden will support one another on this journey of new growth and healthiness.
The universe loves symbolism and life can become quite a marvellous game every day when we tap into this way of living and being.
I wish you a wonderfully magical month, filled with love and friendship and signs,
With love, hugs, and blessings,
Lady Master Pallas Athena – MIRROR, MIRROR!
Let us see what we can speak about today for my mind is on this and that and I’m having a hard time to decide between them. So let us speak about this and that, that we may get the whole story, both sides of the argument.
And while we hope there will be no argument, there are sure to be differing points of view from the man and the woman, and even from woman and woman, and man and man, for it is not man versus woman but it is us versus everyone else. We are not all made from the same mould and therefore we are not likely to see things in the same way. So let us first of all acknowledge one another’s differences and applaud them, for life would be very samey and uninteresting without them, just as a garden full of one flower would lose its fascination for us very quickly.
So let us enjoy the ups and downs and curves that others bring into our lives, the views from different mountain tops or even from the depths of their valleys. It is refreshing to look upon new things. So let us deal with other’s points of views in this way too. Let them have differing ideas, differing ways of doing things, for we ourselves are not the role model for everything, you know. It is rare that we have reached perfection in any one thing, so that we might be called upon to be the role model for humanity in this aspect.
So know that we can always learn from others, and it is a blessing to be taught. If we rebuke these teachings that come at us from every corner every day, then we will find ourselves staying stuck and immature. For growth and evolution is everything in this universe, the very reason for our being here, and if we refuse to grow then we might as well be dead. And so it is like in the garden; dead things are pulled out to make way for new seeds that are willing to grow. So let you not be a dead weed in your relationships or you will need to be culled and more promising root stock put in your place. No one likes to look upon dead or dying plants.
So allow life to teach you a thing or two, and teachings will most often come from your relationships. Everyone will have something to teach you, that’s for sure. There is no idleness in meeting others; everyone comes together for a reason. You are placed in destiny’s path. So look at the other in front of you and ask, “What is it that you can teach me? What is it that I may learn from you?” And with this open-mindedness and open-heartedness, you will get the most out of your time on Earth.
There is much joy to be found in wreathing yourself in others’ ideas and energies. We can only go so far by ourselves. Others will be our trigger points to help us leapfrog to other levels. So let us thank all we meet for the benefits they bring into our lives. Even our very worst relationships provide some of our best teaching material for us to use.
So let us have a new viewpoint from now on: No one is our enemy; everyone is our teacher. Let us be grateful for our lessons. May we learn them with love and apply them with mercy.
We would be very lonely living in isolation by ourselves. Let us be grateful then for one another’s company, for at the end of the day we are all one and each is a mirror to ourselves.
I am Lady Pallas Athena, the mirror on the wall helping all mankind.
Lady Master Pallas Athena channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 9 September 2016
August 2016
Dearest Friends,
It’s been an interesting few weeks for me since I last wrote; the gall bladder operation scars were mending well, and then I went down with shingles in my lower back and then a streaming cold on top of that. And yet my spirits were high and I knew I was just going through an intense period of letting go and would be all the better for it in the end.
I did wonder why I was going through so much pain, and Master El Morya cheerfully informed me, “You don’t have to; you merely have the belief that letting go is painful.” And isn’t that the way most of society believes! If only we could let go of our past, our loves, our homes, our jobs, our pets, our possessions, etc, without any emotional attachment! But then, it would be a rare person who was able to do that. Yet, we probably can lessen the pain we endure in letting go by trusting in the new possibilities that now open up to us once the old has gone, or by lovingly detaching any anchors and links, or by not clinging on or stubbornly resisting moving on.
Many of us are currently going through the phase of letting go their human lower consciousness and allowing their spirit self to take over. This means we are meeting a lot of resistance from our own Inner Children (parts of our lower consciousness which play out different roles for us), who are like the final remnants of resistance fighters within our consciousness. They are trying to protect us, but in truth they are imprisoning us and keeping us from moving on to complete our mission as our spirit self upon Earth.
At this time of the Full Moon in Aquarius, the sign of rebelliousness and change in order to bring about a new humanity, many of us will be feeling this inner tension and conflict where the old guard wants to protect the status quo yet a part of us yearns for change to a new and better life.
El Morya said to me, “All of you needs to surrender.” So, we need to call out those recalcitrant and rebellious Inner Children and help them to lovingly submit to their destiny.
The Masters tell us that in the End Times on Earth, the final humans remaining who have not made it to Mastership, will be the very worst cases of stubbornness and resistance we will ever meet. In the final times of our own journey to Mastership, this is where we also meet our very worst cases of stubborn and resistant Inner Children.
Persist with love and wisdom, dear friends. When you get to feel the peaceful heart of your spirit self now in charge, the journey through the darkness and loss will have been worth it.
A brief few words on the astrology for the coming month;
24 Aug – Mars conjunct Saturn will be a catalyst for responsible action
28 Aug – Venus conjunct Jupiter means a big day for love
31 Aug – Mercury turns retrograde until 22 Sept, meaning thoughts turn inwards, and delays and communication difficulties are likely.
1 Sep – New Moon in Virgo plus a solar eclipse. Focus on health issues, purification, cleaning, more letting go and clearing out, attention to detail and orderliness. Try not to judge.
5 Sep – Sun conjunct North Node means it’s a good day for seeing signs for your life direction
10 Sep – Jupiter enters Libra. For the next year, focus will be on growing and harmonising relationships, and justice, and maybe travelling abroad to see friends or to study. But things may start off confused with Saturn square Neptune needing us to discern reality from fantasy.
17 Sep – Full Moon in Pisces plus a Lunar Eclipse. Could be a very emotional time with a big focus on the past and a touch of self-pity.
With courage and fearlessness for the coming month,
Love and hugs,
Master Hilarion – FORGIVENESS
So let us start off with an experiment, shall we? Let us see if we can be forgiven for all our sins and transgressions. Do we feel we are worthy to be forgiven? If we cannot say a resounding ‘yes’ to this, then there is still work to be done on our sense of worth. Everyone is worthy to be forgiven, no matter what they have done, how many times they have done it, to whom and when and why.
One day a person will have a revelation and they will ‘get it’ and they will realise they do not need to do these things any longer. It can take a long while for people to ‘get it’ and we must be patient. And the Masters have been patient with you and forgiven you whilst you are in training, just as parents forgive their children, who do not know the way until they are taught it and understand it and can practice it and can master it. Every human is a child in the eyes of the gods and all are forgiven as they learn. But it is a welcome day when a person finally ‘gets it’ and no longer needs to behave in destructive or erroneous ways and they seek more loving methods for living out their life.
So forgive yourselves as children who have merely been learning in this life and all the lives before. You are worthy because you are part of God’s consciousness, and there is no part of God’s consciousness that is unworthy.
You have had to claw and fight your way through many lifetimes and the scenes have been ugly and sometimes filled with blood. Let go of this mayhem from your souls and turn towards the loving light. It matters not what you did in the past, only what you are doing now and will do in the future.
Forgive yourself and those around you. And let us move on to more positive days, filled with brightness and creation, not a mourning for our loss. Create a blank canvas now and go forth and paint yourself a beautiful brand new life.
I am Master Hilarion, overseer of the Gallery of Heaven.
Master Hilarion channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 18 August 2016
July 2016
Dearest Friends,
I apologise for the lateness of this month’s Message from the Masters. I had an operation to remove my gall bladder and have been recuperating. All is on the mend now, I’m glad to say.
This past year has seen a plethora of health issues for me, courtesy of Jupiter and North Node in Virgo. Virgo is all about health, North Node relates to your destiny, and Jupiter makes everything expand or go over-the-top in the search for wisdom. I have certainly learnt a lot about my physical body and the health system! But I will be jolly glad when Jupiter moves on into Libra in September (Sep 10). Then for a year or so (until Oct 2017) we shall see a focus on relationships, balancing male and female energies, and being of service to others.
The North Node of Destiny moves out of Virgo only in May next year, so those health issues may hang around for a while yet. The North Node, which moves in the opposite direction to the other planets, will then enter Leo for 18 months, the sign of love, creativity, and children.
Relief from the battering of Mars in Scorpio, which has been forcing us to face our darkness and to let go of our past, is only a few days away when Mars enters Sagittarius, the sign of wisdom, expansion, searching, and spirituality. Study and travel may be on the cards for the next two months.
The New Moon on 3 August is in the lovely creative and fun sign of Leo. It’s a great time to begin new projects and birth ideas. The Full Moon in Aquarius on 18 August is likely to bring on weird energies and the promise of big changes.
Mid August, especially around the 13th when Jupiter opposes Chiron, the planet of woundedness and healing, will see feelings of hurt or pain exposed so they can be healed for all time. At this time too, Saturn (the planet of work, career, planning, and structure) finally resumes his forward motion in Sagittarius and at last plans can be put into action with a good chance of succeeding and without delays.
I wish you a very joyful and active month ahead, in line with the planets who will be the wind beneath our wings.
With love, hugs, and blessings,
Master Hilarion – Courage
I would like to speak about pedanticness today, seeing as many of the planets are in Virgo, or about to enter this sign. Virgo relates to judgement and discernment, having an eye for detail, being a good observer, dotting your ‘i’s and crossing your ‘t’s, and trying never to make a mistake.
There is a quest for perfection in the Virgo trait and this can be a limiting quality if you do not keep this trait under control. For in the quest for perfection we can limit our experiences for fear that we will err, for fear we might take the wrong road or make an inadequate decision. And we might end up playing it safe and sticking with what we know works.
And so a Virgo world can end up a small world where all is neat and in order but outside the boundaries beckon chaos and adventure. I am here to tell you today that your life should be filled with adventure. It matters not if you make mistakes along the way for these are your experiences and teach you well. You will refine yourself on the back of your adventures. You will discover yourself as you discover the world.
So stay not indoors hibernating like a squirrel, storing your wisdom and your light within. Bound into the treetops and make your escape, for you will be judged in the end not on how safe you played it but on how you grew your potential. Being given $50 at birth and having that same $50 at death will not be viewed as an overwhelmingly successful life. But growing that $50 into $500, five thousand, five million, this is what we wish to see. And I am not speaking about money here but about your true treasure, your talents and your heart.
So let us see some Leo courage in you this month. Let us see you face the world and ask, “How can I give?” Everyone was born with a gift to give. It is stored within you. Let us take it out now, brush it off, and see how we may make use of it. Dying with your gift still locked away is the ultimate transgression and you will mourn your lack of nous, your lack of heart.
So fill those hearts with fiery courage. Go questing for your destiny, and smile as you release your gift of life.
I am Master Hilarion, bringer of light to your heart space.
Master Hilarion channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 25 July 2016
June 2016
Dearest Friends,
A second Full Moon in Sagittarius, the sign of higher wisdom, occurs on June 20, and so themes could repeat themselves from around the time of the first Full Moon (a Blue Moon) which occurred on May 22. This focus on wisdom and learning is the reason I have chosen a message from Master Thoth this month, all about pearls of wisdom and how we come by them.
The next day on June 21 we have the Solstice, the shortest/longest day of the year, and it promises a potent punch for the entire week with Jupiter ramping up our destiny (North Node) and Mercury opposing Saturn (feeling anti-responsibility) and squaring off to Neptune (feeling dreamy). For a few days prior, we may be weighing up fantasy versus reality, and we could likely be feeling confused or trapped, not seeing our destiny clearly. By the Solstice we will probably be seeing the bigger picture better and be feeling more expansive.
Also at the Solstice, the Sun enters the sign of Cancer joining Venus there, and Mercury will join them at the end of June. So there will be a big focus on home and family from then and for the first half of July enhanced by the New Moon in Cancer on July 4. It’s a good time for new homes or renovations, and for new family situations including weddings and reunions.
26/27 June could see big transformation/change and/or letting go of old ways. Great time for magical happenings.
Mars becomes direct again on 30 June but is still in Scorpio until 3 Aug, and Saturn remains retrograde until 14 August, so it’s still a time to cleanse inwardly and let go of old baggage. July 6/7/8 could be especially challenging or transformative days. Preparation, planning, and clearing out is what’s needed for the next two months. Putting plans into action are best left until mid August.
I wish you a very happy month ahead of stone-clearing and finding your pearls (see below).
With love, hugs, and blessings,
Master Thoth-Hilarion – Pearls not stones
Pearls. Pearls of the universe. Pearls of wisdom. Let me state, first of all, how beautiful pearls are, natural ones found in the ocean, created by oysters. They have fascinated mankind from the beginning. And they are treasured because there are not many of them; not every oyster produces a pearl. They are a rare thing in the natural world.
And pearls of wisdom are a rare thing too. They do not occur in every consciousness, but they have to be cultivated by the human over long periods of time. And the pearl begins because the oyster is irritated and it builds up secretions to overcome that irritation. So too does wisdom usually start with an irritation for the human. They are moved by some situation and it brings them alive. It makes them think, it makes them feel, and through experiencing this irritation the human will build up secretions of wisdom.
And so it is on the path to becoming a god, a path paved with irritations and situations not to our liking. And in overcoming these irritations and dislikes we begin to build our library of wisdom.
So a god’s life has not been all smooth and easy. A god’s life has not been the good life. And so if you find yourself on the path to godhood, it too will be paved with misery and obstacles and limitations. And every god will know these all too well. So it is not a path which is paved with gold or lined with sweetness. It is a path that will get the very best out of you. It will strengthen you, make you more aware, turn you into love, elevate you into flying. A soft touch and a cosy bed will not be found along this way, for gods and goddesses are not pampered dandies. So if you want the easy road you will not be walking towards godhood.
Think of the knights in olden times and how they had to train, and think of the armed forces in current times and the intense experiences they must go through before they are fit for battle. It is no different with the godhood. All must be honed almost to perfection, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. We leave no stone unturned, for we cannot have our gods suddenly revealing parts of their dark nature once they are living in Heaven. Every part of a god’s consciousness is examined before being allowed to abide in the higher dimensions.
And so there are sometimes hiccups to a god’s journey to their new living quarters, for stones may indeed be upturned and horrible things found beneath them. And until these horrible things are put to rights then the doors to higher Heaven will remain closed. So even the most senior of gods can trip up sometimes on these upturned stones. Of course, more allowances are made at the lower end of Heaven and gods are allowed to live here even while there is some work to do upon themselves. But as gods rise to ever higher dimensions or levels within dimensions, they will be required to cleanse themselves further and further, deeper and deeper.
So a god may think they are doing swimmingly for a while, and suddenly their journey comes to an abrupt halt while they must deal with what lies beneath a stone. And the journey may only resume when all has been purified.
So just because you make it to godhood and make it into Heaven, you must know that the journey never ends and stones are being kicked over all along the way. And it can feel like there is never a stretch of smooth sailing, that never a day goes past without some stone or other being upturned. But this is not true. When you first reach a new level of Heaven it is as though there is a stony field before you and everywhere you tread you are knocking over stones. But after a while you begin to clear the field and then it is pleasure to romp through your day.
So there will be stony periods of your life leading to more peaceful eras where only the occasional stone may come tumbling your way. So don’t despair. Keep working through those stones and clear your field. There is magic when the Earth is smooth and soft.
So every stone may seem like a boulder but in truth every stone is really a pearl. So begin to see the field ahead not strewn with boulders but liberally sprinkled with pearls for the taking.
Master Thoth-Hilarion channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 10 June 2016
May 2016
Dearest Friends,
This Sunday, 22 May, is a Full Moon in Sagittarius. In fact, it is a Blue Moon. A Blue Moon occurs only once every couple of years, therefore it’s a good time to do something you would rarely do (once in a Blue Moon!). Sagittarius represents, amongst other things, study and higher education, so this month I’d like to share a kind of higher education with you, education in how to get higher (and we’re not speaking of drugs here!)
Universal energies are challenging us like never before and many people are at their lowest ebb. The antidote is to lift yourself higher vibrationally, always hard when your head seems to be underwater, but if you can will this intention within yourself, here are six suggestions to help uplift you.
- Imagine climbing a tall tower (or do it literally!). Start at the base and go up as far as possible. Stay a while at your elevated level to enjoy the view and get a bigger picture of your life.
- Imagine lifting off in a hot air balloon. Enjoy the journey and see where it takes you. Feel the expansiveness within you.
- Imagine being on the ocean floor and rising up from the cold and dark through turquoise waters towards the sunlight. Float awhile in the calm, warm sunshine.
- Imagine jumping onto the back of an eagle and flying across the landscape. Enjoy the views and exhilaration and be aware of where the eagle takes you. Feel the freedom.
- Imagine climbing out of a dark well. Perhaps you let the water rise and you float up, or maybe you scale the walls, or maybe you jump into the pail and someone hoists you up. Feel like you are escaping from imprisonment.
- Imagine climbing a huge tree, going up into its highest branches and into the clouds. Enjoy the feeling of entering a higher dimension and the inner peace there.
If we find ourselves in the darkness, we need to learn to first accept where we are. Fighting and resisting will only give us pain. God told me recently, “Sit in the Darkness with me for I am both the Darkness and the Light. Learn to be able to sit in peace within all of Me.”
Mercury goes Direct again on 23 May, so communications will improve no end and progress can be made. Since last week Jupiter is Direct too, in Virgo, so work and health plans can move forward now as well.
26-28 May has Jupiter squaring off against Saturn and this could be positive or negative, triggering major growth or major issues. These energies flow into a Grand Cross in the first two weeks of June, starring Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune. There is potential for great harmony but also the stirring of the pot to bring out any hidden or limiting problems.
I am still offering soul-smith sessions to help shape your soul. It is holistic healing of your whole being, bringing all parts of yourself back into balance and alignment. Just drop me an email if you feel I may be able to help you. A one hour session costs AUD $130 and can take place over Skype or phone, or by visiting me in Gympie, Queensland, Australia.
I wish you a month of wonderful harmony and high vibrations.
With love and hugs,
Lady Master Pallas Athena – Being Love
Let us revise some basics, shall we, for often in the search for the Holy Grail we get caught up with complexities and advanced theories and we forget that really the universe is quite simple in its expectations of us; that we need to generate love. When it comes down to it, that is all that is asked of us, all that we need to be, a being of love.
Of course, love manifests in many ways and we will be provided with a thousand opportunities a day to utilise these ways of love. So how much love have you generated today? How much love have you put out there? For it is love that will make you survive, love that will make this entire universe survive, and anything less than love will bring us down.
So be careful of your thoughts, be careful of your reactions, for many of these can contain not so lovely messages. We may be angry with someone or even ourselves, we may want to blame, we may be resentful, we may be unsympathetic and uncompassionate, we may be selfish, we may be judgemental, we may be biased, we may be corrupt, we may be disloyal, we may be hurtful, we may be ignoring, we may be suicidal. There are a thousand ways to not be love in any day.
And each time we are not love our vibration slips down another notch and then we must put in the effort to raise ourselves up once again. So wouldn’t it be better to get ourselves high up and then remain there? So watch those thoughts and feelings which take us tumbling down the hill before we know it and, gosh, it’s a gruelling task to walk back up again.
Catch yourself being unloving and train yourself to stop in mid-stream. And even if you cannot think of something loving to replace it, at least you will stay in a neutral state, neither rising nor slipping, which will be an improvement on before. And then you can begin to introduce loving ways of thinking and your place at the top will be secured.
If you could hear a recording of your self-talk for just one day you would be astonished at how you take yourself down. So let us move into positivity, then, and this week’s Sagittarian Moon will help us in that respect. Be conscious of your consciousness and that is the way you will win the battle over your lower self.
As a queen of wisdom I know what I am talking about and I pass on this wisdom to you now.
Lady Master Pallas Athena channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 19 May 2016
April 2016
Dearest Friends,
I like to think of myself as a sort of soulsmith. What is that? you are probably asking.
Well, just as a goldsmith, silversmith, or blacksmith takes a piece of raw metal and shapes it into something decorative or useful, I help to shape a person’s soul into something worthwhile and beautiful. It is holistic healing of your whole being, bringing all parts of yourself back into balance and alignment.
You may feel in need of healing and balancing due to this month’s intense astrology playing out. This week both Mars and Pluto turned retrograde, joining Saturn who is already going “backwards”, and Mercury too joins them on April 29. Retrograde planets force us to retreat from the busyness of the world for a while and to review our lives and prepare and make plans for the future. It’s not a time for initiating new action, and won’t be until at least July and better still to wait until mid-August. It will be hard to sit still and ruminate as there are so many planets in fire signs, so you’ll need to be patient. This is a time for rejuvenation and reinvention so you can birth like a phoenix later in the year. Work on your inner magic and it will pay dividends later on. Sort things out so you have a clear path to be able to hit the ground running in coming months.
The Full Moon tomorrow (Friday, 22 April) is in Scorpio which will highlight any darkness or old beliefs or resentments that need to be let go. Forgiveness is the keyword for the coming week. Scorpio energy is also to do with the Magician, so look for magic and miracles in your life too and appreciate them. Your own heart and mind can produce magical happenings when you allow them.
So, this may be a time when you are feeling you have lost your soul, lost your way, or can’t find your destiny or dreams. Let me help you to find your soul and reshape your life so it is soul-full again. It is only when you are working in partnership with your soul that you will find true happiness, fulfilment, and love.
How many of you find that medicines and topical treatments don’t fix you up with much success and that physical therapies work for only a brief while and then you find yourself back at square one again? Medicines and therapies can certainly be a support to you in the initial stages of a problem, but what do you do to resolve that problem once and for all? You need to get to the source of the problem, not just treat the outer symptoms.
And this is what soulsmithing does – it finds the real cause of your issue hidden in your consciousness, in the programming of the thoughts and beliefs in your mind which direct you to unwisely act, react, break down, or misshapenly grow. How is your mind really controlling you in ways you hadn’t imagined?
All physical disease and disability comes from a mind that is sending out questionable and unbalanced signals to the body, or which is not receiving correct feedback from your body parts. All emotional and mental issues come from a mind that is using negative or harmful programming as its software for daily functioning.
As a soulsmith, I can help you to uncover your programming (what you already have in your mind), and to discover your soul’s desires, and to assist you to align with your soul and follow your true destiny.
There are several days coming up in the next month which will provide great opportunities for the furthering of your destiny and also for friendship and love, growth, and optimism: 3 May, 7 May (New Moon in Taurus), 10 May, 11 May, 16 May. The windows of opportunity open and then close, so make hay while the sun shines, as they say!
Just drop me an email if you feel I may be able to help you. A one hour session costs AUD $130 and can take place over Skype or phone, or visit me in Gympie, Queensland, Australia.
I wish you all a beautiful month of reverie and moving into the magical. With love and hugs,
Master El Morya – Resentment
I think we should speak about resentment today, for there is much harbouring of this amongst humankind. There is much blame attached to others. Nearly everyone will have someone that they blame for causing their life to not work out. But it is these niggling relationships that we must work out and make work. For until we accept full responsibility for creating events in our own lives and stop blaming others, we will not be able to move on and claim the life of joy that is waiting for us around the corner.
So think about who you blame, who you resent for this or that not turning out as you had hoped. What part did your own thinking play in all of this? You may be blaming us Masters or even God, but in truth you bring everything into your own arena by the way that you think and the emotions you are harbouring in your heart.
This may not be what you wish to hear, but you must take it on board and deal with it, for nothing makes you sicker than negative thinking and toxic emotions, and nothing will heal you faster than finding forgiveness in your heart and letting the past float away and providing a clean slate for all to start afresh and start over. It is the hardest thing any of you will ever have to do, is to forgive those who we think have ruined our lives. But if you rise to this challenge you will be catapulted up the ladder of ascension, for nothing wins you more Brownie points than being able to forgive.
Forgive yourself too for having blamed others. It is a human condition and we learn it when we are only knee high and most of us take it to our grave. So let us be the first generation to overcome this condition and be rid of it for all time. For nothing is preventing this planet from moving into the new dimension more than being unable to let go of the past and old resentments. Some of us are still doing tit for tat with people we knew a thousand years ago. So will you be the one to bring it to a halt, draw a line underneath it, build a bridge, and walk into the New Day? Yes, you will want to rail and rant against the other. But drop it. Put it away for all time and let us move on in peace with one another. You will be the one who benefits most.
So, come, stir your heart with loving intention. Drop the darkness and bring in the light. When all of Earth is all afloat with love, then we shall know Heaven as our garden.
I am El Morya, guardian of gardens upon Earth.
Master El Morya channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 21 April 2016
March 2016
Dearest Friends,
In the coming month we have an enormous amount of Piscean energy pouring down on us from all directions with a New Moon in Pisces on 9 March and five planets in Pisces (Moon, Sun, Mercury, Neptune, and Chiron), and all being intensified by a Total Solar Eclipse.
Piscean energy represents spirituality and the divine world so this will be a great opportunity to practise communing with other dimensions and beings especially with your own spirit self. In order to do this successfully we need to make space for the divine in our lives just as if we were making space for a new partner coming to live with us; space in our home such a little nook where you can have some privacy, and time for our new partner such as spending time speaking with them and listening to them, relaxing with them, playing with them, cooking things up with them, resolving issues with them. Spirit wants to be our new partner even if we have an earthly partner already, and if you don’t make space, the Divine can’t move in.
People sometimes ask me how I am able to channel the divine world as I do. I’m not entirely sure why I have this skill but I do know that I’ve had many lifetimes as a prophet and oracle and channeller of healing energies. Another thing I know is that in this lifetime my channelling ability didn’t make itself known until I made space for Spirit in my life amidst a busy career in IT computing and management. And it was only once I’d given up my IT career that Spirit really became a huge force in my life and I went on to channel many books from various Masters. It’s not for everyone to give up their careers and devote their life to Spirit full time as I mostly have, but you do have to make just a little space if you want Spirit to come visit you even as a friend.
Once you’ve experienced Spirit as a part of your life, receiving guidance, advice, and direction, and often with healing and feelings of inner peace, you will never want to be without it. It’s like once you’ve had a taste of beautiful love, you are on the lookout for it throughout your life, wishing for that same experience again. The great news is that Spirit isn’t going anywhere; the divine world is available to you 24/7 with more love and support than you could ever have dreamed possible.
So, the next month is likely to be a time of extreme emotionality and wateriness. There may be climatic events to mirror this – floods, tsunamis, heavy precipitation, or events in your life featuring watery outbursts or leaks. Watch also for feelings of depression as the Sun disappears in the eclipse, for eclipse energy can influence us for up to six months around the actual event. There may be big urges to escape from current conditions, often through the use of alcohol or drugs or some addiction that takes your mind off things. There can be the desire to merge with another or others too, human or spiritual, to lose all sense of individual identity and experience Oneness.
The message from a Master this month is an excerpt from a book I am currently channelling from Master Thoth-Hilarion, relevant because all this Piscean energy will help us become more intuitive and have easier access to the Group Consciousness.
Astrology for the month ahead:
March 11 could be a day to be very aware of Piscean energies when the Sun is conjunct Chiron and Mercury is conjunct Neptune, and the next day the Sun opposes the North Node of Destiny which usually triggers a new path of opportunity ahead.
March 17 when Jupiter trines Pluto, and March 23 when Jupiter squares off Saturn, and March 24 when Chiron opposes the North Node of Destiny, are all high-powered days for transformation and forging ahead through challenges.
We have the Equinox on Sunday, 20 March, the changeover of the seasons and where there is complete balance between night and day. Balance will be a key word at this time.
The Full Moon in Libra on Wed, 23 March, aligned with a Lunar Eclipse, will put the focus on relationships and how other people reflect back to us our own issues and personality.
Saturn in Sagittarius turns retrograde on Easter Saturday (26 March) and will only turn Direct again in mid August. This is a time, then, for planning rather than for taking action, and for pondering on our belief systems. It’s a brilliant time for studying and pulling all the pieces of learning together, especially as Mars has also entered Sagittarius and will stay there until the end of May. After August will be the best time to apply your learnings.
I wish you all a very happy Easter and holidays, and do try to make some time as you relax to bring in your new partner – the Divine!
With love, hugs, and blessings in this divinely-inspired month,
Master Thoth-Hilarion – The Gods’ Electrical Energy
Everything that happens in this universe is a reflection of what is going on within yourself and around you. So know that a storm is not a meaningless climate event but that it has significance for you. The lightning is cleaving the air. The rain is clearing and cleansing. Things are being stirred and changed. Energies are being whipped up and sent from Heaven to Earth and rebounding back again. A storm is a two-way conversation between the dimension of Earth and the dimension of Heaven. What is it that you can hear being said?
Many of you will feel the frisson in the air after an electrical storm passes through. It wakes you up, puts you on your toes, and hopefully thrills you. You are being electrified, into action we hope. And it is not just storms that have something to say to you; droughts, floods, tornadoes, snow, hail, odd climatic occurrences. All these things describe a state of affairs that needs looking into, pondering upon, and action taken to bring about some resolution.
So let us turn our thoughts away now from these weather events but let us stay with the topic of energies, for this is the language of the gods, transmitting and transmuting energy, for they are electrical beings, you know. Gods can elicit energy; they can draw it in and send it out. They can massage it and make it splay into many different aspects, like taking a river of water and shaking it to produce a delta at one end. So, gods are manipulators of electrical currents; they can divert them here and there.
And these electrical currents contain not only a force but also information. So just as your electrical waves contain the voices on radio broadcasts and the visuals and sound on television transmissions, so too can the gods insert visuals, sound, and text in the energy they send forth, hoping that you will receive it.
And so, while on Earth you might need a radio or television station or computer equipment to enact these same transmissions of data, the gods can do this with merely their minds. Humans too can do this to a limited extent but it is usually by accident rather than by design. And those humans who are adept at doing this will find that they have the gods’ genes within them. And so those prophets and psychics amongst you will be gods and demi-gods and this ability will be in their DNA. It can be practised, of course, but there will be a limit that you can reach dependent upon your vibrational level and your status within the godhood. You will not be allowed to practise the abilities of the gods if you have not reached that level of evolution in other ways.
It is fun to have these powers, the powers to connect and to communicate with other beings without need for a phone or a computer or any type of tool or equipment. Mere intention will get the other person on the line. You may believe, as a human, that when you are thinking of another person that they will not know, that they will not feel it but, let me assure you, even if they are not consciously aware, their subconscious has been alerted to your calling them up. So be careful what you think about others for they are receiving this information loud and clear and it is swirling around their consciousness and will make them react to you in certain ways.
Sometimes the other person will respond to your call, and you will laugh together as they phone you and you will say, “Oh, but I was thinking about you just now!” So do not be surprised. But even if they don’t ring you or email you in return, they have received your message, your visualisations, your emotions, your desires. And it may be up to you to clean up your act a little for, in truth, you are an open book and others can read you and they may not like what you have written.
So you cannot hide behind the spoken word for there is a whole level of not-so-secret communication taking place behind your eyes, within your mind, and it is being broadcast out into the ethers just as if you had typed it and put it out in the Social Network for all the world to see. There is no privacy in the heavenly realm. Consciousness is shared, just like your Internet but with no barriers, no passwords, no hiding. You may be appalled to hear this. You may be ashamed, rueful, but it is understood at the level of the gods. But as you in turn become a god, more god-like, then it will be beholden upon you to act and think in more god-like ways, and there will be not so much latitude given you for outrageous thinking.
So quieten your emotions. Quieten your heart. Be forgiving and accepting in your ways. Welcome all into your world.
Master Thoth-Hilarion channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 30 Jan 2016 (excerpt from my upcoming book “History of the gods”)
February 2016
Dearest Friends,
Do you often find yourself asking, “Why does my journey through life have to be so rough and tragic?” Well, the reason for going down this particular road is to smooth out all the stoniness and boulders in our psyche. When we’ve evened out our path then it’s onto the next stony trail and trial. The whole reason for our existence in this lifetime is to smooth out our consciousness so that it’s full of harmony, balance, and joy. Just as we go to a beauty parlour to smooth out our skin and wrinkles, so too do we need to do the same to our consciousness so that we have a beautiful mind and spirit.
So, how do we sort out all the stones and boulders in our psyche and get ourselves a smoother ride? What would you do if this was your garden path or driveway? You’d get rid of them, wouldn’t you, or smash them into dust.
With that in mind, let me suggest some techniques for getting rid of stuff that no longer serves us, that keeps us tripping over the past and hurts us.
- A good one if you love water and the ocean: Imagine yourself floating down to the very bottom of the seabed. The darker and colder, the better! Be brave; your consciousness cannot die. Allow all your pores to open and pour out all your darkness, fears, guilt, sorrow, anger, etc, into the deep waters. Keep going until you feel lighter and you begin to rise up off the bottom. Keep rising and you’ll notice the waters getting brighter. Keep rising up into the light and break the surface. If you like, you can keep on rising up, following the sunbeam, and go and spend some time inside the Sun, taking in life force and positivity.
- A good one if you love fire: Imagine yourself diving from the edge of a crater into a fiery, bubbling volcano (remember your consciousness cannot die!). Let yourself be consumed by the fire, burning up all your darkness, fears, guilt, sorrow, anger, etc. Let yourself float on the lava then be ejected by an eruption that throws you high into the universe and landing wherever you need to be next.
- A good one if you love the Earth: Imagine yourself in a large cave or canyon. Lie down on the bedrock and allow your pores to open and pour all your darkness, fears, guilt, sorrow, anger, etc, into the Earth. You might even want the Earth to swallow you up and consume you. As the weight of your burdens leaves you, let yourself float up, levitating, up to the top of a high mountain where you can breathe the clear air and see forever.
- A good one if you love air and space: Imagine yourself floating up into space and see planet Earth below you. Keep going to the centre of our Milky Way Galaxy where there is a big Black Hole. Throw all your darkness, fears, guilt, sorrow, anger, etc, into this Black Hole and then ride the spiral arms of the galaxy as if you were in a funfair, enjoying the freedom and expansiveness.
In all cases, thank the entity which is receiving your darkness and ask it to transmute everything into love and light.
After your journey, take some time to rest and ponder and assimilate, and bask in your new lightness and brightness. Of course, there are many variations on these themes. Invent your own favourite way of letting go and then it will be a pleasure to do this instead of a painful chore. With Mars in Scorpio and Sagittarius for much of this year, the emphasis will be on letting go of the past and changing our thinking and beliefs. By October, we’ll be ready to utilise our new lighter selves for new work and leadership opportunities.
If you haven’t yet dealt with past issues that still hurt and haunt you, be aware of some key dates in the next month that may be triggers for some needed healing work. The weeks before and after the Solar Eclipse on Mar 9 will carry the extreme Piscean energy into every aspect of life.
Feb 24 Jupiter opposes Chiron: Healing beliefs, teaching.
Feb 29 Sun conjunct Neptune: Daydreams, weakness, victim, spirituality
Last week in Feb and first week of March: Focus is on partnerships
6 Mar Sun square Saturn: Responsibility, discipline, work
8 Mar Sun opposes Jupiter: Optimism, over-confidence, beliefs
9 Mar New Moon in Pisces with 5 planets in Pisces + Total Solar Eclipse: Very emotional,
weakness, victim, insanity, escapism, goddess energy, spirituality, fantasy, imagination,
divine communication, addictions. A time to reflect on heavenly not earthly things.
11 Mar Sun conjunct Chiron: Healing, teaching
11 Mar Mercury conjunct Neptune: Daydreams, weakness, victim, spirituality
12 Mar Sun opposes North Node: Destiny calls! Paths revealed.
17 Mar Jupiter trine Pluto: Big letting go day.
17 Mar Mercury conjunct Chiron: Healing thinking, teaching
I wish you a very divine month ahead, utilising all those beautiful and bountiful Piscean energies.
Love and hugs until next month,
Master Aurelian – ALCOHOL
Sophia: I only met Master Aurelian in the heavenly dimensions for the first time this morning. He is a philosopher and at the same senior level as Master Thoth.
Dictionary: Lucius Domitius Aurelianus (212-275A.D.) Roman emperor (270-275A.D.) who conquered Palmyra in 273A.D. and restored political unity to the Roman Empire.
Aurelian: Yes, yes, it’s not the level I am at but what I have to say that counts, for I could be a beggar in the gutter and yet what I have to say is profound and has an immense effect on humanity, and there are many in the higher echelons of learning who spout nonsense. So let us evaluate people on the value of their words and not on their strata in society.
So let me speak to you all today on a topic which is very much in the news, and that is alcohol. Many people like to imbibe, not just once a week or on occasion but every day. Now this would be okay if alcohol was a necessity for life like water or food and protein. But alcohol is a prop, something nice to have like cake and biscuits, and in truth we can do without it. And the further truth is that too much of it does us harm. A taste of anything once in a while is a pleasure but when you need that thing to get you through your every day then it is addiction. And that goes not just for alcohol but coffee, pastries, cigarettes, drugs, shopping, collecting; anything you feel you have to do to carry you through your life.
And so you might want to examine your consumption of alcohol and what it is it truly does for you. What is it substituting for in your life that is missing? And you might be aware of yourself making all kinds of excuses for your indulgence, justifying why you need to do this. But these are lies to yourself. And when you can be truthful then healing can begin.
Using alcohol as an elastoplast for your life is not going to work very well for very long. Things will start coming apart. And you will find that the original problem will pale in comparison to the problems you are generating now. So this would be a good time to take stock of your addictions, to understand your stopgaps. For that is what you are doing, filling the gaps in your life with substances and materials that really do you harm.
Let us begin to cure the underlying emotions and then we shall see a better culture, a more humane civilisation, and we will begin to get the balance back upon this Earth. Too many now are crazy on alcohol and drugs, and before long everyone will be touched by it either as a perpetrator or a victim.
So come clean in your life and wean yourself off of these addictions. A little of what you fancy does you good, but too much of a good thing is to your detriment. These Piscean stars in the next weeks will put you on notice.
Master Aurelian channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 17 Feb 2016
Published by Ovidne.com, P.O.Box 800, Cooroy, QLD 4563, Australia.
January 2016
Dearest Friends,
A New Life for the New Year
As this year begins, ask yourself, “Do I love my life? Is it filled with joy and fulfilment?” If the answer is “No” or “Not really” or “Some of the time”, I have good news for you. And it’s not only because five planets are in alignment during the next month (Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Venus, and Mercury), or that Jupiter (the planet of luck and opportunity) is partnering the North Node of the Moon (Destiny).
Saturn in Sagittarius (Sep 2015 – Dec 2017) is helping us to challenge every belief and every thought, and it is this pushing and prodding from Saturn that will get us to arrive at a place of love and joy and fulfilment.
If there’s just one belief we need to remember it is that our thinking and beliefs create our reality. You’ve probably heard that hackneyed phrase often but what does it truly mean? It means that you will attract into your life every experience that concurs with your thinking, not always immediately but it unfolds around you over time.
So, if you think that life sucks and is unfair, you’ll be given plenty of scenarios to prove you’re right.
If you think your life is too crazy and you have too much going on and there’s not enough hours in the day, then it will manifest that way.
If you believe that people depend on you too much and that you can’t break free, then that’s how it will be.
If you believe you aren’t good enough, then the world will mirror this back to you and treat you as if you aren’t good enough and pay you poor respect or inattention or too small a salary.
Therefore, if you don’t like your experiences then change your thinking, simple as that. Or is it simple? No, it’s not, because our beliefs often stem from childhood or even from past lives, so our programming is pretty ingrained by adulthood and quite difficult to alter or remove. The first trick is even to notice what we are thinking and believing and how we react because of it.
One of the best books, in my opinion, for highlighting your way of thinking is still that old favourite by Louise Hay, “You Can Heal Your Life”. I read it again recently and it took me straight back to basics and I was struck by the simplicity and power of her writing. Positive affirmations may be old hat but, by Jove, they certainly work! Turning your negative thoughts around into positive affirmations is the best way to begin to create a new reality for yourself.
Our way of thinking is becoming more and more essential because we are entering a higher vibrational dimension which manifesst things a lot faster for us these days. This is borne out by new information on the vibrational rate of the Earth as measured by the Schumann Resonance. This has been approximately 7.83 Hz for many years. Suddenly, in June 2014, it jumped to 8.5 Hz. In the past 18 months, there have been spikes recorded up to 16.5 Hz. This proves that the Earth’s frequency is speeding up, and with it our ability to manifest our thoughts into reality.
The planet Mars yo-yos back and forth between Scorpio and Sagittarius until October, giving us the perfect energies for clearing out and letting go old thinking (Scorpio) and bringing in new positive and expansive thinking (Sagittarius). Mid April to end of June will be an especially good time to dig deep, and we may see many secrets and skeletons coming out of the closet both personally and in the greater world during this time.
For the month ahead, Jupiter (the lucky planet) and the North Node of the Moon (Destiny) get together on Saturday, 23 Jan and again on Friday, 29 Jan. A great time for furthering your life plans, with a bit of luck from the stars thrown in.
The Full Moon in Leo occurs on Sunday, 24 Jan, and this will shine the moon’s light on love, laughter, leadership, and being especially creative. Children and childish emotions will be in the spotlight too.
Be alert on Feb 10/11 regarding relationships and health. This could be the best of times, or provide a new platform for change. The New Moon in Aquarius on Feb 9 is likely to fan the flames for change and new beginnings personally and for the whole of humanity.
I wish you a wonderful month of being the magician and waving your wand to create the life you truly wish to have.
With all my love and hugs until next month,
Lady Master Quan Yin – You Are Good Enough
So what shall we speak about today? There are many pressing subjects but I think the one that takes precedent in this hour is that of not feeling good enough. It is a feeling and a thought that many in the world harbour. So let us give it an airing and let us modify this thought so that it supports us rather than betrays us.
Good enough for what? I say. Who are we comparing ourselves against? Who are we trying to impress? Who has set the standards? Who has set the bar so high? It is not that we don’t wish for you to improve yourselves; of course we do, but we would not strike you or whip you or belittle you in the making of you. There is a way that can get people to give of their best, and this is through encouragement and support and motivation. This is what you must give yourselves if it is not forthcoming from others.
If your parents or teachers never gave this to you when you where young, if they criticised you and judged you and derided you, then you are likely to give that same treatment to yourself now. Did you enjoy it when you were younger? No, of course, you didn’t! So get rid of those antics now and be the perfect parent, the perfect teacher, to yourself. Give credit where credit is due. Acknowledge every victory, every success, however minor. Recount the ways you have succeeded every day as you go to sleep at night. And know that you are a work-in-progress and every day you are becoming better and better at being a star.
There are some of you who set out to achieve a certain milestone, and it is good if you push yourself to get there. But it is also not failure if you do not make it. For there will be many reasons why, including the fact that you were never supposed to make it to that particular point. The universe may have had other plans for you.
So just know that at the end of the day, that you have done your best, you have given it a try, and pat yourself on the back for having got thus far. You are good enough for the gods by pure virtue of the fact that you exist. Does a mother look at her small child and say, “You are not good enough, for you cannot talk, you cannot walk, you cannot do calculus, you cannot cook an egg.” The child is in the process of learning and so too is every adult, learning how to become a god, how to become a star. It is not an overnight event or miracle. It takes an amount of work and effort and good intention. So let that intention be there and find yourself willing to make changes but find yourself also worthy to be who you are right now.
Certainly, you will be different down the track. That does not take away from today and where you are in this moment, a loved child of the universe. Go and love yourself too.
I am Lady Quan yin, mother of the universe and a lover of children.
Lady Master Quan Yin channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 20 Jan 2016
Some of Sophia’s books are available from Amazon.com and other online bookstores in paperback and e-book formats.
Click on the link below to take you straight to them in Amazon.com.
December 2015
Dearest Friends,
I read this week that $100 million has been gifted by a Russian billionaire to a project named ‘Breakthrough Listen’, a ten-year program that is seeking to discover alien life, utilising the latest supercomputers and astrophysics telescopes focused on the dark reaches of outer space. I’d love to save them all the trouble and to pocket some of that $100 million myself!
I have been channelling ‘alien life’ for over 15 years and have many books worth of wisdom that have been passed down to me, word for word, from beings much more intelligent than myself. I know for a fact that the guidance and information that pours forth through me cannot possible come from me as it’s far too articulate and erudite, and I’ve been known to channel for hours with nary an ‘um’ or an ‘er’ in hesitation, whereas ask me to speak off-the-cuff at Toastmasters for a five minute impromptu speech and I stumble over words and try hard to keep some sort of coherence going.
The ‘aliens’ that speak to me and through me are usually ‘Ascended Masters’ and sometimes Angels but on occasion they are other types of beings from who knows where. All are from other dimensions within our universe where laws of physics play out that we have yet to discover. And this is the reason we will not encounter aliens just yet, not while we pursue them using old science and old ideas.
When we tune into our higher consciousness, ‘aliens’ are accessible to us at any time. We need no telescope or Internet or vast bandwidth. Our mind is its own supercomputer with all the tools necessary to make contact. The ‘aliens’ await our call.
I have found my own life to be greatly enhanced since teaming up with these allies (rather than aliens). They have a huge capacity for love and temperance and for guiding us astutely. They are my divine family and just as much a part of my life as my human family.
Our own soul hangs out with these divine beings, and there is no finer feeling than being in touch with our soul. It is akin to finding your lover, the one you’ve been waiting for your entire life. There is such an elation of wholeness and oneness when contact is made and the two parts of yourself click together.
So, this Christmas, do find some time to go searching for alien life and remember your divine family as you celebrate with your earthly family.
In the astrology for the month ahead, Saturday, December 19 is a day where destiny plays out big time, but it is Thursday, January 14, that is hugely starred for something fateful to happen, when Jupiter and the North Node of Destiny come together in Virgo. Virgo is the earth sign of purity, and so fate could be triggering, in both yourself and the larger world, the need for cleanliness, health regimes, tidiness, effectiveness, good agriculture and food i.e. the health of yourself, of animals, and the health of the whole planet. Think of the Garden of Eden and this is the epitome of a Virgo world! Virgo energy loves attention to detail but can emerge negatively as judgemental tendencies and nit-picking. So, mid-January could see us clearing and cleaning like never before!
January 6-7 could be troublesome, with the Sun triggering Pluto and Uranus into change, change, change, so there could be rebelliousness and darkness before we emerge into the sunshine again, having undergone transformation somewhat. We are being prepared for this lightning strike by Mercury, the planet of thinking and communications who, in the final ten days of December, aspects many of the other planets as if he’s making a visit with each in order to get our thinking straight in each area of life. It’s a great time to review our year and make plans for 2016, letting go all thinking past its use-by-date. We may find, too, that it’s an unusually sociable Christmas season with a lot of communicating but we will need time out to also do our thinking and planning, checking in with our soul to receive guidance and see if we are on track for the next year.
People often ask me, “How do we connect with our soul?” Just get into a quiet space and meditative state and then begin to speak with your soul in your mind. They will hear you, be assured. The art is to listen to what they say to you in return. They can be very subtle and sometimes very symbolic, so you may need to ponder on what transpires and not take it absolutely literally. Definitely, the more you practise, the easier it will be to make contact each time. It helps to write down your conversations as I’ve found that things often play out over weeks or even months, and you tend to forget what transpired earlier if you don’t record it.
It eventually becomes a magical way to live your life, with every day an adventure, where delight and surprise mingle with challenges for personal growth and deep fulfilment. (What I’m saying is, some days are beautiful and some days are bummers, but the tally is an awesome feeling of evolving into a deeply spiritual being with the magnificence of a Master.)
As 2015 closes and a new year begins, let us take a deep breath and vow to trust that all is unfolding as it should. Be love, be kindness, be forgiving, and surrender yourself to the destiny your soul has planned for you. Resistance is so last year!
I wish you and your families (human and divine) the most blessed Christmas and New Year, and may magic thread its way through your paths for 2016.
With all my love and hugs until next month,
Master El Morya – Christmas Stars
Yes, I am here for you, not just for you, Sophia, but for all the world. I give my energies freely and generously. I am not a world saviour but I am doing my best to save the world. And that is all we can do, each and every one of us, do our best to save the world and ourselves along with it. We each have a particular job to do, a unique task, and some may be more Herculean than others, but every last one is equally important, a link in the chain. So do not mess up with your part, and give us all you’ve got.
There are things coming to a head now, at home and abroad. We are coming to the apex of the cycle. And it is always hardest, those last few miles before the end, or those last few metres before the top of the mountain. Here we will need to muster up extra courage, further fortitude, stronger strength. And let us help one another along the way, those who are ailing beside us, for it behooves us to get as many as possible across the line.
What is before the line and what is after it, you may ask? Before the line are all the challenges we have had, the crucifixions we have had to go through, the crumblings of our spirit. And across the line is Heaven and harmony and health. There are balmier days ahead instead of the barmier days from our past.
So let us open our hearts wide now and let Spirit imbue us. Let us take this in as our drink this Christmas, rather than ale or other kinds of spirit. Let us drink in the true Spirit and have our fill. And then you will find your hearts blazing like a sun, and it will be like a nuclear fusion has taken place inside your chests. Radiance will fill your world and light shall fall in every direction. For this is the state of a star. And a star is who you are once you let go of the concrete that encases you. Your brilliance is in there, deep within you. Give yourself the present of a lifetime this Christmas and go deep and retrieve it. There will be no need for a star on the top of your tree, then.
I look forward to seeing you all unwrapping your presents (Presence) in the days to come. And, as stars, we will all unite together and take this world into a higher place, into a starry sky. All in Heaven wish you harmonious holidays and we will see you in the Light.
I am El Morya, Messenger of the Gods and Angel of Christmas.
Master El Morya channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 14 Dec 2015
November 2015
Dearest Friends,
My lovely sister, Tina, who lives in England, made a wonderful suggestion to me recently, that we list our top 20 TV shows since the very beginning of the television era in the 1950s when we were small children. It was such fun delving back into those childhood memories and sharing them with my sister to gales of laughter and shrieks of “Oh yes, I’d forgotten about that one!”. I clearly remember watching the very first episode of ‘Doctor Who’ and creating Daleks out of egg cartons with my sisters. We’re now progressing to our top 20 films, books, and songs, providing such delightful and sometimes poignant recollections. In case you’re curious, my favourite TV series ever is ‘Darling Buds of May’, not because it evokes memories of my childhood growing up in busy London, but it’s the romanticised version of how I wished my childhood could have been, growing up on a farm in the countryside within a close-knit, loving and supportive family.
Speaking of family, relationships will be to the forefront this next couple of months with Venus now in her own sign of Libra, focusing on harmony with others, and balance and justice in all things. The North Node (Destiny) has been in this sign for the past 18 months, causing many new relationships to be birthed or to be let go, or at least markedly reshaped. Mars also moves into Libra this week, helping us to take action to bring about any required harmony and justice and the balance of feminine and masculine energies within ourselves and around us.
The North Node of Destiny now slips this week into a new area of adventure and takes us all along for the ride, a ride into the energies of Virgo where Jupiter is also currently playing out. Virgo is from ‘virginal’ meaning ‘purity’, and this will mean attention for the next 18 months on purifying ourselves and our environment. So the focus will be on health, diet (nutritious, pure food), exercise, cleaning of homes, offices, the land, water, and air, clearing out our minds of old, negative thoughts, beliefs and emotions. The first few months will focus on health and balance as Destiny transitions from Libra and works with Venus and Mars in this area.
Destiny regarding health and purity will be ramped up in January and February 2016 when it works hand in hand with Jupiter who tends to take things over the top in his desire for growth and expansion. This is good news for those who wish to work hard as Virgo is a sign for getting things done and attending to details. Beware the desire for judgement and being nit-picky, though!
The final week of this November could be a doozy, with Saturn, Neptune, the Sun, and Mercury, all playing with our minds and emotions. Saturn’s energies can inject us with feelings of power and control or, conversely, can make us feel suppressed, stuck, and imprisoned if we are resisting taking on the mantle of responsibilities we were born to wear. Neptune’s energies can have us feeling connected to Spirit and like blythe spirits ourselves, or they can make us want to escape our responsibilities on Earth and our past. This really is a week to be very aware of our own mental health and that of others and put in place appropriate support mechanisms (not alcohol and drugs!). These energies will relax as we move into December. The positive message from this quartet of planets is an emerging understanding of how we can bring Heaven to Earth in a practical and grounded way.
Enjoy the New Moon in Scorpio on 12 November. Scorpio can be about death and rebirth and letting go of darkness, but it is also the sign of the Magician who understands how to manipulate energies and bring about powerful new outcomes. The Magician destroys the old and useless and paves the way for fresh and exciting new ways of living.
So let us all get out our magic wands this month and bring in the new world, the new energies, that we all wish to see and feel and live in.
May love and stars fall on you from Heaven and all directions.
Master Thoth / Hermes / Mercury – Dayside and Nightside
Let you hear my voice, let me speak my piece (peace).
There is much riding on the energies now abroad. We can take them and use them this way or that, for good or for bad, for upside or downside. Energy is just energy; it has no malevolent intent. It is there to be used and it will just hang around until it is used. So put it to good purpose. There is no use for it going to waste.
So where shall we put these energies, then? How shall we grab them out of the universe and utilise them with best intent? If you were to see a hole in your roof you would quickly work to patch it up. And this is how we must be with all of life. Where we see a hole we must fix it, and not with mere temporary solutions but with good solid repairs or even replacements.
A hole in your sole (soul)? You will need new shoes. And new shoes will take you to new places, to discover new people, new livelihoods, new ways of living. So get into those new shoes now. And wear them in, so that they no longer chafe you or cause you discomfort. Be comfortable in your new shoes, in your new life, for then you will enjoy the road and all it has to offer.
And there are many being offered new roads right now. Many of those roads have never been ridden before. So there might still be a few humps and bumps along the trail, for it is only a well-trodden path that is flattened out. So pioneers will need to rough it a bit in the beginning. But isn’t that part of the adventure? For not everyone wants to walk the well-trodden road.
So put out your hearts in the starlight. Let it gather strength and courage and a knowing of the darkness. For the darkness is not to be feared, merely navigated, for who can fear a moonlit, star-fire night? For the darkness is just a complementary landscape to the daylight; neither are to be feared but used for your pleasure. The daytime is for action, the night time for reflection. The day utilises our masculine energies well, the night utilises our feminine energies at their best. One is not better than the other. They are yin and yang, part of the whole.
So know your dayside and your nightside and love both aspects of yourself; the white cloak and the black cloak. Under both cloaks lie the same beating heart. And when this heart is filled with love, then so shall the black rose bloom beside the white rose. There is beauty in them both.
When you have circled the Sun as many times as I have, you will begin to understand all parts of Nature and how they fit together to provide one glorious design.
Hear my message for I am The Messenger, the carrier of The Word.
Master Thoth/Hermes/Mercury channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 09 Nov 2015
October 2015
Dearest Friends,
Happy New Moon in Libra today, the Moon dealing with relationships and the balancing of the male and female aspects within ourselves. When the inner self is balanced and whole and not overly needy of one side or the other, then outer relationships will also be harmonious.
The Goddess Harmonia (Harmony) was the daughter of Venus and Mars. Venus (aka Aphrodite) represents our feminine traits of reflection, intuition, and receptivity, of letting things be, whereas Mars (aka Ares) represents our masculine traits of action, exploration, and ambition, of making things happen. This month’s message coincidentally (or not!) follows on from last month’s message of ‘The Mars Within’.
So harmony is given birth to when we can bring our own Venus and Mars together. They are opposing entities but they unite to produce this beautiful daughter. Harmony is like the taut string of a violin, tensioned between opposing ends but when plucked brings music to the ears.
Harmony is also like a choir—lots of voices with different tones and ranges but all coming together melodiously. Being in harmony doesn’t mean a lack of conflict or disharmony, but bringing all opposing values and views into a useful whole, like lashing several gnarled logs together to form a raft that will float. Harmonising is not a blending of people so that the individual is lost, but a joining of multiple notes into pleasurable chords. Harmony is not about blending into sameness, uniformity, and monotony, but into a full chord of diversity.
This coming fortnight will see a huge amount of Venus and Mars activity amongst the various planets, along with a Full Moon in Venus’ sign, Taurus, on 27 October, culminating on 3 November when Venus actually meets up with Mars himself in a kind of finale after the ‘relationships training programme’ of the preceding weeks.
The following day, it is worth noting that Jupiter will be opposing Chiron so there could be some fallout from the above meeting, some new lessons to learn, or old woundings being opened up that require resolution. This could be to do with the other children produced by Venus and Mars; Deimos (Fear). Phobos (Panic) and Eros (Desire). Heavenly families reflect our own!
I wish you all a very harmonious month and Emerald Ray blessings from Venus,
Love and hugs,
Master Serapis Bey – What is the truth?
There are the eyes and there are the ears. We see and we listen. Yet what do we really see, what do we really hear? For much of what enters our craniums is not true; it is not the raw material. We have put a bonnet on it or a skirt. We have elaborated the details, until our memory of what has transpired bears no relation to the actual event. We are all looking through filters or other controls from within. And we take something that has happened and we distort the facts, because seen from our point of view this is how it was. But seen through other’s eyes something quite different may have occurred. So, often we are speaking at cross purposes. For we have dipped events into our own juice, to our own taste, and we are presenting it back to the other as the original.
So we cannot make sense of our conversations and dialogues for we are not starting from a similar base. We have all kinds of prejudices and biases that alter the true source. If we do not know ourselves then we do not know our biases. But we are all of us working with skewed data, proving our point against another’s.
So we need to be aware that a fact is not a fact. A fact is taken and adorned in any number of ways, and that adorned version is stored as fact. And we pull that version out and present it in court. So man will see things one way and woman will see them another, and until we learn to see with the same eyes how can we agree upon anything?
And so we must swap hats on occasion and see how the other sees; wear their glasses, walk in their moccasins. Then we will come to understand that a diamond has many facets and we may not be all viewing the same one. It makes it no less a diamond.
Let us understand that each of us is blinkered and we have no right to call the other wrong. A skyscraper may look flat if viewed directly from above, yet viewed from below may be a hundred-storey structure. Let us be aware we do not have all the views or all the angles. Our knowledge is partial and biased by our experience. Allow then that there may be other views and all of them as much the truth as yours.
This will be the start of harmony; when we allow for other notes to come into our music.
I am Master Serapis Bey, master musician and magician.
Master Serapis Bey channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 13 Oct 2015
September 2015
Dearest Friends,
The Mars Within
Today, as I write this, Mars is aspecting (trine) Uranus in the heavens and there may be a feeling of restlessness within us, urging us to take sudden action. It may be gentle stirrings for renewed activity after a period where not much has taken place, or it might manifest as raw energy from an unexpected source within us, or perhaps as revolutionary ideas, or even as utter rebelliousness.
Uranus’ desire is to get us to a place of higher consciousness, to take new perspectives on board, to make changes to our lives for the better where our souls are enlivened and more harmonious. Mars’ desire is for independence and challenge, heroism and bodily movement. He cannot bear inaction and he will, through force of his will, make things happen. He even quite enjoys conflict and disharmony as it provides a battleground for him to prove himself a victor. If our lives are looking pretty much like a battleground, there may be a few Mars-type people we are having issues with. But it’s not for us to go to war or fight them in any way. There is a better method.
All of us have the energies of each of the planets in varying degrees within us. These energies are like the ingredients in a cake, and the cake is us. Some cakes have lots of nuts or cherries; others chocolate, eggs, vanilla, or cream. We all differ in the recipe of our ‘cake mixture’ according to the strength of the energies of the planets at the time we were born.
Each of us has Mars in our cake mix, though. Some have a lot and are action types; some have only a little and are more placid or cerebral. No matter the quantity, the Mars within us will need a lot of attention from us. If his needs are not met, we will feel the conflict and warring inside us. And any inner conflict will filter outwards into our external world and be reflected back to us by partners, children, work colleagues, and the universe at large.
So we need to meditate and call upon this Mars within, this part of our psyche, to present himself and confess his issues to us. Then we as the ‘parent’ to our Mars ‘child’ need to deal with these issues and resolve them as a responsible and loving and understanding parent.
The conflicts and wars in our world could be mostly overcome if only every single person were to deal with their inner Mars and their wars within themselves. Every relationship issue and domestic violence issue springs from some unresolved Mars complaint within the parties concerned.
Let us do what we can to contribute to world peace! Let us ensure our Mars within is happy, confident, unrestricted, utilised for good purpose, and is willing to play nicely with others. We need our Mars as he is our player for action and motivation. But an irascible and irritated Mars is the cause of great pain and misery and exhaustion. Take him to task today!
I wish you a very action-packed and fortuitous month full of opportunities as Saturn heads into Sagittarius and we feel this major energy change.
Love, hugs, and blessings,
Master El Morya – Dealing with Mars
Let us start by determining what is the Mars within us, the masculine aspect of ourselves; the derring-do, our chivalrous nature, the Knight of old. We would be in sad plight without our Knight. And if any are experiencing a lack of energy or vivacity it could be that this Knight is sleeping within them; indolent, unaware, unconscious, unmoving and unmoved by purpose.
And so we must treat this Knight according to his due. For he loves to be attended upon. He loves clamour and glamour of which he is the centre. The world revolves around our little ego-Mars – according to him! And so it is we must take a bigger picture of life and understand there are others in this world too, and we must accommodate them all.
And so while the largeness and largesse of our Mars is a splendour to behold, we must rein him in at times for he would make the world his servant, and his friends his shoes. So one must be wise to the antics of Mars. Give him his head and he will give you his heart. But he will expect undue rewards in return. He sees empires where others dream of corner shops. And we do not wish to deflate this idealist but neither do we want him conquering that which is not his.
So letting Mars run but keeping him in check is a line fraught with difficulty and constant need of attention. He is a wolf when others are sheep. He is a lion when others are goats. He is a ram when others are lambs. We cannot balance the world without his heart. Yet he would unbalance the world because of his heart.
And so we must learn to Master this Mars. He is a flame that can turn into a fire which can easily burn out of control, and yet what would this world be like without fire? A miserable place indeed!
It is a complex relationship we have with our Mars and the Mars within others. Let us deal with our own kin first. And when we have the measure of our own Mars then we shall be better at measuring others too, and we shall be wiser in how to handle them. Mars is marvellous when he’s on a roll, but he can be mean and malevolent if he is thwarted. Let us see if our Mars measures up then to the way we wish for humanity to be.
I am Morya, mentor for Marsness.
Master El Morya channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 9 Sept 2015
August 2015
Dearest Friends,
Missing the Magic
Magic is something that every human being loves. Magic, the supernatural, the occult, metaphysics, science fiction, these are major themes in our movies and on TV these days. It’s because script writers know that these themes are successful, and that’s because deep in our hearts we resonate with magic—dimensions of life we have experienced before, and are still experiencing today as our souls. Deep within us we know the truth of what is out there, beyond our limited consciousness and the materialism of humans, out there in the Unknown beyond time and this dimension.
Many of us at this current time are missing that magic. It presents as a loss of soul, as discontent, depression, frustration, unfulfillment, apathy, escapism, drudgery, and as a myriad of associated physical ailments that manifest out of our emotional distress. Our souls feel as if they are dying, as we lose connection with our rightful home and source in a higher dimension, and we lose our memories of more magical times we have experienced as spirits between human lifetimes.
Saturn’s three year journey through Scorpio, the sign of death, rebirth, and transformation, is coming to an end on 19 September. We can all rejoice in that! This Scorpionic era has urged us to die to our old selves and remember who we truly are—students of magic! As we learn to let go and purge ourselves of negative thinking and our lower nature, we will begin to experience more and more magical times. The connection to higher dimensions starts to clarify and strengthen and we find synchronicity and coincidence happening more and more often. The joy and fun return to fill our lives.
This coming weekend’s Full Moon in Pisces is a perfect time to feel the connection to other realms and dimensions. Channels will be more open at this time than usual. Make some time to connect your heart with your soul and you will notice the difference immediately.
The local Salvation Army noticeboard displays this message this month: “7 days without prayer makes one weak.” Exactly so! And this Full Moon in Pisces might have the effect of making us feel weak. This is because many of us are running on empty. We wouldn’t do it to our cars; we fill our tanks with fuel as soon as necessary yet we don’t fill up our human tanks with the necessary fuel, which is the energy of the universe, the energy from our souls. We need to connect to our Soul Pump daily, if possible, and fill up with energy and magic and inspiration and motivation and feel-good vibes. All it takes is a few minutes in silent conversation with our soul, opening our hearts to receive its abundance, and opening our minds to receive answers and guidance. Ask for magic to happen and it will undoubtedly appear!
Jupiter is now in Virgo for the next year, and the Sun is here too for a month. This means the focus will be on purity (Virgo is the Virgin). This doesn’t mean no sex for a month! But it will draw attention to anything and anywhere that needs purifying and reorganising: diets and health regimes, spring-cleaning urges, pruning gardens, clearing out cupboards and garages, doing the filing, sprucing up the home or office or environment, and implementing efficiencies. Workloads will probably increase in other ways too and it will be a busy year for most.
Jupiter loves growth and Virgo is an Earth sign so it should be a good year for gardens and farming, but could also highlight any food issues such as famine or food security.
Make the most of the final few weeks of Saturn in Scorpio to let go of any old thinking and stuff so that you are primed and ready on 19 September for over two years of Saturn in Sagittarius (until 21 Dec 2017). Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, so again we’ll have a period of growth and expansion but especially related to studying and education, travel, culture, philosophy, and ethics. Racial and religious tensions and refugee crises will probably intensify, unfortunately, and we’ll be asked to make moral decisions on how the world will need to move forwards from hereon. Our group consciousness will pave the way, so how we think individually will contribute to the outcome. We cannot delegate this responsibility to others.
Jupiter/Sagittarius represents the High Priest or High Priestess, and this means spiritual guidance, so there’s a good chance for magic making more of an appearance in the next couple of years and for intuition to be increasingly utilised. Jupiter in legend is the king of the gods, and he is linked with good fortune and optimism and lucky opportunities. This will be like a breath of fresh air after the darkness of the previous three years when Saturn was in Scorpio,
It’s definitely time to grow and fly and spread your wings! Enjoy!
Much love and many blessings,
Lady Master Pallas Athena – The Magic Show
There is much water that has run under the bridge since we last spoke and the waters are beginning to run clearer now and we shall see things more clearly and we shall see to the bottom of things.
And with this new clarity, what shall we do with it? Our eyes shall be opened, our hearts opened too, and all the universe shall be there in all its glory for us to see as if for the first time. Make what you will of it. All will have their own take on it. And some will not know what to think and they will be guided by others. But know in your own hearts what it is you are seeing and what it means to you. Yes, magical times indeed!
As we open up this world a little bit more, like the petals of a lotus opening to the universe, there will be some who shall be scared and they will close up again immediately, but try and stay the distance for the more familiar you become of something the less scared you are. And as you make out what you are seeing it will become a delight to you, a source of pleasure, a source of love. For who could not love the garden of the universe and all its many delights?
Some will not see these things and will wonder at the mind states of others. And these others may wonder at the mind states of themselves! For these are things that humans have not experienced for many a long millennia. We must go back into prehistory to find a time when Heaven had opened its doors before. Yes, this is what is happening, and as you open the doors of your heart, so Heaven will open its doors to you.
So let us begin this rapprochement, this bringing together of two sides in friendship and love and respect. There is much we can teach each other. Let us be the true balance of human and soul upon this Earth.
Dreams will begin to manifest now like fireworks exploding over a desert. So hold onto your hearts and minds for it shall be a firecracker of a time if you are watching from the sidelines. We invite you to be drawn into the magic and the mystery for it shall be a secret no longer. Prepare to be amazed and astounded. There is nothing like a good magic show, is there?
I am Lady Athena, preparing for my tricks which shall be no illusion.
Lady Master Pallas Athena channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 26 August 2015
July 2015
Dearest Friends,
Time to Nurture
Happy New Moon in Cancer today! It’s all about mothering, nurturing, home and family, and I hope it provides the antidote to the previous Full Moon in Capricorn (back, spine, knees, hard work, structure, support, responsibility). I fell foul of that Capricorn Moon quite literally and ended up in hospital for four days with what felt like a broken back. It didn’t break but I still can’t bend in the middle or sit down, hence I’m writing this lying down flat and will stand up to type it later! So, this week I’m looking for a little mothering and nurturing for myself!
The Full Moon and New Moons in any one month are always a balance to one another, the polarity to each other, and Capricorn represents the strong masculine fatherly way of doing things, and Cancer represents the gentle, feminine, motherly way of getting outcomes. Neither is wrong. We need to apply both forms in our lives for the best results, and knowing which hat to wear at which appropriate time is the key here also.
If we have been working too hard or feel the stress and pressures of too much responsibility and too little support, then our backs and knees and structural systems are likely to give way and we will need the tender caring of the Cancerian world.
The down side to Cancerian energy is that it can make us feel a bit too needy and fearful and insecure, so then we need to tap into the Capricorn energy and support ourselves with better structures and lifestyles. I saw on this morning’s TV news that a house which was being built suddenly collapsed into a big hole. This is typical of Capricorn-Cancer energies; Capricorn = structure and building, Cancer = a big emotional pit to fall into.
This New Moon sees four planets in Cancer, so the energy will be pretty huge this week; either positively nurturing or negatively insecure.
Take the time this month to try to relax more, as Lady Sedna suggests below. Venus will be going retrograde (backwards) from 26 July so this will mean going inwards and doing work on loving ourselves and getting ourselves strong and beautiful and harmonious in every way.
From July 27, all the outer planets (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron) will all be retrograde along with Venus. It means a time to pull inwards and reflect, for worldly affairs as well as our own. It could mean a recession as all energies will be focused inwardly on thinking and planning, and action won’t be possible for a while.
The Full Moon in Aquarius on 31 July is the second full moon of the month, making it a Blue Moon, in the sign of sudden unexpected change, so I guess anything could happen at this time! Go with the flow!
Love and blessings and nurturing hugs to you all,
Personal Astrology Readings
If you would like your own personal astrology reading to understand what is happening for you at this present time and for the next few years, I can do this for you either as a phone or Skype session for a half or a full hour, or I can send you an email with your major highlights.
(I have just done this for someone travelling in the Himalayas who needed some guidance. There is no tyranny of distance anymore!!!)
More details at http://earthwithspirit.com/ews-astrology-services/
Just send me a email to let me know what you need and we can arrange it from there. sophia@earthwithspirit.com
Lady Master Sedna – Relaxation
The topic today, Sophia, is relaxation, for you are sorely in need of it. You fly around like a bumble bee, hither and thither, busy, busy, busy. You take little time for proper rest and wonder why you are worn out at day’s end. So come, my lady, put away your books now and enjoy yourself, otherwise your week will just become one blur of work and you will have nothing to look back upon to say you had fun.
So let us relax now, all of us together. The day is done. It is time to go inwards to reflect and to plan a little, to connect with loved ones, and to settle down the world for the night. If you are just about your own business then you cannot invest time to help out the rest of the world. So let us have more ‘we’ rather than ‘me’. I realise your work is not selfish work; it is all targeted at others, but it is a lot of head work and we wish for you to give more time to heart work where you just rest, allowing your heart to merge with others so that you feel that connection, that strength that comes from being a part of a network, a family. Otherwise you are just a lone string dangling by yourself and this would not give pleasure to anyone.
So, relaxation is not merely a time for downing tools and watching TV, or playing sport, or swimming in the ocean. Relaxation is a time for the body and mind to rest, for you to remember you are part of a divine matrix. And you need to tap into this at least once a day, sometimes more. Just as you need fuel for your car to keep going, so too do you need divine energy to keep you moving and flowing. Otherwise, your car, your body, your mind, will start seizing up and giving you trouble.
So, relaxation is also a kind of work, divine work, exceedingly pleasurable work, and we encourage you to indulge in this kind of work much more often. The rest of your work will still get done. In fact, it will be much more pleasurable to do so. You will come at it from a higher place and it will be more effortless and you will find you will have much less resistance towards it.
So light that fire inside your heart and lie down beside it. Close your eyes and enter a wonderful world of divinity and love, softness, kindness, where all is right, all is wellness. And spread your light to all around you that others may benefit from it and more can then enter yourself. Be a pump for divine energy. Let it come into you and let it flow out of you. This is the true way to relax.
I am Lady Sedna, mother of relaxation techniques and tender of bodies.
Lady Master Sedna channelled by Sophia Ovidne, from “Lady Sedna’s Ascension Handbook” available from Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/Lady-Sednas-Ascension-Handbook-Sedna/dp/1503500055
June 2015
Dearest Friends,
Your Personal Odyssey
I’m currently working my way through a beautiful book “The Angels Within Us” by John Randolph Price, which aligns an Angel with each major card of the Tarot, 22 of them. Today’s Angel that I’m working with is the Angel of Victory and Triumph, representing The Chariot card in the Tarot.
This Angel is all about persistence and having the determination, courage, will, and steadfastness to overcome the obstacles and problems that litter our life and cause us to feel like failures, or that it’s futile to try to get ahead or achieve anything worthwhile. How often do we say to ourselves, “What’s the point?”.
It reminds me of the great story from Greek legend about the hero, Odysseus, and the journey of ten years he was forced to take that became known as ‘The Odyssey’. An odyssey is the name for any long eventful journey. Odysseus spent a decade trying to return home after being in the Trojan war, when the gods sent him one challenge after another, wrecking his boat and his plans, tempting him almost beyond endurance, provoking him to face his demons, and demanding his utmost ingenuity and bravery.
Many of us go through our own personal odyssey, and often we may wonder why we are being so punished or put through the hell of adversity, loss, failure, illness, or abandonment. The answer is that this is a journey of transformation. It is no punishment on the part of God or the universe, but part of our training so that we emerge as a god ourselves, as someone who has found their strength, resilience, and enlightenment through being forged in the fires of life. It is as though we are raw recruits in God’s army and have to go through Boot Camp before we pass muster as a whole and harmonious individual and useful member of the divine team.
Like Odysseus, we need to be courageous as we face the travails of this life. It was never promised to us that life would be all smooth sailing and ease. The universe is both light and darkness and we need to be trained as Masters of both elements. When challenges present themselves, we can either go to pieces and wail at the Fates, or we can be determined to be resourceful and strong and present our best face and give it our best shot. We need to acknowledge the reality in front of us in this moment and let go of all “if only” thinking, and gather all options for moving forward from here.
Resilience and courage are hardly ever taught in schools or even in the home. They should be. They are essential traits for living in this world. And coupled with an unshakeable belief and trust in our spirit self as our guide and navigator, this will be what gets us through our odyssey.
With Saturn moving back into Scorpio this week for the next few months until mid-September, this may be the time for many personal odysseys to reach their climax and then completion. After this, Saturn then moves into Sagittarius for the next few years, and focus will turn from dealing with personal darkness to more optimistic paths where growth and expansion will feature and spiritual intuition will become more widespread. Something to look forward to – a new odyssey into light and joy!
I wish you many blessings on your journeys this month, and know that Angels are with you always, whether you are aware of them or not.
With love and hugs,
P.S. Check out my new-look website www.earthwithspirit.com. Thank you to Trevor Foster, my clever website magician!
Master Serapis Bey – Determination
I have always been an advocate of pulling up one’s boot straps when one is faced with a challenge. It is too easy to fall in a heap and to say we cannot go on, or that it can’t be done, or utilise any number of excuses for not going forward. Determination is a treasured trait, and too few of us have this attribute, and fall or fail before the winning post. And so I am determined to instil determination in all my students, to make them eager to press on, to make them salivate for the rewards that come from crossing the finish line.
And it will not come from kicking people when they are down, when they say they are finished long before the end. We must use urging and persuasion and empathy, compassion and companionship. Yes, mateship will often get us over the line where bald authority fails miserably. Commanding someone to get up and complete their work does not usually cut it, but giving people reasons to go on will usually appeal to their rational side. And so we must use good psychology upon ourselves and others if we want to see people complete their odysseys.
And as we help others so shall they help us too, in this spirit of mateship, this spirit of oneness. So let us devise ways to be kinder to others, to appreciate their obstacles, their fears, their trembling when faced with their challenges. And just as we might help a blind man across a busy road, so too will others come to guide us when we feel blinded, lost, or confused. And just as we might help an old lady with her heavy bags of shopping, so too might others come and help us be relieved of our burdens from time to time. And just as we might help others when they are feeling overwhelmed by work or life itself, so will we too be assisted to find an easier and less complicated path ahead.
But do not give up, do not ever give up. There is always a path ahead even if we may not see it in this instant. And one may miraculously appear from out of nowhere if you have the faith to consider that it could be so. God has a much greater imagination than we have, so ask God to find a way through for us when we cannot see one in our maze.
It will take a letting go of the ego which thinks that it knows all the answers, and allowing God’s fresh blood and ideas to flow through us and show us the way. So let us surrender our humanness for a while. Surrender all control and allow our divine self to take the steering wheel. And it is from this position that we shall find our way Home.
Let us see the new generation of victors before us now, for triumph is awaiting us and all that we have ever dreamt of by way of love and peace. So many are so close I can feel the breath of your spirit upon my heart. Come, just a few steps more and you shall be in my arms, and within the arms of all you have known and loved, back Home with your true family once again.
Thus did Odysseus return Home too.
I am Master Serapis Bey, sentinel at the finish line and presenter of laurel wreaths.
Master Serapis Bey channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 12 June 2015
May 2015
Dearest Friends,
Twin Flames
Happy New Moon to everyone, a New Moon in Taurus, ruled by Venus and all about leisure and pleasure (love, friends, sensuality, the arts, values, and finances). At this time, many will be looking for love, so this month I wish to speak about Twin Flames, as this kind of partnership is not what many people think it is.
Most of us are hoping to meet and be with the ideal partner for the rest of our lives. Nothing wrong in that! And there is a Twin Flame out there, someone who is the other half of us who we need to reunite with and find wholeness with. It is as if we are a magic wand that’s been broken in two, and we seek the other side of us. When we find the person who matches our broken edge perfectly and mends us into wholeness again, we feel ecstatic and divine.
However, it is not just this edge that we will need to love in this person. We need to accept the entire rest of the wand they bring to us. And here’s the rub—the further away from us the wand extends, the more difficult it is to find harmony with that part. At the extreme end of the wand, the other person is in complete opposition to our own end of the wand. Conflict often abounds until both parties can work their way through to loving the total polarity to who they are and unconditionally accept opposing points of view and behaviours. This is where Twin Flame relationships fall over time and time again. The part of the wand where they are together and compatible is wonderful. The polarities of the wand mean a mastery of love is needed, within oneself and for the other. It defeats many people, and then hearts are torn in two again and the other is pushed away.
Another thing to consider too is that before we can find wholeness with another, we usually need to find a certain degree of wholeness within ourselves. We cannot expect another to fill the holes in us. The more we are whole within ourselves before we meet a Twin Flame, the more likely we are to succeed in that relationship because we will not have expectations that the other will meet our needs and desires. We will not have an agenda for them and they will feel free to be themselves.
Whether we want a Twin Flame relationship or not, in all relationships we need to find a way to love and accept polarities to ourselves, or even just differences in looks, culture, religion, politics, or attitudes. Lady Pallas Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, this month spells out for us the need for harmony between us if we wish to live in a harmonious world. We can take that first step today!
It’s liable to be a big week for overcoming challenges to love, with Venus (love, harmony) opposing Pluto (darkness, transformation), the Sun (light) opposing Saturn (control, limitation), and Mars (action, anger) trine the North Node (destiny). Jupiter and Juno, the king and queen of the gods and married to one another, are together in Leo (sign of the heart). In legend, there was much conflict in their marriage—just like us mere mortals they were trying to find love, respect, and forgiveness for one another. It is an eternal journey for us all—to become love, and let nothing and no one taint that love within us.
Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, sign of the Twins, is currently transiting through Gemini and is turning retrograde this week (until June 11). This energy augurs a time to go inwards and ponder and reflect on our thinking and beliefs. Communications may go awry in the external world and delays may be experienced and contracts may fall apart. Allow this three week hiatus to play itself out and try not to force action or it may backfire. After June 11, all will begin to flow more easily again.
Until then, we are being gifted a few weeks of ‘down time’ so we can get our thoughts and hearts in order.
Have a beautiful few weeks of leisure and pleasure and finding your hearts falling into place.
Many blessings and hugs to all my dear friends,
Lady Master Pallas Athena – Lovingness
These are times for the goddess to show true love. There is much that has been cast against her throughout the ages, much to be resentful for, to cast aspersions for, much reason to hold umbrage in one’s heart. But when will we ever change the world unless we can cast out all this fear and darkness and these grudges? The men have been fighting over them for millennia. Let us goddesses now show the way. Let us be fearsome and fearless in showing our love, in holding onto our love and light no matter what is done to us, or said to us, or said about us. We must be strong, dear sweet ladies, and we must show our strength and resilience. And let us not be stones that can be easily cast down, but let us be edifices that will last the distance.
There is no more powerful thing in the universe than love. So let us use the power of our love to transform this world, to transform all hearts. When we are bathing in a sea of love, our work will be done. But while there are still thorns in our side and pain in our hearts there is work yet to do. And we must start with ourselves to ensure we are nothing but love, that love fills our every cell and seeps from our every pore.
Let us not blame others for our own lack of love and lovingness. Let us empty out the darkness that is like sewage upon our lovely souls. Let us find love and acceptance and forgiveness for every man, woman, and child. And let us goddesses blaze the way to show others how it can be if we live in harmony.
There is no bigger pitfall and trap than not forgiving others as they try to make their way through the mayhem of this world and of their past. Each one of us is struggling to overcome, and as we struggle we may not be in a pleasant place nor show a pleasant face. Yet deep inside each one of us lies a diamond heart filled with purest love. And we are each making our way to this place. And the way is hard and unforgiving, so we will need all the forgiveness we can find and manufacture.
Treat people as you would wish to be treated, and gradually a wave will ripple through the world and soothe our souls.
Let us find bonds with all around us, not to tie them up or tie them down, but links between our hearts and souls that hold us together. In unity, our matrix will be strong. In disunity, our matrix will be broken and Heaven shall fall apart.
Amass love in your heart today and you will find Heaven will sow a garden there.
I am Lady Pallas Athena, sower of the seeds of Heaven and grower of heavenly love.
Lady Master Pallas Athena channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 18 May 2015
April 2015
Dearest Friends,
Chuckling about my loss
I’m having a big chuckle here because my Ovidne.com website has suddenly collapsed and disappeared over this Easter weekend, and it is so very much in synchronicity with Divine Timing. Read Master Hilarion’s message below, and then I’ll fill you in on the whole story once you have Hilarion’s salient insights.
Master Hilarion – Flying to the New World
Let us go ahead now at a cracking pace, for the energies are uplifting us today. Let us fly with them. And my mind is concentrating on flying today, flying at altitude in the rare air, high above the plains (planes) of Earth.
Let us be sombre and serious as we view what is going on down below; spirals of smoke where things are being burnt—the old is being looted and burnt away; deluges of water covering what once could be seen; mudslides suffocating the land. All is in foment as this world is changing. The old is being covered up or done away with, and new layers take its place.
But if we fly further on, we can see new scenes of building and activity. The vision is one of light. So even while the old world is cracking up and disappearing before our eyes, a new world is rising up before us now.
So we should not give in to despair and only focus on the old and the wrecked, but move our eyes and our hearts towards the light and the horizon, for there is the beginning of our new dynasty, a new epoch. Let us throw our all into this new vision and help it manifest upon the Earth.
Use your wings to fly away from the old towards the new. Recognise what has been lost but also delight in what is being gained. Transitions are always an unpleasant place to be. But with time we shall get through this and each day we fly nearer to our new Earth.
So hold your course and don’t look down, but look forward. Keep your heart in its right place and surround yourself with love. And you will be carried by the tides and washed up on the shore of our beautiful new Heaven, and be welcomed as one of its first residents.
Ponder on this today.
I was already transitioning between two worlds, leaving behind my old Ovidne persona and totally stepping into my new Sophia self. For the past three years I have been making this metamorphosis, coming to grips with my new mission (to be a Way-Finder) and my new Sophia astrology, like a new-born and then as a toddler. For those who know about these things, I am now a Taurus Sun with Capricorn Moon, Leo Ascendant, and Sagittarius North Node (my destiny is to teach, publish, and travel).
I was already preparing a new website (earthwithspirit.com), with the intention of dropping the Ovidne.com website within the next few months. But Divine Timing had other plans, and whipped the old website away before I was totally ready! (Maybe I had been procrastinating too long?)
So, for the next few days or so, I am in The Void, between two worlds, between two websites. Ovidne has gone; Sophia is taking her place properly in the world now. The old world is dropping away, like Hilarion says, and it’s time to look forwards and embrace the New World and visualise what we want to build there, in the light.
I’m sure, never before in the history of the world, has anyone been so amused at the death of their functioning website. We’ll be back online soon, with a new look and fresh energies, and eager to build that new world of light and love and harmony.
If you’re wondering how to find your way to this new world, check out my new Way-Finder Workshop. 5 days of magic, discovering the map for your journey. Don’t feel lost or confused any longer—find the way to your true destiny!
For more details and bookings, please click the link below:
Way-Finder Workshops : May 11-15 and June 22-26
Have a wonderful month flying to the New World.
With love, Sophia
P.S. I’m now using the name Ovidne as my surname.
Master Hilarion channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 9 Apr 2015
March 2015
Dearest Friends,
Age of Aquarius
We are currently transitioning from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. We have been in the Age of Pisces for the past 2000 years, and you can appreciate this is quite a momentous time as we move into a new 2000 year era, governed by new energies and new paradigms.
In the past three months we have been getting a huge dose of the energies of both these signs, as we clear up the remnants of issues from the Age of Pisces and begin to experience the new influences of the Age of Aquarius. The Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars have all been moving through Aquarius and Pisces this year, and the slower-moving Neptune and Chiron have been firmly fixed in Pisces for many years and will remain there for many years to come. Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, will stay in Pisces until our transition into the Age of Aquarius is complete in 2025, as if he is overseeing the handover until the very end. 2025 is also when Pluto, the planet of transformation, death and rebirth, enters the sign of Aquarius where he will stay for almost twenty years, an entire generation.
On March 20, we will experience a New Moon in Pisces, at the very final degree of that sign (each sign consists of 30 degrees), again as if signifying the ending of the Age of Pisces. New Moons signify new beginnings and this one represents the beginning of the end!
These Piscean energies we have been feeling intensely since Christmas can sometimes play out as weakness and helplessness, as a victim mentality and a plaintive cry of “It’s not fair!”. It is a very watery sign but Neptune, its ruler, would be the first to tell us how water is not weak but a force to be reckoned with. Pisces is also the sign of spirituality and of connection with other realms. Therefore, this final phase of Piscean energies is to remind us of our connection to spirit. Utilising the support this connection with spirit gives us, we can become strong and resilient upon this Earth and bring in heavenly energies and concepts to change the way humanity thinks and acts.
The Age of Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, the strange planet that spins vertically instead of horizontally, will auger a new epoch of raised consciousness. Aquarian-Uranus energy is very electrical, and Uranus often strikes us like a lightning bolt to raise our awareness and bring us enlightenment, or to toast our backsides into making essential changes. So, all will be changed for sure as we enter this new age. It has been happening for several decades already, but now we are ramping up in these final ten years.
Aquarius will focus on revolution for evolution, the evolution of the human into a spirit being who resides on Earth in human form. A new higher consciousness will be prevalent where humanity works in unity to foster a better Earth and begins to explore exciting new realms. In the Age of Pisces we discovered what the Earth had to offer. In the Age of Aquarius we will discover what the universe has to offer.
This coming week has the potential for a few Aquarian-Uranus fireworks to go off, when Mars, Uranus, Pluto, and Jupiter all bounce together. Mars is the planet of action and the warrior, and may be the trigger for revolutionary Uranus and underworld Pluto to cause a big change in the way things are. We need to remember that change is essential if we are to progress and move forward in our evolution, and what can seem like a tragic or disastrous situation can actually be the impetus for a profound rethink in the way we, or the world, operates.
Next week too, around 17 March, Uranus has a final exact squaring off with Pluto. It will more than likely see the death of something that needed to be let go of, an icon of the old world and old way of doing things. Out of the destruction and ashes, a Phoenix will be born, the birth of new consciousness.,
We are in the death throes of the old world. We ourselves may feel like we want to die, and indeed, Pisces is the sign representing suicide too, but what we will be feeling, in truth, is the need to die to our old humanness, old programming, old closed hearts and minds. So we will need to focus on the new self we wish to be, a human with arms and legs but with the wings of spirit. We are becoming a new species on Earth, half human, half spirit.
So let us celebrate this wondrous and magnificent transition and our entree into the fabulous and unexplored realms of the Age of Aquarius. Just as Columbus and Cook set out to cross uncharted oceans during the Age of Pisces, let us be brave enough now to open our hearts and minds to the uncharted dimensions of the Age of Aquarius.
I wish you a month of discovery that sets your heart aflame with anticipation of what is to come.
With love, hugs, and blessings,
Two beautiful new books for The Age of Aquarius!
‘Lady Sedna’s Ascension Handbook’ by Lady Sedna and Sophia Ovidne
‘The Getting of Wisdom, Book Two’ by El Morya and Sophia Ovidne
The first ever book channelled by Lady Sedna, “Lady Sedna’s Ascension Handbook”, all about reaching Ascension and what is expected of you as an Ascended Master walking on Earth, and a second volume of wonderful wisdom from El Morya with “The Getting of Wisdom, Book Two”.
Click on the link below to take you straight to them in Amazon.com.
Master El Morya – Helplessness
I am wanting to speak about helplessness today for it is a tragedy that strikes down many people. Helplessness is a learned thing which starts when we are in our cradle, where we are indeed quite helpless for a while. But we humans prolong this state by not encouraging our babies and our children to fend more for themselves, to explore their world and work things out in their own way. We foster helplessness in people by doing too much for them, by thinking that we are assisting and serving them from the goodness of our hearts.
Sometimes, it has to be said, that we need to be cruel to be kind, and while I do not advocate cruelty, I do believe that we must be more disciplined in our approach and help people to stand on their own two legs and learn how to cope with the vicissitudes of life. Granted, some have a weaker constitution than others, but it is strength that we need to help them to find, to discover within themselves, for everyone has this strength; it is just buried beneath layers of thinking that they cannot cope, that they do not have the skills to go forward.
So we must encourage people, and teach them how to uncover their strength and their coping skills and take responsibility for themselves, otherwise we shall just become a welfare world where people who do not wish to make the effort will just wait for help to come, and it will indeed.
I am not speaking here of those cases who genuinely need assistance, either temporarily or permanently, for these are the times we must open our hearts and give generously of our time and effort. But many are hiding beneath the banner of ‘I cannot cope’ or ‘I need help’ when truly the help that they need is in being taught resilience and inner strength.
So, as Masters, look within yourselves and see if you are not trailing this banner behind you, and shore yourself up that you may go out there and teach others these skills, for they are sorely needed. Let us have a race of humans who are strong and sure-footed and able to face the challenges that are presented every day. Let us teach about power, the power within all of us to meet the challenges of our destiny and grow into our full potential. Weakness does not become us, so let us solidify and become substantial.
So next time before you cry for help and assume the posture of helplessness, pause for a moment and wonder how you can help yourself.
Master El Morya channelled by Sophia-Ovidne, from ‘The Getting of Wisdom, Book Two’
February 2015
Dearest Friends,
I was woken suddenly this morning in the early hours, noting the time and groaning, and I couldn’t get back to sleep for ages. Later I discovered an earthquake had hit at the time I had been woken up, not so nearby to be directly affected but near enough for my body to feel the strange vibrations. I chuckled because The Tower Tarot card was face up beside my bed, representing being shaken to one’s foundations. It’s a portent of the weeks ahead!
This Thursday’s New Moon (Feb 19) is on the very cusp, the tipping point, between Aquarius and Pisces and is the second Aquarian New Moon in a month, so we could see a similar theme playing out as around January 21, but with a softer and more forgiving touch. Six planets (Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Neptune, Chiron) are also in water signs at this New Moon so it’s possible we will be feeling very emotional.
Aquarius energy is strange, bizarre even. It is electrical energy; the symbol for Aquarius resembles two water waves but they are actually vibrational waves. It can leave us feeling very restless, even mentally agitated and rebellious. Since late January we’ve been bombarded by Aquarius and Pisces energy, and many people will have been experiencing disconnection, or the desire for separation from others, or feeling sorry for themselves, floundering in self-pity or a victim mentality. Ripe times for revolution! It’s time to get rid of any toxic relationships, to be prepared to move on alone if necessary, but also to be aware of opportunities to rise to a new level of consciousness and understanding about our relationships. Aquarius energy used positively is about moving humanity forwards into the Age of Aquarius, the new Golden Age, stepping into higher consciousness and being inventive and inspirational.
This New Moon offers us an opportunity to bring in forgiveness and compassion and more spiritual understanding of our issues. The day before this moon, passions may run high with Vesta, the goddess of fire, dancing with the North Node of Destiny, and on the day after this moon, there may be strong words in relationships or with partners. During the entire week there will be a focus on partners and relationship issues with a need for balance of male and female energies. Feminine equality could be a hot topic. This week will be a shake up to check if partnerships have strong foundations, including the partnership between our human and spirit selves. Any disconnection will cause us pain, and re-connection needs to be established. With Saturn featuring all week as well, challenges and lessons will abound and we will probably also feel our responsibilities keenly but will have an abundance of energy and determination to do whatever is necessary to resolve things.
As Venus and Mars move into Aries from this coming weekend, so action and new beginnings become more possible. But they will be keeping company with Uranus which will mean sudden and unexpected situations and may even increase the likelihood of separation especially during the first half of March. It’s a very volatile period and balance will be required, with love, relaxation, and harmony countered by action and the pulls of work. All is a-changing, that will be for sure! Read what Lady Quan Yin also has to say about it all below.
This New Moon also brings in the Chinese New Year, the Year of the Wood Goat. Once again it’s all about relationships this year, being kind-hearted and generous and focusing on friendship. Happy Chinese New Year and may we all celebrate and appreciate our partners, families, and friends without whose love the world would be a very sad and lonely place!
Many blessings for a harmonious month,
Two beautiful new books now out. Buy online!
‘Lady Sedna’s Ascension Handbook’ by Lady Sedna and Sophia Ovidne
‘The Getting of Wisdom, Book Two’ by El Morya and Sophia Ovidne
The first ever book channelled by Lady Sedna, “Lady Sedna’s Ascension Handbook”, all about reaching Ascension and what is expected of you as an Ascended Master walking on Earth, and a second volume of wonderful wisdom from El Morya with “The Getting of Wisdom, Book Two”.
Click on the link below to take you straight to them in Amazon.com.
‘Lady Sedna’s Ascension Handbook’ by Lady Sedna and Sophia Ovidne
We are becoming a new species of human being. Our consciousness and the cells of our physical bodies are being transformed by light and love. We are beginning to experience living in a new dimension but here on Earth, right now. This transformation to a new way of being is known as ascension.
Lady Sedna is one of the most senior elders amongst the Ascended Masters, training and guiding apprentices along the Ascension Path until they are fully operational as a being of love, wisdom, and power, and utilising their Mastery for the benefit of this planet and her people.
In over one hundred messages she has channelled through Sophia Ovidne, Lady Sedna has brought together a kind of user manual for ascension. It contains the criteria for reaching ascension, and also for maintaining this position, for the challenges from our everyday world are always knocking at our door and threatening to unseat us from our thrones.
However, this is not an instruction manual with detailed steps for Enlightenment. Each pilgrim’s journey is too unique and customised for that. But in her messages, Lady Sedna finds a way to provide answers to everyone who searches for one. Her insight, compassion, understanding, and straightforwardness, make her an ideal mentor as we struggle to embrace and to figure out what is happening to us as we are transformed from base metal into gold. There are few people on Earth who yet have this knowledge and experience to be able to share it with us and assist us.
This Handbook is a gift from Heaven, a map when we are lost and confused, a balm when we are frustrated and hurting, and an inspiration when we are stuck in the lower levels and need reminding how to fly.
‘The Getting of Wisdom, Book Two’ by El Morya and Sophia Ovidne
In this follow up to The Getting of Wisdom, Book One, Ascended Master El Morya once again enthralls us with seventy five new discourses, channelled through Sophia Ovidne. This volume, packed with his enlightened wisdom, covers topics that are generally more metaphysical than in Book One, so expect to be a little surprised and delighted. Morya’s words are preparing us for a new world and a new way of being.
Subjects range from understanding magic, the nature of the universe and other dimensions, to understanding the nature of our emotions and how blockages and resistance prevent us from manifesting our dreams and our ideal world.
Morya has a mesmerising way with words, and his presence is powerfully felt as we ponder on his messages and how they apply to ourselves. His warm and fatherly humour touches our heart, providing new understanding and support for our, sometimes lonely, journey. Master El Morya is always spot on in helping us move out of limiting old ways of thinking and being and towards a more harmonious, fulfilling, and loving life.
Available from Amazon.com and other online bookstores in paperback and e-book formats.
Click on the link below to take you straight to them in Amazon.com.
Lady Quan Yin – The Tempest
The wind is whipping up today, storms are all around us, and for some of us, inside us. So how shall we withstand these tempests? It will not be through fighting back in anger or from our pain.
We shall need to hold onto our centres as the storm rages around us. We shall need to be strong, our foundations held firmly in place. And we shall need to know what we stand for, for if we are in doubt then others may chisel our trust in ourselves away from underneath us. So all may crumble if our roots are not firmly in place, cemented in stone.
But you know what it is like once a storm has been through. The air is cleared and there is great clarity to the horizon. There is a sense of new beginnings, of electrifying energy, and a huge desire to rebuild and re-establish. The old is going; we have been telling you this for years. The old ways are evaporating, are being demolished, swept away. We can no longer conserve that which is not the truth, that which has not been built upon love.
So, let you see what is still standing after the storm has moved through. It is no loss for better days and better love are coming. And on this we must hold all our hopes. For the light that is entering our world now will tolerate nothing that isn’t pure, that isn’t love. This cloud of the new dimension will engulf us all eventually. Let us open our hearts to it and be prepared to be transformed.
Join the side of love and you will be bowled over by our heartfulness, but you will not be bowled over by the winds of change.
I am Lady Quan Yin, convenor of the new creation that is to be our new world.
Lady Quan Yin channelled by Sophia-Ovidne, 16 Feb 2015
January 2015
Dearest Friends,
Happy New Year to you all. I hope you survived Monday’s Full Moon in Cancer which had Pluto, Uranus, and the North and South Nodes (your destiny) in the mix too. It portended a truly transformational time – and it certainly unfolded that way for me.
On Monday itself, I was transported to a new level of spirituality and experienced both death to the old self (Pluto’s influence), and an introduction to a new way of being (Uranus’ influence), all the while being guided by Lady Sedna (the mother influence of both the Moon and Cancer). Master El Morya came in, too, as the father influence. (I will share this amazing process in my new workshop “Way-Finder” which I will be presenting later this year.)
Then on Tuesday, yesterday, new layers of myself became visible to me for the first time ever, after peeling away the old self, and down I went into the Underworld of deep emotions, weeping, and pain. I was guided to watch two consecutive movies on TV: “The Descendants” starring George Clooney (always a pleasure!), and a Danish movie “In a Better World”. Amazingly enough, both very disparate films featured a mother who died and the subsequent behaviour of the children left behind who had no means of dealing with their loss and trauma and who acted out in strange, tragic, or violent ways. The remaining parents had no idea how to manage these children either, but it was clear that all they needed was love, understanding, communication, and above all, hugs! But the parents were caught up in their own dramas and pain and couldn’t see beyond that.
When I turned twenty, my own mother died, after committing suicide at the age of 42, and even though it’s been nearly 42 years since then (42 is a half Uranus cycle of 84 years, which can suddenly present us with crisis and higher understanding), I obviously have not dealt totally with all the emotions and pain from that episode in my life, and these two movies did the job of triggering it all off for me again. I howled and let out all the stored woundedness that I’d hidden beneath strength and stoicism for over four decades. No one had ever hugged me at that vulnerable time in my youth, or taken care of me, or supported me (I was the oldest of five children and we were now all orphaned, my father having died the year before.) We tell ourselves to just get on with life but, deep inside, our Inner Child lies seriously wounded and needing help, emerging as depression or neediness or aloofness in later life, treating others as they themselves have been treated, covering up pain by closing off the heart and connection with others.
This morning when I woke, I had to deal with this Inner Child of mine who needed a lot of love and hugs today, and there were no family or friends close by to give it. The Masters of my Divine Family came through to me and displayed their beautiful and nurturing love to me and hugged me etherically, and then I took myself off to a nearby country town to treat my Inner Child to a day out of fun and sun.
The drive there was actually through torrential rain, at first, and I wondered at my insanity in being out on the road in it. But I had faith in my intuition which had guided me here, and I offered up the challenging conditions to the universe as representing “driving through all my emotions and pain”. Ten minutes or so into the drive, the rain stopped, the sun came out, and I was driving through the beautiful and verdant Mary Valley (named after another famous mother, I wondered?), on my way to coffee and cheesecake at a very nurturing cafe, aptly named, “Nanna McGinns”.
As I write these words in this cafe, I am feeling hugely buoyed by my experience and by the universe, and by the opportunity of sharing this with you all, my dear friends around the world.
I hope you will find it in yourself this week to love and hug all those around you, to spend time looking into the eyes of children and parents and truly communicating, connecting, and listening to their needs, spoken and silent. Sometimes, all that is needed is to feel loved, even just to be acknowledged and seen. Our childhood years set us up as adults and parents. Let us prepare the children of today for a future where love and hugs are the natural order of things. And let us heal the children of yesterday who are still hurting in their adult years and just need love and hugs no matter how old they may be on the outside.
Wednesday, 14 January, and also Monday, 19 January, would be excellent days to further these bonds of love. Thursday, 15 January, and Tuesday, 20 January, are major transformational days for everyone’s destiny, so this preparatory ‘love’ work the day prior to transformation can only benefit us all. This month is a major turning point for everyone, with last Monday’s Full Moon just the start of things to come. Hold onto your hats! And I will see you at the other side next month.
Until then, all my love and hugs most sincerely, for we are all children of the One God, all brothers and sisters together.
‘The Getting of Wisdom, Book Two’ by El Morya and Sophia Ovidne
‘Lady Sedna’s Ascension Handbook’ by Lady Sedna and Sophia Ovidne
A second volume of wonderful wisdom from El Morya with “The Getting of Wisdom, Book Two”, and the first ever book channelled by Lady Sedna, “Lady Sedna’s Ascension Handbook”, all about reaching Ascension and what is expected of you as an Ascended Master walking on Earth.
Available from Amazon.com and other online bookstores in paperback and e-book formats.
Click on the link below to take you straight to them in Amazon.com.
Lady Quan Yin – A Full Heart
Thank you for this opportunity for setting the record straight, for I fear that many are confused right now, even you yourself, by these energies that are tumbling through the universe and down upon this Earth. Many are being frightened by what they are seeing and hearing and, more importantly, feeling, for they cannot contain these implosions that are detonating within their heads and their hearts.
And so it is we must turn to other means to calm ourselves. For there is nothing out there in the present external world that can do this job, not even Valium, or sex, or a $1000 dress, or a shining Ferrari. Nothing will calm these qualms that are being set off inside you.
And so it is we must turn to a higher dimension altogether. For the rays of love know just what is needed and how to wreathe you in their glory, in their sustenance, and leave a trail of ecstasy in their wake. For there is nothing that the Earth can offer that will match what our souls desire. And it is only when we have found this holy grail that we shall feel satiated and all confusion will be gone.
So we can trick ourselves for a little while and think that our yearnings have been met. But it is the heart’s true needs that we need to meet now. And until this happens there shall always be a leaking in our hearts and all the joy shall drizzle out and we will forever be needing to top it up again. But when a heart can stay full, then we shall remain replete always, and there will be no need to go searching for other forms of nourishment.
The food and the fun that we need is love. So set this on your table and let all partake of it. For there is more than enough to go around and you never need to go hungry. Love is available on tap and on time. It is in the very air that you breathe. It is in the very substance that you are.
I am Lady Quan Yin, mother of the children upon Earth. I give you my heart.
Lady Quan Yin channelled by Sophia-Ovidne, 7 Jan 2015
December 2014
Dearest Friends,
Welcome to the final Message From The Masters for 2014. What a year of transformation it’s been! Read Lady Sedna’s message below to find out what 2015 might be like.
All is about to change again, as Jupiter starts his retrograde (backwards) journey tomorrow, which will last for four long months (more on this below), and Saturn enters the sign of Sagittarius on Christmas Eve after more than two years in intense and transformational Scorpio.
But let us start with this past weekend’s Full Moon in Gemini which is being exacerbated by today’s Sun conjunction with Mercury. It’s all about minding your mind for the next couple of weeks. Some people will have a thirst for learning and teaching, others for communicating and networking (a perfect day for writing my message to you!). Some people will feel it as stress or even insanity.
Breathe deeply and meditate as often as possible to bring on your body’s relaxation response to counteract all your stressors which release cortisol into your system and have you on edge all the time ready for ‘fight or flight’. Meditation releases different chemicals which calm the nerves and relax you. Fun and orgasm have the same effect. Take your pick!
The Gemini Full Moon can also have a balancing effect on Twin Flame relationships or any relationship of soul mates or partnering of polarities. Thus your human self and spirit self will also feel the need for balance and good teamwork. Any relationship imbalance will be highlighted, especially by your partner mirroring back to you any behaviour or beliefs that need to be transformed within yourself. Any disconnection will be exacerbated by Mars in Aquarius right now which could have us desiring separation rather than resolving issues. Forgiveness will be necessary and wiping the slate clean of old grudges and projections onto others.
Monday, 15 December, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day are all days fraught with triggers for anger, frustration, and the tantrums of the inner child, but these days could also be life-changing with opportunities for openness and clearing the air.
Speaking of the inner child, this part of our consciousness, the part that gets easily wounded and triggered off, will be the focus of Jupiter’s four month retrograde sojourn in Leo until Easter. Expect to get wounded and triggered as Jupiter’s energies highlight what needs to be resolved so we can act like mature adults in all situations.
Saturn enters Sagittarius on December 24. Saturn is a prime mover in astrology and wherever he is at any point in time causes the world, and us, to learn massive lessons. If we thought we already had religious conflict across the globe, watch it spiral to new heights in the next two to three years. (Saturn leaves Sagittarius in Dec 2017). Hopefully by the end of 2017, we will see new tolerance and acceptance of other’s religions, cultures, races, and politics. But we can expect the violence and refugee crisis to worsen before it gets better. For our part, we need to examine our beliefs, intolerances, and prejudices until we have unconditional love for all. We need to see ourselves not as a collection of separate nations but as one world, all needing to co-exist harmoniously together. We may need to start with our own families!
Saturn in Sagittarius can also represent a great urge to study and/or travel. Education for ourselves and the educational system at large will also be the focus of Saturn’s spearhead for change during the next three years.
So we come to the close of another year. I hope you will be able to look back and appreciate all the changes that have occurred and to see how you have reached a new level in your evolution.
I am available to help you with any issues, by phone, by Skype, or personal visit to my home in Gympie, Queensland, Australia. The cost is $75 for half an hour or $120 for an hour.
If you are wondering what your own astrology has in store for you at this time and into next year, I can also give you information on this. Prices as above. I need to know your date of birth, time of birth (accurate to 10 mins), and place of birth (nearest large town if it’s a small place).
Just send me an email and we can set things in motion. I have a Diploma in Hypnosis, NLP, and Coaching as well as having many years experience of spiritual counselling and channelling Divine guidance. Assistance is just a phone call or email away. Please reach out and get yourself some understanding and inner peace. The guidance that comes through me is from Masters who can see to your core, who know your spirit and mission and blockages. It is different for each person, insightful and respectful to your own personal journey, with the best minds in the universe utilised to help you transform your mind and heart!
I wish you many blessings and positive energy this Christmas and as the year turns, and may 2015 truly be the year you have been waiting for all your life.
With much love and thanks for all your support and friendship during the year,
P.S. Two new books are due out in January. A second volume of wonderful wisdom from El Morya with “The Getting of Wisdom, Book Two”, and the first ever book channelled by Lady Sedna, “Lady Sedna’s Ascension Handbook”, all about reaching ascension and what is expected of you as an Ascended Master walking on Earth.
AVAILABLE NOW! ‘The Getting of Wisdom, Book One’ by El Morya and Sophia Ovidne
Great Christmas gift!
Channelled exclusively from Master El Morya (Master of Power and Action). Available from Amazon.com and other online bookstores in paperback and e-book formats.
Morya has given us the benefit of his wisdom on 70 different topics, and his strength, statesmanship, humour, and insight will delight you and give you many ‘ah-ha’ moments.
Click on the link below to take you straight to it in Amazon.com.
Lady Sedna – Immersed in Heaven
It is my privilege to be here today and I would like to extend my love and thanks to all the people of Earth and especially to all those who have been on target this year, who have completed the phases of their mission. We are eternally grateful to you for holding the fort and building the foundations for the Bright New Day.
Heaven is not around the corner now but it is right here on top of you, in your face, in your heart, I hope. You are immersed in Heaven, if you did but know it. And yet people are acting like frightened rabbits. They are resisting all these good things coming to them. They do not want to make the changes that they need to make in order to be able to receive this Bright New World. For if you are filled up to the rafters with your old junk where shall there be the space to put these new energies and higher vibrations and all that shall emanate forth from them?
So there is still a way to go with the clearing out process for many of you; old possessions, old emotions, old grudges, old ways of thinking and believing. Mark my words, when Saturn gets hold of you next year, he will shake those beliefs out of you like nobody’s business. So it’s better to come clean now then there will be no need to be shaken. But do remember you are being shaken free. This is no malevolent action on the part of Saturn. All that we Masters are putting in place is to secure your freedom and your place in a world of love.
Your ego and inner child may not see it like this and they may dig in protectively, closing the heart off to all that is coming towards it. For most people are averse to change, yet change is here, change must be accepted. And there needs to be a willingness of spirit to enter this new paradigm, this new paradise. All of us wish for a better world, a world of more freedom, more love and kindness, more ease and enjoyment. So allow this world to enter and let go of your neediness for the old. One day you shall look back in hindsight and you will laugh that you ever huddled in a corner resisting and unaccepting this Bright New World.
We cannot always know what is good for us just like a child cannot know that the parents serve its best interests. And so we must trust, dear people, we must trust like never before. We must trust this process and this adventure which awaits us. Abandon all fear and open your hearts with courage as we proceed into a new year, a new light. It is the unknown, but when you arrive there you shall know it as the place you have been waiting for all your life.
I am Lady Sedna, wishing you an intrepid journey as you move from one world to the next. I shall be your chaperone, never fear.
Lady Sedna channelled by Sophia-Ovidne, 8 Dec 2014
November 2014
Dearest Friends,
November 2 is All Soul’s Day (the Day of the Dead), coming after Halloween which has seen many people around the world embracing ghouls and ghosts and the Dark Side of life in general. Although it is seen as a bit of fun and an excuse for socialising and partying, we do need to be careful about where our thoughts about the Dark Side lead us.
The recent New Moon in Scorpio and the solar eclipse, along with four planets/asteroids currently in Scorpio (Sun, Venus, Saturn, and Pallas Athena), all conspire to make this a challenging time for dark thoughts. The Masters tell us time and again that ‘like attracts like’, so if our thoughts are dwelling on the Dark Side then this is what we will attract to us. I always think about the writer of horror fiction, Stephen King, and how he, himself, ended up in the most horrific accident.
So, if you are feeling the Scorpionic energies of late, have a read of El Morya’s words below, which I hope will help you.
The Taurus Full Moon on November 7 should go a long way to restoring love and harmony in your life. Taurus is ruled by Venus, so leisure and pleasure, friendship, and the manifestation of beautiful things will be the focus here. Values, finances, and self-worth will also be highlighted by the Moon reflecting back to us any issues that need to be looked at.
Those Scorpio energies will be around for a while yet, and the key to coping is to let go of any old dark emotional baggage. Scorpio is all about transformation, dying to the old self and being reborn as the Phoenix into a brand new self. Think rebranding, rebirth, new path, new phase, new paradigm. Clear away the old to make way for the new. Scorpio is also the sign of the wizard and of metaphysics, so get out your magic wands and transform yourselves from base metal into gold! When we are positively utilising Scorpio energy, we are standing in our fullest power and potential.
I wish you all a very magical month where you are able to manifest your happiest dreams.
With love and many blessings,
Let us speak about downheartedness today, for it is on the agenda for many people. The heart needs to be up, not down. It needs to be raised, not depressed. So, when the heart is flat and on the floor, we must do something to lift it up, to elevate it, to get it flying again, for heaviness does not become it, but it must become lightheartedness again.
So fill your Creation Realm with thoughts of joy, with images of peace and fun, with feelings of goodness and balance. That is all it takes to replace the movie running in your head, that features darkness and terror, with a comedy or a nice romance. We have a choice as to which movie to play. So pick the better one and fill your consciousness with optimism and hope, with clarity and calm, with persistence and prosperity, and let go of those tilts towards tragedy and trauma which some might find entertaining but which Masters find worrisome and woeful.
If you can choose between feeling good and feeling bad, what do you select? How many of you go down the dark route, the root of all evil, for something within you resonates with this lack of light, these vibrations of Hell. Once you have achieved the vibrations of Heaven, you will never want to visit those fearful places again. But as you slip towards them, remember where your home truly is, amongst the sunshine, amongst the diamond light, the love of the universe. And you can bring yourself back here again through your intention, through the force of your will, and soon be feeling bright again, full of courage, resilience, and verve.
So do not let the stuffing be taken out of you by those deadly hooks that snare you from the Dark Side. Keep well away from these places and you will not be enticed to go back there again. Skip along the bright roads, the sunny avenues, the streets of success, and the groves of gold. Keep your consciousness in this safe and protected place where all is love and loveliness surrounds you. Here your spirit can fly free and there is much blue sky to fly around in.
Downheartedness is for doomed souls, not for those with futures as a Master. So let us have upheartedness from now on. Turn your heart around to point upwards, for this is the direction we are going in now.
Heaven is a higher place, so don’t reach down, but look up to the stars and here you will see yourself sparkling despite the darkness.
Master El Morya channelled by Sophia-Ovidne, 30 Sept 2014
For Products and Services by Sophia-Ovidne visit www.ovidne.com
Books, CDs, astrology readings, channellings, counselling, ‘Stars of Heaven’ flower essences
STARS OF HEAVEN FLOWER ESSENCES (potions for the emotions) 20 Ascended Master Essences, 12 Goddess Essences, and 12 Planetary Essences
Recommended this month:
For transforming yourself or your life, resolving issues of power and darkness.
Personal channelling for clarity
If you need help with clarity, I am here to assist as a Messenger for the Masters. A half hour channelling from one of the Ascended Masters may be exactly the key you need to open the door to your future, or to allow you to even find the door in the first place. The Masters are uniquely placed to be able to tell you precisely what you need for your evolutionary journey at this point in time.
I have been able to help many thousands of people through these channellings. Gift one to yourself today! The cost is AUD$75. The recorded channelled message will be posted to you as a CD. (The file is too large to email.)
Just send me an email to request a channelling and I will send you details in return.
‘The Getting of Wisdom’ by El Morya and Sophia Ovidne
Help is also available through my new book ‘The Getting of Wisdom’, channelled exclusively from Master El Morya (Master of Power and Action). Available from Amazon.com and other online bookstores in paperback and e-book formats.
Morya has given us the benefit of his wisdom on 70 different topics, and his strength, statesmanship, humour, and insight will delight you and give you many ‘ah-ha’ moments.
Click on the link below to take you straight to it in Amazon.com.
October 2014
Dearest Friends,
This month may see you going batty! It may be no coincidence it’s Mental Health Week this week. This coming Wednesday’s Full Moon in Aries, coupled with a Lunar Eclipse, plus the Sun opposing ultra-weirding Uranus, will all contrive to test our wits, resilience, and loyalties.
Sudden, unexpected things are likely to happen, be it crisis, miracle, or Eureka moment. We need to take deep breaths, stay grounded and centred, and let the emotions flood over us and drain away. The energies will pass and the initial intensity will lessen. Hang in there!
Separation is often the collateral damage of a Uranus transit, a feeling of abandonment, disconnection, and not belonging. However, what Uranus really wants is higher consciousness, for us to be aware of any disconnect and to actually join forces and work and live together in cooperation and harmony. Uranus energy fosters rebellion, too, and a desire for change. Once again, Uranus does this so that we move ourselves and humanity forward and don’t get stuck in the status quo and old traditions that no longer serve us.
Remember times when you’ve been resilient and resourceful in the past, and tell yourself, “I can do this!”. Aries energy is fiery, independent, and loves to take action and initiate things, so new beginnings could be on the cards. The Lunar Eclipse coupled with Mercury Retrograde (goes Direct again on Oct 26) will urge us to investigate our deep inner emotions, thoughts, and beliefs, with a big push to letting go old baggage in head, heart, and home.
The transition of this world into the 5th Dimension and the bringing of Heaven to Earth is not without its struggles and battles. The New Light is triggering many people to commit terrible atrocities, but even people with lots of love in their hearts are finding any remaining dark spots in their being are being identified, flushed out, and need to be flushed away. None of us is immune from this transition into the new world of light and love. It’s not an overnight transition for our planet and may take several generations before it is complete and we can truly say we are living in the Age of Aquarius (the sign ruled by Uranus!).
For ourselves, we have this lifetime to make our transition, so let’s not waste the opportunity. It’s not about achieving some profound victory like finding the cure for cancer (although some are making this their mission, it’s true). The victory is achieved when we overcome the darkness within us, all the thoughts and emotions that are not full of love and radiate light. I call it NOT-LOVE. Awareness is the first step, so be aware of any Not-Love each day in your feelings, attitudes, beliefs, opinions, and actions, and set your intention to turn it around. I can assure you, this is the cure for cancer, if truth be told!
So, I wish you all an amazing month of new beginnings and clearer futures, and feeling yourselves living in the bright and love-ly New Dimension.
Many blessings,
It is astonishing we do not have more to do with each other than we do. I am very active in your region, so speak with me more often and I can help you more.
Let us get straight down to business for it is an eventful week ahead and we will need to keep our balance. We will need wings this week to fly above the morass of humanity, if we are not to get caught up in it. Having wings means that your consciousness takes flight. It does not mean that you sprout them from your back, but that you elevate your thinking so that vibrationally it begins to fly, to hover in higher places.
If you lurk in the lower worlds with your thoughts and emotions, then you will get caught up in the tsunami that will follow. So get yourself to a higher place, a more heavenly place, where the sun shines brighter and it is more open and the air fresher. If you are tied down still to the lower vibes, unanchor yourself, detach yourself, and float free. You may think you are losing your stake, but there is a lot at stake here, and what you are losing is nothing compared to what you will be gaining as you move across to the New World and a new life. From here you will be able to look down on the old world, and you will see its passing. And it will make sense to you now, how things are unfolding, just as your wings are unfolding too.
So open yourself up now. Breathe in the new air. Let it fill your veins and blood so that you are renewed and revitalised and you begin to understand how you now belong to a new species of human and that you are not the same as you were before. You are becoming more angelic, if you like.
So we hope to see you here soon in our little part of Heaven. And soon you will be able to see us too as your eyes adjust to the new and marvellous revelations about you. These are promising times; they promise our future, and there will be nothing to look back on and feel remorse for. So gather your wings about you now and fly to this higher destination in your mind. Gather your energies and go for gold, and leave the gloom behind.
Our new species shall be special and that includes you. There is none judged or left for dead if your being is glowing with light. So wing your way across to us now. We are waiting to welcome you in this wondrous New World.
I am Archangel Michael, way-shower for the New World.
Archangel Michael channelled by Sophia-Ovidne, 6 Oct 2014
For Products and Services by Sophia-Ovidne visit www.ovidne.com
Books, CDs, astrology readings, channellings, counselling, ‘Stars of Heaven’ flower essences
STARS OF HEAVEN FLOWER ESSENCES (potions for the emotions) 20 Ascended Master Essences, 12 Goddess Essences, and 12 Planetary Essences
Recommended this month: HYGIEA(Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow) WELL-BEING
For taking action to return to, or maintain, a healthy body, mind and soul.
For taking action TODAY, to get rid of YESTERDAY,
so that TOMORROW all is well!
Personal channelling for clarity
If you need help with clarity, I am here to assist as a Messenger for the Masters. A half hour channelling from one of the Ascended Masters may be exactly the key you need to open the door to your future, or to allow you to even find the door in the first place. The Masters are uniquely placed to be able to tell you precisely what you need for your evolutionary journey at this point in time.
I have been able to help many thousands of people through these channellings. Gift one to yourself today! The cost is AUD$75. The recorded channelled message will be posted to you as a CD. (The file is too large to email.)
Just send me an email to request a channelling and I will send you details in return.
‘The Getting of Wisdom’ by El Morya and Sophia Ovidne
Help is also available through my new book ‘The Getting of Wisdom’, channelled exclusively from Master El Morya (Master of Power and Action). Available from Amazon.com and other online bookstores in paperback and e-book formats.
Morya has given us the benefit of his wisdom on 70 different topics, and his strength, statesmanship, humour, and insight will delight you and give you many ‘ah-ha’ moments.
Click on the link below to take you straight to it in Amazon.com.
September 2014
Dearest Friends,
Tuesday’s Full Moon in Pisces (9 Sept in Australia, AEST) will create very different energies from the previous week’s Virgo focus where many of us will have felt the urge to be busy and practically productive, probably cleaning up and cleansing too (I did a major pruning of my entire garden over four days!). Pisces energy is dreamy, feminine, wafty, ethereal. At its best, it is about connection with the Divine Dimensions, playing out in the Creation Realm and astral travelling, meeting with Masters and Angels, and making the most of being both spirit and human at the same time.
If Pisces energy is acting out negatively, it can visit us as confusion, misery, depression, and even suicidal tendencies. The past projects itself into our consciousness and it’s difficult to feel hope or that things can ever be different in future. We can feel life isn’t fair and play the role of victim and ‘poor me’. With the Sun also opposing Chiron, the Wounded Healer, this is a time when any feelings of woundedness will be highlighted and brought to the fore for healing.
This is then an opportunity to raise ourselves up from the watery Piscean emotional depths and fly into a higher world. It will take intention and will to do this, for it’s easier to just slide (and drown) in the waters and hope someone else will rescue us. No one is coming to save us, unfortunately, but ourselves. This is where we must learn to lift up our own wings out of the water, like a dragonfly, and take off into the blue sky. Be kind to yourself as you struggle with this, for compassion and forgiveness are mightier than the sword or abuse.
Thoughts are the main reason for our misery, and thoughts can be turned around in a moment to gain new perspectives and understanding. Don’t let your lower consciousness thoughts control you, like some wayward and wilful child, but be the strong higher consciousness parent and impose your higher will to lift you up, away from damaging and self-sabotaging behaviour.
When you arrive in the realm of higher vibrations, the air is crystal clear and you will be able to see your path, direction, and future with great clarity and know what must be done. Purifying yourself, your life, and your environment is a great way to get to this place. (Hence the Virgo energy before the Piscean energy!).
There is no greater happiness than having a pure heart in Heaven.
Personal channelling for clarity
If you need help with clarity, I am here to assist as a Messenger for the Masters. A half hour channelling from one of the Ascended Masters may be exactly the key you need to open the door to your future, or to allow you to even find the door in the first place. The Masters are uniquely placed to be able to tell you precisely what you need for your evolutionary journey at this point in time.
I have been able to help many thousands of people through these channellings. Gift one to yourself today! The cost is AUD$75. The recorded channelled message will be posted to you as a CD. (The file is too large to email.)
Just send me an email to request a channelling and I will send you details in return.
‘The Getting of Wisdom’ by El Morya and Sophia Ovidne
Help is also available through my new book ‘The Getting of Wisdom’, channelled exclusively from Master El Morya (Master of Power and Action). Available from Amazon.com and other online bookstores in paperback and e-book formats.
Morya has given us the benefit of his wisdom on 70 different topics, and his strength, statesmanship, humour, and insight will delight you and give you many ‘ah-ha’ moments.
Click on the link below to take you straight to it in Amazon.com.
I wish you a clear and clean month ahead and a delightful journey travelling in the higher realms with a full and happy heart.
Many blessings,
Lady Master Ceres – Birthing Creations
Yes, I thought I would surprise you today, and all the others too, for it is not often my words reach humanity’s ears. I am grateful to you all for listening.
Let us begin at the beginning, then, for it is where we must always start, with the sowing of seed, for we cannot get out what we have not put in. And so, if we should like to reap a harvest then we must begin sowing first. And even before we do that we must prepare our soil. And prior even to that we must have some idea of what we want to grow there. For there is soil and soil, and we need to get the conditions right for whatever it is we envision placing there.
So get your imagination working first, and cultivate in your mind what it is you wish to bring to Earth and manifest there. Visualise your completed dream and work backwards from there, following the pathways to determine how you must set it all up in the beginning.
If you think you can get from where you are now to where you wish to be in the future without a pathway in between, you are very much mistaken. There is always a journey to be had, experiences along the way, and effort and issues too; it comes with the terrain. There is no magic teleportation to that spot in your future world where all is magnificent and grace-full and fine. There is only the journey from A to Z with all the letters as stations in between. There are no shortcuts. Some journeys are short; a matter of days. Some will take years and even decades. But know that you do not want to be standing where you are now in future days to come, for the feeling of standing still and getting nowhere is not to be relished by anyone.
So, give birth to your dreams now, from conception to delivery, and you will hold in your arms your heart’s desires. Bring the light and tenderness to your creations and give support from beneath and you shall surely find growth and graciousness, and your heart shall know the happiness of human manifestation from the Divine World.
Let the magician in you come out to play. This is the mission of everyone on Earth.
I am Lady Ceres, protector of the birth of creations upon Earth.
Lady Master Ceres channelled by Sophia-Ovidne, 8 Sept 2014
For Products and Services by Sophia-Ovidne visit www.ovidne.com
Books, CDs, astrology readings, channellings, counselling, ‘Stars of Heaven’ flower essences
STARS OF HEAVEN FLOWER ESSENCES (potions for the emotions) 20 Ascended Master Essences, 12 Goddess Essences, and 12 Planetary Essences
Recommended this month: CHIRON–VIRGO (Westringia) TOUGHNESS
For surviving harsh conditions or woundings through healing and divine connection.
August 2014
Dearest Friends,
Last Sunday, two days before Robin Williams died, I channelled the message below from Master El Morya. It was as if he knew of the actor’s intentions and was feeling the sadness of seeing a great soul unable to cope with life on Earth.
Depression and hopelessness are prevalent in our society today, and with Neptune and Chiron in the sign of Pisces for many years to come, we will all need to turn our focus to assist those who are struggling in this area. Piscean energy, if used dysfunctionally, can be linked to mental instability, addiction, and suicide. The positive aspect of Piscean energy is a connection with the Divine world and with our soul. If we feel separated from our Source, no amount of material success on Earth will compensate and we will rarely feel fulfilled. Keeping our hearts completely open and filled with love, and feeling that we are on purpose in carrying out our divine mission, are the antidotes to a sad or meaningless life.
I hope that the coming month will see you enveloped in love and strong of heart,
Master El Morya – Tributes
Let us speak on the topic of tributes today, for it is not something we often give thought to. And yet we need to be more gratified in our lives and we need to pay tribute to those who have made our lives easier and more blessed. Often we only pay tribute when a person dies, and that is far too late, to my mind, for a person needs to hear accolades and acknowledgement, for it may help to keep them on this Earth a bit longer. Many die feeling helpless and hopeless and that they have been a failure, for not many have served them the truth and thanked them for every kindness.
We are quick to judge and lay blame but how quick are we to show our gratitude for every small mercy that comes our way? Life could be much harder than it is, you know. And it is only when you get a taste of the hard life that you realise how easy you had it before. So, be grateful for all you have and don’t dwell upon your lack, and make sure you count your blessings to everyone involved.
When people are taken from you quickly, there is an outpouring of grief for all the things you failed to say while they were with you. So, pay a living tribute to those who are still alive. Let them know how they have helped you, and people will let you know in return. Do not snub a person’s offer to help, but gratefully receive all support and be sure to thank them afterwards.
There are many kindnesses done in unseen and unknown ways, and it is not that we can notice these all the time. But be aware when the wind comes beneath your wings and lifts you up, even if only by a millimetre. As you become aware of the kindnesses of others, so too will you become aware of opportunities for you to show your kindness as well. There is no shortage of places where we can act. And then you will find that people are paying tribute to you for all you have done, all you have accomplished, and the difference you have made in someone’s life.
Pay tribute to yourself too, for it is hard to walk this Earth and you will need your own encouragement and support. Do not knock the legs from under you but strengthen your position through your gratitude for who you are and what you came here to do. Be the recipient of the greatest tribute that can be given—a smile from God.
Master El Morya channelled by Sophia-Ovidne, 10 Aug 2014
For Products and Services by Sophia-Ovidne visit www.ovidne.com
Books, CDs, astrology readings, channellings, counselling, ‘Stars of Heaven’ flower essences
STARS OF HEAVEN FLOWER ESSENCES (potions for the emotions) 20 Ascended Master Essences, 12 Goddess Essences, and 12 Planetary Essences
Recommended this month: NEPTUNE–PISCES (Angelsword) DISCERNMENT
For connecting with the Divine and overcoming confusion, illusion, or distrust.
July 2014
Dearest Friends,
On Thursday this week (July 17), the planet Jupiter leaves the sign of Cancer, where it’s been for the past year, and enters the sign of Leo where it will play out for the next year. Play is the operative word because Leo is definitely the sign that loves to play and have fun. One way to remember what Leo is all about is that everything starts with ‘L’; Leo = Love, Laughter, and Leadership. Leo is the party sign, full of flamboyance, extrovert extravagance, charm, entertainment, and romance. Leo loves to love. There is a childlike quality to Leo energy where the Inner Child is highlighted and can be innocent and joyful – or a tempestuous, selfish little monkey! Children will figure prominently in the coming year; your own, other people’s, or the child within your psyche.
Leo is ruled by the Sun, so Leo energy is brilliant, shining, warm, and light-filled, and we should all feel lighter and brighter in the next 12 months, especially from Christmas onwards. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and brings a huge influence to wherever he resides currently in astrology. Therefore, everything I have described above will be doubly illuminated by Jupiter’s positive, lucky, and optimistic touch.
The heart will be the focus over the coming year, and the need to fill it with love and happiness and a sense of purpose that makes us shine. We will want to feel brilliant and in the spotlight, and there is a danger we could overreach ourselves since Jupiter tends to push us over-the-top. If there are any blockages in our hearts, we will definitely have them highlighted during Jupiter’s transit through the Sun’s sign, so there is a likelihood of an increase in heart attacks, strokes, and heart-related conditions. Anything that is not-love in the heart will be identified for letting go.
Jupiter in Leo until August 2015 will see us honing our hearts into strong, courageous, resilient tools for helping us to establish Heaven on Earth. Heaven exists in the heart, in the deeper consciousness that resides in our hearts, so until we get our hearts into good shape we will not be able to experience Heaven as we would wish to.
The Leo Inner Child that we all carry within us is sure to put up a fight at times and resist our soul’s urgings, so try to work with your child like a good parent and persuade it to work with you and cooperate for the benefit of you both. The Inner Child, (or children, for we have lots of them), is a part of our consciousness that has been programmed in a certain way due to life’s experiences. It is not bad or wicked; it just needs a different program to run with, and understanding on our part as the parent while we help it to transition to a new way of thinking. Dealing with our Inner Child is no different from being a parent to a 5-year old. In fact, our Inner Child can be any age, particularly the age we were when we were emotionally wounded at some point. We tend to get stuck emotionally at that age and repeat our reactions when we encounter similar situations to the original.
So, let us see a world of shining hearts this coming year; lovers of love, warriors of wisdom, leaders for a New World. All it takes is for each of us to clean out our heart and fill it with light. Then each of us will be our own star, shining like a beacon in the darkness, beaming light and life for countless others, as well as floating in a universe of joyful love. Start with your intention, and the Sun and Jupiter will expand and explode you into a being you could never have imagined yourself to be.
Many blessings for a starry month ahead.
LADY SEDNA – Alive Hearts
Let us get down to brass tacks here. I am in the unenviable position of leading the cohort of Masters that is bringing Heaven to Earth. It is the hardest and most distressing job I have ever taken upon my shoulders. And this is because I am trying to turn hearts of stone into hearts of fire and brilliant diamond-like qualities; dead hearts into alive hearts. And I am scraping the barrel trying to find suitable candidates for transformation.
That said, there are multi-millions of us now whose hearts are shining in the darkness, who are being lanterns to show the way. So all is not lost, and if we can only get others to follow us and our light then we shall turn the corner, turn the page, and a very different Earth shall begin to reveal itself.
I do not beat about the bush with my words for we must be realistic here. There are more dead hearts than alive hearts on this planet and we need to reverse that ratio. There are many people with good hearts but is a good heart enough to be an alive heart? There are many who are just treading water, just enough to stay alive. But I am wanting those who can walk on water, who can fly above water, for merely surviving is not what I would call Heaven.
Heaven is where we can all breathe easy. We can feel safe in our beds and on our streets. We can know we are supported by everyone around us. We can know that what we eat is healthy and what we watch and hear is good for us. There is no one in the back quarters trying to bring us down and take us beneath the waters. I am wanting a world where every heart is alive and full of passion, and all are working for one cause, all in harmony despite race, culture, or gender.
Are we there yet, my good ladies and gentlemen? I think not. So there is work yet to do. And the work will fall naturally from our hearts when they are filled with love, filled with enlightenment. Then we will know what to do.
In the meantime we must stay strong and not be taken under. Stay above things and put your heart at the forefront of all you do. Your heart will lead the way, and the way is beautiful and shimmering like a mirage on the horizon. But I tell you, it is no mirage, no illusion. It awaits us there, all we have ever dreamed of and aspired to, a land where hearts are king—and queen.
We are making our way there. Shine your light strongly that others may follow you and find their place within Heaven’s realm. Be the star you truly are and shine on.
I am Lady Sedna, way-shower for mankind and queen amongst the stars.
Lady Sedna channelled by Sophia-Ovidne, 14 July 2014
For Products and Services by Sophia-Ovidne visit www.ovidne.com
Books, CDs, astrology readings, channellings, counselling, ‘Stars of Heaven’ flower essences
STARS OF HEAVEN FLOWER ESSENCES (potions for the emotions) 20 Ascended Master Essences, 12 Goddess Essences, and 12 Planetary Essences
Recommended this month: SUN (Helios)–LEO (Cymbidium Orchid) STRESS
For feeling calm or courageous in stressful, chaotic, or challenging situations.
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February 2019
February 2019
Dearest Friends,
New seven year phase
The planet Chiron is in Aries now until July 2026 (7+ years), and Uranus is in its final throes in Aries for the next two weeks. So, there is a big focus on Aries issues this month. We may already be feeling the changeover, as Chiron partnered with Uranus wheedles out any thorns and woundings relating to our ego, personality, sense of self, and need for control.
If we have any hubris or arrogance, or anger that the world is not as we want it, or a belief that our needs must be met over everyone else’s, then we can be sure that the gods will be onto us and helping us to make adjustments!
Aries is ruled by Mars, the god of war and action, and any unnecessary war-like aspects of ourselves will need to be examined and modified. I say ‘unnecessary’ because there are times when we are required to be warriors and to move this world forward in a good way as pioneers of innovative ideas and systems. If our mission is to be a warrior, and we are still sitting on our backsides, stuck or lethargic, then we may be feeling a boot there any time soon!
Fiery Aries energy requires us to be confident (but not arrogant), start new projects, use initiative and take appropriate action, and to be ambitious and strong. If we are resisting this energy, it may play out as headaches and migraines, facial issues, skin rashes, insect bites, inflammatory illnesses, fevers, or accidents to body or car (the car is symbolic of our bodies).
The next seven years will be a great time to bring into this physical world our teaching and healing ideas that we were inspired with while Chiron was in Pisces (the past 7 years). This new phase of Chiron’s will see us healing human consciousness in preparation for us moving into god consciousness during the Age of Aquarius (which starts properly, in my opinion, in December 2020 and continues for the next 2000+ years.)
On a different note entirely, I want to mention a fabulous night I had last weekend attending a lecture of Dr. Jordan B. Peterson at the Brisbane Convention Centre. He is a Canadian Professor of Psychology and the author of “12 Rules for Life”. He is an absolutely wonderful role model for how a god should be on Earth, and a truly gracious and authentic being who is the voice of reason in this insane world. It was remarkable to see how he has garnered such a huge following of young and intelligent people. I feel the future will be more assured now, by the way that Dr. Peterson is influencing not only our young adults but those who are interested in making this world of a higher consciousness. Check out his website and numerous podcasts and YouTube videos.
He returns to Australia at the end of February because his earlier tour this month was such a success. If you can get to see him, I recommend it. As I stood in his presence, it was akin to what it must have been like to stand in the presence of Jesus when he was preaching to the crowds too.
Have a wonderful month putting your ideas into action,
Ascended Master Chiron – Be aflame!
I am aflame with ideas and passion. And in this new phase of my journey across the heavens I will hope to inflame you too. But will this set you alight, or will it burn you out or cause a conflagration? How well will my flames be received by you? Will you take them to light yourself up, or to burn yourself down? There are some aspects of ourselves that need to be ignited, and there are some aspects of ourselves that need to be burnt to ashes like garden rubbish.
So, utilise my energies with proper intent. Do not run amok as if your pants are on fire, but rather feel the flames of inspiration licking your heart and soul. There is much to do in this earthly world. Come, take up arms, and use your legs too. Be a warrior for our cause and let us turn this world around and bathe it in glorious light.
Let go now of all the old conflicts, within you and around you. Put away your sword of steel and adopt instead a stance of steeliness that you may be strong enough to withstand the blows that emanate from this world. Strength of character is what I shall be looking for in this next phase of my journey.
So, where you are performing, I shall applaud you, and where you are withering, I shall show you what you lack. Do not take it as an affront to your sense of self nor resent me or the other Masters for our pointing out your faults. But allow us to work with you, to bring you up to the mark, so that you can become a warrior who stands with us gods.
I am Chiron, your friend and your foe, but fighting with you for a better you.
Master Chiron channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 20 February 2019
January 2019
Dearest Friends,
New Paths
I hope the New Year has begun well for you. It has certainly started with quite a bang. Two eclipses, a shift of Mars into Aries, Uranus turning Direct in Aries, and a New Moon in Capricorn, all conspired to launch many of us on new journeys and down new paths. If you’re not on track yet to your personal destiny, the universe is prodding you (or maybe even kicking you!) into place. It’s unwise to resist, as resistance always results in pain—physical and/or emotional.
We are at the pointy end of the transition into the Age of Aquarius where the Masters are preparing us to live in a new kind of world, one where love, compassion, reason, and unique ability prevail, a world of higher consciousness above that of the level of base humanness.
How high is your own consciousness right now? Worry about that more than what is going on with others. Get yourself fit for purpose and achieving the steps of your destiny or mission, and you will certainly enjoy the fruits of this new world and new 2000-year period of the Age of Aquarius. The universe works forever in cycles, and we are about to click over into a profoundly different epoch, never before described in human recorded history.
Aquarian energies are all about higher consciousness, technology, astrology, science fiction, innovation and invention, humanitarian concerns, and the future. What an amazing time to be alive to watch this magical universe unfolding her secrets for us! The Sun is in Aquarius for the next month, so be aware of these qualities playing out in the world around us now.
Enjoy these next few weeks until my next message,
With all love and hugs and blessings for a magically-unfolding year,
Ascended Master El Morya – Work with your soul
This is a blistering time for many. They are being chafed by the universe and it is causing blisters. For that’s what resistance does, one surface pressing against another; it causes blisters. So, if you are feeling somewhat chafed and a bit ragged around the edges, then know that you are putting up resistance in some quarter of your life, or perhaps all quarters. And it is time for you to go with the flow of what your soul wishes for you to do, what your soul has in store for you, and not how you would have your life play out.
Certainly, you have free will up to a point, but if you do not want to toe the line that your soul is dragging before you, then there will be not much point in you remaining on this planet and you will be tagged to go Home where you will be taught to toe the line a little better.
So, do make a conscious effort to contribute what you promised to contribute before you touched down on this Earth. Many are reneging on their contracts, and this is not a viable proposition for the gods who put great store in taking responsibility and keeping to one’s word.
So, if you are feeling a little shaken of late, perhaps this is the source of your troubles, that you are walking a wicked line away from that which you promised us you would take. You will be held to your promise. What else is the reason for your being here? It is not just for the pleasures of being human, I can assure you of that.
So, look lively and be love-ly. And when you are fitted into your correct place, all shall feel comfortable and the world will be very rosy all around you. So, don’t wail at me or the gods that life is devilishly hard. It is only hard when you are in the wrong place at the wrong time. And when you are working fully with your soul, the Earth is as like Heaven as you could hope it to be.
So, we are shaking you into place. But we would rather you move yourself smoothly there, then all shall be far less painful and confusing. When you are in place, all shall be smiles again and all shall be forgiven. So, just look at me as your dentist. I am giving you pain to give you that perfect smile.
I am Morya, more on your side than you can imagine.
Master El Morya channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 23 January 2019
December 2018
Dearest Friends,
How to be happier this Christmas
Do you spend the leadup to Christmas (if you are honest) with a little bit of a sinking feeling in your heart when you think of some of the people you will have to face and smile at and make merry with, when all the time you are feeling a sense of panic that some hair trigger inside you might be set off by an action, word, or unsettling look? Or perhaps you dread the hair triggers that might be set off within some members of your family or amongst certain friends, and you await the inevitable explosion of emotions and wish to God that Christmas didn’t come around so quickly each year?
We can’t be responsible for the hair triggers in others, but we can certainly try to ensure we don’t have any within ourselves, ready to be set off by some perhaps unsuspecting person who wanders into a forbidden part of the territory of our psyche. Most of us have hair triggers within us, but for the most part we try to manage and control our lives so we don’t set them off or allow others to do so. This takes a lot of effort, self-discipline, stress, and anxiety as we seek to avoid any kind of relationship or situation that might upset our trip wire. Inevitably, we fail at times to be in control and we lose it, and the hair trigger shoots off with all its consequences to ourselves and others. So, we pussyfoot around our hair triggers (and those of others), building our life around them in order not to set them off—a complicated and incomprehensible life of uncomfortable detours.
Because it is others, or life, that set off the hair triggers inside us, we of course blame them for doing so. But shouldn’t we ourselves do something to remove our triggers? If we had none inside us, nothing could ever trigger us off, nothing could bother us, nothing could disturb our equanimity. If we left a skateboard in the hallway and someone tripped over it and hurt themselves, who is to blame? The careless owner of the skateboard or the unlucky, accidental victim?
This Christmas, we may be hoping, even expecting, to have a happy time with loved ones and friends. We may be hoping, even expecting, to receive some lovely presents. We may be hoping, even expecting, that the external world will bring us some happiness, that people and things will make us feel joyful. But people and things may disappoint us, and our expectations may not be met, and the scenarios we had planned in our minds may not play out in the way we had envisioned, and our control of life begins to unravel and our hair triggers get to be revealed, and we find ourselves anything but happy.
Let go of all your triggers this Christmas. Let everything flow through you and out of you and don’t react in a non-loving way. Tune into a different channel of love, peace, harmony, and forgiveness. Let people and things be what they are, while you yourself remain in your own bubble of happiness. This will disarm most people and situations, and the atmosphere will quickly change.
I have read two wonderful books recently that really help with letting go: “The Untethered Soul” by Michael A.Singer, and “The 12 Rules for Life” by Jordan B.Peterson. And of course, there are always my own books, available from my website www.earthwithspirit.com or from Amazon.com. I have written extensively about letting go this year in these Messages from the Masters, and these are available to read at any time on my website.
There is a Full Moon in Cancer playing out this Christmas (exact on Dec 23), and therefore energies will be highly focused on the emotions around home and family. On Christmas Day itself, Mercury squaring Neptune could lead to confused thinking, misperceptions, and a tendency to project our own issues onto others. Past life memories may be stirred too. Use this energy rightly to feel compassion and to forgive, and connect with the more spiritual part of yourself. It could be a beautiful day for meditation and feeling more universal.
The New Year for 2019 will start off very energised with Mars entering his own action sign of Aries, and with the burgeoning energies of the New Moon in Capricorn and Partial Solar Eclipse (exact on 6 January). This will be a great time to prepare and make plans for the upcoming year. Uranus goes Direct in Aries the next day, bringing all the planets now into Direct motion for the next three months or more (an unusual situation). Nothing retrograde or going backwards or delayed during that period, so it’s a phenomenal time to take action and ground those plans into reality.
I wish you a peaceful and harmonious Christmas and New Year, and don’t forget to include our beautiful spiritual Masters in your thoughts and celebrations.
All my love, hugs, and blessings, and a big thank you for all your love and support in 2018. I hope that 2019 is magical for us all.
Ascended Master Jesus – Stand Strong
Sophia: I am seeing Jesus in front of me now. Wow! I haven’t channelled Jesus for many years. Thank you, beloved.
Jesus: Yes, it’s time I made my presence known again. We have been separated for far too long. So, let us come back together again at this time. Let us bathe in each other’s company and energy. And let us know what it feels like to be encompassed in arms of love, with another heart touching yours, and all peace laying there like petals on the ground.
This has been a year of turmoil and I can’t promise that this coming year won’t be the same, for you know that we are trying to transform this world, and these renovations come not without disturbance and inconvenience and a letting go of the old.
We are bringing in the new, which means demolishing the old. We are not going to bring the new world in and sit it on the footprints of the old world. No, we are building our foundations anew. And this is causing some cracking in the old pavements, in the old pillars.
And we are sorry that you are having to be part of this destruction and we ask you to hold your own, that you may rise from the dust of this collapsed state. And even though you may feel a little worse for wear, you will soon notice the sun shining, the clear water, and that the air has a magnificent quality about it. The survivors will look at each other and grin. And there will be joy in your hearts as you know that you have made it through the explosions and the implosion. And you can begin to walk now in another world, one where it is safe to be who you truly are.
I am glad to be the bringer of these glad tidings. You are not alone. You are never alone. And all of Heaven’s souls are settling down beside you as I speak. The glory of the gods is coming to fruition. Stand strong and you will be there to greet them.
I am Master Jesus, messenger for the gods, and one of you.
Master Jesus channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 17 December 2018
November 2018
Dearest Friends,
What price godhood?
What price would you pay to become a god? Sometimes I have thought the price too high. We can be asked to give up partners, homes, families, careers, income, friends, reputation, status, or a good and stable life. Ascended Master Dominic asked me this morning, “What have you received for the price you’ve had to pay?” It was a good question, and as I mulled over all that my journey has given me, I gained a more appreciative perspective.
Yes, we have had to go through so many sacrifices and challenges to get to the Doorway to Godhood. It can feel as if we’ve been sand-blasted or emptied out, or we have barely survived the flames of Hell itself. And it continues. This week’s massive change-fest of a powerful and transformational New Moon in Scorpio, plus the North Node of Destiny slipping into its new sign of Cancer for the next 18 months, with Uranus, the planet of sudden change squaring it full on, and Jupiter slipping into its new sign of Sagittarius for the next year, have all ushered in a brand new phase in the evolution of mankind. No one will be left untouched. We will all be walking some kind of new path by month’s end. This is the price we must pay to become a god and to integrate Heaven on Earth as the New World. Let’s pay the price with a smile on our lips.
I have just watched on TV the final episode of Leo Tolstoy’s “War and Peace”. The hero, Count Pierre Bezukhov, who only just survives the Napoleonic War against Russia, has this to say at the very end. It marries very well with what I have stated above. “They say sufferings are misfortunes, but if was asked would I stay as I was before I was taken prisoner, or go through it all again, I would say, ‘For God’s sake, let me be a prisoner again.’ When our lives are knocked off course, we imagine everything in them is lost. But it is only the start of something new and good. As long as there is life, there is happiness. There is a great deal still to come.” There is indeed, a great deal still to come when we step into the New World, a higher dimensional, higher vibrational world of love and joy.
The North Node of Destiny in Cancer will require focus from us on; homes and families; getting the work-home balance right; understanding the role of the mother, in the family and the greater world; nurturing ourselves and others; counselling with empathy and compassion; dealing with our emotions and our past. Think back to the period April 2000 to October 2001. There may be echoes of this time.
Jupiter in Sagittarius until December 2019 will have us focusing, and sifting through, our belief systems and philosophies and may bring up religious issues. It will be a fortuitous year for studying, teaching, publishing, expanding businesses and knowledge, and for overseas travel. Think back to the previous cycle of Jupiter in Sagittarius from November 2006 – December 2007 for similar or repeating themes.
Love, hugs, and blessings for your great transformation and new path ahead.
Ascended Master El Morya – Your New Path
Yes, there are changes afoot, plenty of them. And we would have you mind your feet and where you are putting them, for these new paths that you tread will be unknown to you and you will not be able to dance down them with alacrity as if you had been this way before. No, you will feel unsure and uncertain, and you’ll be easing your way forwards a little at a time. And this is a good thing, to ease yourself in gently, into your new climate and environment, into your new relationships and work tasks.
You may be wondering how you found yourself here, for it was not on your agenda. It was not something you maybe had in mind. Yet, here you find yourself, where the universe has positioned you. Make the most of it, for it will suit you at this time. Don’t go resisting and wishing you had stayed or be preferring somewhere else.
All the players have been moved on the chessboard and you are set up now for your next game. You cannot run away and leave the game in suspension. It will play out one way or another whether you are on your squares or not.
So, get used to where you find yourself and settle in. Appreciate all the good points and tolerate those that scratch. You are being moved mercilessly and mercifully onwards towards your destiny. You may not see how it can play out just yet, but trust that the cogwheels have moved you right and true.
The more you are accepting and open, the more will be revealed to you about your plan. So, come, do not wail in your corner as if you have been enlisted against your own free will. Your soul has signed you up, with or without your knowing. So, have words with your soul if things aren’t quite going your way.
Yes, it may seem as if the world is chaotic, and that the gods have lost control of the greater plan. Far from it. Things are coming together nicely and we are proud. Things are being shaken out of their holders, and we are freeing up space so better things can come into play.
So, do not look with alarm but with alacrity. The world is coming together in a new and more glorious way. Perhaps you cannot see it at this moment but one day around the corner it will be there and plain for all to see.
I am Master Morya, adventurer and agent for the New World
Master El Morya channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 9 November 2018
October 2018
Dearest Friends,
Moving to the New Earth
The lateness of this month’s Message is due to a tornado ripping through the town where I live in Queensland, Australia, causing trees to crash through my fences and garden, (narrowly missing roof, rain tank and precious fruit trees), and bringing hail the size of golf balls which totally shredded every leaf on every plant.
So, I’ve been doing a lot of cleaning up for the past two weeks, and have had to empty the gutters three times! The day after the tornado, my laptop suddenly died and I still haven’t got it back from the repairers. And a week after the tornado, my smart phone died and I had to buy a new one. I’m over it, I can tell you, and I have to admit to feeling despair for a brief while. But today the sun is shining and the garden is already bursting with new growth, and it’s had plenty of rain after four months of drought. Everything has been cleaned and pruned and I’m well on the way to getting things mended.
It’s been cathartic! And it’s all very symbolic of what is happening in the world at this time—we are all being forced to clean up and let go of the old. The move to newer technology too is symbolic of new higher consciousness with more rapid communications, extra capabilities, and greater clarity. As I get over the shock of all these sudden changes (caused by Uranus, the planet of sudden changes and technology squaring the North Node of Destiny), I’m beginning to feel the New World settling in around me, and I know it will all have been worth it.
Here is an extract from my upcoming book, “Consciousness and the Unseen Universe” where Master Chiron elaborates further on what we are currently going through.
“Your days are numbered in the lower vibrational dimension of Earth as it is today. Things are coming to an end there. All is being wiped away. It is not sustainable and is collapsing in every quarter. So, we encourage you to ride the waves into the higher dimensions. We are next to your Earth, only millimetres away, and many of you are now jumping on board as you feel us and see us. Yet, many cannot see what is staring them in the face. So, a few millimetres is not a very big step up to take, and yet it will take many years for you to make this crossing. The vibrations are vastly different, and you would be electrocuted if you stepped up without having been trained. As it is, when you get here, you are electrified instead.
So, if you have not yet started on the journey between the old Earth and the new, then you had better get going, for time is running out. As the new higher vibrations nestle closer and closer into the old Earth, living conditions at the lower end will become quite intolerable and many will go mad.
Many are hoping that the discovery of exoplanets will augur the survival of mankind. But it is not some distant star that we need to arrive at; it is the star in our own backyard. We have everything we need right here, on this planet, in this solar system, to bring our consciousness to its full potential. We go searching for something we think we might need in the future, but all we need is here, in our consciousness, in our higher levels.
We are, to all intents and purposes, evacuating the old Earth and moving ourselves to a new planet. Yet, don’t be fooled. Our feet will not be leaving terra firma, but our consciousness will cross the millimetres and cross the abyss that lies between Earth and Heaven. It is not so much a physical journey as a journey of the mind to higher vibrations.
From here, the planet will look very different indeed. People will behave as one heart. There will be a gloriousness that sits in the air. You will feel it, and it will strike you up and make you come alive. The travails and tragedies of the lower Earth will be forgotten and forgiven, and we shall move on to more lovely and sunnier days.”
Stay strong as we move through the present chaos and out of the old Earth and into the New World. Before too long we will be experiencing those more lovely and sunnier days.
I wish you a happy Taurus Full Moon, ruled by Venus and all about love, harmony, friendships, talents, and abundance. However, Uranus is at the forefront too, so definitely expect the unexpected!
Love, hugs, and blessings until next month,
September 2018
Dearest Friends,
Don’t you just love it when little ‘pings’ happen to you (the Masters’ term for coincidences and synchronicities)? This morning, I pulled the Tarot card, 6 of Pentacles. It said, “Money always comes to you with this card.” I thought, “I wish!”, and forgot all about it.
In the afternoon, while gardening, I saw a blue piece of paper stuck in a flower bed and picked it up to throw it in the bin, only to find it was a $10 note! This really made me smile. Not a fortune, but enough for a coffee with a friend. Thank you, universe! I’m hoping the beneficence carries on into tomorrow, when the Prize Home Lottery is drawn, for which I bought a few tickets!
It seems like things come our way when we least expect them, yet when we are desperately focused on an outcome, often the result is disappointing. This is because, when we feel desperate, usually we harbour not only the positive energies of holding our dream in place, but also the opposite negating energies; fear that the outcome will not eventuate, or a lack of belief that this good thing could actually come to us.
In order to manifest something we desire, we need to:
- Hold the dream and picture ourselves in that dream as if it has already manifested.
- Let go of all negating thoughts towards that dream, such as “I am not worthy to receive this,” or “I’m never lucky like that.”
- Ask our soul if this thing we desire is appropriate for us at this time.
As the energies flooding into our world continue to intensify, we will find that manifesting becomes easier and easier and more instantaneous. This is the natural way of the gods, and we humans are learning how to become like a god. Keep practising!
Love and hugs for loads of ‘pings’ in the coming month,
Lady Master Quan Yin – Taste the New World
It is a bright new day in the heavens. Are you feeling it yet? Let the sparkle come into you. Let you turn your face to the sun and feel its rays. Let go of your dourness and your sour attitudes, and ramp up your energies so that you may work with the gods.
We have not been idling for the past few decades, but we have been working hard to bring you this show. Open your eyes, the eyes of your consciousness, and you will see that remarkable things are beginning to take effect. We are making a mark on the energies of your world, and things are beginning to turn our way. Although, many of you will not have noticed this yet, for you are still turned looking at your human world instead of the world that is before you now in the higher dimension. Come, step up. It is for you to see and taste. We are not sheltering it from you, but we cannot bring it down; you must raise yourself up.
So, begin to dance and feel some merriment, for doors are opening on this side and closing on all that is old and grey. Walk away from the way it has been before and embrace your new life in the gloriousness of the higher realms. Who will want to stay in the floodings and the turmoil, when we offer you a higher seat where everything is harmony and love prevails? So, come, just set your intention to walk away from the old ways and embark upon the new. For you never know what is around the corner. Love lives there, and so could you.
I am Lady Master Quan Yin, Mother of the New World and Empress of Eden’s fields.
Lady Master Quan Yin channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 18 September 2018
August 2018
Dearest Friends,
Sudden change
Sudden unexpected changes in work arrangements, relationships, and destinies have been the order of the day in the past week, and will continue to be so for weeks to come. Saturn (work, government, status, structure, control) is trine Uranus (change, rebellion, separation, group work, technology, higher consciousness), and is the reason behind the current upheaval in Australian politics right now.
The Piscean Full Moon this weekend may bring up compassion and forgiveness but there may be some woundedness and wallowing in self-pity too. It’s a good time for reflection and connection with your Soul.
Some good news is that if you’ve felt a bit lacklustre of late and unmotivated, Mars is due to turn Direct again on Tuesday, 28 August, closely followed by Saturn turning Direct on Friday, 7 September. These are both action planets, and so plans which may have been stalled for months, can now move ahead with gusto.
I wish you many blessings as you get moving again in the coming month and cope with all the changes the universe is raining down upon us.
Love and hugs until next month,
Master Mercury – Voice of Reason
I thought I would give my tuppence worth today for there are so many clamorous voices going on and no one seems to be listening to reason. So, let me be the voice of reason today.
Everyone wants to win. Everyone wants their own needs met, usually at the expense of someone else. When are we going to think like a whole combined planet, and think about how we can all win together, not by climbing on top of one another but by standing side by side?
When are we going to think and work as one voice and have concerns from one heart? There are many who are pushing us forwards but there are just as many pulling us back. And so, we are getting nowhere.
We need to be looking at what is good for the planet, rather than what is good for ourselves, for when we get the planet right then our lives will be secured and successful too. If we think selfishly, then we might win, but several others may lose around us. Is this really a win for mankind?
So, let us think and drive forwards more as a community, utilising common sense. Let us call out those who are holding us back, those who are not interested in furthering the interests of humankind. Let us shame people into waking up out of their torpidity. There are many things we can do as a community. There are many things we can do as individuals. Check what you are doing to help this planet survive.
When we think as one joint consciousness, then we will have the strength and the resources to climb to the highest places. When we work alone, we will be left behind, forlorn, dejected, and isolated. You won’t want to be left behind while others are flying high.
I am Master Mercury, cultivator of the One Voice.
Master Mercury channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 23 August 2018
July 2018
Dearest Friends,
Crop Circle Projections
I’ve just returned from the most wonderful holiday in the UK, reuniting with family and friends whom I haven’t seen for ten years, and in some cases, longer. The love I am feeling in my heart at this time is transporting me on clouds of joy and gratitude every day, true Venus/Taurus aspects. With Uranus in Taurus for the next seven years, this planet will be helping us to learn what we value and what we don’t, and all that we don’t value might be taken away from us until we can learn to value it well.
Taurus energies are also about manifestation, and I had such fun in the UK creating my reality in magical ways. One of the things on my Bucket List was to see a crop circle while I was in England. I was going to be in the right area at the right time, and when I was travelling through the area near Avebury Circle in Wiltshire with a friend, I was scanning the wheat and barley fields for any sign of alien visitation. No luck there, but in Avebury we were in the delightful thatched Red Lion pub which stands in the centre of the ancient stone circle, and to my astonishment there was a leaflet on the wall advertising the latest crop circle which had appeared nearby. My friend and I dashed down there and found not only one but two massive crop circles, one two weeks old and about to be harvested, and one only two days old and still in pristine condition. We were cock-a-hoop, to say the least.
The Ascended Masters have told me in the past that crop circles are signatures and messages from the gods for us to decipher. They speak to us through these pictographs. If we tune into them, we can decode the message. This is just one way they are interacting with us from their higher dimension to our lower one. They are utilising the energy of light, patterning it with their minds, and projecting it onto the Earth. It is like looking at a projector screen filled with light from the projector lamp, and then a slide or film is placed into the projector providing the pattern, and then we see an image on the screen.
Our own minds are creating the slides, the patterns, that form our reality. Whatever is going on in our minds, creates the patterns that become our earthly life and experiences. So, we can never blame others or external circumstances for the way our life unfolds; it all comes down to us and to our thoughts and feelings that are patterning the slides in the projector. If you don’t like the images on the screen of your life, then you will need to change your patterns and slides.
This weekend sees a Total Lunar Eclipse at the same time as a Full Moon in Aquarius, with Venus trine the Magician Pluto, Mercury going retrograde until August 20, and the Sun conjunct the North Node of Destiny. This could be a week full of surprises and sudden events, with many designed to shoot us forward onto new and more fruitful paths. There may be big inspiration and innovation, a huge urge to let go of the past, and much reflection, with many an ah-ha moment as we come to realise something significant. But that Aquarian energy will separate us from anything that is not for our highest good, and we could feel a bit disconnected or lonely if we let our vibrations slip too low. Draw a line under the past and move on, opening your heart to brighter days ahead. Work on planning and preparation and doing internal work for the next few weeks; it’s not a great time for taking external action.
I wish you a magnificent time as you wave your magic wands and weave your new realities.
With all my love and blessings until next month,
Master Chiron – Nutcracker
Let us see what we can arrive at today for there are many messages to be delivered, so little time, and so few people to receive them. It is not that we are despairing in Heaven, but we do wish that more hearts were open, more eyes, more minds. For we are up against it in trying to transform the philosophies of most people upon this Earth. They are more aligned with their smart phones and with their televisions and bank accounts than they are with us gods in the higher regions.
And this, of course, must change. And so, many upon Earth are about to be cracked open, for while they remain closed we cannot do anything for them. What does it take to crack a nut open? It takes a nutcracker. And so, you can see where this is going. Unfortunately, we will have to remove all the hard shells around people. It is their internal kernel that we must reach, the heart of themselves.
So, if you have shed your hard casings, your shell-like natures, all will be blessed for you as you feel the sun’s rays and the bountiful energies of Heaven. If you are still cocooned within your shells, then the nutcracker is coming for you very soon.
What more can I say than this, except to urge you all to show others how magnificent it is once you have escaped your hard shell and been exposed to the cosmic rays of the universe. Light can fill you now and you become good enough to eat.
So, do not pity those who are being cracked open. Rejoice that they are coming out of their shells.
I am Master Chiron, cracker of nuts, unsheller of people, unveiler of hearts.
Master Chiron channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 26 July 2018
June 2018
Dearest Friends,
Your True Puzzle Piece
Are you tired of being worried, in fear, lacking in confidence, or having no money? It could be because you are out of shape—not being the shape of your True Puzzle Piece. Let me explain.
Last week, my Beloved Source had a surprise for me. She told me I was an odd piece and that I find it hard to fit in with this world, but, nevertheless, I do fit in exactly with this universe. Then she showed me the shape of the True Me, the shape that fits into the universe like a puzzle piece in its proper place.
I asked her, “Why don’t I feel like I fit in with the world, then?” She told me that my consciousness wasn’t conforming to my True Shape. Human thoughts and feelings had distorted the True Me and, once I deal with these, I will feel like I fit in perfectly. I set about letting go all that wasn’t the True Me, and many magical things began to happen for me.
There is a prayer on my website (www.earthwithspirit.com/ews-hope-in-my-heart) which I often say to the universe. Here are a couple of the verses.
“Come, O Will of God, guide my heart, my head, my hand.
Give me the courage to be who I really am.
Give me the power to fulfil my potential.
Let not my strengths sit idle under the tree.
Let not the mists of illusion cloud my path,
But let me shine in the fullness of the energy of my stars.”
I urge you to discover the shape of your True Puzzle Piece and get yourself aligned with it. If you need some help with this, I am offering to channel the shape of your True Puzzle Piece, to sketch it for you, and explain what I am seeing and feeling. I will send the photo of the sketch and description via email, so this is available to you no matter where you live in the world. Send in your request via my website (www.earthwithspirit.com/ews-readings/) and select the 30 minute channelling. Cost is AUD75.00 (PayPal or credit card)
This focus on being who we really are is coming from Chiron who is now travelling through Aries (for the next 7-8 years). Master Mars carries on this theme in his message to us below. Mars is the ruler of the sign of Aries, so they are obviously working closely together now.
Within the next month, three planets (Neptune, Mars, and Chiron) will all be going retrograde, and in the first week of July, six planets in total will be retrograde. This augurs a time of going within and doing work on our inner selves and taking time out for inner reflection. Launching new initiatives may be put on hold during July and August while we plan and prepare ourselves for a new future. However, on July 13, Jupiter comes out of retrograde in Scorpio where he has been focusing on letting go our inner darkness, and this will be a time to step into our true power, share our talents and resources, and be a magician.
So, have the courage to be who you really are and let yourself shine in the fullness of your stars. It’s what you came here for.
Have a wonderful month ahead, discovering the True You,
Love, hugs, and blessings,
Master Mars – Reach for your star
Greetings from a higher domain. I am locked into your wavelength at present for it is time to turn out some warriors amongst you. And I do not mean that I am looking for a legion of fighting men, but I am looking for a team of people who will fight for what we Masters stand for here in the heavens. We will have no shrinking violets on our team, no cowards, no Johnny-come-latelys, no narcissists, but only those who are team players who can give me their all.
What is it that people have to give? It is their pure, unadulterated talent. But much of this is still in the box which many people have not yet opened. Or perhaps they have just taken a peek inside and just a whiff of their talent has escaped out? So, I want those on my team who are prepared to throw their box wide open and let all their toys spill out. For one’s talents are like your toys; they are here to bring you joy. So, do not keep them stuffed away, unused or under-utilised.
It is time to bang your drum, time to make a noise about who you are. You may have been told to shut up for most of your life, to suppress that which gnaws away at you inside, that wishes to see the light of day. And so, you may have become used to suppressing yourself and limiting your goals.
I am here today to tell you to shoot for the Moon, and from there you can catapult yourself out amongst the stars. It is not in the lower echelons of Earth that stars are made, that stars shine brightly from above. You must hurl your consciousness into the stratosphere and let yourself be imbued with starriness. This then will open all the portals to your locked-up potential. It will open the floodgates, and star qualities will begin to bubble up within your life.
Some of you may not wish to be a star, to be notable or famous, but every one of you is meant to be a star of your own world. You have come here with talent for something. It would be wasteful to go home with any of it unused. When you are in the flow of your star energy you will feel comforted, successful, and fulfilled. You will be at ease at last in this world, for then you will fit into the space allocated for you.
Talent is not given to you. Talent rises up from who you are already. Come find that star within you and then you will be ready to join the Masters’ team.
I am Mars, warrior god of action, and seeker of star potential.
Master Mars channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 16 June 2018
May 2018
Dearest Friends,
Love Stars
You have probably been feeling that the past month has been a doozy! All that Scorpio/Pluto energy has served to transform and cleanse and clean us out. All the old baggage, emotional and physical, has to go. We are now learning about our true selves and true power.
True power doesn’t come from we do and have forced ourselves to do through sheer human willpower, but true power comes from allowing the gods and angels to work through us, using our physical forms as agents for divine will and divine magic. We need to say to ourselves, “Power comes not from me but through me. I am God’s fingertips.”
Scorpio energy must first destroy before it can rebuild, so there will be many who are pondering upon death, but it is the death of the old consciousness that is required, not death of the physical body. Once we let go of the old, defeating thoughts and ways, then rebirth can take place and we can step into our true power and glory.
This week will see yet more change, with Uranus stepping into his new sign of Taurus where he’ll reside for the next seven years. This augurs a new phase for the world where our consciousness will be focused on valuing the planet, relationships, possessions, and the arts. The economy is set for a big shake-up since Uranus comes like a lightning bolt out of the blue and Taurus highlights money and finances.
All that has not been valued will be taken away until love can bring it back again. Taurus is ruled by Venus and Sedna, so love is going to feature prominently for many years to come, finding ways to infiltrate love into everything we are and all we do, as individuals, as communities, as countries, and as a planet of over seven billion humans who need to find a way to live together in peace and harmony (Taurus traits).
The New Moon is also in Taurus this week (Tuesday, 15 May), supporting Uranus’ new thrust, and on Wednesday, Mars will enter Aquarius, Uranus’ own sign, and will aspect Uranus himself, causing explosions and/or inspiration to be triggered in our consciousness.
Yep, it’s going to be quite a week, and that’s not even counting the Royal Wedding. I’m sure Harry and Megan must have consulted an astrologer to choose this time of New Love energies falling like stars from Heaven.
May you catch these stars in the month to come.
Love, hugs, and blessings,
Master Chiron – Time for Harmony
Yes, it’s time people heard my voice again. So, let us deal with the issues at hand. And this week it’s all to do with remarkable changes. We will do an about face from dealing with the masculine energies of Aries to focusing upon the feminine energies of Taurus.
Everyone has both a masculine and a feminine side, so all will be involved and all will be helped to evolve, bringing their feminine sides up to a higher level, appreciating all that the feminine energies bring to this world, but at the same time not denigrating the masculine energies that we have worked hard to evolve in the past seven years.
Taurus energy speaks of harmony. It is now time to bring wholeness to everyone and everything on this planet where both the masculine and feminine energies are valued as equal and bringing in complementary assets.
So, come away from the extreme edges now. Move towards your centre and settle down. Work from the centre of yourself, which is your heart. This is what Uranus will teach us during the next phase of this planetary evolution.
Many have not known how to live in harmony within themselves. This is the focus we shall be working on, and when harmony reigns within yourself then harmony shall reign throughout the world external too.
Try not to resist what is being done to you, what is being done for you. For any disharmony within you now shall be stirred up by the winds of Uranus, until you can let that disharmony go, let it fade into the cosmos, and choose only energies that delight your heart.
It is time, folks, to meld the masculine and feminine energies and for us to know our wholeness.
I am Chiron, healer for this planet, healer of your hearts.
Master Chiron channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 14 May 2018
April 2018
Dearest Friends,
New Beginnings
If there was ever a week for new beginnings and new opportunities, it is this one. Not only is it a New Moon in Aries today (New Moons are always about new phases starting, and Aries is about new start ups and taking initiative), but the planet Chiron enters Aries on Wednesday after 7-8 years in Pisces, meaning there will be a new focus on healing Aries challenges which will endure for another 7-8 years.
These challenges include dealing with overly-masculine and selfish egos, dubious risk-taking, anger and impatience, pretence, and narcissism. The commensurate problems manifesting in the human body will show up as headaches, head and facial issues (ears, nose, eyes, mouth, teeth), skin eruptions and rashes, and insect bites.
This is the reason we have the superpowers of the world currently having an ego stand-off and rattling sabres at each other, leading us to the brink of World War Three.
Positive Aries energy wants us to be courageous and brave, take action and initiative, be independent, claim our own identity, and generally be optimistic and use our life force in a fulfilling way. It is warrior energy but we need a new way of being warriors in this day and age.
With all this masculine and earth-bound Aries energy around, it will probably be more difficult to find a connection with the divine world, but not impossible. It will just require some time, effort, and intention rather than feeling the intuition flowing freely through our consciousness as it has been while Chiron was in Pisces. In truth, this is the moment where the energies and lessons of the Masters, gods, and angels, find application on Earth. All we have learnt about spirituality from the teaching/healing planet of Chiron in the past 7-8 years must now be applied to our physical planet and physical bodies. A new phase, indeed, of our evolution!
The Sun conjuncting Uranus in Aries on Thursday, 19 April, will augur a change of consciousness and give us inspiration on how to take different action. Mars conjuncting Pluto in Capricorn on Thursday, 26 April will be a power battle, a keystone marker of things to come, on the world stage and also for ourselves, highlighting the consequences if we do not transform.
The messages I have been receiving from the Masters lately, are that we are about to enter a time of chaos (no surprise there!), and it will be important for us spiritual folk to hold the light and love like never before, within our own hearts and for the entire world. Many will be falling into dark holes and we cannot let ourselves fall in after them. We must stay in the life boat, not dive (or fall) into the dark waters to save people.
This is the time now for us to step into our Masterful shoes and put into practice all we have learnt on our spiritual paths.
May the gods be with you and with the whole world in the month ahead.
With all my love and hugs,
Master Djwhal Khul – Door to the New World
Thank you, Sophia, for being here and conveying our messages. It will be an interesting one this month, one like we have never given before, so sit up straight and pay attention. You will not want to miss this one.
Once upon a time, on the banks of the River Nile, a baby was born and his name was Moses. Moses went on to live a rich and colourful life. He led a whole dynasty to The Promised Land.
Well, we Masters come like Moses to you now, to lead you to The Promised Land, the land that we have promised you for eons, the land of richness and riches, of harmony and health, of love and luxury. You have, for the most part, not believed in this land, for you see your own world becoming more and more dire and you cannot imagine a way out of it and into something more pleasant.
I can assure you this place exists. But to get there you will have to go through the portal, through the nexus, between your world and the one that I inhabit. Some of you have made the journey, some of you are beating at the door. Some of you have no notion of any door, and that’s a shame. For the door will close before too long, and those who are on my side shall enjoy what has been promised them. And those who have not yet found the door, they are doomed to live a life of broken promises, the promises of Man.
So, elect to come find this door and get yourself and loved ones through it, for your world shall not be a pleasant place to live unless you have been elevated into the higher dimension. The two worlds exist side by side, and both can see each other, just as humans can see fish in water and the fish can see the humans in the air.
Choose which environment you wish to be in; the lower world or the higher world, for your choices shall be limited before too long. We shall leave the lower world to play out its scenes. And if you don’t wish for a part in that play, then come and join us high above. We welcome lighter hearts.
You are asking how you may find the door and walk through it? All that is required is that you wish to get here with all your heart. Then you will find yourself directed to paths that will lead you here. Do not come here out of fear, but out of love. Fear will stay in the old world, and love is your ticket to the new world.
So, wake up to your new path now, or you may be rudely awoken in the days to come.
I am Master Djwhal Khul, saviour for those wanting to find the new world.
Master Djwhal Khul channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 16 April 2018
March 2018
Dearest Friends,
I’m sorry this has come to you so late in the month, but it’s been a whirlwind of activity for me this month and I’ve had no time to write a piece for you. So, I will let Master Hilarion have the floor all to himself this month and just wish you all a very happy Easter holiday with it’s Full Moon in Libra on Saturday night and with Venus entering the sign of Taurus. It’s going to be all about relationships and harmony this weekend.
I send all my blessings to you for a wonderful month ahead.
Love and hugs,
Master Hilarion – Love Yourself
I think we shall speak about jewels today, gemstones and diadems, treasure and preciousness. And we might think that this is the ultimate in prizes upon this Earth, if we were to secure a diamond or two, a magnificent gemstone on our finger or at our throat. For we value these pieces of glass and we put high prices on them and we make them signify the love we have for one another.
But there is something much more precious than this that we should go searching for as treasure above all else. And this is the love for our self. This might surprise you, as you think that we should put love for others above our self, but I say love must start with ourselves. It must be at the core of our being and radiate out from there.
If we do not love ourselves and we think disgusting thoughts about ourselves and we deem ourselves not good enough, not worthy enough, unsuitable enough, then we are digging a hole for ourselves and we will fall in and only see darkness from there.
So, come to love the gifts that God has given us. Come to love every skerrick of yourself, every cell, every trailing thought, every talent and emotion, every memory, every desire and ideal. You are a work-in-progress, that is for sure. So, when is it that you will get to the cut-off line and deem yourself good enough and deem yourself ideal? We must love how we are going at the moment, knowing there is more improvement to come, but appreciating what has gone before.
In this moment you can decide to carry on with your old ways or you can turn to a new path, one that will set yourself alight. For to be filled with light and love is the ultimate ecstasy for yourself, and therefore for everyone around you, too, who will share in your ebullience and effulgence.
We love the sun, for it is a star that gives out brilliance. It uplifts us and creates sunniness inside us. So, let us be like the sun ourselves and come into our stardom. And let us have no more beating up of ourselves, just an opening of our heart to fill the world with our sunshiny days.
You bring no gift to the world if you keep yourself in shadow. You bring no joy to the world if you shut yourself away, fearing to face the world just as you are. Each of you was born as a spark of God. Just show that spark and the world will be a lighter and brighter place.
This world can be a cruel place. Do not add to it by being cruel to yourselves.
Master Hilarion channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 29 March 2018
February 2018
Dearest Friends,
Aquarian energies
Can’t sleep? Feeling weird? Lots of dreams? You are experiencing the Uranian energies of today’s New Moon in Aquarius, with the Sun, Moon, and Mercury all being in Aquarius too. Uranus is the ruling planet of the sign of Aquarius. It is an electrical planet, sending out sudden, charged wavelengths of energy that stir us up and change everything in our lives that isn’t responding to our divine life plan. Add in a solar eclipse too and that’s a recipe for momentous events affecting us right now and in the weeks to come.
Uranus has been in the sign of Aries for the past 7-8 years and is making preparations currently to move into the sign of Taurus on May 16 where he will sit until 2026. Just prior to this, the planet Chiron will move out of Pisces where it’s also been for 7-8 years and into the sign of Aries. So, huge changes are building up for us all, for when a planet changes signs there is always some almighty announcement by the Heavens heralding the new energies and new focus for us.
Uranus wants us to raise our level of consciousness and work for the benefit of all humanity. Whilst in Aries, he has been focusing on getting us to release our egos and self-centred natures. Soon he will be focusing on love, including loving oneself, friendships, valuing what needs to be valued, talents, beauty, harmony, earthly pleasures and sex.
Chiron, whilst in Pisces, has been healing our sense of victimhood and powerlessness, and teaching us about spirituality and connection with the divine realms. For six months from April to September this year, when he transits Aries, he will focus on bringing Heaven down to Earth and applying spirituality to this physical realm. Maladies that may erupt during this time will focus on the head and skin, and any residual ego still within us will trigger anger and risky behaviour.
So, at present we are being moved into the right position for us so we can better carry out our divine plan. Any resistance will equal pain. We are also being urged to release all ego, fear, and weakness so that we can work as spiritual warriors, utilising the new energies of Chiron in Aries. April and May may have us in a spin, but if we can ride the waves we’ll be taken on the current to new shores which better serve us.
Happy surfing and all my love and blessings for the month ahead.
El Morya – An uplifted life
So, what is this New Moon bringing in for everyone? It brings change, that’s for sure. For these old stale ways of ours must be gone, must be let go, and a new refreshing uplifted life must be put in its place so that we can move forwards with alacrity, with more joy in our hearts, more enthusiasm in our hands and our feet, and all dancing to a different drum, a new beat, an upbeat.
For have we not been in the doldrums somewhat in the past few years? For life is becoming quite hard for some, and a struggle, and it is not meant to be this way but to be a life of flow, of flourishing, of flowers and music and dance.
How many of you can say that your lives are like this? So, let us unmould you from your straightjackets. And let you feel limpid and flexible, feeling the air around your bodies and the freshness within your minds. It may mean up-tipping some stalwarts of civilisation but, hey-ho, these compromises are acceptable, for we are flushing out the old to make space for the new whirlwind that is coming our way.
So be brazen in your hopes, be courageous in your confidence, be tantalising in your trust. For this is the edge of a new realm and dynasty, and those who are higher will experience it first, just as those at the top of a mountain are the first to see the dawning of the sun at daybreak.
So think not that your lives will be bitter and bereft for this is not the idea or the intention of the gods. We seek to make this planet less divisive and more divine, and these energies are slowly curling their way into your hearts, into your soil. Let us look forwards with more than just hope. Let us know that we are at the entrance now of a new world that will define us as we move humans into godhood, and slowly but surely we will leave this old race behind.
We are seeing inklings of it in every quarter now, the goodness of people, the starriness in their eyes. Yes, there are still blaggards and black hearts but these are dissolving even as we speak. And in the decades to come, there will be less of these that will cross our paths and our loving hearts. So let us be on the positive now for it is a good cycle from hereon. We are moving at speed into the new world. Allow yourself to be pushed or pulled, or just take the leap and you will be there.
Know that everything will have to change, so allow this to happen and you will never look back or regret that you have walked forwards into Heaven.
I am Master Morya, a mind behind these manoeuvres.
El Morya channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 16 February 2018
January 2018
Dearest Friends,
The Saturn Push
Yesterday I went on an adventure day with a friend, and we ended up in a maze which was in the shape of a star. We laughed so much at the symbolism and lessons that were provided to us as we proceeded to journey through the maze.
Firstly, we couldn’t even find the entrance to the maze, although the sign had been right in front of us as we left the ticket office. This represented that we found it difficult to get started on things because we didn’t look around us for the appropriate signs. We’d seen people going through a gate and had automatically followed them, and it was the wrong way.
Secondly, once we were inside the maze, we had stumbled around like blind women, completely lost and confused, until finally, by total trial and error and after an extortionate amount of time, we came upon the centre of the maze which had a raised platform where you could look over the entire star-shaped labyrinth. It felt good to be at the centre of a star!
Now we decided to employ some science for our return journey to find the exit from the maze – some spirit science, our soul guidance. Every time we came to a junction, we stopped and properly tuned into our souls and asked for direction. 99% of the time we both got the same answer and headed off. Sometimes we were guided down a dead end path, but invariably we found a clue there for the quiz we were completing at the same time, so the journey wasn’t wasted. And we arrived at the exit in a tenth of the time it had taken us to get the centre of the maze, and it had been very easy.
So, the moral of my little story is that we shouldn’t forget to employ our spirit GPS guidance system, not ever! GPS stands for Guidance for the Path from our Soul! Before we make any major decision for the direction for our life, always tune in to our spirit self and get advice. It makes life so much easier and enjoyable, and we’ll end up exactly where we want to be.
Today is a New Moon in Capricorn, the sign ruled by Saturn, and there are numerous other planets in Capricorn too at present, including Saturn himself, all adding to the energies that influence us to take things much more seriously and act more responsibly (or they can trigger off any anti-authoritarian inclinations and desire to act irresponsibly). For most people, the energies will be a great boost to business and career, imparting the desire to work hard, be a success story, earn more money, and build proper sturdy foundations to their lives. Be careful to balance any workaholic tendencies with a restful home life.
All this Capricorn/Saturn energy can feel pressurising. We may want to prove our worth yet find ourselves not yet good enough (even if we are!). This energy can be a hard taskmaster, so steady yourself and call upon your strength and resilience. Saturn is like an ambitious father and only wants the best from you, so he pushes you hard. Once these Capricorn energies dissipate somewhat (although Saturn and Pluto will be here all year!), you will feel a much stronger person and more in control of your world and more able to cope with whatever comes your way. Be grateful!
Today, the goddess Ceres, Earth mother of the harvest and nurturing, is conjunct the North Node of Destiny in Leo for everyone. This usually indicates that it’s time to give birth to something, or to plant something new. It’s not just about birthing children but also creating new ideas or exciting projects, long term things that will provide sustenance for you or the world in the future.
I hope you are having a great start to this new year. Many changes are in the offing, and undoubtedly you are already feeling the tug. Saturn and Capricorn are ‘preparation’ and ‘building’ energies, so this will be the focus all year.
I wish you much love and many blessings as you start out on new ventures. Don’t forget your spirit GPS so that at all times you follow the right direction.
Until next month,
El Morya – Move to your new world
Resistance is futile. We Masters have said this many times before, that as soon as you resist you will feel pain. So, come, let go of this resistance and allow yourself to go with the flow. Allow yourself to be taken along on the current which is moving you along to climes more sublime, to where you will fit in better, to where you will feel you belong.
So make use of these extraordinary energies that are around us in present times, for they are conveying you to a better world, they are conveying you to the right road. So do not swim against the current. Do not hold onto the fence posts and door lintels as if these could save your life. Let yourself be carried off, even if this means saying goodbye to your old world, for a better world for you lies just around the corner. And you may already be landing there as we speak.
Those who resist until the bitter end will feel rather bitter, and pain will wrack their body and their mental state won’t be that hot either. So accept and surrender. Embrace these energies and coming days. Intend to be determined to do the right thing by yourself and your soul. Intend to do what needs to be done, to uplift yourself and raise yourself onto better foundations.
Those that have been wobbly will not withstand the coming storm. “Be prepared for the storm season” is one of the mottos on your television screens right now. I say the same! But the storm won’t just be in your gardens. The storm will rage throughout this world and no one will be untouched and all will be transformed.
So get yourself to the place where you will need to be, within your hearts, within your minds, as well as in your bodies. For those with the strongest hearts shall survive anything and those with the weakest hearts shall be swept away.
Serious words from me this month, I know, but get yourself on your right road then you won’t be a refugee from your fate.
I am Master Morya, Governor of the new world. I hope to see you there.
El Morya channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 17 January 2018
December 2017
Dearest Friends,
Making Magic
Mowing the lawn this week and watching the ominous dark rain clouds approaching, I was reminded of something St.Germain said to me recently, that we need to control the energies around us otherwise we are letting them control us. So I commanded the dark clouds to stay away until I’d finished the lawn, and they never came near my garden for the rest of the day. Magic is as easy as that!
How often do we just let the world happen around us, and to us, and merely accept what is occurring? It doesn’t have to be that way. With focused intention we can change our reality, just by dreaming what we want to have happen. Of course, the universe needs to also take account of all the other focused intentions coming from others and so you may not always get your wish, and maybe not immediately, but there’s nothing to lose from trying. Magic and miracles start with dreaming.
Distance is no obstacle to magic, and so you can lie in bed or sit in your armchair and send waves of love, peace, and harmony to the whole world without even lifting a finger. You only need to lift your vibrations, and your energies and thoughts will go out there into the universe, across this world, across this galaxy, and across dimensions too. There is no end of good you can send to the world this Christmas.
In my recent Metaphysical Magic workshop, I informed my students that they can send out a gift to the world every day, by just imagining something they would like every person to receive. It can be something beautiful like love, peace, and harmony; something practical like a comb with which to straighten things out; something useful like a bridge to make connections to people, to Spirit, to new places, to new dimensions; or something quite abstract like a wake-up call to higher consciousness. Your gifts are limited only by your imagination, and imagine all the gifts you may receive in return!
This Christmas and New Year, I send you all the gift of strong foundations for the beginning of this three-year period of Saturn in Capricorn (starts on Dec 20 but its energies are already exerting themselves). This is now the time for all planning phases and exploration and study to come to fruition in a construction phase – time to apply and build on what has come before. Make the most of these three years – Saturn in Capricorn won’t happen again for another 28 years. It’s a great time for business and organisations which comply with the universe’s plan, and for working really hard at your success story. Anything not complying with the universe’s plan is sure to take a tumble during this period – companies, governments, economies, structures, anything not built from foundations of love.
May you and your families have a wonderful Christmas and here’s hoping for great magic-making in 2018!
Love, hug, and blessings,
The Group Consciousness of Ascended Masters – The tide has turned
We are coming together as one phalanx, as one unit, as one mind, and one heart. For that is what we really are. Yes, we have individual personalities but our focus is one, our outlook is one, and we all pull together to get this thing done.
What is this thing we speak of? It is the transformation of this lovely planet. We have been through dark times of late and in the past number of centuries. We are now entering a new era, an era where divinity holds sway. Not the divinity of religions but the divinity of yourselves, the part of you that is god-like.
Many of you are blossoming into your god-beingness, and it is a joy to see by everyone up here in the higher dimensions. We are seeing the Earth taking on a new flavour now, a new aura, and it cannot be taken back. It cannot be diminished. And it will go on growing now, developing into a new type of consciousness that will pervade every mind in this world. We have turned the corner. Yes, we have turned the corner.
And to all those brave souls who have helped us, we heap our accolades upon you. This shall be a time of sublime happiness for you, even as those who are still dealing with their darkness are suffering around you. It shall be hard to feel so contented when others do not know your vibrations. So help your fellow man and raise them up, for it is only when they know their own glory shall they share in the glory of this world.
This is a turning point in our history. Let you realise it, for it will only be in the coming years that it will begin to make sense. Stand strong and firm in your godliness and do not let others tear down what you have built that serves to make you strong. There will be the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’ and, as always, the ‘have-nots’ will cause consternation in trying to get something that they have not worked for. But know the tide has turned for many of you now. The universe shall bring in waves of glory, even as it takes out the rubbish with the waning tide.
So congratulate yourselves in this festive season. Many of you have done splendid jobs to arrive at where you are. There shall be new doors opening in the New Year. Steel yourselves to walk through one of them, for adventures lie beyond them as we open up this universe for those who will come and see.
We are invested in your futures. Come join our phalanx and let us spread to new horizons. We are the gods of the divine world. Embrace your divinity and come join us.
Ascended Masters channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 13 December 2017
November 2017
Dearest Friends,
Time to move on
You may have been feeling the Scorpionic energies of late, pulling and pushing us to transform ourselves and our lives and let go all that no longer serves our destiny.
This week we have masses more Scorpio and Pluto (ruler of Scorpio) energy, with a New Moon in Scorpio on Saturday, 18 November, and Sun, Venus, and Jupiter all currently transiting the sign of Scorpio. Mars, the planet of taking action, is squaring Pluto on November 19, along with Mercury trining the North Node of Destiny. Venus is aspecting Pluto on November 21st, when Mars is also aspecting the North Node of Destiny. So, the week ahead is going to be pretty full on!
Scorpio and Pluto also represent metaphysics, so the timing of my new workshop, Metaphysical Magic couldn’t be more apt. This is a time of great change and wonderful challenge and opportunity for us all. It’s also a time for amazing magic to happen! If you’re still wondering how to bring this magic into your life, come and join me at my 5 day workshop in Noosa, Queensland. Starts in less than two weeks, on Monday, 27 November. It will totally transform your life. More details at www.earthwithspirit.com.
I have chosen a very appropriate channelling this month from my upcoming book, History of the gods, channelled from Master Thoth. I think you will enjoy it.
With love, hugs, and blessings, for a very creative month doing scissor work,
Master Thoth – Scissors: tool of the gods
My subject today is scissors. Yes, scissors! How can this relate to gods, you ask? Well, let me tell you that gods are good with scissors. They know how to cut. They know how to cut away and trim. They know how to cut out all that is irrelevant so that the important stands proud.
And this is a skill that the gods are teaching to humans, to cut away the unnecessary, the flack, the unimportant, the stuff that takes away from the central theme. They will teach how to focus on your mission and how to cut away all that does not support this, all the fluff, all the fine print, all the bureaucracy and paperwork.
The gods have learnt to let go of all that does not support them to be who they really are. And this is a skill that they are transferring now to humans. Letting go of ancillary stuff is imperative. Helping you to complete who you are is imperative. You did not come here to copy others but to fulfil your own potential, to fulfil the starlight that is within you. A Ford car does not pretend to be a Ferrari. And you have been birthed with a certain design and it is to this design that you need to be true and show yourself as this to the world. So do not be something you are not. Do not try to be something that you cannot be. But by all means work on your inner urges which give you hints of who you are. You know yourself, in truth, and your spirit self certainly knows who you are. But often you do not want to acknowledge this, for you would rather that you were a different design and had a different mission. This will not work for you so it is better to accept and embrace the design of you. Then you will begin to feel comfortable. Then you will begin to feel as if you belong, as if you are working out in this world, as if you are succeeding.
So if you feel like a failure, or are feeling unfulfilled, perhaps it is because you are not committing to your own design, you are not embracing your true path. So do work at what you are really good at, and trim away the fantasies that will leave you wanting and leave you at a loss. Focus on your strengths. Focus on your true desires not the urges of your ego and your fears. Get out those scissors and cut away those fears, for then you will be able to see clearly and be able to make multiple jumps without any limitations, without any ties. If you have no fears you will step boldly forward. Nothing will stop you on your way to your truth.
So scissors are a major part of your toolkit and will need to be used daily. But use them appropriately, not to cut away others or to stab them, but use them judiciously to sever parts of yourself that no longer serve you.
Every idea you’ve ever had forms a little root within you. And sometimes those ideas have reached their use-by-date and those roots need to be cut away, for they can root you to places and people and things that no longer support your on-going journey. It can be a hard decision to make, to cut away roots, but it feels very freeing and your soul can become boundless, released to make new and more innovative choices for your future. Uprooting yourself is never easy, but the benefits will become clear once you have settled down again in a more suitable place which nurtures your new vibrations.
The art of scissor work, of course, is to know what to cut away and what to leave intact, and for this you may need the guidance of higher minds. Your spirit self is one, but the gods and angels are available to you, too, so do consult them. They can see well where your next cut needs to be.
And be careful not to cut yourself with your scissors for they are sharp and can do some harm. Always cut with loving intent. Do not cut in anger or frustration. Cut like a surgeon, with precision, with skill, with your intended focus well in mind, and see the result that you wish to get. And keep your scissors sharp, for a blunt tool will benefit no one and just causes bruising and pain. The sharpness of your scissors is your decisiveness, your commitment, so do not be half-hearted or you will go awry; you will merely bend things out of shape instead of cutting through cleanly.
Clean your scissors after each use so that you may have clean cuts in the future and not contaminate with the past. And keep your scissors safely in a sheath for you would not wish them to hurt anyone inadvertently as you go throughout your day.
So look at the scissors around your home. Do you need a pair of scissors, and do the ones that you have sport sharp edges? Are they broken or blunt or need a good service? Look in your toolbox, for a pair of sharp scissors is a necessity for a god and all those who would approach the godhood.
Master Thoth channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 1 April 2016
October 2017
Dearest Friends,
Be Divergent!
If you haven’t been going through major transformation already in the past few weeks, this is the week you will probably be catapulted into a new dimension of living. Pluto, the planet of transformation, power, and magic, and the ruler of Scorpio, turned direct on September 29, giving us the full thrust of his boot into making changes that profoundly affect the way we move into our future.
Well, hold onto your hats, because this week powerful and magnificent Jupiter moves into Scorpio to lend a hand to Pluto’s transmutational antics, and Jupiter will be here for the next 12 months, so get used to major letting go and moving on and stepping into your power and the magic of this universe.
Last night, I was guided to watch again the movie, “Divergent”. The plot bears some resemblance to what we are all going through right now, being called to choose the faction, or pathway, where we feel we most belong and can do our best work. The heroine chooses, against her natural inclination to stay with the gentle folk of her tribe of birth and upbringing, the powerful and fearless faction of “Dauntless”. She starts off weak and intimidated, in danger of being cast out for not cutting it, but she finds her strength and determination and sense of purpose and, most importantly, her authentic self, and is instrumental in overthrowing tyranny and becoming a voice for a better world.
All of us are being challenged to become “Dauntless”, and the training can be pretty brutal at times in order to find our power and our voice. But we must realise that we also need to become “Divergent”, a voice for every faction; intelligent, wise, helpful, compassionate, honest, of service, selfless, strong, and fearless. This is wholeness and true harmony. Our souls are leading us into this future and new way of being. Surrender and get your lower human consciousness out of the way. Your soul wishes to come and shine brightly and brilliantly through you as you walk on Earth.
Today, Saturn, the planet who says it is now time for something to happen, is playing with Destiny itself (The North Node), and is laying the groundwork for us to move through the Gateway of Transformation. It’s a day to think hard about your mission and purpose in this lifetime. Mars and Saturn will get together on Wednesday and trigger us further. If we don’t make the move of our own volition, the universe will move the ground beneath our feet for us. Nothing and no one will be left unmoved!
I cannot emphasise enough how this is a time of great change and wonderful challenge and opportunity for us all. It’s also a time for amazing magic to happen! If you’re still wondering how to bring this magic into your life, come and join me at my 5 day workshop Metaphysical Magic, in Noosa, Queensland. It will totally transform your life, I guarantee.
Come along to the Islander Resort in Noosa, right in the heart of world-famous beaches and restaurants and a National Park, for a fabulous tropical holiday while you learn and partake in amazing and fun life-changing processes. Have yourself a pre-Christmas retreat from the world and set yourself up for the new 3-Year Phase of Saturn in Capricorn which starts on Dec 20. Only $995 for the workshop, (or Early Bird Special of $888) with self-catering villas available from just $55 per person per night. More details at www.earthwithspirit.com.
Have a fabulous month rising as phoenixes from the ashes of your old lives!
With love, hugs, and blessings,
Lady Master Ceres – Heaven on Earth
I come to you with much wisdom. So please hear my plea. It would be impertinent of you and silly not to listen to me, for the Earth is a crucible in my hands and I can make designs of it to my liking and I can wrench from it what I desire to mould. So work with me, earthlings, that we may design a better world, that we may get the soil to flourish, that we may get our consciousness to nourish our seeds.
Many have not planted, up to now, and they see bare plains before them, for they have not utilised tillage and effort and fortitude to grow what is needed to sustain them. Others have sown upon infertile ground; you must prepare your soil if you are to get results forthcoming. And some of you have crops withering on the vine for you have not maintained your impetus in caring for your little seeds of bountifulness.
I say to you, you need to plant at the right time, maintain full vigilance over your crop, feed it with the right ingredients, and then your cornucopia will be filled with the fruits of your labour and your love.
So let us have some changes now about what it is you bring into this world. Or do you merely take and contribute nothing? Those who provide will be catered for in future eras. If you have let your soil lie dormant then there shall be nothing but deserts of dust, stretching before you in your future. Galvanise yourself to contribute your talents so that you may feed yourself when times are thin.
I will work with those who are managers of this Earth, and I will care little for those who blight this planet. My energies are boundless and bountiful. Work with me, dear people of Earth, that we can turn this globe into a garden from which we can all copiously eat and drink our fill.
I am a lady for Eden. Let you bring Heaven into your territory now.
Lady Master Ceres channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 09 Oct 2017
September 2017
Dearest Friends,
The Return
The Masters promised us last month that it would be a watershed time in our history and it certainly has been! Irma was the largest hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic Ocean; Mexico had its biggest earthquake in a century; North Korea was testing missiles as if they were fireworks; and all manner of other unprecedented events were happening around the planet and solar system, including the Cassini spacecraft crashing into Saturn after a journey of two decades to get there.
For many of us, we were not directly affected by global disasters, but for many others a very different watershed event was taking place—their consciousness was moving fully into the New Dimension. What do I mean by this? Our consciousness is like a ribbon, with the top end firmly fixed in our Source in the Higher Dimensions. The bottom end of our consciousness, our ribbon, passed through the Doorway between Heaven and Earth when we were born as a human and became anchored into this planet. It is the spiritual journey for all of us to raise our consciousness high enough to pass back through that Doorway and make our home again in Heaven—even while we are still walking around with a human body.
In the past few weeks, with universal energies supporting us, many people have finally managed to fulfil this wonderful quest. It’s not been an overnight job but an odyssey of many years (and many lifetimes) to up anchors and detach from old human consciousness and move into the realm of our spirit consciousness.
The delicious ecstasy of moving on Earth with the full consciousness of our spirit selves is absolutely rewarding. However, I would be remiss if I didn’t inform you that once you make it all the way Home, you must then turn around and begin the return journey. Every road, every twist and turn, event and relationship you have ever experienced since you left your Source way back when, must be revisited and harmonised as you now make your return to Source. This next odyssey make take another million years—it is the continuing adventure in our evolution.
But let us stay with the present and deal with The Return as it faces us right now. The ecstasy of becoming one with our spirit selves will undoubtedly begin to fade as we wade back into the reality and issues of living as humans on Earth. We will need to remember all we have learnt on the previous journey and utilise our tools, skills, spirit powers, and universal love. This is the time where we repay the gods for helping us to achieve our new status, where we look to see how we can act and help others who are still struggling to reach the Doorway.
With Saturn about to enter a new 3-Year Phase in Capricorn (his own fiefdom) from December 20, the focus will be on hard work, career, strength, resilience, responsibility, success and governance. We are now preparing for this 3-year regime. Uranus will also be moving signs next year after seven years in Aries, so we are preparing for a new 7-Year Phase of Uranus in Taurus as well. Are you ready to face all these massive changes next year?
With this in mind, the Masters have asked me to present a 5-day workshop, Metaphysical Magic, which will help to set people up as Masters and Magicians to bring success to everything they tackle for themselves and for the world. More details are on my website www.earthwithspirit.com. Come and have a tropical holiday in Noosa in Queensland and learn the secrets of Mastery at the same time. It runs from 27 Nov – 1 Dec.
Watch out for Thursday, 28 Sept when Jupiter opposes Uranus. Sudden sparks are likely to fly as the world is given opportunities to free itself from past restrictions.
Five planets in Virgo this week, along with a Virgo New Moon, will see us focusing on cleansing, health, and dealing with details. Come along to my Spring Equinox workshop on Saturday, 23 Sept, in Gympie, QLD, for a head to heart spring clean and rebalancing that will have you greeting Jupiter and Uranus with open arms! More details on my website www.earthwithspirit.com.
All my love, hugs, and blessings for a healing month ahead.
Master St.Germain – Dreaming Your Role
Oh spirit, this is a blessed day! Let our minds wander to the past and the future, let us embrace this whole universe and all its time spans. And let us remember that this universe is one whole sphere. There is no top nor bottom, west nor east. We are directionless in space and also in time. This means we can go off in any direction from where we are now. And we can uncobble and unravel things that have gone before and we can put in place stepping stones for those things that we wish to have happen in our future.
Right now, in this moment, is one of those stepping stones. And if you really take the time and trouble to imagine what it is that you want a few years down the track, then you will be setting yourself up on this trajectory. And in a few years time you will find yourself there, where you had dreamed. And it all will start from now.
So get yourselves into a space where you map out the details for your upcoming life. Don’t gloss over anything for then the universe will substitute something you may not like. Fill out your order form and neglect not one iota, then the universe can begin to fit you out to enjoy this role that you have requisitioned for yourself.
This is how great lives are made, seeing yourself in the part, walking your talk, and all the details coming to pass that you have envisaged. If you do not dream these roles for yourself then you are allowing anything that comes along to pave your way. So why not step up and become a captain at your helm, and then you can stop complaining that life is not as you desire it.
Many of you are now learning how to manifest like gods. If you do not begin to use your magic wands soon you will find life taking you down all the wrong paths as you are caught up in the flow of other people’s magic. So make the magic happen for yourself. There is plenty of it abroad. Utilise it and make yourself smile.
I am St.Germain, Master Manifestor of Magic.
Master St.Germain channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 18 Sept 2017
August 2017
Dearest Friends,
True Forgiveness
We’ve just had a Full Moon in Aquarius and a partial Lunar Eclipse and I found that things kept spilling and leaking, great symbolism for the lunar emotional energies. The Aquarian energies also had me watching TV programs about aliens, consciousness and the mind, future technologies, and relationship separations. I often wonder if program selectors are aware of the astrology influences when they make their decisions because they are so aligned!
But now the countdown begins to the ‘biggie’, the Total Solar Eclipse on Tuesday, 22 August at the second Leo New Moon within a month. (What were you up to at the first New Moon in Leo on Sunday, 23 July—the themes may be repeated?)
Also on this day, the two trigger planets, Mars and Saturn, are aspecting each other, all contributing to this being a time of great momentum and significance, a turning point, if not a trigger point. Also, the day before, the Sun is playing with Uranus, stirring up rebellion and revolution and auguring change. It’s not necessarily a situation to fear or feel dismayed about. It has the potential for amazing creativity, leadership, love, and strength as well. You will experience whatever is going down (or up) according to your vibrational level, so if you wish to feel the ecstasy rather than any calamity, then get your heart and consciousness into a good place, filled with loving thoughts.
One of the best ways to raise your vibrations is to forgive—yourself, your loved ones, your friends, your enemies, the world situation, your own situation. We might think we have forgiven but we might be mistaking tolerance for forgiveness. When we merely tolerate someone, we may find our heart shutting out that person to achieve a neutral effect where the person no longer affects us emotionally. We can tolerate being in their presence but we don’t open our heart to them and warmly accept them there and allow them another chance. We might still feel defensive and protective of ourselves where we will not allow the person to repeat the offence against us.
True forgiveness asks that you open your heart and allow the other person in and love them unconditionally, letting your heart be vulnerable and open to be hurt once again. This may seem like utter stupidity but true forgiveness is loving and holding someone in your heart without rancour or judgement. If you are still wanting to protect yourself then you are still judging that person as capable of hurting you again. You will not be giving them a clean slate and a chance to start afresh. You will be projecting your fear of repeat behaviour onto them, and this projection then causes them to act out the part that you have given them. It is a nightmarish circle that needs to be broken—who will break it, if not you?
True forgiveness does not say, “I will love you (again) only if you stop doing the thing you have done to me.” True forgiveness says, “I will love you despite all you have done to hurt me.”
This kind of love will raise you to the top of the mountain really quickly, raising your vibrations so that you become unaffected by all the mayhem and chaos going on in the valleys below. And you may need this kind of love at the end of this challenging month!
Significant astrology days for the coming month:
12 Aug – love and romance figure highly. (How lovely for my birthday!)
14 Aug – good day to get things done, take control, be strong. Mercury goes retrograde for the next 3 weeks, so expect delays and do some inner thinking and preparation.
17 Aug – destiny calls! The Sun is shining on your true path.
21 Aug – unexpected surprise or change. Inspiration, revolution, separation, technology.
22 Aug – New Moon in Leo, Total Solar Eclipse, action, triggers, control, creativity.
26-27 Aug – Saturn goes direct. After months of planning/preparation, it’s now time to apply action. Take steps to further your mission/destiny. The energies will support you.
2 Sep – changes and surprises are likely. Be spontaneous.
5 Sep – could feel confused or dreamy.
6 Sep – Mercury direct again. Delays are over. Put plans into action.
9 Sep – good weekend for transformation, pruning, and letting go
14 Sep – time to get organised and structured and take control.
Wishing you all my love and blessings to get through what may prove to be a watershed time in our history.
Many hugs,
Master Hilarion – The Energies
Let us speak about the energies of these times for they are spiking up and down and many are feeling these spikes in their auras and their personas. We might feel we are being attacked but it is merely the universe trying to set things right, trying to redress the balance, and if you are causing any imbalance then you will be upset until such time as you come in line again.
So anything in your life that is out of balance will need to be shifted. And if things have been precariously balanced in your life up until now, then you might find things falling, tumbling, for things that have been holding on tenuously will now need to be let go or their support structures strengthened.
It is like an earthquake is coming to rattle everything that is loose, that is not where it should be, that has been built upon sand instead of stone. Nothing is unaffected by an earthquake except that which has been strongly built, which is properly balanced, and which is destined to remain for durations to come.
Do not think you can hoodwink the universe, that it has not seen your sleight of hand. Anything not built upon the foundations of this universe will be rocked and the outcome could be severe. So let you get your house in order. Clean and embellish it with love. But that will not save it if it has not been built with love from the ground up. So you might be surprised what takes a tumble and what still stands after the universe has had her way.
Be grateful for these energies that are sweeping clean, for in the tomorrow we shall have finer things to work with. Quality shall be restored. The old world shall not survive but glorious energies shall flood in and we shall build diamond cities and citadels where love will shine.
Be with us as the Earth turns about. Hold on to your centres and work from your hearts. Have we not been waiting for these days where the Veil is pierced and all goodness shines on through? Avail yourselves of the new light, for light is the manifestor with which we shall rebuild.
Our star is out there. Let it be inside you too.
I am Master Hilarion, construction manager for our new world.
Master Hilarion channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 9 August 2017
July 2017
Dearest Friends,
Prepping Yourself
Do you feel it, the ramping up of energies as if we are approaching some climatic event? Of course, there are rising tensions across the globe, especially with North Korea’s provocative behaviour, the overcoming of ISIS strongholds, and cyber attacks daily. The Masters are telling me that the world is indeed heading towards a watershed period this year. Are you ready for what may eventuate?
It’s not for us to be Doomsday Preppers in the sense of stockpiling resources and provisions, but the best preparation is to be travelling at a high vibration and then you will float above any disasters or crises and be immune to them and protected from their outfall. High vibrations come from a love-filled heart, positive and hopeful thoughts, and a focus on a future where all is harmony, balance, equality, and peace.
So, with this in mind, I offer you another letting go technique today, as last month’s seemed to resonate with many people. Letting go of all past thinking and emotions is at the core of prepping our hearts for the new dimension that is entering our space even now. (See further below for the technique.)
An interesting couple of months is coming up astrology-wise. We are also being ramped up for the Total Solar Eclipse which occurs on Tuesday, August 22, at the same time as a second New Moon in Leo within one month. Also on that day Mars is trine Saturn and, as these are both ‘trigger’ planets, we can expect something momentous to happen in the world around this time. All the outer planets plus Mercury will be retrograde too which will give us all pause for thought.
This Total Solar Eclipse is linked to the one of 11 August 1999, being an 18 year cycle when the North Node of destiny was previously in the sign of Leo. Think back to what was happening for you around that time as similar themes could play out again. For me, I changed my career after nearly thirty years in IT, and my car was written off! Don’t underestimate the power of a Total Solar Eclipse!
A partial Lunar Eclipse (visible pre-dawn in Australia) on Tuesday, 8 August, at the time of the Full Moon in Aquarius, will be setting us up for later in the month. The first Leo New Moon on Sunday, 23 July may give us a taste of what may occur at the second Leo New Moon on 22 August. Leo= ego, leadership, fire, love. New Moon = new beginnings.
Interesting days to be hyper aware will be:
Jul: 18-19, 21, 27, 30 and Aug: 4-5, 17, 21
Another Letting Go Technique – Inner Children (a very Leo attribute!)
If you are feeling ill-at-ease or out-of-sorts then something is not on track for you and needs to be resolved and let go.
So, ask in meditation to see your Inner Children (parts of your consciousness that symbolise your thoughts and emotions), the Inner Children that represent your present ill ease or anxiety. You may see one child or many, or they may even appear to you as animals or other symbolic forms important to you. At times, I have seen hundreds of my Children thronging a road that wended over the horizon!
You will need to speak to your Inner Children like the parent that you truly are to them. Firstly ask what is their issue and listen carefully as they explain or show you. With compassion, love, and gentleness, yet also firmness, acknowledge their issue and try to come up with a wise method of resolving it.
Sometimes the Children are only reacting in the way they have been taught (or the ways they have subconsciously absorbed while growing up), and all they may need is a fresh perspective and a new direction from you. Sometimes you may have to negotiate a deal, e.g. they might think you are driving them too hard and they need a holiday or at least a break! Whatever the situation, you, as the parent and higher self, must remain loving and tolerant, patient and inclusive.
If the situation is such that you realise these Inner Children are sabotaging your life, the remedy cannot be to kill them off in any way or to dump them unceremoniously. These are parts of your consciousness and must be honoured for all they have been for you and all they have taught you.
Ask them if they would like to experience inner peace and joy forever more and, if they accept, gently bring them into your heart with love and gratitude, and they will dissolve there. If they are still resistant, then it will take a period of time to negotiate with them and soften their stance, until eventually one day they will want to return Home and forsake all conflict.
This is an especially good technique for long-held or stubborn issues and it really changes all dynamics for ever after.
Love, hugs, blessings, and courage as we prepare for a very special time ahead,
P.S. Many people are benefitting from personal astrology sessions which describe what is coming up in your own life in the next few months and years. Only AUD$75 for a half hour session (personal visit to me in Gympie, QLD, or via Skype, or recorded onto CD and posted anywhere in the world). Book through this website under Astrology Services.
Lady Master Pallas Athena – The Doors are Open!
Good morning, and I hope it is a good morning for you, for diamonds are out in force today. So let us see how we can commiserate with the rest of the world who may not be feeling so bright and brilliant. Let us see how we may cheer them up for I have good tidings from abroad, from the heavenly realms.
The doors are open and we invite you through, yet we will check your qualifications as you enter and those who do not meet our standards will be disbarred. We are sorry to turn you away, more sorry than you can imagine, for it is our purpose to get you all here and if you walk away then we have failed our mission.
The truth is, many of you are coming this way right now. There is quite a party going on in Heaven, I can tell you! We are running at a fifty percent success rate, so we are cheered by this but saddened for all the rest.
So, come, sweet folks of Earth, give it your last push. Let us birth this new Earth, and for that we need your attendance, and for that we need you to be love. What is still hanging within you that reeks of not-love and worry or woe? Let go of your attachments to these thoughts and you will soon feel your anchors lifting and you will be carried aloft and through our doors.
Work on these aspects and it will save your life, for the energies bearing down on you now will be more than you can cope with if you are standing in the dark. Every little trigger inside you will be set off and you might explode. So swish away those triggers right now. Have nothing that can stir you and make you react.
There are thousands of years of bad thought forms to transform so don’t sit on your laurels and imagine that you are done. Any little discomfort in your thinking or your feelings is a sure sign that something is wrong. Delve down into this matter and resolve it quick smart.
You do not want to be Cinderella, not going to the Ball, and no one will come running after you to magic you there and grant your every wish. All must arrive here under their own steam. There are no pumpkin carriages, no glass slippers, just you. So stop waiting for the magic and make magic of your own. And love is the magic ingredient that will see you heading for Home.
I am Lady Pallas Athena, mistress of magic and godmother to you all.
Lady Master Pallas Athena channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 12 July 2017
June 2017
Dearest Friends,
Letting Go
Last month I wrote about change, change, change affecting us and this situation will not be changing anytime soon, not with Saturn and Uranus partnering each other until the end of the year.
But it’s difficult to change if we are holding onto stuff that prevents that change. It could be insecurity, doubt, emotional pain and memories, physical pain and limitations, resistance and aversion to change, or a belief in lack of any sort (money, resources, support, hope).
As soon as Mars entered the sign of Cancer this week, I could sense some resistance building up within me involving my destiny. Insecurities and doubts started to emerge, whereas the week before I’d felt strong and on fire and on purpose. We do have to wonder at times where these gremlins have been hiding but that’s the job of the planets to winkle out these snakes and scorpions when it’s their turn in the limelight. So, Mars, Mercury, and the Sun will all be doing this in the weeks ahead, winkling out our fears and insecurities as they travel through the sign of Cancer. Expect a big spotlight also on home and family until mid July.
This week three planets have crossed over into new signs (Mars, Mercury, and Venus) and this may make us feel a little unsettled as we are given a new focus. Venus in her own sign of Taurus until early July will have us being more indulgent, and beautifying ourselves and our surroundings, seeking out friends, and pursuing creative arts. Resources, money, and self-confidence will also be Venus’ target. Whatever the price tag you put on yourself, which is your self-worth, this is the amount you will attract to yourself.
The Full Moon today (Friday 9 June) in Sagittarius highlights our philosophy and beliefs, wisdom, teaching and learning, cultures and religions, growth and expansion, and travel. Therefore, some of our beliefs could be tagged for dumping during this period. With all this letting go and dumping required of us, I have included below a letting go technique you might like to use that is very effective.
Lady Master Eris has told me that our mind, our consciousness, can be viewed as being like an orange containing many segments. Each segment holds a different belief or attitude or memory. We can click out these segments (like changing a printer cartridge) and throw them away.
So, in meditation, visualise yourself going into your “orange-like” consciousness and seeing all the segments there. They may have labels on them or you can ask to be shown the ones that contain the issue you want to be rid of. Click out these segments and throw them into the Black Hole at the centre of our galaxy (the recycling bin!).
Then visualise the improved situation you would like to take the place of the old segment and click that into place instead.
Do this for each issue that you encounter and you’ll be amazed at how quickly your mind will be transformed.
Yesterday, after writing the above technique, I decided to do it for myself on the issue I had with resisting my destiny. Masters El Morya and Antigonus joined me with supermarket shopping trolleys and filled 18 of them for me and shoved them into the Black Hole. Today my destiny changed momentously—but that’s a story for another time…
All my love and blessings and hugs for a very special month ahead,
Master St.Germain – Grace and Sunshine
My presence here today is because it is a truly remarkable day. We are lifting the lid on many secrets today, opening the bank vaults of Heaven and spilling the beans, as it were. So there will be many things come to light today, many old mysteries solved, new perspectives on old conundrums, fresh updates on things that had gone stale.
This is what happens when you clean and cleanse and let go; there is space for marvellous new data to come in. So let us glorify in this glorious new knowledge that we shall be enveloped in. Let us make the most of it and grow it to its full potential. Each person shall receive their own gleanings in their own way. And the whole of humanity shall take a bound forwards which is what we like to see up here, of course.
So it is good tidings that I bring you today and I hope that you enjoy the tidings that have come your way. And as you clear out more space, more inklings and twinklings can come in. This is what the change is all about, getting rid of the old and embracing the new.
And so if you have been holding off from opening up the veil and letting the light come in, then I do urge you to play the game now, for you cannot imagine what is there waiting for you up top. You think that you will lose stuff but in fact there is all to gain. But the cleansing process must precede the endowment process. Once space has been made and allocated, so the gifts of this new world can begin.
So hurry up there and sweep away those segments. There is so much here on offer that you will grin from ear to ear. So even while the world is jettisoning its junk there is still much to smile about, for the Brand New Day is on its way.
I am Master St. Germain, bringer of good tidings and sunshine and grace.
Master St.Germain channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 9 June 2017
May 2017
Dearest Friends,
Change, change, change!
You may have been feeling all the change in the air in these past few weeks. The planet Uranus is one of the culprits. He causes sudden unexpected change in order to bring about a new consciousness in our lives. He comes like a lightning bolt and is very electrical in nature and has a big effect on anything electrical too. His brand of energy often has us resisting at first and feeling quite rebellious until we surrender to what is good for us.
Uranus has been playing with Mercury, god of the mind and communications, and it’s no coincidence that the world has just experienced its biggest hacking event when these two planets have been huddled together! Perhaps your own communications have gone haywire lately too?
Uranus is also in league with Saturn at present, and will be for the rest of the year, with an exact alignment due this Friday along with an alignment to the North Node of Destiny (a Grand Fire Trine), so we can expect some fireworks to happen! Saturn is the timekeeper in astrology and so when he is in the mix, it is time for something eventful to happen.
What is this event? It is the change that is needed to place you wherever you need to be as the Old World rolls over into the New World. Everyone is being shifted into place now. No one is immune from this. Master El Morya told me yesterday that even Heaven has had a tidal wave go through there this week and all plans had changed! It seems even Heaven is having a corporate reshuffle! No use complaining and resisting. Go with the flow is my advice and find yourself in a much better position down the track. Master Kuthumi advises us below to keep our hearts open too.
Many of us are getting new souls as our current soul merges into us and our new higher soul descends closer to us to take up their new position to become our new guidance system and navigator. It can take a while to adjust to a soul merger so go easy on yourself as you get your bearings and take the time to connect with and to get to know your new higher soul (who is a higher part of your consciousness now taking over the reins). Stay in alignment with your Soul as this is what will guide you through all the chaos and turmoil in the next months. If you are feeling not so harmonious then you know you are not in alignment with your soul. When you are feeling harmonious, then you will know you are on the right path.
Jupiter, which has been retrograde since early February and has prevented much in the way of external growth, goes Direct again on June 10 and it will be as if the gates are now opened to a flood of opportunities. Relationships with others will be back on the agenda big time.
As Jupiter comes back online, Neptune will go retrograde in its stead and it will be time for much spiritual inner reflection until the end of the year, with a need for much forgiveness and compassion, and a letting go of the past and of any addictive behaviours.
Enjoy these quirky weeks ahead,
Until next month, love, hugs, and blessings,
Master Kuthumi – Open Your Hearts
Let us present the facts to the world. What is happening in these grey mists which is causing them to part, to separate, and allowing the new light to come through? The energies of the new dimension are bounding through your atmosphere. And you are either absorbing them or they are bouncing off you, for it will depend on how open is your heart as to whether you receive these energies or push them away.
So my advice to you, of course, is to open your hearts wide for you will want these new energies inside you, for they are harmonious, they are loving, they are natural, they are strength-building. All that you desire for yourself is contained in these droplets from Heaven and you do yourself no favours to deny them passage and let them dwell and grow inside you.
You might think of them as alien spore but I think of them more as manna from Heaven. And they bring great benefits to you, which you will not have begun to yet realise, but in the months ahead, as these seeds take hold, you will begin to feel them growing inside you and all that is nutritious to you will come from within and not from without. These seeds will sustain you, and those who have closed their hearts to them may be wanting for food and go hungry.
People might call this panspermia, where seeds from another part of the universe colonise a new place. And this is definitely what is happening here. Nuggets of golden and diamond energies are making their way across the universe from our dimension to yours. And those who welcome this seeding will survive, and those who turn their backs on it, well, hard times are ahead indeed.
So let us have some awareness about you now for you know that all is changing. You know that we have come to the end of the old days and the old ways and that we are opening now on a new chapter in our history. It will be those who are regaled by the past who will not make it onto these new pages. So if you wish to be part of the future, open to this new light and come join our merry band. Time is of the essence, so look smart, look sharp, and look to where your sustenance is coming from for coming days.
Be noble in your spirit. Be noble in your families. Be noble in your neighbourhoods. Nobility will carry you through while those who seek only for themselves will find themselves crushed.
Open the windows of your heart, right now, for there is not a moment to lose!
I am Master Kuthumi, feeder of the world and my food is love.
Master Kuthumi channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 17 May 2017
April 2017
Dearest Friends,
Saturn’s 3 Year Plan
Jupiter and Pluto’s cyclonic partnership last week certainly made its presence felt in my part of the world in Queensland, Australia, and many towns are still mopping up after the huge winds, rains, and floods. Let us send everyone our love and support even if we can’t physically help them.
Today, it’s the turn of authority-figure, Saturn, to make his influence felt. Saturn rules the sign of Capricorn and is very focused on business and career, structures, organisations and governments, taking responsibility and working hard. Yet because Saturn has turned retrograde today, his thrust is more on planning and preparation rather than taking action. This phase lasts until August 26 (nearly 5 months) and sets us up for the next mighty 3-year era of Saturn in Capricorn during 2018-2020.
From September this year until Christmas we can begin putting our plans into action and then Saturn will be pushing us to take flight from the 2018 New Year onwards. Saturn is the time-keeper in astrology, and when he hits a certain point it’s time for that event to occur. He will be in his element for the next 3 years, in his own sign of Capricorn, and this only happens once every 28 years. Think back to what themes were playing out for you 28/29 years ago and these may raise their head again. Saturn wants you to succeed, to get to the top of your personal mountain, and he’ll be pushing and prodding you all the way. Governments will also be in line for reorganisation and restructure, so expect some big moves there.
Not only Saturn is in retrograde (seemingly backwards) motion. From Monday, 10 April, Mercury will also go retrograde until 3 May. So this three week period is definitely a time to go inwards and ponder on life, a time to draw up a 3-Year Plan in detail and work out where you want to be when Saturn moves into Aquarius in December 2020 (and briefly between March 2020 and June 2020 to give us a taster). With Saturn being the time-keeper in our solar system, the December Solstice 2020 is the official start of the new Age of Aquarius, an era of bringing us all into Higher Consciousness.
Happy Full Moon in Libra on 11 April, all about balance and harmony in relationships, and a Happy Easter to you all. May love and peace bless you at this time.
Until next month, many hugs,
Master Djwhal Khul – The Meringue on Top
Let us speak about meringues today, those lovely crunchy, toasty toppings to desserts and pies. Who doesn’t like a good meringue? But on its own it’s not very much; it is the topping to something else, something more substantial.
And this is a bit like life, isn’t it? We yearn for the lovely topping stuff that elevates us into sheer happiness and bliss, yet unless there is something more substantial underneath, it leaves us feeling unfulfilled, a brief taste of Paradise that dissolves too quickly on our tongue. So in truth we need to get this filling right for that is the basis which will show off our lovely meringue. And so we need to get the structure of our life in order, get it to the tastiest level that we can. Work on that filling mixture so it is just right to support our meringue heaven on top. The meringue is the showy part but the filling has the taste.
So be sure to give much thought and effort to whatever fills your life. Don’t let it be just some bland substance but titivate it and add some spice. Dress it up or make it fruity. Give it a tang, make it flavoursome as you can. For then you will want to dine out on your life. You won’t stop wanting to take a piece of its pie and you’ll feel so happy and nourished and strong.
Look at the ingredients that you pour into life. Are they the best ones? Are they ones you even like? What is the point of having a table spread with life if there’s nothing of your choosing, nothing that takes your fancy? So bake up some goodies and build yourself a banquet then life will be thrilling and you’ll always come back for more.
It’s too easy to have a bare table, for life requires effort and a desire to create and nurture and build a better day. So shake off any idleness and grab yourself some eggs, and whip up for yourself some delightfulness and life will be so sweet.
I am Master Djwhal Khul, baker and maker of meringue.
Master Djwhal Khul channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 7 April 2017
March 2017
Dearest Friends,
You might be asking, “What is going on with the world? What is going on with me?” due to all the terrorism, anger, and darkness that seems to be permeating the planet, and maybe ourselves too.
Four planets in Aries at present (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Uranus) with a New Moon in Aries due on Tuesday, 28 March, is causing a lot of anger, frustration, selfishness, blame, and ambition to rise to the surface. Uranus is agitating the blood, pushing for humanity to change its ways and its path, and will see us separating from all that no longer serves us, personally and as a planet, and the Aries energy will see us being pulled towards new beginnings and new paths.
Jupiter, who has been opposing Uranus for quite a while, and will continue to do so for much of this year, is exacerbating the situation and calling for total balance, equality, and harmony in all things—in relationships, in justice, in racism and religion, in international affairs, in education.
We are at the pointy end of the change to humanity, and the changes will start with ourselves. If we’ve been square pegs in round holes, we will be plucked from them and set down where we better belong. There’s a lot of wailing going on as this happens, but we will look back in hindsight and sigh with relief that it’s done and see we’re definitely in a more promising position.
So, hold onto your hats, go with the flow, stop holding onto posts as the winds of change blow through your life, pulling up your anchors. Resistance is not only futile, it is painful. And why wouldn’t you want to get to the place that is your destiny, the life you truly desire and deserve?
I wish you all a comfortable and enjoyable journey.
Until next month, love and hugs and blessings,
Master Thoth – Your Cave of Darkness (excerpt from Sophia and Thoth’s upcoming book “History of the gods, Book 3”)
Let us delve into another unusual story today, as if we were going into a cave, into the back of a dark and long cavern. In truth, the darkness scares many of us, and has done since childhood. There is nothing really to be afraid of in the darkness and yet children and adults alike would prefer not to be alone in the dark. What they imagine to be there beggars belief; everything from monsters and ghosts to aliens and nasties.
The mind plays many tricks on us, especially in the dark. As soon as we switch the light on, or daylight breaks, there is a feeling of relief and yet nothing much has changed. So we are more comfortable in the light and we shirk away from the shadows.
The dark forces us to look at who we are, for our focus cannot be on the outside for we cannot see anything there. So the spotlight has now turned to our inside and often we don’t like what we come to find there. As we have learnt, the outer world is created by us as our reality. It is a reflection, an outward manifestation of our thoughts. So in the darkness we come face to face with those creative thoughts and we may see that they are not so pure and kind. They may be corrupted or distorted. They may be less than love. And from this base, as a horror creator, we are giving birth to its manifestations in our world.
So if you want a safer world then you’ll need some safer thoughts. The thinking behind your creations will need to change. You may argue with me that you don’t create these things, but every nasty thing in your outer world has its source in a nasty thought inside you. So in the cave you will face those nasty thoughts. You will decide how to manage them, to keep them or let them go. Some people like to play with monsters and beasts, but most of us would like to clear them out. So examine your thinking and be honest with who you are. For the universe knows you; you cannot fool us in any way. So grapple with every thought that is not love for it will harm you and erode you and take you down spiteful paths.
If you wonder why your visions do not come, it is because you are being averted by dark thoughts. When all is clean and harmony you’ll be on the road to your dreams coming true. So applaud the fact there are days of darkness for these are the days when you can clear your mind. You’ll feel the push from within as your dark thoughts begin to surface, so give them some time to wipe them from your slate. Everyone does housekeeping within their homes. No one would live there for years without a clean. Yet some of your minds have not been touched in decades. So it is time to haul it out and adjudge the clutter, time to save only that which is love and useful and represents who you are. Swill away the dirt there. Be uncompromising in coming clean. You have no idea what you will find there so get digging and throwing away.
The sense of space and clarity when you have finished will be your reward but that’s not all. For now new vibrations can settle in there; new wavelengths, new places, new faces, new love and new work. All will be open for improvement. There is nothing more invigorating than a spring clean and renovation. Your whole life will change and your outlook too. Toss away the barriers to your destiny. Open yourself up to the road that lies ahead.
The cave will always be within you. But instead of monsters and ghouls it will now sparkle with delight; gemstones and crystals, minerals and joy. Your cave of fascination, a birthplace for your mind. Let your creations be inspired instead of dampened by your fear. Let your cave be a place of delightful retreat instead of somewhere you fear to tread, not knowing what you will meet.
The darkness is a place of beauty. Watch how the stars hang out there. Your cavern is for your soul to dwell in, a blanket of love while it escapes from the world. Your soul cave is important; get cleaning and a palace make. And when the darkness comes you’ll have somewhere nice to sit in, a place called home, a place filled with love. Do not be afraid of the darkness. Overcome it and make it a place you find peace.
Master Thoth channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 24 March 2017 (for “History of the gods, Book 3)
Feb 2017
Dearest Friends,
15 Years of Masters’ Messages!
Today’s Message From the Masters marks the 15th anniversary of sending out these free messages every month. Some of you reading this will have been with me and the Ascended Masters from the very beginning, and I applaud you for that and hope you have enjoyed every minute!
To commemorate the occasion, I have included one of the channellings from that first ever message (it came as a printed booklet back then). Entitled ‘Self-Love’ by Master Kuthumi, it is very apt for tomorrow’s Full Moon in Leo (Saturday, 11 Feb), accompanied by a Lunar Eclipse. Leo is all about love, romance, laughter, children, leadership, and creativity. But the eclipse will have us focusing more on our inner self than on others, hence the need for self-love. The Full Moon’s light reflects back to us whatever it is we need to see within ourselves or our lives. If we want love in our lives then we first need to be the source of it inside ourselves. The Sun trine Jupiter at this time will cause any issues to become even bigger. We won’t be able to miss them!
The Solar Eclipse at the New Moon in Pisces on 27 February will help take us out of ourselves again and may highlight new spiritual paths to follow, or the end of addictions and confusion.
On Valentine’s Day, Juno, the goddess of marriage, is dancing with the North Node of Destiny and this could be a good time for marriage proposals or business partnerships. However, with Jupiter in retrograde mode (backwards) now until 10 June, this may not be the best time to over-extend yourself in the outer world. It’s a better time to work on your limiting beliefs until June and then you’ll be able to take the world by storm.
16 February – good day to birth something new.
18 February –Sun enters Pisces, highlighting more spiritual and compassionate energies.
22 February – good day for furthering destiny and letting go of any obstacles that block the path to your dreams.
27/28 February – expect the unexpected, and perhaps big ideas and new paths will unfold.
3 March – big day for surprises, perhaps technology issues, or revolutions.
5 March – Venus goes retrograde until 15 April. Work on self-love. Inwards focus for 6 weeks.
11 March – good day for healing or teaching.
Don’t forget that from Valentine’s Day onwards, I will be present at The Quartz Hub in Gympie, QLD, every Tuesday for astrology readings and channellings, and in March I am presenting ‘Astrology for Beginners’ workshops. All details are on my website www.earthwithspirit.com.
With so much love for you all, and hoping you will feel it in your hearts, until next month,
This was what I wrote in the very first edition of Messages From the Masters (previously called Ascended Masters Today) on 14 February, 2002. The five different messages were all about love.
“It’s fitting that the first Ascended Masters Today has been published on 14th February, traditionally St. Valentine’s Day, a day dedicated to love. It wasn’t purposely planned that way; just the Ascended Masters playing another of their cosmic jokes! For, according to the Masters, love is the basis of everything.
The Masters themselves requested that this newsletter come into being, to be used as a voice for their guidance to us, helping us with practical assistance for the right way of thinking and acting in today’s world.”
Master Kuthumi – SELF-LOVE
The love for oneself is like the fruit of one’s own tree. It is the blossoming of potential, of the seed within that God has planted. And the fruit is to be eaten, not left on the tree to rot or to lie fallen on the ground. Eating of the fruit provides nourishment and joy and refreshment, just as when the juice from the mango trickles down your chin, you cannot help but smile.
Your self-worth and your value to God are the same, equal, one not less than the other. If you take from the one scale it does not diminish the quantity in the other scale but only serves to unbalance the scales. See that you commit to giving God equal measure. You do not want to short-change God, do you?
Loving yourself is to give yourself pleasure and fun and to relax yourself. Much can be done in this atmosphere that cannot be fulfilled when the heart is heavy with rain clouds. Be forgiving of yourself as we forgive you, knowing that you are learning and in training and have not yet the accomplishments of the Masters. Be not so hard on yourself like a stern parent with a stick, but be the gentle, loving mother with a sick child who prays only for the child’s improvement and never minds the naughtiness of the past.
We love you so much and see only your brightness and light which we seek to make ever brighter and lighter. We do not dwell in your darkness, wasting effort in seeking the cause of the darkness, but we provide the Light to show you the way out of the darkness. It is better to seek the cause of Lightness than the cause of darkness, just as it is better to seek good role models than seek to pin blame on figures in your past.
If your worth could be measured in gold, what would you be worth? One guinea, two? One hundred guineas or a chest full? In God’s eyes, there is no chest big enough to hold your value. Your value is beyond the comprehension of mortal man; it is inestimable. Such is your worth. So, why do you put such a low value on yourself, or a price tag at all? Without you, there is a hole in the fabric of the universe, a dropped stitch where God would have perfection. Your value is in keeping the fabric whole and perfect, just by being who you are. There is no other task, except to be part of the whole.
Love for self is the rose in your heart. No matter the colour or shape, the perfume is still as sweet, the petals as soft and velvety. Would you refuse the gift of one rose and not another? Nor does God deny the beauty of any rose. All are roses, all are beautiful, all are exquisite, all bring joy and invoke love in the heart.
You are a rose, sweet dear heart. Bathe in your fragrance that at every moment you are caught in your senses with your own essence, which like a nightcap or medicine soothes your troubled waters and engenders strength.
I shower you with the roses of my being that you may know the fragrance of true love and seek it out forever within yourself and others.
Eternally your rose,
Master Kuthumi channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 21 October 2001
Jan 2017
Dearest Friends,
Planning for action
A happy New Year to you all and I hope that 2017 is starting out how you had wished.
This week you may feel that you are pushing against the reins and that, although the spirit is willing, something or someone is holding you back. This is courtesy of Mars squaring off against Saturn. Mars wants to take action and Saturn can limit or suppress you until you plan your actions responsibly and utilise your talents wisely. Saturn, too, will not let you take action until it’s the right time.
Conditions will improve at the end of the month when Mars enters his own sign of Aries and Venus soon joins him there, and it will be full steam ahead in February. Work may take precedence over relationships, especially as Jupiter goes retrograde in Libra on 7 February, until mid-June, and the focus will be more on the relationship with yourself for the first half of this year rather than on others. Valentine’s Day may be more practical than romantic!
The New Moon in Aquarius at 8 degrees occurs on Saturday, 28 January, with the Sun also in Aquarius. Aquarius/Uranus energies spell changes and strange, unexpected things happening, often leading to realisations that take us to higher consciousness. We may see the world with new eyes because we’re on a new wavelength. This often leads us to feeling separate from others because we’re no longer on their wavelength.
The Full Moon in Leo, on 11 February, also has a Lunar Eclipse in tow, and these feelings of not belonging may be exacerbated, if they exist. However, Leo energy is all about fun and creativity and romance, so try to insert some of this into your life and open your heart and say ‘yes’ to the universe. In May, the North Node of Destiny moves into Leo for the following 18 months, and this Full Moon in Leo may be a little precursor of what is to come later in the year.
In the meantime, the North Node of Destiny remains in Virgo, where it’s been since November 2015, until May this year, giving us our final opportunities to clear up any health issues and to organise our life in general, getting rid of old stuff that no longer serves us.
I wish you many blessings to get you started this year, and the strength and courage to persevere with your dreams.
Love and hugs until next month,
Lady Master Vesta – Flame of your heart
I come to you as a flame within your heart, a flame of passion, of energy, of life force. Do not allow me to be put out, to be dimmed or extinguished, to have a cover thrown over me. For I would rather blaze within you and show you to be the star that you really are.
I am burning inside the Sun, and your heart is your Sun too. Is it a cold sun or a hot sun? For cold suns do exist although they are rather dead places, not conducive to fun and love. Heat and fire are needed for life. Without the Sun in your solar system you would not exist. Without the Sun in your heart you would not exist.
So pay attention to your burning heart. What does it flare up at, in excitement or in anger? What causes its flames to shrink away? Are you providing the fuel for those flames to exist? For a sun will eventually burn itself out when there is no longer any fuel to feed it. Feed your Sun with your thoughts and your desires, your dreams and ideas, even your regrets and sorrows. It is all grist to your Sun’s mill, experiences of the past and visions for your future. These are what will turn the cogwheels of your Sun.
If you think of nothing much then your Sun will lie dormant and you will be asleep and eventually become comatose. You will be the walking dead, a zombie, to all intents and purposes. And you wonder why zombie films are so popular in this present day! There are many zombie-like people walking around; their Suns have died within them. And you can see it in their eyes; there is no life, no spark there.
So let you turn up the heat within your heart, that you may blossom into the full star that you are meant to be. Engage with life and dream it. Do not lie on a raft and just drift in the ocean. Hatch plans and pursue them.
What do you see when a rocket launches into space? You see the fire that propels it from its tail end. Let you have a rocket behind you and inside you. And let you be propelled by your fire into the new dimension where fire too is the very source of life. It is not Hell but it is the very basis of light.
Fire cleanses and obliterates. It is a wonderful tool for starting anew. So let your hearts be fired now and transformed in the process into a work of art, a work of heart.
I am Lady Vesta, mistress of your Sun, Goddess of the Flame.
Lady Vesta channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 18 January 2017
Dec 2016
Dearest Friends,
Astrology for 2017
A very happy Christmas and holiday season to you all, and I wish you every blessing for a magical 2017.
Christmas week itself may be a very intense time this year, with Saturn and Uranus gifting us with challenges and changes and Venus with Jupiter providing opportunities for big displays of love. The Sun and Mars will be highlighting our destiny. Jupiter with Uranus will force us to look at our old beliefs and may cause a storm in, and over, our heads! Saturn working with Chiron will help us take responsibility for healing old wounds in ourselves and others that perhaps have emerged during the Christmas period.
We may get a little taster of all this in the next few days with the Sun partnering Saturn, Uranus, and Chiron this week. Be aware of the themes playing out in the next few days as they will probably be continued in Christmas week. Another Super Moon on 14 Dec in Gemini will get us thinking and reacting in this respect.
Try to get all thinking and plans in place by December 20 as Mercury goes retrograde again until January 9. This may put the kybosh on travel plans over the holiday season, so just take a deep breath and let yourself be taken in the direction the universe wishes to lead you. The whole month of December augurs big change and movement.
At the start of 2017, stabilisation and assimilation will be the order of the day for the whole of January, with all outer planets in direct motion, which is quite unusual.
The first major change of direction in 2017 for the outer planets, which affect humanity in general, comes on 10 May when the North Node of Destiny leaves Virgo where it will have been for 18 months, focusing on health and purification issues. The North Node now enters Leo for the following year and a half. So, Destiny will then be focusing on creativity, fun, children and the Inner Child, leadership, and romantic love. It should be a lovely sunny time for many but could also augur a heating up of the climate since the Sun rules Leo which is a fire sign.
The next major shift of direction in the stars comes on 10 October when Jupiter leaves Libra, the sign of relationships, balance, and justice, and enters Scorpio, the sign of power, transformation, death and rebirth, and metaphysics. We could see some major power plays in the world from October onwards.
Saturn continues with his final year in Sagittarius where he has already sat for the past two years, challenging our belief systems and expanding our lives. If you’ve put travel plans or study on hold, get them fulfilled during 2017 while Saturn in Sagittarius is supporting this. On 21 December Saturn moves into Capricorn for the next three years and the world will experience a major shift in focus especially around the economy, work ethics, and business (we could see financial collapses and recessions in 2018). We may feel the burden of Big Brother constraining us, adding fuel to the Jupiter in Scorpio power plays,
On a more positive note, Saturn in Capricorn from 2018 could see us all taking more responsibility for ourselves and working hard to all pull together to establish better structures for governance and companies. It could be a marvellous time to start a new career or business, and find work and positions that truly suit us. It will be a good time to build things; organisations, houses, systems, infrastructure, laws, boundaries, and anything that requires structure or strength. 2017 will be the year for getting all the big picture visions in shape to achieve this. Read Archangel Michael’s message below which echoes this!
Wishing you and your families a beautifully loving and harmonious month ahead and I’ll be back with you in the New Year. Many blessings and much grace for 2017!
Love and hugs,
Archangel Michael – Dream your world
Yes, it is the season of goodwill to all men upon Earth. And how much goodwill will we see?
Let you be one of those who shines their light, gives of their love, and makes the world a better place to be. We cannot expect goodwill to hover over our planet and within our hearts if we are not willing to be goodwill ourselves. Many forget that their own energies are contributing to the climate of the planet. So do not expect others to clean up the climate when you are not doing so yourselves. Balance and harmony are the order of the day, and when you feel this within yourself then it shall be demonstrated outside you as well.
And so another year comes to a close and a new one begins. What is it we wish for ourselves and the world this coming year? Envision it and let it manifest through your thoughts and cells. What you do not dream can never be born.
What are you scared of dreaming? Do you think it impossible or that it will never visit upon you? Have courage this year to dream big and widely. You are a creator god; get practising now! Just because you perhaps haven’t had much luck in the past doesn’t mean this will be so in the future. The energies abroad are supporting you. Take risks. Take leaps. You never know what may be awaiting you at the other end.
We angels are here to guide your way. Allow us into your life and we can make things a little easier for you, more comfortable, a lot less bumpy. Invite us into your hearts and homes. Let us not just be a stuffed doll on the top of your Christmas tree this year. Let us truly fly into your lives and take you under our wings and move you to places that will be more heavenly for you. We are all in this together, this shift into the New Dimension. We are eager to make it work and get you there.
So set a place for an angel at your Christmas table this year. We know how to bring goodwill to all men. Let us show you the way.
I am Archangel Michael, Angel of Freedom and the Right Path.
Archangel Michael channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 9 December 2016
Nov 2016
Dearest Friends,
Donald Trump and the Masters
Now the world is getting over the shock of Donald Trump’s election, let us hear what the Masters have to say about it all. They had warned me before the election that they had the issue under control and the outcome would be whatever the world needed most.
Why, therefore, did the world need Donald Trump to become US President?
We are all aware that our planet and peoples are going through a time of major transformation. That means expect changes. And America needed to change. There is much that is rotten at its core, and Donald Trump, love him or hate him, has been used by the Masters to expose this rottenness to its hilt, on both sides of the political divide. The Inner Child Ego of that nation has been on full display, and Trump himself has been a prime example, giving voice to much that is in peoples’ hearts and minds.
Yet we must stop and take stock here; we must not judge. Every single one of us has an Inner Child Ego that has had similar displays of rhetoric in the past. Some of us have worked with our Child and trained it to love better and act more reasonably and considerately. Most of us are still a work-in-progress—as is Donald Trump! One day, he too will become an Ascended Master. It may not be in this lifetime but he, along with the rest of America and the world, is on a journey to higher consciousness and ascension. Perhaps playing out the role of President will be the making of him? Perhaps he will have some brilliant new ideas to “make America great again”? After all, it was his destiny to become President!
So, we need to embrace this new situation, with an open mind and even more importantly, with an open heart. We have no idea what is in store for us down the road, but resistance to ‘what is’ never helps the issue. Let us deal with, and resolve, our own Inner Child Ego problems, and if each person were to do that adequately, our world would be a place of peace and harmony overnight.
Send love not judgement, harmony not hatred. Everything we send out eventually finds its way back to us.
I wish you a beautiful month until next time, with love, hugs and blessings,
P.S. It’s fitting that Master El Morya gives us his message this month. He was, in a past life, George Washington, the first ever President of the United States of America!
Master El Morya – Making the world great again
I have been champing at the bit to get my voice heard on this one. Thank you for the opportunity, Sophia.
Yes, we may stand in judgement of the man. Yet how would you be judged if you were to stand in this exact same position? Would you even have the guts to try? Acknowledge this man’s courage and audacity. Acknowledge his belief that he is right and everyone else is wrong. He believes in himself and that is not a bad thing in itself.
If you were put in the spotlight under public scrutiny, how would your life and character shape up? Are you a shining example of the godhood? Have you always paid every cent of your taxes? Have you never made derogatory remarks about anyone or the opposite sex? Have you always been completely unbiased with never a thought of racism?
This man is a loose cannon, it is true, and he fires it off injudiciously, yet he is echoing the thoughts and behaviours of many a man and woman. So let us clear up our own mess first before we throw stones at others.
Mr. Trump is a child of God like everyone else. He has the same spark of God within him as you or I. Let us be keen to develop our own spark of God before we denigrate the sparks of others. And let us see how we ourselves can make the world a better place, how we can make our own nations great again, before we go diving into the politics of others. Let us help this man turn the world around. Send him our love and good intentions. He is but a pawn in the greater scheme of things. Allow him his moment and let us move him forwards.
The success of this planet does not hinge on one man alone. It hinges on the goodness and godness of over seven billion beings. Look to your own family and to your own hometown, for you and where you live are a microcosm of the greater world. Bring harmony and peace to your own neck of the woods and this shall be the movement which will eventually transform our planet.
Each of us has a responsibility to uphold the law and to bring about changes for a better world. And we will not have a better world until we change this one.
I am Master El Morya, prime mover for the President.
Master El Morya channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 11 November 2016
Oct 2016
Dearest Friends,
The Moon and our Emotions
Having just been through the energy-filled SuperMoon this past weekend, the Full Moon in Aries conjunct Uranus, you may have noticed how charged your emotions were. It was a Moon that could send you crazy, crazier than normal Full Moons because of the influence of Uranus, the planet of electricity. But it could have been a Moon of bliss or new perceptions because Uranus is also the planet of Higher Consciousness and seeks to help us to go to new levels of thinking and feeling.
The Moon represents the Mother principle in us all, the feminine aspect of caring and nurturing, and also the aspect of deep intuition and dealing with issues from the past. The Moon reflects sunlight onto us to help us to see what needs resolving in our earthly personas.
When the Divine Masters work with us, they very much include the Moon and other planets in our lessons for the day or week. Therefore it is helpful to pay attention to which sign of the zodiac the Moon is traversing at any time.
The Moon travels through the entire twelve signs in 28/29 days, taking approximately two and a half days in each sign. During that period, the Moon will trigger off our emotional issues relating to that sign. You might notice that every month you fall into the same trap of emotional mire and it could be that you are particularly sensitive when the Moon falls on that same aspect each month. It’s not just a woman’s menstrual issue, I can assure you!
Get yourself a Moon Calendar or Diary so you can observe the Moon’s shenanigans and how it might be affecting you. I myself always use the brilliant Moontime Diary by Iris Detenhoff www.moontimediary.com.au which is suitable for Australian and New Zealand readers. It will give you a whole lot more than just the Moon’s travels.
To give you an indication of how the Moon could affect you, I have briefly listed below the issues that could potentially be triggered when the Moon is in that sign. The Moon is today in Gemini, the sign of communications, hence my urge to write this message to you today!
Moon in Aries: Head, face, teeth, skin, rash, anger, ego, identity, energy, ambition, movement, sport
Moon in Taurus: Voice, throat, thyroid, values, self-worth, money, possessions, beauty, music, friends
Moon in Gemini: Hand, arm, shoulder, lungs, ribs, mind, communication, neighbours, education, siblings
Moon in Cancer: Breast, pancreas, gall bladder, stomach, home, family, mother, nurturing, fear, insecurity
Moon in Leo: Heart, spine, pancreas, liver, creativity, love, fun, children, inner child, ego, leadership
Moon in Virgo: Digestion, bowels, cleanliness, healing, service to others, detailed work, animals
Moon in Libra: Kidneys, bladder, ovaries, adrenals, balance, justice, relationships, social scene
Moon in Scorpio: Genitals, bowels, prostate gland, liver, letting go, resentment, forgiveness, sex, secrets
Moon in Sagittarius: Thighs, hips, pelvis, religion, beliefs, higher learning, travel, expansion, freedom
Moon in Capricorn: Bones, joints, teeth, authority, father, career, structure, foundation, status, suppression
Moon in Aquarius: Ankle, lower leg, separation, friends, humanity, future, causes, rebellion, pioneer
Moon in Pisces: Feet, weakness, divine connection, imagination, addiction, past, mental health, illusion
Your own birthchart may have particularly important aspects to the Moon or to other representations of the Moon such as the goddess, Selene, the White Moon, or to the goddess, Lillith, the Black Moon.
I am offering a half hour Moon astrology session that will help you understand better where the Moon aspects are aiding you, or hindering your destiny or ability to live a harmonious life. The cost is $75 and is available wherever you live in the world. We can do the session at my home, or via Skype, or I can record it for you on CD and post it to you. Just send me an email.
I wish a harmonious, Moon-blessed, month ahead for you.
With love, hugs, and blessings,
Lady Master Juno – Mix yourself into the cosmos
I come without fanfare. I come as a goddess of Heaven, it is true, but I am nonetheless just like yourselves and I have walked the path that you walk and I have risen in glory to take the place where I am now. This is a path that will lead you to Heaven too.
And we are all of us brushed by the energies of the planets, and showered with starlight, on a moment by moment basis. We breathe in the air of the cosmos. We take the universe to deep inside us every day. What we do with those energies is another thing.
We can allow them to embolden us, to glide the way ahead for us, that we may experience our destiny. Or we can allow these energies to build brick walls inside our hearts so that we protect ourselves from the outside world. We separate ourselves and then we can’t help but feel alone and unsupported, disconnected, and that we don’t belong. So pull down these walls inside your hearts. Allow energies to flow in and your own energies to flow out. Mix yourself into the cosmos and there will be rich experiences indeed.
You have come from this place and you shall return here. In between you are living certain roles to knead out the knots in your character. This kneading can be a painful process but better that than to endure stiffness and immobility your whole life long.
Let the cosmic energies move you, not suppress you. Let go of your resistance and join with the universe in the universal play. Many of you are like truculent children and it is not a good look from where I stand. So be prepared to play nicely, willingly, in a sharing and co-operative manner. Everyone can be your friend. There is no need for separation. Allow for all colours of people’s personalities to ride the winds of your world. Do not wish for this Earth to consist of only your colours, your ideas, your way. When all the colours are mixed and entwined then we shall see the palette of the universe in all her glory.
I am Lady Juno, a queen of Heaven and a mother to you all.
Lady Master Juno channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 19 October 2016
Sept 2016
Dearest Friends,
Venus entered Libra at the end of August, giving us a taste of what’s to come from tomorrow with mighty Jupiter in Libra for the next twelve months—lots of friendship and socialising, a desire for justice, and the need for balance and harmony. We might find difficulty with procrastination and sitting on the fence, as we’ll be able to see the pros and cons of both sides, but it’s a small price to pay for the love-ly energies of Venus and Libra.
This weekend may be a bit tense, with controlling and masculine-orientated Saturn squaring off against emotional and feminine-orientated Neptune, but this is a taste of the balancing act required in all our relationships and the focus of Jupiter for the next year, and especially on 26 September when the Sun is conjunct Jupiter and highlighting this issue.
When I say relationships, I mean not only our partners but also our children, parents, siblings, friends, business associates, authority figures, teachers, clients, Higher Self, Masters, and Angels. We’re at the pointy end now of our transformation into a better class of human, and having kind and loving relationships with EVERYONE is paramount and the foundational rock on which our new civilisation will thrive. Imagine a world where everyone is loving and considerate! Please do, as our imaginations fuel the creation of reality for ourselves.
Be aware there is also much Uranus activity next week (Sept 17/18) and this planet often provokes rebellion or distancing oneself from others, sometimes leading to separation. Tune into your Higher Self to check the road you should be travelling—at times you need to hang in there, forgive, and work things out. October 8-15 may be a week for you to make some life-changing decisions.
Forgiveness and compassion will be themes of the upcoming Full Moon in Pisces on Saturday, Sept 17, which also hosts a Lunar Eclipse thus trebling the emotional pull at this time. Intuition, creativity, and spirituality will be heightened too, so once again tap into your Higher Self to keep yourself uplifted above all the emotional waters and flying with spirit.
People often ask me, how do you know when your intuition is speaking to you? One of the ways is to notice the signs around you, the clues, since your Higher Self/Angels/Masters often show you the way through symbolism. I get many of my own clues and messages through the movies I watch, the plots and characters of which very often mirror what’s going on in my own life. Music and lyrics can often play the same role, as can books. Ask yourself, why am I watching this movie/hearing this song/reading this particular book at this time? It’s because you were meant to! Yes, it is a sign! It’s your intuition connecting with you! Take note of it and ponder on what it means to you.
We can also let the universe know that we’ve received the message loud and clear by responding in some significant and symbolic way. My recent gall bladder issues left me with a problem with malnourishment; my body wasn’t getting all the nutrients it needed. So I had a chat with my body to get it to absorb all the vitamins and minerals it needed and I supported this in another way by putting down lots of new soil and compost in my garden to feed it all the nutrients it was lacking. Since we are all one consciousness, my human self and garden will support one another on this journey of new growth and healthiness.
The universe loves symbolism and life can become quite a marvellous game every day when we tap into this way of living and being.
I wish you a wonderfully magical month, filled with love and friendship and signs,
With love, hugs, and blessings,
Lady Master Pallas Athena – MIRROR, MIRROR!
Let us see what we can speak about today for my mind is on this and that and I’m having a hard time to decide between them. So let us speak about this and that, that we may get the whole story, both sides of the argument.
And while we hope there will be no argument, there are sure to be differing points of view from the man and the woman, and even from woman and woman, and man and man, for it is not man versus woman but it is us versus everyone else. We are not all made from the same mould and therefore we are not likely to see things in the same way. So let us first of all acknowledge one another’s differences and applaud them, for life would be very samey and uninteresting without them, just as a garden full of one flower would lose its fascination for us very quickly.
So let us enjoy the ups and downs and curves that others bring into our lives, the views from different mountain tops or even from the depths of their valleys. It is refreshing to look upon new things. So let us deal with other’s points of views in this way too. Let them have differing ideas, differing ways of doing things, for we ourselves are not the role model for everything, you know. It is rare that we have reached perfection in any one thing, so that we might be called upon to be the role model for humanity in this aspect.
So know that we can always learn from others, and it is a blessing to be taught. If we rebuke these teachings that come at us from every corner every day, then we will find ourselves staying stuck and immature. For growth and evolution is everything in this universe, the very reason for our being here, and if we refuse to grow then we might as well be dead. And so it is like in the garden; dead things are pulled out to make way for new seeds that are willing to grow. So let you not be a dead weed in your relationships or you will need to be culled and more promising root stock put in your place. No one likes to look upon dead or dying plants.
So allow life to teach you a thing or two, and teachings will most often come from your relationships. Everyone will have something to teach you, that’s for sure. There is no idleness in meeting others; everyone comes together for a reason. You are placed in destiny’s path. So look at the other in front of you and ask, “What is it that you can teach me? What is it that I may learn from you?” And with this open-mindedness and open-heartedness, you will get the most out of your time on Earth.
There is much joy to be found in wreathing yourself in others’ ideas and energies. We can only go so far by ourselves. Others will be our trigger points to help us leapfrog to other levels. So let us thank all we meet for the benefits they bring into our lives. Even our very worst relationships provide some of our best teaching material for us to use.
So let us have a new viewpoint from now on: No one is our enemy; everyone is our teacher. Let us be grateful for our lessons. May we learn them with love and apply them with mercy.
We would be very lonely living in isolation by ourselves. Let us be grateful then for one another’s company, for at the end of the day we are all one and each is a mirror to ourselves.
I am Lady Pallas Athena, the mirror on the wall helping all mankind.
Lady Master Pallas Athena channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 9 September 2016
August 2016
Dearest Friends,
It’s been an interesting few weeks for me since I last wrote; the gall bladder operation scars were mending well, and then I went down with shingles in my lower back and then a streaming cold on top of that. And yet my spirits were high and I knew I was just going through an intense period of letting go and would be all the better for it in the end.
I did wonder why I was going through so much pain, and Master El Morya cheerfully informed me, “You don’t have to; you merely have the belief that letting go is painful.” And isn’t that the way most of society believes! If only we could let go of our past, our loves, our homes, our jobs, our pets, our possessions, etc, without any emotional attachment! But then, it would be a rare person who was able to do that. Yet, we probably can lessen the pain we endure in letting go by trusting in the new possibilities that now open up to us once the old has gone, or by lovingly detaching any anchors and links, or by not clinging on or stubbornly resisting moving on.
Many of us are currently going through the phase of letting go their human lower consciousness and allowing their spirit self to take over. This means we are meeting a lot of resistance from our own Inner Children (parts of our lower consciousness which play out different roles for us), who are like the final remnants of resistance fighters within our consciousness. They are trying to protect us, but in truth they are imprisoning us and keeping us from moving on to complete our mission as our spirit self upon Earth.
At this time of the Full Moon in Aquarius, the sign of rebelliousness and change in order to bring about a new humanity, many of us will be feeling this inner tension and conflict where the old guard wants to protect the status quo yet a part of us yearns for change to a new and better life.
El Morya said to me, “All of you needs to surrender.” So, we need to call out those recalcitrant and rebellious Inner Children and help them to lovingly submit to their destiny.
The Masters tell us that in the End Times on Earth, the final humans remaining who have not made it to Mastership, will be the very worst cases of stubbornness and resistance we will ever meet. In the final times of our own journey to Mastership, this is where we also meet our very worst cases of stubborn and resistant Inner Children.
Persist with love and wisdom, dear friends. When you get to feel the peaceful heart of your spirit self now in charge, the journey through the darkness and loss will have been worth it.
A brief few words on the astrology for the coming month;
24 Aug – Mars conjunct Saturn will be a catalyst for responsible action
28 Aug – Venus conjunct Jupiter means a big day for love
31 Aug – Mercury turns retrograde until 22 Sept, meaning thoughts turn inwards, and delays and communication difficulties are likely.
1 Sep – New Moon in Virgo plus a solar eclipse. Focus on health issues, purification, cleaning, more letting go and clearing out, attention to detail and orderliness. Try not to judge.
5 Sep – Sun conjunct North Node means it’s a good day for seeing signs for your life direction
10 Sep – Jupiter enters Libra. For the next year, focus will be on growing and harmonising relationships, and justice, and maybe travelling abroad to see friends or to study. But things may start off confused with Saturn square Neptune needing us to discern reality from fantasy.
17 Sep – Full Moon in Pisces plus a Lunar Eclipse. Could be a very emotional time with a big focus on the past and a touch of self-pity.
With courage and fearlessness for the coming month,
Love and hugs,
Master Hilarion – FORGIVENESS
So let us start off with an experiment, shall we? Let us see if we can be forgiven for all our sins and transgressions. Do we feel we are worthy to be forgiven? If we cannot say a resounding ‘yes’ to this, then there is still work to be done on our sense of worth. Everyone is worthy to be forgiven, no matter what they have done, how many times they have done it, to whom and when and why.
One day a person will have a revelation and they will ‘get it’ and they will realise they do not need to do these things any longer. It can take a long while for people to ‘get it’ and we must be patient. And the Masters have been patient with you and forgiven you whilst you are in training, just as parents forgive their children, who do not know the way until they are taught it and understand it and can practice it and can master it. Every human is a child in the eyes of the gods and all are forgiven as they learn. But it is a welcome day when a person finally ‘gets it’ and no longer needs to behave in destructive or erroneous ways and they seek more loving methods for living out their life.
So forgive yourselves as children who have merely been learning in this life and all the lives before. You are worthy because you are part of God’s consciousness, and there is no part of God’s consciousness that is unworthy.
You have had to claw and fight your way through many lifetimes and the scenes have been ugly and sometimes filled with blood. Let go of this mayhem from your souls and turn towards the loving light. It matters not what you did in the past, only what you are doing now and will do in the future.
Forgive yourself and those around you. And let us move on to more positive days, filled with brightness and creation, not a mourning for our loss. Create a blank canvas now and go forth and paint yourself a beautiful brand new life.
I am Master Hilarion, overseer of the Gallery of Heaven.
Master Hilarion channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 18 August 2016
July 2016
Dearest Friends,
I apologise for the lateness of this month’s Message from the Masters. I had an operation to remove my gall bladder and have been recuperating. All is on the mend now, I’m glad to say.
This past year has seen a plethora of health issues for me, courtesy of Jupiter and North Node in Virgo. Virgo is all about health, North Node relates to your destiny, and Jupiter makes everything expand or go over-the-top in the search for wisdom. I have certainly learnt a lot about my physical body and the health system! But I will be jolly glad when Jupiter moves on into Libra in September (Sep 10). Then for a year or so (until Oct 2017) we shall see a focus on relationships, balancing male and female energies, and being of service to others.
The North Node of Destiny moves out of Virgo only in May next year, so those health issues may hang around for a while yet. The North Node, which moves in the opposite direction to the other planets, will then enter Leo for 18 months, the sign of love, creativity, and children.
Relief from the battering of Mars in Scorpio, which has been forcing us to face our darkness and to let go of our past, is only a few days away when Mars enters Sagittarius, the sign of wisdom, expansion, searching, and spirituality. Study and travel may be on the cards for the next two months.
The New Moon on 3 August is in the lovely creative and fun sign of Leo. It’s a great time to begin new projects and birth ideas. The Full Moon in Aquarius on 18 August is likely to bring on weird energies and the promise of big changes.
Mid August, especially around the 13th when Jupiter opposes Chiron, the planet of woundedness and healing, will see feelings of hurt or pain exposed so they can be healed for all time. At this time too, Saturn (the planet of work, career, planning, and structure) finally resumes his forward motion in Sagittarius and at last plans can be put into action with a good chance of succeeding and without delays.
I wish you a very joyful and active month ahead, in line with the planets who will be the wind beneath our wings.
With love, hugs, and blessings,
Master Hilarion – Courage
I would like to speak about pedanticness today, seeing as many of the planets are in Virgo, or about to enter this sign. Virgo relates to judgement and discernment, having an eye for detail, being a good observer, dotting your ‘i’s and crossing your ‘t’s, and trying never to make a mistake.
There is a quest for perfection in the Virgo trait and this can be a limiting quality if you do not keep this trait under control. For in the quest for perfection we can limit our experiences for fear that we will err, for fear we might take the wrong road or make an inadequate decision. And we might end up playing it safe and sticking with what we know works.
And so a Virgo world can end up a small world where all is neat and in order but outside the boundaries beckon chaos and adventure. I am here to tell you today that your life should be filled with adventure. It matters not if you make mistakes along the way for these are your experiences and teach you well. You will refine yourself on the back of your adventures. You will discover yourself as you discover the world.
So stay not indoors hibernating like a squirrel, storing your wisdom and your light within. Bound into the treetops and make your escape, for you will be judged in the end not on how safe you played it but on how you grew your potential. Being given $50 at birth and having that same $50 at death will not be viewed as an overwhelmingly successful life. But growing that $50 into $500, five thousand, five million, this is what we wish to see. And I am not speaking about money here but about your true treasure, your talents and your heart.
So let us see some Leo courage in you this month. Let us see you face the world and ask, “How can I give?” Everyone was born with a gift to give. It is stored within you. Let us take it out now, brush it off, and see how we may make use of it. Dying with your gift still locked away is the ultimate transgression and you will mourn your lack of nous, your lack of heart.
So fill those hearts with fiery courage. Go questing for your destiny, and smile as you release your gift of life.
I am Master Hilarion, bringer of light to your heart space.
Master Hilarion channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 25 July 2016
June 2016
Dearest Friends,
A second Full Moon in Sagittarius, the sign of higher wisdom, occurs on June 20, and so themes could repeat themselves from around the time of the first Full Moon (a Blue Moon) which occurred on May 22. This focus on wisdom and learning is the reason I have chosen a message from Master Thoth this month, all about pearls of wisdom and how we come by them.
The next day on June 21 we have the Solstice, the shortest/longest day of the year, and it promises a potent punch for the entire week with Jupiter ramping up our destiny (North Node) and Mercury opposing Saturn (feeling anti-responsibility) and squaring off to Neptune (feeling dreamy). For a few days prior, we may be weighing up fantasy versus reality, and we could likely be feeling confused or trapped, not seeing our destiny clearly. By the Solstice we will probably be seeing the bigger picture better and be feeling more expansive.
Also at the Solstice, the Sun enters the sign of Cancer joining Venus there, and Mercury will join them at the end of June. So there will be a big focus on home and family from then and for the first half of July enhanced by the New Moon in Cancer on July 4. It’s a good time for new homes or renovations, and for new family situations including weddings and reunions.
26/27 June could see big transformation/change and/or letting go of old ways. Great time for magical happenings.
Mars becomes direct again on 30 June but is still in Scorpio until 3 Aug, and Saturn remains retrograde until 14 August, so it’s still a time to cleanse inwardly and let go of old baggage. July 6/7/8 could be especially challenging or transformative days. Preparation, planning, and clearing out is what’s needed for the next two months. Putting plans into action are best left until mid August.
I wish you a very happy month ahead of stone-clearing and finding your pearls (see below).
With love, hugs, and blessings,
Master Thoth-Hilarion – Pearls not stones
Pearls. Pearls of the universe. Pearls of wisdom. Let me state, first of all, how beautiful pearls are, natural ones found in the ocean, created by oysters. They have fascinated mankind from the beginning. And they are treasured because there are not many of them; not every oyster produces a pearl. They are a rare thing in the natural world.
And pearls of wisdom are a rare thing too. They do not occur in every consciousness, but they have to be cultivated by the human over long periods of time. And the pearl begins because the oyster is irritated and it builds up secretions to overcome that irritation. So too does wisdom usually start with an irritation for the human. They are moved by some situation and it brings them alive. It makes them think, it makes them feel, and through experiencing this irritation the human will build up secretions of wisdom.
And so it is on the path to becoming a god, a path paved with irritations and situations not to our liking. And in overcoming these irritations and dislikes we begin to build our library of wisdom.
So a god’s life has not been all smooth and easy. A god’s life has not been the good life. And so if you find yourself on the path to godhood, it too will be paved with misery and obstacles and limitations. And every god will know these all too well. So it is not a path which is paved with gold or lined with sweetness. It is a path that will get the very best out of you. It will strengthen you, make you more aware, turn you into love, elevate you into flying. A soft touch and a cosy bed will not be found along this way, for gods and goddesses are not pampered dandies. So if you want the easy road you will not be walking towards godhood.
Think of the knights in olden times and how they had to train, and think of the armed forces in current times and the intense experiences they must go through before they are fit for battle. It is no different with the godhood. All must be honed almost to perfection, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. We leave no stone unturned, for we cannot have our gods suddenly revealing parts of their dark nature once they are living in Heaven. Every part of a god’s consciousness is examined before being allowed to abide in the higher dimensions.
And so there are sometimes hiccups to a god’s journey to their new living quarters, for stones may indeed be upturned and horrible things found beneath them. And until these horrible things are put to rights then the doors to higher Heaven will remain closed. So even the most senior of gods can trip up sometimes on these upturned stones. Of course, more allowances are made at the lower end of Heaven and gods are allowed to live here even while there is some work to do upon themselves. But as gods rise to ever higher dimensions or levels within dimensions, they will be required to cleanse themselves further and further, deeper and deeper.
So a god may think they are doing swimmingly for a while, and suddenly their journey comes to an abrupt halt while they must deal with what lies beneath a stone. And the journey may only resume when all has been purified.
So just because you make it to godhood and make it into Heaven, you must know that the journey never ends and stones are being kicked over all along the way. And it can feel like there is never a stretch of smooth sailing, that never a day goes past without some stone or other being upturned. But this is not true. When you first reach a new level of Heaven it is as though there is a stony field before you and everywhere you tread you are knocking over stones. But after a while you begin to clear the field and then it is pleasure to romp through your day.
So there will be stony periods of your life leading to more peaceful eras where only the occasional stone may come tumbling your way. So don’t despair. Keep working through those stones and clear your field. There is magic when the Earth is smooth and soft.
So every stone may seem like a boulder but in truth every stone is really a pearl. So begin to see the field ahead not strewn with boulders but liberally sprinkled with pearls for the taking.
Master Thoth-Hilarion channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 10 June 2016
May 2016
Dearest Friends,
This Sunday, 22 May, is a Full Moon in Sagittarius. In fact, it is a Blue Moon. A Blue Moon occurs only once every couple of years, therefore it’s a good time to do something you would rarely do (once in a Blue Moon!). Sagittarius represents, amongst other things, study and higher education, so this month I’d like to share a kind of higher education with you, education in how to get higher (and we’re not speaking of drugs here!)
Universal energies are challenging us like never before and many people are at their lowest ebb. The antidote is to lift yourself higher vibrationally, always hard when your head seems to be underwater, but if you can will this intention within yourself, here are six suggestions to help uplift you.
- Imagine climbing a tall tower (or do it literally!). Start at the base and go up as far as possible. Stay a while at your elevated level to enjoy the view and get a bigger picture of your life.
- Imagine lifting off in a hot air balloon. Enjoy the journey and see where it takes you. Feel the expansiveness within you.
- Imagine being on the ocean floor and rising up from the cold and dark through turquoise waters towards the sunlight. Float awhile in the calm, warm sunshine.
- Imagine jumping onto the back of an eagle and flying across the landscape. Enjoy the views and exhilaration and be aware of where the eagle takes you. Feel the freedom.
- Imagine climbing out of a dark well. Perhaps you let the water rise and you float up, or maybe you scale the walls, or maybe you jump into the pail and someone hoists you up. Feel like you are escaping from imprisonment.
- Imagine climbing a huge tree, going up into its highest branches and into the clouds. Enjoy the feeling of entering a higher dimension and the inner peace there.
If we find ourselves in the darkness, we need to learn to first accept where we are. Fighting and resisting will only give us pain. God told me recently, “Sit in the Darkness with me for I am both the Darkness and the Light. Learn to be able to sit in peace within all of Me.”
Mercury goes Direct again on 23 May, so communications will improve no end and progress can be made. Since last week Jupiter is Direct too, in Virgo, so work and health plans can move forward now as well.
26-28 May has Jupiter squaring off against Saturn and this could be positive or negative, triggering major growth or major issues. These energies flow into a Grand Cross in the first two weeks of June, starring Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune. There is potential for great harmony but also the stirring of the pot to bring out any hidden or limiting problems.
I am still offering soul-smith sessions to help shape your soul. It is holistic healing of your whole being, bringing all parts of yourself back into balance and alignment. Just drop me an email if you feel I may be able to help you. A one hour session costs AUD $130 and can take place over Skype or phone, or by visiting me in Gympie, Queensland, Australia.
I wish you a month of wonderful harmony and high vibrations.
With love and hugs,
Lady Master Pallas Athena – Being Love
Let us revise some basics, shall we, for often in the search for the Holy Grail we get caught up with complexities and advanced theories and we forget that really the universe is quite simple in its expectations of us; that we need to generate love. When it comes down to it, that is all that is asked of us, all that we need to be, a being of love.
Of course, love manifests in many ways and we will be provided with a thousand opportunities a day to utilise these ways of love. So how much love have you generated today? How much love have you put out there? For it is love that will make you survive, love that will make this entire universe survive, and anything less than love will bring us down.
So be careful of your thoughts, be careful of your reactions, for many of these can contain not so lovely messages. We may be angry with someone or even ourselves, we may want to blame, we may be resentful, we may be unsympathetic and uncompassionate, we may be selfish, we may be judgemental, we may be biased, we may be corrupt, we may be disloyal, we may be hurtful, we may be ignoring, we may be suicidal. There are a thousand ways to not be love in any day.
And each time we are not love our vibration slips down another notch and then we must put in the effort to raise ourselves up once again. So wouldn’t it be better to get ourselves high up and then remain there? So watch those thoughts and feelings which take us tumbling down the hill before we know it and, gosh, it’s a gruelling task to walk back up again.
Catch yourself being unloving and train yourself to stop in mid-stream. And even if you cannot think of something loving to replace it, at least you will stay in a neutral state, neither rising nor slipping, which will be an improvement on before. And then you can begin to introduce loving ways of thinking and your place at the top will be secured.
If you could hear a recording of your self-talk for just one day you would be astonished at how you take yourself down. So let us move into positivity, then, and this week’s Sagittarian Moon will help us in that respect. Be conscious of your consciousness and that is the way you will win the battle over your lower self.
As a queen of wisdom I know what I am talking about and I pass on this wisdom to you now.
Lady Master Pallas Athena channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 19 May 2016
April 2016
Dearest Friends,
I like to think of myself as a sort of soulsmith. What is that? you are probably asking.
Well, just as a goldsmith, silversmith, or blacksmith takes a piece of raw metal and shapes it into something decorative or useful, I help to shape a person’s soul into something worthwhile and beautiful. It is holistic healing of your whole being, bringing all parts of yourself back into balance and alignment.
You may feel in need of healing and balancing due to this month’s intense astrology playing out. This week both Mars and Pluto turned retrograde, joining Saturn who is already going “backwards”, and Mercury too joins them on April 29. Retrograde planets force us to retreat from the busyness of the world for a while and to review our lives and prepare and make plans for the future. It’s not a time for initiating new action, and won’t be until at least July and better still to wait until mid-August. It will be hard to sit still and ruminate as there are so many planets in fire signs, so you’ll need to be patient. This is a time for rejuvenation and reinvention so you can birth like a phoenix later in the year. Work on your inner magic and it will pay dividends later on. Sort things out so you have a clear path to be able to hit the ground running in coming months.
The Full Moon tomorrow (Friday, 22 April) is in Scorpio which will highlight any darkness or old beliefs or resentments that need to be let go. Forgiveness is the keyword for the coming week. Scorpio energy is also to do with the Magician, so look for magic and miracles in your life too and appreciate them. Your own heart and mind can produce magical happenings when you allow them.
So, this may be a time when you are feeling you have lost your soul, lost your way, or can’t find your destiny or dreams. Let me help you to find your soul and reshape your life so it is soul-full again. It is only when you are working in partnership with your soul that you will find true happiness, fulfilment, and love.
How many of you find that medicines and topical treatments don’t fix you up with much success and that physical therapies work for only a brief while and then you find yourself back at square one again? Medicines and therapies can certainly be a support to you in the initial stages of a problem, but what do you do to resolve that problem once and for all? You need to get to the source of the problem, not just treat the outer symptoms.
And this is what soulsmithing does – it finds the real cause of your issue hidden in your consciousness, in the programming of the thoughts and beliefs in your mind which direct you to unwisely act, react, break down, or misshapenly grow. How is your mind really controlling you in ways you hadn’t imagined?
All physical disease and disability comes from a mind that is sending out questionable and unbalanced signals to the body, or which is not receiving correct feedback from your body parts. All emotional and mental issues come from a mind that is using negative or harmful programming as its software for daily functioning.
As a soulsmith, I can help you to uncover your programming (what you already have in your mind), and to discover your soul’s desires, and to assist you to align with your soul and follow your true destiny.
There are several days coming up in the next month which will provide great opportunities for the furthering of your destiny and also for friendship and love, growth, and optimism: 3 May, 7 May (New Moon in Taurus), 10 May, 11 May, 16 May. The windows of opportunity open and then close, so make hay while the sun shines, as they say!
Just drop me an email if you feel I may be able to help you. A one hour session costs AUD $130 and can take place over Skype or phone, or visit me in Gympie, Queensland, Australia.
I wish you all a beautiful month of reverie and moving into the magical. With love and hugs,
Master El Morya – Resentment
I think we should speak about resentment today, for there is much harbouring of this amongst humankind. There is much blame attached to others. Nearly everyone will have someone that they blame for causing their life to not work out. But it is these niggling relationships that we must work out and make work. For until we accept full responsibility for creating events in our own lives and stop blaming others, we will not be able to move on and claim the life of joy that is waiting for us around the corner.
So think about who you blame, who you resent for this or that not turning out as you had hoped. What part did your own thinking play in all of this? You may be blaming us Masters or even God, but in truth you bring everything into your own arena by the way that you think and the emotions you are harbouring in your heart.
This may not be what you wish to hear, but you must take it on board and deal with it, for nothing makes you sicker than negative thinking and toxic emotions, and nothing will heal you faster than finding forgiveness in your heart and letting the past float away and providing a clean slate for all to start afresh and start over. It is the hardest thing any of you will ever have to do, is to forgive those who we think have ruined our lives. But if you rise to this challenge you will be catapulted up the ladder of ascension, for nothing wins you more Brownie points than being able to forgive.
Forgive yourself too for having blamed others. It is a human condition and we learn it when we are only knee high and most of us take it to our grave. So let us be the first generation to overcome this condition and be rid of it for all time. For nothing is preventing this planet from moving into the new dimension more than being unable to let go of the past and old resentments. Some of us are still doing tit for tat with people we knew a thousand years ago. So will you be the one to bring it to a halt, draw a line underneath it, build a bridge, and walk into the New Day? Yes, you will want to rail and rant against the other. But drop it. Put it away for all time and let us move on in peace with one another. You will be the one who benefits most.
So, come, stir your heart with loving intention. Drop the darkness and bring in the light. When all of Earth is all afloat with love, then we shall know Heaven as our garden.
I am El Morya, guardian of gardens upon Earth.
Master El Morya channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 21 April 2016
March 2016
Dearest Friends,
In the coming month we have an enormous amount of Piscean energy pouring down on us from all directions with a New Moon in Pisces on 9 March and five planets in Pisces (Moon, Sun, Mercury, Neptune, and Chiron), and all being intensified by a Total Solar Eclipse.
Piscean energy represents spirituality and the divine world so this will be a great opportunity to practise communing with other dimensions and beings especially with your own spirit self. In order to do this successfully we need to make space for the divine in our lives just as if we were making space for a new partner coming to live with us; space in our home such a little nook where you can have some privacy, and time for our new partner such as spending time speaking with them and listening to them, relaxing with them, playing with them, cooking things up with them, resolving issues with them. Spirit wants to be our new partner even if we have an earthly partner already, and if you don’t make space, the Divine can’t move in.
People sometimes ask me how I am able to channel the divine world as I do. I’m not entirely sure why I have this skill but I do know that I’ve had many lifetimes as a prophet and oracle and channeller of healing energies. Another thing I know is that in this lifetime my channelling ability didn’t make itself known until I made space for Spirit in my life amidst a busy career in IT computing and management. And it was only once I’d given up my IT career that Spirit really became a huge force in my life and I went on to channel many books from various Masters. It’s not for everyone to give up their careers and devote their life to Spirit full time as I mostly have, but you do have to make just a little space if you want Spirit to come visit you even as a friend.
Once you’ve experienced Spirit as a part of your life, receiving guidance, advice, and direction, and often with healing and feelings of inner peace, you will never want to be without it. It’s like once you’ve had a taste of beautiful love, you are on the lookout for it throughout your life, wishing for that same experience again. The great news is that Spirit isn’t going anywhere; the divine world is available to you 24/7 with more love and support than you could ever have dreamed possible.
So, the next month is likely to be a time of extreme emotionality and wateriness. There may be climatic events to mirror this – floods, tsunamis, heavy precipitation, or events in your life featuring watery outbursts or leaks. Watch also for feelings of depression as the Sun disappears in the eclipse, for eclipse energy can influence us for up to six months around the actual event. There may be big urges to escape from current conditions, often through the use of alcohol or drugs or some addiction that takes your mind off things. There can be the desire to merge with another or others too, human or spiritual, to lose all sense of individual identity and experience Oneness.
The message from a Master this month is an excerpt from a book I am currently channelling from Master Thoth-Hilarion, relevant because all this Piscean energy will help us become more intuitive and have easier access to the Group Consciousness.
Astrology for the month ahead:
March 11 could be a day to be very aware of Piscean energies when the Sun is conjunct Chiron and Mercury is conjunct Neptune, and the next day the Sun opposes the North Node of Destiny which usually triggers a new path of opportunity ahead.
March 17 when Jupiter trines Pluto, and March 23 when Jupiter squares off Saturn, and March 24 when Chiron opposes the North Node of Destiny, are all high-powered days for transformation and forging ahead through challenges.
We have the Equinox on Sunday, 20 March, the changeover of the seasons and where there is complete balance between night and day. Balance will be a key word at this time.
The Full Moon in Libra on Wed, 23 March, aligned with a Lunar Eclipse, will put the focus on relationships and how other people reflect back to us our own issues and personality.
Saturn in Sagittarius turns retrograde on Easter Saturday (26 March) and will only turn Direct again in mid August. This is a time, then, for planning rather than for taking action, and for pondering on our belief systems. It’s a brilliant time for studying and pulling all the pieces of learning together, especially as Mars has also entered Sagittarius and will stay there until the end of May. After August will be the best time to apply your learnings.
I wish you all a very happy Easter and holidays, and do try to make some time as you relax to bring in your new partner – the Divine!
With love, hugs, and blessings in this divinely-inspired month,
Master Thoth-Hilarion – The Gods’ Electrical Energy
Everything that happens in this universe is a reflection of what is going on within yourself and around you. So know that a storm is not a meaningless climate event but that it has significance for you. The lightning is cleaving the air. The rain is clearing and cleansing. Things are being stirred and changed. Energies are being whipped up and sent from Heaven to Earth and rebounding back again. A storm is a two-way conversation between the dimension of Earth and the dimension of Heaven. What is it that you can hear being said?
Many of you will feel the frisson in the air after an electrical storm passes through. It wakes you up, puts you on your toes, and hopefully thrills you. You are being electrified, into action we hope. And it is not just storms that have something to say to you; droughts, floods, tornadoes, snow, hail, odd climatic occurrences. All these things describe a state of affairs that needs looking into, pondering upon, and action taken to bring about some resolution.
So let us turn our thoughts away now from these weather events but let us stay with the topic of energies, for this is the language of the gods, transmitting and transmuting energy, for they are electrical beings, you know. Gods can elicit energy; they can draw it in and send it out. They can massage it and make it splay into many different aspects, like taking a river of water and shaking it to produce a delta at one end. So, gods are manipulators of electrical currents; they can divert them here and there.
And these electrical currents contain not only a force but also information. So just as your electrical waves contain the voices on radio broadcasts and the visuals and sound on television transmissions, so too can the gods insert visuals, sound, and text in the energy they send forth, hoping that you will receive it.
And so, while on Earth you might need a radio or television station or computer equipment to enact these same transmissions of data, the gods can do this with merely their minds. Humans too can do this to a limited extent but it is usually by accident rather than by design. And those humans who are adept at doing this will find that they have the gods’ genes within them. And so those prophets and psychics amongst you will be gods and demi-gods and this ability will be in their DNA. It can be practised, of course, but there will be a limit that you can reach dependent upon your vibrational level and your status within the godhood. You will not be allowed to practise the abilities of the gods if you have not reached that level of evolution in other ways.
It is fun to have these powers, the powers to connect and to communicate with other beings without need for a phone or a computer or any type of tool or equipment. Mere intention will get the other person on the line. You may believe, as a human, that when you are thinking of another person that they will not know, that they will not feel it but, let me assure you, even if they are not consciously aware, their subconscious has been alerted to your calling them up. So be careful what you think about others for they are receiving this information loud and clear and it is swirling around their consciousness and will make them react to you in certain ways.
Sometimes the other person will respond to your call, and you will laugh together as they phone you and you will say, “Oh, but I was thinking about you just now!” So do not be surprised. But even if they don’t ring you or email you in return, they have received your message, your visualisations, your emotions, your desires. And it may be up to you to clean up your act a little for, in truth, you are an open book and others can read you and they may not like what you have written.
So you cannot hide behind the spoken word for there is a whole level of not-so-secret communication taking place behind your eyes, within your mind, and it is being broadcast out into the ethers just as if you had typed it and put it out in the Social Network for all the world to see. There is no privacy in the heavenly realm. Consciousness is shared, just like your Internet but with no barriers, no passwords, no hiding. You may be appalled to hear this. You may be ashamed, rueful, but it is understood at the level of the gods. But as you in turn become a god, more god-like, then it will be beholden upon you to act and think in more god-like ways, and there will be not so much latitude given you for outrageous thinking.
So quieten your emotions. Quieten your heart. Be forgiving and accepting in your ways. Welcome all into your world.
Master Thoth-Hilarion channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 30 Jan 2016 (excerpt from my upcoming book “History of the gods”)
February 2016
Dearest Friends,
Do you often find yourself asking, “Why does my journey through life have to be so rough and tragic?” Well, the reason for going down this particular road is to smooth out all the stoniness and boulders in our psyche. When we’ve evened out our path then it’s onto the next stony trail and trial. The whole reason for our existence in this lifetime is to smooth out our consciousness so that it’s full of harmony, balance, and joy. Just as we go to a beauty parlour to smooth out our skin and wrinkles, so too do we need to do the same to our consciousness so that we have a beautiful mind and spirit.
So, how do we sort out all the stones and boulders in our psyche and get ourselves a smoother ride? What would you do if this was your garden path or driveway? You’d get rid of them, wouldn’t you, or smash them into dust.
With that in mind, let me suggest some techniques for getting rid of stuff that no longer serves us, that keeps us tripping over the past and hurts us.
- A good one if you love water and the ocean: Imagine yourself floating down to the very bottom of the seabed. The darker and colder, the better! Be brave; your consciousness cannot die. Allow all your pores to open and pour out all your darkness, fears, guilt, sorrow, anger, etc, into the deep waters. Keep going until you feel lighter and you begin to rise up off the bottom. Keep rising and you’ll notice the waters getting brighter. Keep rising up into the light and break the surface. If you like, you can keep on rising up, following the sunbeam, and go and spend some time inside the Sun, taking in life force and positivity.
- A good one if you love fire: Imagine yourself diving from the edge of a crater into a fiery, bubbling volcano (remember your consciousness cannot die!). Let yourself be consumed by the fire, burning up all your darkness, fears, guilt, sorrow, anger, etc. Let yourself float on the lava then be ejected by an eruption that throws you high into the universe and landing wherever you need to be next.
- A good one if you love the Earth: Imagine yourself in a large cave or canyon. Lie down on the bedrock and allow your pores to open and pour all your darkness, fears, guilt, sorrow, anger, etc, into the Earth. You might even want the Earth to swallow you up and consume you. As the weight of your burdens leaves you, let yourself float up, levitating, up to the top of a high mountain where you can breathe the clear air and see forever.
- A good one if you love air and space: Imagine yourself floating up into space and see planet Earth below you. Keep going to the centre of our Milky Way Galaxy where there is a big Black Hole. Throw all your darkness, fears, guilt, sorrow, anger, etc, into this Black Hole and then ride the spiral arms of the galaxy as if you were in a funfair, enjoying the freedom and expansiveness.
In all cases, thank the entity which is receiving your darkness and ask it to transmute everything into love and light.
After your journey, take some time to rest and ponder and assimilate, and bask in your new lightness and brightness. Of course, there are many variations on these themes. Invent your own favourite way of letting go and then it will be a pleasure to do this instead of a painful chore. With Mars in Scorpio and Sagittarius for much of this year, the emphasis will be on letting go of the past and changing our thinking and beliefs. By October, we’ll be ready to utilise our new lighter selves for new work and leadership opportunities.
If you haven’t yet dealt with past issues that still hurt and haunt you, be aware of some key dates in the next month that may be triggers for some needed healing work. The weeks before and after the Solar Eclipse on Mar 9 will carry the extreme Piscean energy into every aspect of life.
Feb 24 Jupiter opposes Chiron: Healing beliefs, teaching.
Feb 29 Sun conjunct Neptune: Daydreams, weakness, victim, spirituality
Last week in Feb and first week of March: Focus is on partnerships
6 Mar Sun square Saturn: Responsibility, discipline, work
8 Mar Sun opposes Jupiter: Optimism, over-confidence, beliefs
9 Mar New Moon in Pisces with 5 planets in Pisces + Total Solar Eclipse: Very emotional,
weakness, victim, insanity, escapism, goddess energy, spirituality, fantasy, imagination,
divine communication, addictions. A time to reflect on heavenly not earthly things.
11 Mar Sun conjunct Chiron: Healing, teaching
11 Mar Mercury conjunct Neptune: Daydreams, weakness, victim, spirituality
12 Mar Sun opposes North Node: Destiny calls! Paths revealed.
17 Mar Jupiter trine Pluto: Big letting go day.
17 Mar Mercury conjunct Chiron: Healing thinking, teaching
I wish you a very divine month ahead, utilising all those beautiful and bountiful Piscean energies.
Love and hugs until next month,
Master Aurelian – ALCOHOL
Sophia: I only met Master Aurelian in the heavenly dimensions for the first time this morning. He is a philosopher and at the same senior level as Master Thoth.
Dictionary: Lucius Domitius Aurelianus (212-275A.D.) Roman emperor (270-275A.D.) who conquered Palmyra in 273A.D. and restored political unity to the Roman Empire.
Aurelian: Yes, yes, it’s not the level I am at but what I have to say that counts, for I could be a beggar in the gutter and yet what I have to say is profound and has an immense effect on humanity, and there are many in the higher echelons of learning who spout nonsense. So let us evaluate people on the value of their words and not on their strata in society.
So let me speak to you all today on a topic which is very much in the news, and that is alcohol. Many people like to imbibe, not just once a week or on occasion but every day. Now this would be okay if alcohol was a necessity for life like water or food and protein. But alcohol is a prop, something nice to have like cake and biscuits, and in truth we can do without it. And the further truth is that too much of it does us harm. A taste of anything once in a while is a pleasure but when you need that thing to get you through your every day then it is addiction. And that goes not just for alcohol but coffee, pastries, cigarettes, drugs, shopping, collecting; anything you feel you have to do to carry you through your life.
And so you might want to examine your consumption of alcohol and what it is it truly does for you. What is it substituting for in your life that is missing? And you might be aware of yourself making all kinds of excuses for your indulgence, justifying why you need to do this. But these are lies to yourself. And when you can be truthful then healing can begin.
Using alcohol as an elastoplast for your life is not going to work very well for very long. Things will start coming apart. And you will find that the original problem will pale in comparison to the problems you are generating now. So this would be a good time to take stock of your addictions, to understand your stopgaps. For that is what you are doing, filling the gaps in your life with substances and materials that really do you harm.
Let us begin to cure the underlying emotions and then we shall see a better culture, a more humane civilisation, and we will begin to get the balance back upon this Earth. Too many now are crazy on alcohol and drugs, and before long everyone will be touched by it either as a perpetrator or a victim.
So come clean in your life and wean yourself off of these addictions. A little of what you fancy does you good, but too much of a good thing is to your detriment. These Piscean stars in the next weeks will put you on notice.
Master Aurelian channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 17 Feb 2016
Published by Ovidne.com, P.O.Box 800, Cooroy, QLD 4563, Australia.
January 2016
Dearest Friends,
A New Life for the New Year
As this year begins, ask yourself, “Do I love my life? Is it filled with joy and fulfilment?” If the answer is “No” or “Not really” or “Some of the time”, I have good news for you. And it’s not only because five planets are in alignment during the next month (Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Venus, and Mercury), or that Jupiter (the planet of luck and opportunity) is partnering the North Node of the Moon (Destiny).
Saturn in Sagittarius (Sep 2015 – Dec 2017) is helping us to challenge every belief and every thought, and it is this pushing and prodding from Saturn that will get us to arrive at a place of love and joy and fulfilment.
If there’s just one belief we need to remember it is that our thinking and beliefs create our reality. You’ve probably heard that hackneyed phrase often but what does it truly mean? It means that you will attract into your life every experience that concurs with your thinking, not always immediately but it unfolds around you over time.
So, if you think that life sucks and is unfair, you’ll be given plenty of scenarios to prove you’re right.
If you think your life is too crazy and you have too much going on and there’s not enough hours in the day, then it will manifest that way.
If you believe that people depend on you too much and that you can’t break free, then that’s how it will be.
If you believe you aren’t good enough, then the world will mirror this back to you and treat you as if you aren’t good enough and pay you poor respect or inattention or too small a salary.
Therefore, if you don’t like your experiences then change your thinking, simple as that. Or is it simple? No, it’s not, because our beliefs often stem from childhood or even from past lives, so our programming is pretty ingrained by adulthood and quite difficult to alter or remove. The first trick is even to notice what we are thinking and believing and how we react because of it.
One of the best books, in my opinion, for highlighting your way of thinking is still that old favourite by Louise Hay, “You Can Heal Your Life”. I read it again recently and it took me straight back to basics and I was struck by the simplicity and power of her writing. Positive affirmations may be old hat but, by Jove, they certainly work! Turning your negative thoughts around into positive affirmations is the best way to begin to create a new reality for yourself.
Our way of thinking is becoming more and more essential because we are entering a higher vibrational dimension which manifesst things a lot faster for us these days. This is borne out by new information on the vibrational rate of the Earth as measured by the Schumann Resonance. This has been approximately 7.83 Hz for many years. Suddenly, in June 2014, it jumped to 8.5 Hz. In the past 18 months, there have been spikes recorded up to 16.5 Hz. This proves that the Earth’s frequency is speeding up, and with it our ability to manifest our thoughts into reality.
The planet Mars yo-yos back and forth between Scorpio and Sagittarius until October, giving us the perfect energies for clearing out and letting go old thinking (Scorpio) and bringing in new positive and expansive thinking (Sagittarius). Mid April to end of June will be an especially good time to dig deep, and we may see many secrets and skeletons coming out of the closet both personally and in the greater world during this time.
For the month ahead, Jupiter (the lucky planet) and the North Node of the Moon (Destiny) get together on Saturday, 23 Jan and again on Friday, 29 Jan. A great time for furthering your life plans, with a bit of luck from the stars thrown in.
The Full Moon in Leo occurs on Sunday, 24 Jan, and this will shine the moon’s light on love, laughter, leadership, and being especially creative. Children and childish emotions will be in the spotlight too.
Be alert on Feb 10/11 regarding relationships and health. This could be the best of times, or provide a new platform for change. The New Moon in Aquarius on Feb 9 is likely to fan the flames for change and new beginnings personally and for the whole of humanity.
I wish you a wonderful month of being the magician and waving your wand to create the life you truly wish to have.
With all my love and hugs until next month,
Lady Master Quan Yin – You Are Good Enough
So what shall we speak about today? There are many pressing subjects but I think the one that takes precedent in this hour is that of not feeling good enough. It is a feeling and a thought that many in the world harbour. So let us give it an airing and let us modify this thought so that it supports us rather than betrays us.
Good enough for what? I say. Who are we comparing ourselves against? Who are we trying to impress? Who has set the standards? Who has set the bar so high? It is not that we don’t wish for you to improve yourselves; of course we do, but we would not strike you or whip you or belittle you in the making of you. There is a way that can get people to give of their best, and this is through encouragement and support and motivation. This is what you must give yourselves if it is not forthcoming from others.
If your parents or teachers never gave this to you when you where young, if they criticised you and judged you and derided you, then you are likely to give that same treatment to yourself now. Did you enjoy it when you were younger? No, of course, you didn’t! So get rid of those antics now and be the perfect parent, the perfect teacher, to yourself. Give credit where credit is due. Acknowledge every victory, every success, however minor. Recount the ways you have succeeded every day as you go to sleep at night. And know that you are a work-in-progress and every day you are becoming better and better at being a star.
There are some of you who set out to achieve a certain milestone, and it is good if you push yourself to get there. But it is also not failure if you do not make it. For there will be many reasons why, including the fact that you were never supposed to make it to that particular point. The universe may have had other plans for you.
So just know that at the end of the day, that you have done your best, you have given it a try, and pat yourself on the back for having got thus far. You are good enough for the gods by pure virtue of the fact that you exist. Does a mother look at her small child and say, “You are not good enough, for you cannot talk, you cannot walk, you cannot do calculus, you cannot cook an egg.” The child is in the process of learning and so too is every adult, learning how to become a god, how to become a star. It is not an overnight event or miracle. It takes an amount of work and effort and good intention. So let that intention be there and find yourself willing to make changes but find yourself also worthy to be who you are right now.
Certainly, you will be different down the track. That does not take away from today and where you are in this moment, a loved child of the universe. Go and love yourself too.
I am Lady Quan yin, mother of the universe and a lover of children.
Lady Master Quan Yin channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 20 Jan 2016
Some of Sophia’s books are available from Amazon.com and other online bookstores in paperback and e-book formats.
Click on the link below to take you straight to them in Amazon.com.
December 2015
Dearest Friends,
I read this week that $100 million has been gifted by a Russian billionaire to a project named ‘Breakthrough Listen’, a ten-year program that is seeking to discover alien life, utilising the latest supercomputers and astrophysics telescopes focused on the dark reaches of outer space. I’d love to save them all the trouble and to pocket some of that $100 million myself!
I have been channelling ‘alien life’ for over 15 years and have many books worth of wisdom that have been passed down to me, word for word, from beings much more intelligent than myself. I know for a fact that the guidance and information that pours forth through me cannot possible come from me as it’s far too articulate and erudite, and I’ve been known to channel for hours with nary an ‘um’ or an ‘er’ in hesitation, whereas ask me to speak off-the-cuff at Toastmasters for a five minute impromptu speech and I stumble over words and try hard to keep some sort of coherence going.
The ‘aliens’ that speak to me and through me are usually ‘Ascended Masters’ and sometimes Angels but on occasion they are other types of beings from who knows where. All are from other dimensions within our universe where laws of physics play out that we have yet to discover. And this is the reason we will not encounter aliens just yet, not while we pursue them using old science and old ideas.
When we tune into our higher consciousness, ‘aliens’ are accessible to us at any time. We need no telescope or Internet or vast bandwidth. Our mind is its own supercomputer with all the tools necessary to make contact. The ‘aliens’ await our call.
I have found my own life to be greatly enhanced since teaming up with these allies (rather than aliens). They have a huge capacity for love and temperance and for guiding us astutely. They are my divine family and just as much a part of my life as my human family.
Our own soul hangs out with these divine beings, and there is no finer feeling than being in touch with our soul. It is akin to finding your lover, the one you’ve been waiting for your entire life. There is such an elation of wholeness and oneness when contact is made and the two parts of yourself click together.
So, this Christmas, do find some time to go searching for alien life and remember your divine family as you celebrate with your earthly family.
In the astrology for the month ahead, Saturday, December 19 is a day where destiny plays out big time, but it is Thursday, January 14, that is hugely starred for something fateful to happen, when Jupiter and the North Node of Destiny come together in Virgo. Virgo is the earth sign of purity, and so fate could be triggering, in both yourself and the larger world, the need for cleanliness, health regimes, tidiness, effectiveness, good agriculture and food i.e. the health of yourself, of animals, and the health of the whole planet. Think of the Garden of Eden and this is the epitome of a Virgo world! Virgo energy loves attention to detail but can emerge negatively as judgemental tendencies and nit-picking. So, mid-January could see us clearing and cleaning like never before!
January 6-7 could be troublesome, with the Sun triggering Pluto and Uranus into change, change, change, so there could be rebelliousness and darkness before we emerge into the sunshine again, having undergone transformation somewhat. We are being prepared for this lightning strike by Mercury, the planet of thinking and communications who, in the final ten days of December, aspects many of the other planets as if he’s making a visit with each in order to get our thinking straight in each area of life. It’s a great time to review our year and make plans for 2016, letting go all thinking past its use-by-date. We may find, too, that it’s an unusually sociable Christmas season with a lot of communicating but we will need time out to also do our thinking and planning, checking in with our soul to receive guidance and see if we are on track for the next year.
People often ask me, “How do we connect with our soul?” Just get into a quiet space and meditative state and then begin to speak with your soul in your mind. They will hear you, be assured. The art is to listen to what they say to you in return. They can be very subtle and sometimes very symbolic, so you may need to ponder on what transpires and not take it absolutely literally. Definitely, the more you practise, the easier it will be to make contact each time. It helps to write down your conversations as I’ve found that things often play out over weeks or even months, and you tend to forget what transpired earlier if you don’t record it.
It eventually becomes a magical way to live your life, with every day an adventure, where delight and surprise mingle with challenges for personal growth and deep fulfilment. (What I’m saying is, some days are beautiful and some days are bummers, but the tally is an awesome feeling of evolving into a deeply spiritual being with the magnificence of a Master.)
As 2015 closes and a new year begins, let us take a deep breath and vow to trust that all is unfolding as it should. Be love, be kindness, be forgiving, and surrender yourself to the destiny your soul has planned for you. Resistance is so last year!
I wish you and your families (human and divine) the most blessed Christmas and New Year, and may magic thread its way through your paths for 2016.
With all my love and hugs until next month,
Master El Morya – Christmas Stars
Yes, I am here for you, not just for you, Sophia, but for all the world. I give my energies freely and generously. I am not a world saviour but I am doing my best to save the world. And that is all we can do, each and every one of us, do our best to save the world and ourselves along with it. We each have a particular job to do, a unique task, and some may be more Herculean than others, but every last one is equally important, a link in the chain. So do not mess up with your part, and give us all you’ve got.
There are things coming to a head now, at home and abroad. We are coming to the apex of the cycle. And it is always hardest, those last few miles before the end, or those last few metres before the top of the mountain. Here we will need to muster up extra courage, further fortitude, stronger strength. And let us help one another along the way, those who are ailing beside us, for it behooves us to get as many as possible across the line.
What is before the line and what is after it, you may ask? Before the line are all the challenges we have had, the crucifixions we have had to go through, the crumblings of our spirit. And across the line is Heaven and harmony and health. There are balmier days ahead instead of the barmier days from our past.
So let us open our hearts wide now and let Spirit imbue us. Let us take this in as our drink this Christmas, rather than ale or other kinds of spirit. Let us drink in the true Spirit and have our fill. And then you will find your hearts blazing like a sun, and it will be like a nuclear fusion has taken place inside your chests. Radiance will fill your world and light shall fall in every direction. For this is the state of a star. And a star is who you are once you let go of the concrete that encases you. Your brilliance is in there, deep within you. Give yourself the present of a lifetime this Christmas and go deep and retrieve it. There will be no need for a star on the top of your tree, then.
I look forward to seeing you all unwrapping your presents (Presence) in the days to come. And, as stars, we will all unite together and take this world into a higher place, into a starry sky. All in Heaven wish you harmonious holidays and we will see you in the Light.
I am El Morya, Messenger of the Gods and Angel of Christmas.
Master El Morya channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 14 Dec 2015
November 2015
Dearest Friends,
My lovely sister, Tina, who lives in England, made a wonderful suggestion to me recently, that we list our top 20 TV shows since the very beginning of the television era in the 1950s when we were small children. It was such fun delving back into those childhood memories and sharing them with my sister to gales of laughter and shrieks of “Oh yes, I’d forgotten about that one!”. I clearly remember watching the very first episode of ‘Doctor Who’ and creating Daleks out of egg cartons with my sisters. We’re now progressing to our top 20 films, books, and songs, providing such delightful and sometimes poignant recollections. In case you’re curious, my favourite TV series ever is ‘Darling Buds of May’, not because it evokes memories of my childhood growing up in busy London, but it’s the romanticised version of how I wished my childhood could have been, growing up on a farm in the countryside within a close-knit, loving and supportive family.
Speaking of family, relationships will be to the forefront this next couple of months with Venus now in her own sign of Libra, focusing on harmony with others, and balance and justice in all things. The North Node (Destiny) has been in this sign for the past 18 months, causing many new relationships to be birthed or to be let go, or at least markedly reshaped. Mars also moves into Libra this week, helping us to take action to bring about any required harmony and justice and the balance of feminine and masculine energies within ourselves and around us.
The North Node of Destiny now slips this week into a new area of adventure and takes us all along for the ride, a ride into the energies of Virgo where Jupiter is also currently playing out. Virgo is from ‘virginal’ meaning ‘purity’, and this will mean attention for the next 18 months on purifying ourselves and our environment. So the focus will be on health, diet (nutritious, pure food), exercise, cleaning of homes, offices, the land, water, and air, clearing out our minds of old, negative thoughts, beliefs and emotions. The first few months will focus on health and balance as Destiny transitions from Libra and works with Venus and Mars in this area.
Destiny regarding health and purity will be ramped up in January and February 2016 when it works hand in hand with Jupiter who tends to take things over the top in his desire for growth and expansion. This is good news for those who wish to work hard as Virgo is a sign for getting things done and attending to details. Beware the desire for judgement and being nit-picky, though!
The final week of this November could be a doozy, with Saturn, Neptune, the Sun, and Mercury, all playing with our minds and emotions. Saturn’s energies can inject us with feelings of power and control or, conversely, can make us feel suppressed, stuck, and imprisoned if we are resisting taking on the mantle of responsibilities we were born to wear. Neptune’s energies can have us feeling connected to Spirit and like blythe spirits ourselves, or they can make us want to escape our responsibilities on Earth and our past. This really is a week to be very aware of our own mental health and that of others and put in place appropriate support mechanisms (not alcohol and drugs!). These energies will relax as we move into December. The positive message from this quartet of planets is an emerging understanding of how we can bring Heaven to Earth in a practical and grounded way.
Enjoy the New Moon in Scorpio on 12 November. Scorpio can be about death and rebirth and letting go of darkness, but it is also the sign of the Magician who understands how to manipulate energies and bring about powerful new outcomes. The Magician destroys the old and useless and paves the way for fresh and exciting new ways of living.
So let us all get out our magic wands this month and bring in the new world, the new energies, that we all wish to see and feel and live in.
May love and stars fall on you from Heaven and all directions.
Master Thoth / Hermes / Mercury – Dayside and Nightside
Let you hear my voice, let me speak my piece (peace).
There is much riding on the energies now abroad. We can take them and use them this way or that, for good or for bad, for upside or downside. Energy is just energy; it has no malevolent intent. It is there to be used and it will just hang around until it is used. So put it to good purpose. There is no use for it going to waste.
So where shall we put these energies, then? How shall we grab them out of the universe and utilise them with best intent? If you were to see a hole in your roof you would quickly work to patch it up. And this is how we must be with all of life. Where we see a hole we must fix it, and not with mere temporary solutions but with good solid repairs or even replacements.
A hole in your sole (soul)? You will need new shoes. And new shoes will take you to new places, to discover new people, new livelihoods, new ways of living. So get into those new shoes now. And wear them in, so that they no longer chafe you or cause you discomfort. Be comfortable in your new shoes, in your new life, for then you will enjoy the road and all it has to offer.
And there are many being offered new roads right now. Many of those roads have never been ridden before. So there might still be a few humps and bumps along the trail, for it is only a well-trodden path that is flattened out. So pioneers will need to rough it a bit in the beginning. But isn’t that part of the adventure? For not everyone wants to walk the well-trodden road.
So put out your hearts in the starlight. Let it gather strength and courage and a knowing of the darkness. For the darkness is not to be feared, merely navigated, for who can fear a moonlit, star-fire night? For the darkness is just a complementary landscape to the daylight; neither are to be feared but used for your pleasure. The daytime is for action, the night time for reflection. The day utilises our masculine energies well, the night utilises our feminine energies at their best. One is not better than the other. They are yin and yang, part of the whole.
So know your dayside and your nightside and love both aspects of yourself; the white cloak and the black cloak. Under both cloaks lie the same beating heart. And when this heart is filled with love, then so shall the black rose bloom beside the white rose. There is beauty in them both.
When you have circled the Sun as many times as I have, you will begin to understand all parts of Nature and how they fit together to provide one glorious design.
Hear my message for I am The Messenger, the carrier of The Word.
Master Thoth/Hermes/Mercury channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 09 Nov 2015
October 2015
Dearest Friends,
Happy New Moon in Libra today, the Moon dealing with relationships and the balancing of the male and female aspects within ourselves. When the inner self is balanced and whole and not overly needy of one side or the other, then outer relationships will also be harmonious.
The Goddess Harmonia (Harmony) was the daughter of Venus and Mars. Venus (aka Aphrodite) represents our feminine traits of reflection, intuition, and receptivity, of letting things be, whereas Mars (aka Ares) represents our masculine traits of action, exploration, and ambition, of making things happen. This month’s message coincidentally (or not!) follows on from last month’s message of ‘The Mars Within’.
So harmony is given birth to when we can bring our own Venus and Mars together. They are opposing entities but they unite to produce this beautiful daughter. Harmony is like the taut string of a violin, tensioned between opposing ends but when plucked brings music to the ears.
Harmony is also like a choir—lots of voices with different tones and ranges but all coming together melodiously. Being in harmony doesn’t mean a lack of conflict or disharmony, but bringing all opposing values and views into a useful whole, like lashing several gnarled logs together to form a raft that will float. Harmonising is not a blending of people so that the individual is lost, but a joining of multiple notes into pleasurable chords. Harmony is not about blending into sameness, uniformity, and monotony, but into a full chord of diversity.
This coming fortnight will see a huge amount of Venus and Mars activity amongst the various planets, along with a Full Moon in Venus’ sign, Taurus, on 27 October, culminating on 3 November when Venus actually meets up with Mars himself in a kind of finale after the ‘relationships training programme’ of the preceding weeks.
The following day, it is worth noting that Jupiter will be opposing Chiron so there could be some fallout from the above meeting, some new lessons to learn, or old woundings being opened up that require resolution. This could be to do with the other children produced by Venus and Mars; Deimos (Fear). Phobos (Panic) and Eros (Desire). Heavenly families reflect our own!
I wish you all a very harmonious month and Emerald Ray blessings from Venus,
Love and hugs,
Master Serapis Bey – What is the truth?
There are the eyes and there are the ears. We see and we listen. Yet what do we really see, what do we really hear? For much of what enters our craniums is not true; it is not the raw material. We have put a bonnet on it or a skirt. We have elaborated the details, until our memory of what has transpired bears no relation to the actual event. We are all looking through filters or other controls from within. And we take something that has happened and we distort the facts, because seen from our point of view this is how it was. But seen through other’s eyes something quite different may have occurred. So, often we are speaking at cross purposes. For we have dipped events into our own juice, to our own taste, and we are presenting it back to the other as the original.
So we cannot make sense of our conversations and dialogues for we are not starting from a similar base. We have all kinds of prejudices and biases that alter the true source. If we do not know ourselves then we do not know our biases. But we are all of us working with skewed data, proving our point against another’s.
So we need to be aware that a fact is not a fact. A fact is taken and adorned in any number of ways, and that adorned version is stored as fact. And we pull that version out and present it in court. So man will see things one way and woman will see them another, and until we learn to see with the same eyes how can we agree upon anything?
And so we must swap hats on occasion and see how the other sees; wear their glasses, walk in their moccasins. Then we will come to understand that a diamond has many facets and we may not be all viewing the same one. It makes it no less a diamond.
Let us understand that each of us is blinkered and we have no right to call the other wrong. A skyscraper may look flat if viewed directly from above, yet viewed from below may be a hundred-storey structure. Let us be aware we do not have all the views or all the angles. Our knowledge is partial and biased by our experience. Allow then that there may be other views and all of them as much the truth as yours.
This will be the start of harmony; when we allow for other notes to come into our music.
I am Master Serapis Bey, master musician and magician.
Master Serapis Bey channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 13 Oct 2015
September 2015
Dearest Friends,
The Mars Within
Today, as I write this, Mars is aspecting (trine) Uranus in the heavens and there may be a feeling of restlessness within us, urging us to take sudden action. It may be gentle stirrings for renewed activity after a period where not much has taken place, or it might manifest as raw energy from an unexpected source within us, or perhaps as revolutionary ideas, or even as utter rebelliousness.
Uranus’ desire is to get us to a place of higher consciousness, to take new perspectives on board, to make changes to our lives for the better where our souls are enlivened and more harmonious. Mars’ desire is for independence and challenge, heroism and bodily movement. He cannot bear inaction and he will, through force of his will, make things happen. He even quite enjoys conflict and disharmony as it provides a battleground for him to prove himself a victor. If our lives are looking pretty much like a battleground, there may be a few Mars-type people we are having issues with. But it’s not for us to go to war or fight them in any way. There is a better method.
All of us have the energies of each of the planets in varying degrees within us. These energies are like the ingredients in a cake, and the cake is us. Some cakes have lots of nuts or cherries; others chocolate, eggs, vanilla, or cream. We all differ in the recipe of our ‘cake mixture’ according to the strength of the energies of the planets at the time we were born.
Each of us has Mars in our cake mix, though. Some have a lot and are action types; some have only a little and are more placid or cerebral. No matter the quantity, the Mars within us will need a lot of attention from us. If his needs are not met, we will feel the conflict and warring inside us. And any inner conflict will filter outwards into our external world and be reflected back to us by partners, children, work colleagues, and the universe at large.
So we need to meditate and call upon this Mars within, this part of our psyche, to present himself and confess his issues to us. Then we as the ‘parent’ to our Mars ‘child’ need to deal with these issues and resolve them as a responsible and loving and understanding parent.
The conflicts and wars in our world could be mostly overcome if only every single person were to deal with their inner Mars and their wars within themselves. Every relationship issue and domestic violence issue springs from some unresolved Mars complaint within the parties concerned.
Let us do what we can to contribute to world peace! Let us ensure our Mars within is happy, confident, unrestricted, utilised for good purpose, and is willing to play nicely with others. We need our Mars as he is our player for action and motivation. But an irascible and irritated Mars is the cause of great pain and misery and exhaustion. Take him to task today!
I wish you a very action-packed and fortuitous month full of opportunities as Saturn heads into Sagittarius and we feel this major energy change.
Love, hugs, and blessings,
Master El Morya – Dealing with Mars
Let us start by determining what is the Mars within us, the masculine aspect of ourselves; the derring-do, our chivalrous nature, the Knight of old. We would be in sad plight without our Knight. And if any are experiencing a lack of energy or vivacity it could be that this Knight is sleeping within them; indolent, unaware, unconscious, unmoving and unmoved by purpose.
And so we must treat this Knight according to his due. For he loves to be attended upon. He loves clamour and glamour of which he is the centre. The world revolves around our little ego-Mars – according to him! And so it is we must take a bigger picture of life and understand there are others in this world too, and we must accommodate them all.
And so while the largeness and largesse of our Mars is a splendour to behold, we must rein him in at times for he would make the world his servant, and his friends his shoes. So one must be wise to the antics of Mars. Give him his head and he will give you his heart. But he will expect undue rewards in return. He sees empires where others dream of corner shops. And we do not wish to deflate this idealist but neither do we want him conquering that which is not his.
So letting Mars run but keeping him in check is a line fraught with difficulty and constant need of attention. He is a wolf when others are sheep. He is a lion when others are goats. He is a ram when others are lambs. We cannot balance the world without his heart. Yet he would unbalance the world because of his heart.
And so we must learn to Master this Mars. He is a flame that can turn into a fire which can easily burn out of control, and yet what would this world be like without fire? A miserable place indeed!
It is a complex relationship we have with our Mars and the Mars within others. Let us deal with our own kin first. And when we have the measure of our own Mars then we shall be better at measuring others too, and we shall be wiser in how to handle them. Mars is marvellous when he’s on a roll, but he can be mean and malevolent if he is thwarted. Let us see if our Mars measures up then to the way we wish for humanity to be.
I am Morya, mentor for Marsness.
Master El Morya channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 9 Sept 2015
August 2015
Dearest Friends,
Missing the Magic
Magic is something that every human being loves. Magic, the supernatural, the occult, metaphysics, science fiction, these are major themes in our movies and on TV these days. It’s because script writers know that these themes are successful, and that’s because deep in our hearts we resonate with magic—dimensions of life we have experienced before, and are still experiencing today as our souls. Deep within us we know the truth of what is out there, beyond our limited consciousness and the materialism of humans, out there in the Unknown beyond time and this dimension.
Many of us at this current time are missing that magic. It presents as a loss of soul, as discontent, depression, frustration, unfulfillment, apathy, escapism, drudgery, and as a myriad of associated physical ailments that manifest out of our emotional distress. Our souls feel as if they are dying, as we lose connection with our rightful home and source in a higher dimension, and we lose our memories of more magical times we have experienced as spirits between human lifetimes.
Saturn’s three year journey through Scorpio, the sign of death, rebirth, and transformation, is coming to an end on 19 September. We can all rejoice in that! This Scorpionic era has urged us to die to our old selves and remember who we truly are—students of magic! As we learn to let go and purge ourselves of negative thinking and our lower nature, we will begin to experience more and more magical times. The connection to higher dimensions starts to clarify and strengthen and we find synchronicity and coincidence happening more and more often. The joy and fun return to fill our lives.
This coming weekend’s Full Moon in Pisces is a perfect time to feel the connection to other realms and dimensions. Channels will be more open at this time than usual. Make some time to connect your heart with your soul and you will notice the difference immediately.
The local Salvation Army noticeboard displays this message this month: “7 days without prayer makes one weak.” Exactly so! And this Full Moon in Pisces might have the effect of making us feel weak. This is because many of us are running on empty. We wouldn’t do it to our cars; we fill our tanks with fuel as soon as necessary yet we don’t fill up our human tanks with the necessary fuel, which is the energy of the universe, the energy from our souls. We need to connect to our Soul Pump daily, if possible, and fill up with energy and magic and inspiration and motivation and feel-good vibes. All it takes is a few minutes in silent conversation with our soul, opening our hearts to receive its abundance, and opening our minds to receive answers and guidance. Ask for magic to happen and it will undoubtedly appear!
Jupiter is now in Virgo for the next year, and the Sun is here too for a month. This means the focus will be on purity (Virgo is the Virgin). This doesn’t mean no sex for a month! But it will draw attention to anything and anywhere that needs purifying and reorganising: diets and health regimes, spring-cleaning urges, pruning gardens, clearing out cupboards and garages, doing the filing, sprucing up the home or office or environment, and implementing efficiencies. Workloads will probably increase in other ways too and it will be a busy year for most.
Jupiter loves growth and Virgo is an Earth sign so it should be a good year for gardens and farming, but could also highlight any food issues such as famine or food security.
Make the most of the final few weeks of Saturn in Scorpio to let go of any old thinking and stuff so that you are primed and ready on 19 September for over two years of Saturn in Sagittarius (until 21 Dec 2017). Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, so again we’ll have a period of growth and expansion but especially related to studying and education, travel, culture, philosophy, and ethics. Racial and religious tensions and refugee crises will probably intensify, unfortunately, and we’ll be asked to make moral decisions on how the world will need to move forwards from hereon. Our group consciousness will pave the way, so how we think individually will contribute to the outcome. We cannot delegate this responsibility to others.
Jupiter/Sagittarius represents the High Priest or High Priestess, and this means spiritual guidance, so there’s a good chance for magic making more of an appearance in the next couple of years and for intuition to be increasingly utilised. Jupiter in legend is the king of the gods, and he is linked with good fortune and optimism and lucky opportunities. This will be like a breath of fresh air after the darkness of the previous three years when Saturn was in Scorpio,
It’s definitely time to grow and fly and spread your wings! Enjoy!
Much love and many blessings,
Lady Master Pallas Athena – The Magic Show
There is much water that has run under the bridge since we last spoke and the waters are beginning to run clearer now and we shall see things more clearly and we shall see to the bottom of things.
And with this new clarity, what shall we do with it? Our eyes shall be opened, our hearts opened too, and all the universe shall be there in all its glory for us to see as if for the first time. Make what you will of it. All will have their own take on it. And some will not know what to think and they will be guided by others. But know in your own hearts what it is you are seeing and what it means to you. Yes, magical times indeed!
As we open up this world a little bit more, like the petals of a lotus opening to the universe, there will be some who shall be scared and they will close up again immediately, but try and stay the distance for the more familiar you become of something the less scared you are. And as you make out what you are seeing it will become a delight to you, a source of pleasure, a source of love. For who could not love the garden of the universe and all its many delights?
Some will not see these things and will wonder at the mind states of others. And these others may wonder at the mind states of themselves! For these are things that humans have not experienced for many a long millennia. We must go back into prehistory to find a time when Heaven had opened its doors before. Yes, this is what is happening, and as you open the doors of your heart, so Heaven will open its doors to you.
So let us begin this rapprochement, this bringing together of two sides in friendship and love and respect. There is much we can teach each other. Let us be the true balance of human and soul upon this Earth.
Dreams will begin to manifest now like fireworks exploding over a desert. So hold onto your hearts and minds for it shall be a firecracker of a time if you are watching from the sidelines. We invite you to be drawn into the magic and the mystery for it shall be a secret no longer. Prepare to be amazed and astounded. There is nothing like a good magic show, is there?
I am Lady Athena, preparing for my tricks which shall be no illusion.
Lady Master Pallas Athena channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 26 August 2015
July 2015
Dearest Friends,
Time to Nurture
Happy New Moon in Cancer today! It’s all about mothering, nurturing, home and family, and I hope it provides the antidote to the previous Full Moon in Capricorn (back, spine, knees, hard work, structure, support, responsibility). I fell foul of that Capricorn Moon quite literally and ended up in hospital for four days with what felt like a broken back. It didn’t break but I still can’t bend in the middle or sit down, hence I’m writing this lying down flat and will stand up to type it later! So, this week I’m looking for a little mothering and nurturing for myself!
The Full Moon and New Moons in any one month are always a balance to one another, the polarity to each other, and Capricorn represents the strong masculine fatherly way of doing things, and Cancer represents the gentle, feminine, motherly way of getting outcomes. Neither is wrong. We need to apply both forms in our lives for the best results, and knowing which hat to wear at which appropriate time is the key here also.
If we have been working too hard or feel the stress and pressures of too much responsibility and too little support, then our backs and knees and structural systems are likely to give way and we will need the tender caring of the Cancerian world.
The down side to Cancerian energy is that it can make us feel a bit too needy and fearful and insecure, so then we need to tap into the Capricorn energy and support ourselves with better structures and lifestyles. I saw on this morning’s TV news that a house which was being built suddenly collapsed into a big hole. This is typical of Capricorn-Cancer energies; Capricorn = structure and building, Cancer = a big emotional pit to fall into.
This New Moon sees four planets in Cancer, so the energy will be pretty huge this week; either positively nurturing or negatively insecure.
Take the time this month to try to relax more, as Lady Sedna suggests below. Venus will be going retrograde (backwards) from 26 July so this will mean going inwards and doing work on loving ourselves and getting ourselves strong and beautiful and harmonious in every way.
From July 27, all the outer planets (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron) will all be retrograde along with Venus. It means a time to pull inwards and reflect, for worldly affairs as well as our own. It could mean a recession as all energies will be focused inwardly on thinking and planning, and action won’t be possible for a while.
The Full Moon in Aquarius on 31 July is the second full moon of the month, making it a Blue Moon, in the sign of sudden unexpected change, so I guess anything could happen at this time! Go with the flow!
Love and blessings and nurturing hugs to you all,
Personal Astrology Readings
If you would like your own personal astrology reading to understand what is happening for you at this present time and for the next few years, I can do this for you either as a phone or Skype session for a half or a full hour, or I can send you an email with your major highlights.
(I have just done this for someone travelling in the Himalayas who needed some guidance. There is no tyranny of distance anymore!!!)
More details at http://earthwithspirit.com/ews-astrology-services/
Just send me a email to let me know what you need and we can arrange it from there. sophia@earthwithspirit.com
Lady Master Sedna – Relaxation
The topic today, Sophia, is relaxation, for you are sorely in need of it. You fly around like a bumble bee, hither and thither, busy, busy, busy. You take little time for proper rest and wonder why you are worn out at day’s end. So come, my lady, put away your books now and enjoy yourself, otherwise your week will just become one blur of work and you will have nothing to look back upon to say you had fun.
So let us relax now, all of us together. The day is done. It is time to go inwards to reflect and to plan a little, to connect with loved ones, and to settle down the world for the night. If you are just about your own business then you cannot invest time to help out the rest of the world. So let us have more ‘we’ rather than ‘me’. I realise your work is not selfish work; it is all targeted at others, but it is a lot of head work and we wish for you to give more time to heart work where you just rest, allowing your heart to merge with others so that you feel that connection, that strength that comes from being a part of a network, a family. Otherwise you are just a lone string dangling by yourself and this would not give pleasure to anyone.
So, relaxation is not merely a time for downing tools and watching TV, or playing sport, or swimming in the ocean. Relaxation is a time for the body and mind to rest, for you to remember you are part of a divine matrix. And you need to tap into this at least once a day, sometimes more. Just as you need fuel for your car to keep going, so too do you need divine energy to keep you moving and flowing. Otherwise, your car, your body, your mind, will start seizing up and giving you trouble.
So, relaxation is also a kind of work, divine work, exceedingly pleasurable work, and we encourage you to indulge in this kind of work much more often. The rest of your work will still get done. In fact, it will be much more pleasurable to do so. You will come at it from a higher place and it will be more effortless and you will find you will have much less resistance towards it.
So light that fire inside your heart and lie down beside it. Close your eyes and enter a wonderful world of divinity and love, softness, kindness, where all is right, all is wellness. And spread your light to all around you that others may benefit from it and more can then enter yourself. Be a pump for divine energy. Let it come into you and let it flow out of you. This is the true way to relax.
I am Lady Sedna, mother of relaxation techniques and tender of bodies.
Lady Master Sedna channelled by Sophia Ovidne, from “Lady Sedna’s Ascension Handbook” available from Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/Lady-Sednas-Ascension-Handbook-Sedna/dp/1503500055
June 2015
Dearest Friends,
Your Personal Odyssey
I’m currently working my way through a beautiful book “The Angels Within Us” by John Randolph Price, which aligns an Angel with each major card of the Tarot, 22 of them. Today’s Angel that I’m working with is the Angel of Victory and Triumph, representing The Chariot card in the Tarot.
This Angel is all about persistence and having the determination, courage, will, and steadfastness to overcome the obstacles and problems that litter our life and cause us to feel like failures, or that it’s futile to try to get ahead or achieve anything worthwhile. How often do we say to ourselves, “What’s the point?”.
It reminds me of the great story from Greek legend about the hero, Odysseus, and the journey of ten years he was forced to take that became known as ‘The Odyssey’. An odyssey is the name for any long eventful journey. Odysseus spent a decade trying to return home after being in the Trojan war, when the gods sent him one challenge after another, wrecking his boat and his plans, tempting him almost beyond endurance, provoking him to face his demons, and demanding his utmost ingenuity and bravery.
Many of us go through our own personal odyssey, and often we may wonder why we are being so punished or put through the hell of adversity, loss, failure, illness, or abandonment. The answer is that this is a journey of transformation. It is no punishment on the part of God or the universe, but part of our training so that we emerge as a god ourselves, as someone who has found their strength, resilience, and enlightenment through being forged in the fires of life. It is as though we are raw recruits in God’s army and have to go through Boot Camp before we pass muster as a whole and harmonious individual and useful member of the divine team.
Like Odysseus, we need to be courageous as we face the travails of this life. It was never promised to us that life would be all smooth sailing and ease. The universe is both light and darkness and we need to be trained as Masters of both elements. When challenges present themselves, we can either go to pieces and wail at the Fates, or we can be determined to be resourceful and strong and present our best face and give it our best shot. We need to acknowledge the reality in front of us in this moment and let go of all “if only” thinking, and gather all options for moving forward from here.
Resilience and courage are hardly ever taught in schools or even in the home. They should be. They are essential traits for living in this world. And coupled with an unshakeable belief and trust in our spirit self as our guide and navigator, this will be what gets us through our odyssey.
With Saturn moving back into Scorpio this week for the next few months until mid-September, this may be the time for many personal odysseys to reach their climax and then completion. After this, Saturn then moves into Sagittarius for the next few years, and focus will turn from dealing with personal darkness to more optimistic paths where growth and expansion will feature and spiritual intuition will become more widespread. Something to look forward to – a new odyssey into light and joy!
I wish you many blessings on your journeys this month, and know that Angels are with you always, whether you are aware of them or not.
With love and hugs,
P.S. Check out my new-look website www.earthwithspirit.com. Thank you to Trevor Foster, my clever website magician!
Master Serapis Bey – Determination
I have always been an advocate of pulling up one’s boot straps when one is faced with a challenge. It is too easy to fall in a heap and to say we cannot go on, or that it can’t be done, or utilise any number of excuses for not going forward. Determination is a treasured trait, and too few of us have this attribute, and fall or fail before the winning post. And so I am determined to instil determination in all my students, to make them eager to press on, to make them salivate for the rewards that come from crossing the finish line.
And it will not come from kicking people when they are down, when they say they are finished long before the end. We must use urging and persuasion and empathy, compassion and companionship. Yes, mateship will often get us over the line where bald authority fails miserably. Commanding someone to get up and complete their work does not usually cut it, but giving people reasons to go on will usually appeal to their rational side. And so we must use good psychology upon ourselves and others if we want to see people complete their odysseys.
And as we help others so shall they help us too, in this spirit of mateship, this spirit of oneness. So let us devise ways to be kinder to others, to appreciate their obstacles, their fears, their trembling when faced with their challenges. And just as we might help a blind man across a busy road, so too will others come to guide us when we feel blinded, lost, or confused. And just as we might help an old lady with her heavy bags of shopping, so too might others come and help us be relieved of our burdens from time to time. And just as we might help others when they are feeling overwhelmed by work or life itself, so will we too be assisted to find an easier and less complicated path ahead.
But do not give up, do not ever give up. There is always a path ahead even if we may not see it in this instant. And one may miraculously appear from out of nowhere if you have the faith to consider that it could be so. God has a much greater imagination than we have, so ask God to find a way through for us when we cannot see one in our maze.
It will take a letting go of the ego which thinks that it knows all the answers, and allowing God’s fresh blood and ideas to flow through us and show us the way. So let us surrender our humanness for a while. Surrender all control and allow our divine self to take the steering wheel. And it is from this position that we shall find our way Home.
Let us see the new generation of victors before us now, for triumph is awaiting us and all that we have ever dreamt of by way of love and peace. So many are so close I can feel the breath of your spirit upon my heart. Come, just a few steps more and you shall be in my arms, and within the arms of all you have known and loved, back Home with your true family once again.
Thus did Odysseus return Home too.
I am Master Serapis Bey, sentinel at the finish line and presenter of laurel wreaths.
Master Serapis Bey channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 12 June 2015
May 2015
Dearest Friends,
Twin Flames
Happy New Moon to everyone, a New Moon in Taurus, ruled by Venus and all about leisure and pleasure (love, friends, sensuality, the arts, values, and finances). At this time, many will be looking for love, so this month I wish to speak about Twin Flames, as this kind of partnership is not what many people think it is.
Most of us are hoping to meet and be with the ideal partner for the rest of our lives. Nothing wrong in that! And there is a Twin Flame out there, someone who is the other half of us who we need to reunite with and find wholeness with. It is as if we are a magic wand that’s been broken in two, and we seek the other side of us. When we find the person who matches our broken edge perfectly and mends us into wholeness again, we feel ecstatic and divine.
However, it is not just this edge that we will need to love in this person. We need to accept the entire rest of the wand they bring to us. And here’s the rub—the further away from us the wand extends, the more difficult it is to find harmony with that part. At the extreme end of the wand, the other person is in complete opposition to our own end of the wand. Conflict often abounds until both parties can work their way through to loving the total polarity to who they are and unconditionally accept opposing points of view and behaviours. This is where Twin Flame relationships fall over time and time again. The part of the wand where they are together and compatible is wonderful. The polarities of the wand mean a mastery of love is needed, within oneself and for the other. It defeats many people, and then hearts are torn in two again and the other is pushed away.
Another thing to consider too is that before we can find wholeness with another, we usually need to find a certain degree of wholeness within ourselves. We cannot expect another to fill the holes in us. The more we are whole within ourselves before we meet a Twin Flame, the more likely we are to succeed in that relationship because we will not have expectations that the other will meet our needs and desires. We will not have an agenda for them and they will feel free to be themselves.
Whether we want a Twin Flame relationship or not, in all relationships we need to find a way to love and accept polarities to ourselves, or even just differences in looks, culture, religion, politics, or attitudes. Lady Pallas Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, this month spells out for us the need for harmony between us if we wish to live in a harmonious world. We can take that first step today!
It’s liable to be a big week for overcoming challenges to love, with Venus (love, harmony) opposing Pluto (darkness, transformation), the Sun (light) opposing Saturn (control, limitation), and Mars (action, anger) trine the North Node (destiny). Jupiter and Juno, the king and queen of the gods and married to one another, are together in Leo (sign of the heart). In legend, there was much conflict in their marriage—just like us mere mortals they were trying to find love, respect, and forgiveness for one another. It is an eternal journey for us all—to become love, and let nothing and no one taint that love within us.
Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, sign of the Twins, is currently transiting through Gemini and is turning retrograde this week (until June 11). This energy augurs a time to go inwards and ponder and reflect on our thinking and beliefs. Communications may go awry in the external world and delays may be experienced and contracts may fall apart. Allow this three week hiatus to play itself out and try not to force action or it may backfire. After June 11, all will begin to flow more easily again.
Until then, we are being gifted a few weeks of ‘down time’ so we can get our thoughts and hearts in order.
Have a beautiful few weeks of leisure and pleasure and finding your hearts falling into place.
Many blessings and hugs to all my dear friends,
Lady Master Pallas Athena – Lovingness
These are times for the goddess to show true love. There is much that has been cast against her throughout the ages, much to be resentful for, to cast aspersions for, much reason to hold umbrage in one’s heart. But when will we ever change the world unless we can cast out all this fear and darkness and these grudges? The men have been fighting over them for millennia. Let us goddesses now show the way. Let us be fearsome and fearless in showing our love, in holding onto our love and light no matter what is done to us, or said to us, or said about us. We must be strong, dear sweet ladies, and we must show our strength and resilience. And let us not be stones that can be easily cast down, but let us be edifices that will last the distance.
There is no more powerful thing in the universe than love. So let us use the power of our love to transform this world, to transform all hearts. When we are bathing in a sea of love, our work will be done. But while there are still thorns in our side and pain in our hearts there is work yet to do. And we must start with ourselves to ensure we are nothing but love, that love fills our every cell and seeps from our every pore.
Let us not blame others for our own lack of love and lovingness. Let us empty out the darkness that is like sewage upon our lovely souls. Let us find love and acceptance and forgiveness for every man, woman, and child. And let us goddesses blaze the way to show others how it can be if we live in harmony.
There is no bigger pitfall and trap than not forgiving others as they try to make their way through the mayhem of this world and of their past. Each one of us is struggling to overcome, and as we struggle we may not be in a pleasant place nor show a pleasant face. Yet deep inside each one of us lies a diamond heart filled with purest love. And we are each making our way to this place. And the way is hard and unforgiving, so we will need all the forgiveness we can find and manufacture.
Treat people as you would wish to be treated, and gradually a wave will ripple through the world and soothe our souls.
Let us find bonds with all around us, not to tie them up or tie them down, but links between our hearts and souls that hold us together. In unity, our matrix will be strong. In disunity, our matrix will be broken and Heaven shall fall apart.
Amass love in your heart today and you will find Heaven will sow a garden there.
I am Lady Pallas Athena, sower of the seeds of Heaven and grower of heavenly love.
Lady Master Pallas Athena channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 18 May 2015
April 2015
Dearest Friends,
Chuckling about my loss
I’m having a big chuckle here because my Ovidne.com website has suddenly collapsed and disappeared over this Easter weekend, and it is so very much in synchronicity with Divine Timing. Read Master Hilarion’s message below, and then I’ll fill you in on the whole story once you have Hilarion’s salient insights.
Master Hilarion – Flying to the New World
Let us go ahead now at a cracking pace, for the energies are uplifting us today. Let us fly with them. And my mind is concentrating on flying today, flying at altitude in the rare air, high above the plains (planes) of Earth.
Let us be sombre and serious as we view what is going on down below; spirals of smoke where things are being burnt—the old is being looted and burnt away; deluges of water covering what once could be seen; mudslides suffocating the land. All is in foment as this world is changing. The old is being covered up or done away with, and new layers take its place.
But if we fly further on, we can see new scenes of building and activity. The vision is one of light. So even while the old world is cracking up and disappearing before our eyes, a new world is rising up before us now.
So we should not give in to despair and only focus on the old and the wrecked, but move our eyes and our hearts towards the light and the horizon, for there is the beginning of our new dynasty, a new epoch. Let us throw our all into this new vision and help it manifest upon the Earth.
Use your wings to fly away from the old towards the new. Recognise what has been lost but also delight in what is being gained. Transitions are always an unpleasant place to be. But with time we shall get through this and each day we fly nearer to our new Earth.
So hold your course and don’t look down, but look forward. Keep your heart in its right place and surround yourself with love. And you will be carried by the tides and washed up on the shore of our beautiful new Heaven, and be welcomed as one of its first residents.
Ponder on this today.
I was already transitioning between two worlds, leaving behind my old Ovidne persona and totally stepping into my new Sophia self. For the past three years I have been making this metamorphosis, coming to grips with my new mission (to be a Way-Finder) and my new Sophia astrology, like a new-born and then as a toddler. For those who know about these things, I am now a Taurus Sun with Capricorn Moon, Leo Ascendant, and Sagittarius North Node (my destiny is to teach, publish, and travel).
I was already preparing a new website (earthwithspirit.com), with the intention of dropping the Ovidne.com website within the next few months. But Divine Timing had other plans, and whipped the old website away before I was totally ready! (Maybe I had been procrastinating too long?)
So, for the next few days or so, I am in The Void, between two worlds, between two websites. Ovidne has gone; Sophia is taking her place properly in the world now. The old world is dropping away, like Hilarion says, and it’s time to look forwards and embrace the New World and visualise what we want to build there, in the light.
I’m sure, never before in the history of the world, has anyone been so amused at the death of their functioning website. We’ll be back online soon, with a new look and fresh energies, and eager to build that new world of light and love and harmony.
If you’re wondering how to find your way to this new world, check out my new Way-Finder Workshop. 5 days of magic, discovering the map for your journey. Don’t feel lost or confused any longer—find the way to your true destiny!
For more details and bookings, please click the link below:
Way-Finder Workshops : May 11-15 and June 22-26
Have a wonderful month flying to the New World.
With love, Sophia
P.S. I’m now using the name Ovidne as my surname.
Master Hilarion channelled by Sophia Ovidne, 9 Apr 2015
March 2015
Dearest Friends,
Age of Aquarius
We are currently transitioning from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. We have been in the Age of Pisces for the past 2000 years, and you can appreciate this is quite a momentous time as we move into a new 2000 year era, governed by new energies and new paradigms.
In the past three months we have been getting a huge dose of the energies of both these signs, as we clear up the remnants of issues from the Age of Pisces and begin to experience the new influences of the Age of Aquarius. The Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars have all been moving through Aquarius and Pisces this year, and the slower-moving Neptune and Chiron have been firmly fixed in Pisces for many years and will remain there for many years to come. Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, will stay in Pisces until our transition into the Age of Aquarius is complete in 2025, as if he is overseeing the handover until the very end. 2025 is also when Pluto, the planet of transformation, death and rebirth, enters the sign of Aquarius where he will stay for almost twenty years, an entire generation.
On March 20, we will experience a New Moon in Pisces, at the very final degree of that sign (each sign consists of 30 degrees), again as if signifying the ending of the Age of Pisces. New Moons signify new beginnings and this one represents the beginning of the end!
These Piscean energies we have been feeling intensely since Christmas can sometimes play out as weakness and helplessness, as a victim mentality and a plaintive cry of “It’s not fair!”. It is a very watery sign but Neptune, its ruler, would be the first to tell us how water is not weak but a force to be reckoned with. Pisces is also the sign of spirituality and of connection with other realms. Therefore, this final phase of Piscean energies is to remind us of our connection to spirit. Utilising the support this connection with spirit gives us, we can become strong and resilient upon this Earth and bring in heavenly energies and concepts to change the way humanity thinks and acts.
The Age of Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, the strange planet that spins vertically instead of horizontally, will auger a new epoch of raised consciousness. Aquarian-Uranus energy is very electrical, and Uranus often strikes us like a lightning bolt to raise our awareness and bring us enlightenment, or to toast our backsides into making essential changes. So, all will be changed for sure as we enter this new age. It has been happening for several decades already, but now we are ramping up in these final ten years.
Aquarius will focus on revolution for evolution, the evolution of the human into a spirit being who resides on Earth in human form. A new higher consciousness will be prevalent where humanity works in unity to foster a better Earth and begins to explore exciting new realms. In the Age of Pisces we discovered what the Earth had to offer. In the Age of Aquarius we will discover what the universe has to offer.
This coming week has the potential for a few Aquarian-Uranus fireworks to go off, when Mars, Uranus, Pluto, and Jupiter all bounce together. Mars is the planet of action and the warrior, and may be the trigger for revolutionary Uranus and underworld Pluto to cause a big change in the way things are. We need to remember that change is essential if we are to progress and move forward in our evolution, and what can seem like a tragic or disastrous situation can actually be the impetus for a profound rethink in the way we, or the world, operates.
Next week too, around 17 March, Uranus has a final exact squaring off with Pluto. It will more than likely see the death of something that needed to be let go of, an icon of the old world and old way of doing things. Out of the destruction and ashes, a Phoenix will be born, the birth of new consciousness.,
We are in the death throes of the old world. We ourselves may feel like we want to die, and indeed, Pisces is the sign representing suicide too, but what we will be feeling, in truth, is the need to die to our old humanness, old programming, old closed hearts and minds. So we will need to focus on the new self we wish to be, a human with arms and legs but with the wings of spirit. We are becoming a new species on Earth, half human, half spirit.
So let us celebrate this wondrous and magnificent transition and our entree into the fabulous and unexplored realms of the Age of Aquarius. Just as Columbus and Cook set out to cross uncharted oceans during the Age of Pisces, let us be brave enough now to open our hearts and minds to the uncharted dimensions of the Age of Aquarius.
I wish you a month of discovery that sets your heart aflame with anticipation of what is to come.
With love, hugs, and blessings,
Two beautiful new books for The Age of Aquarius!
‘Lady Sedna’s Ascension Handbook’ by Lady Sedna and Sophia Ovidne
‘The Getting of Wisdom, Book Two’ by El Morya and Sophia Ovidne
The first ever book channelled by Lady Sedna, “Lady Sedna’s Ascension Handbook”, all about reaching Ascension and what is expected of you as an Ascended Master walking on Earth, and a second volume of wonderful wisdom from El Morya with “The Getting of Wisdom, Book Two”.
Click on the link below to take you straight to them in Amazon.com.
Master El Morya – Helplessness
I am wanting to speak about helplessness today for it is a tragedy that strikes down many people. Helplessness is a learned thing which starts when we are in our cradle, where we are indeed quite helpless for a while. But we humans prolong this state by not encouraging our babies and our children to fend more for themselves, to explore their world and work things out in their own way. We foster helplessness in people by doing too much for them, by thinking that we are assisting and serving them from the goodness of our hearts.
Sometimes, it has to be said, that we need to be cruel to be kind, and while I do not advocate cruelty, I do believe that we must be more disciplined in our approach and help people to stand on their own two legs and learn how to cope with the vicissitudes of life. Granted, some have a weaker constitution than others, but it is strength that we need to help them to find, to discover within themselves, for everyone has this strength; it is just buried beneath layers of thinking that they cannot cope, that they do not have the skills to go forward.
So we must encourage people, and teach them how to uncover their strength and their coping skills and take responsibility for themselves, otherwise we shall just become a welfare world where people who do not wish to make the effort will just wait for help to come, and it will indeed.
I am not speaking here of those cases who genuinely need assistance, either temporarily or permanently, for these are the times we must open our hearts and give generously of our time and effort. But many are hiding beneath the banner of ‘I cannot cope’ or ‘I need help’ when truly the help that they need is in being taught resilience and inner strength.
So, as Masters, look within yourselves and see if you are not trailing this banner behind you, and shore yourself up that you may go out there and teach others these skills, for they are sorely needed. Let us have a race of humans who are strong and sure-footed and able to face the challenges that are presented every day. Let us teach about power, the power within all of us to meet the challenges of our destiny and grow into our full potential. Weakness does not become us, so let us solidify and become substantial.
So next time before you cry for help and assume the posture of helplessness, pause for a moment and wonder how you can help yourself.
Master El Morya channelled by Sophia-Ovidne, from ‘The Getting of Wisdom, Book Two’
February 2015
Dearest Friends,
I was woken suddenly this morning in the early hours, noting the time and groaning, and I couldn’t get back to sleep for ages. Later I discovered an earthquake had hit at the time I had been woken up, not so nearby to be directly affected but near enough for my body to feel the strange vibrations. I chuckled because The Tower Tarot card was face up beside my bed, representing being shaken to one’s foundations. It’s a portent of the weeks ahead!
This Thursday’s New Moon (Feb 19) is on the very cusp, the tipping point, between Aquarius and Pisces and is the second Aquarian New Moon in a month, so we could see a similar theme playing out as around January 21, but with a softer and more forgiving touch. Six planets (Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Neptune, Chiron) are also in water signs at this New Moon so it’s possible we will be feeling very emotional.
Aquarius energy is strange, bizarre even. It is electrical energy; the symbol for Aquarius resembles two water waves but they are actually vibrational waves. It can leave us feeling very restless, even mentally agitated and rebellious. Since late January we’ve been bombarded by Aquarius and Pisces energy, and many people will have been experiencing disconnection, or the desire for separation from others, or feeling sorry for themselves, floundering in self-pity or a victim mentality. Ripe times for revolution! It’s time to get rid of any toxic relationships, to be prepared to move on alone if necessary, but also to be aware of opportunities to rise to a new level of consciousness and understanding about our relationships. Aquarius energy used positively is about moving humanity forwards into the Age of Aquarius, the new Golden Age, stepping into higher consciousness and being inventive and inspirational.
This New Moon offers us an opportunity to bring in forgiveness and compassion and more spiritual understanding of our issues. The day before this moon, passions may run high with Vesta, the goddess of fire, dancing with the North Node of Destiny, and on the day after this moon, there may be strong words in relationships or with partners. During the entire week there will be a focus on partners and relationship issues with a need for balance of male and female energies. Feminine equality could be a hot topic. This week will be a shake up to check if partnerships have strong foundations, including the partnership between our human and spirit selves. Any disconnection will cause us pain, and re-connection needs to be established. With Saturn featuring all week as well, challenges and lessons will abound and we will probably also feel our responsibilities keenly but will have an abundance of energy and determination to do whatever is necessary to resolve things.
As Venus and Mars move into Aries from this coming weekend, so action and new beginnings become more possible. But they will be keeping company with Uranus which will mean sudden and unexpected situations and may even increase the likelihood of separation especially during the first half of March. It’s a very volatile period and balance will be required, with love, relaxation, and harmony countered by action and the pulls of work. All is a-changing, that will be for sure! Read what Lady Quan Yin also has to say about it all below.
This New Moon also brings in the Chinese New Year, the Year of the Wood Goat. Once again it’s all about relationships this year, being kind-hearted and generous and focusing on friendship. Happy Chinese New Year and may we all celebrate and appreciate our partners, families, and friends without whose love the world would be a very sad and lonely place!
Many blessings for a harmonious month,
Two beautiful new books now out. Buy online!
‘Lady Sedna’s Ascension Handbook’ by Lady Sedna and Sophia Ovidne
‘The Getting of Wisdom, Book Two’ by El Morya and Sophia Ovidne
The first ever book channelled by Lady Sedna, “Lady Sedna’s Ascension Handbook”, all about reaching Ascension and what is expected of you as an Ascended Master walking on Earth, and a second volume of wonderful wisdom from El Morya with “The Getting of Wisdom, Book Two”.
Click on the link below to take you straight to them in Amazon.com.
‘Lady Sedna’s Ascension Handbook’ by Lady Sedna and Sophia Ovidne
We are becoming a new species of human being. Our consciousness and the cells of our physical bodies are being transformed by light and love. We are beginning to experience living in a new dimension but here on Earth, right now. This transformation to a new way of being is known as ascension.
Lady Sedna is one of the most senior elders amongst the Ascended Masters, training and guiding apprentices along the Ascension Path until they are fully operational as a being of love, wisdom, and power, and utilising their Mastery for the benefit of this planet and her people.
In over one hundred messages she has channelled through Sophia Ovidne, Lady Sedna has brought together a kind of user manual for ascension. It contains the criteria for reaching ascension, and also for maintaining this position, for the challenges from our everyday world are always knocking at our door and threatening to unseat us from our thrones.
However, this is not an instruction manual with detailed steps for Enlightenment. Each pilgrim’s journey is too unique and customised for that. But in her messages, Lady Sedna finds a way to provide answers to everyone who searches for one. Her insight, compassion, understanding, and straightforwardness, make her an ideal mentor as we struggle to embrace and to figure out what is happening to us as we are transformed from base metal into gold. There are few people on Earth who yet have this knowledge and experience to be able to share it with us and assist us.
This Handbook is a gift from Heaven, a map when we are lost and confused, a balm when we are frustrated and hurting, and an inspiration when we are stuck in the lower levels and need reminding how to fly.
‘The Getting of Wisdom, Book Two’ by El Morya and Sophia Ovidne
In this follow up to The Getting of Wisdom, Book One, Ascended Master El Morya once again enthralls us with seventy five new discourses, channelled through Sophia Ovidne. This volume, packed with his enlightened wisdom, covers topics that are generally more metaphysical than in Book One, so expect to be a little surprised and delighted. Morya’s words are preparing us for a new world and a new way of being.
Subjects range from understanding magic, the nature of the universe and other dimensions, to understanding the nature of our emotions and how blockages and resistance prevent us from manifesting our dreams and our ideal world.
Morya has a mesmerising way with words, and his presence is powerfully felt as we ponder on his messages and how they apply to ourselves. His warm and fatherly humour touches our heart, providing new understanding and support for our, sometimes lonely, journey. Master El Morya is always spot on in helping us move out of limiting old ways of thinking and being and towards a more harmonious, fulfilling, and loving life.
Available from Amazon.com and other online bookstores in paperback and e-book formats.
Click on the link below to take you straight to them in Amazon.com.
Lady Quan Yin – The Tempest
The wind is whipping up today, storms are all around us, and for some of us, inside us. So how shall we withstand these tempests? It will not be through fighting back in anger or from our pain.
We shall need to hold onto our centres as the storm rages around us. We shall need to be strong, our foundations held firmly in place. And we shall need to know what we stand for, for if we are in doubt then others may chisel our trust in ourselves away from underneath us. So all may crumble if our roots are not firmly in place, cemented in stone.
But you know what it is like once a storm has been through. The air is cleared and there is great clarity to the horizon. There is a sense of new beginnings, of electrifying energy, and a huge desire to rebuild and re-establish. The old is going; we have been telling you this for years. The old ways are evaporating, are being demolished, swept away. We can no longer conserve that which is not the truth, that which has not been built upon love.
So, let you see what is still standing after the storm has moved through. It is no loss for better days and better love are coming. And on this we must hold all our hopes. For the light that is entering our world now will tolerate nothing that isn’t pure, that isn’t love. This cloud of the new dimension will engulf us all eventually. Let us open our hearts to it and be prepared to be transformed.
Join the side of love and you will be bowled over by our heartfulness, but you will not be bowled over by the winds of change.
I am Lady Quan Yin, convenor of the new creation that is to be our new world.
Lady Quan Yin channelled by Sophia-Ovidne, 16 Feb 2015
January 2015
Dearest Friends,
Happy New Year to you all. I hope you survived Monday’s Full Moon in Cancer which had Pluto, Uranus, and the North and South Nodes (your destiny) in the mix too. It portended a truly transformational time – and it certainly unfolded that way for me.
On Monday itself, I was transported to a new level of spirituality and experienced both death to the old self (Pluto’s influence), and an introduction to a new way of being (Uranus’ influence), all the while being guided by Lady Sedna (the mother influence of both the Moon and Cancer). Master El Morya came in, too, as the father influence. (I will share this amazing process in my new workshop “Way-Finder” which I will be presenting later this year.)
Then on Tuesday, yesterday, new layers of myself became visible to me for the first time ever, after peeling away the old self, and down I went into the Underworld of deep emotions, weeping, and pain. I was guided to watch two consecutive movies on TV: “The Descendants” starring George Clooney (always a pleasure!), and a Danish movie “In a Better World”. Amazingly enough, both very disparate films featured a mother who died and the subsequent behaviour of the children left behind who had no means of dealing with their loss and trauma and who acted out in strange, tragic, or violent ways. The remaining parents had no idea how to manage these children either, but it was clear that all they needed was love, understanding, communication, and above all, hugs! But the parents were caught up in their own dramas and pain and couldn’t see beyond that.
When I turned twenty, my own mother died, after committing suicide at the age of 42, and even though it’s been nearly 42 years since then (42 is a half Uranus cycle of 84 years, which can suddenly present us with crisis and higher understanding), I obviously have not dealt totally with all the emotions and pain from that episode in my life, and these two movies did the job of triggering it all off for me again. I howled and let out all the stored woundedness that I’d hidden beneath strength and stoicism for over four decades. No one had ever hugged me at that vulnerable time in my youth, or taken care of me, or supported me (I was the oldest of five children and we were now all orphaned, my father having died the year before.) We tell ourselves to just get on with life but, deep inside, our Inner Child lies seriously wounded and needing help, emerging as depression or neediness or aloofness in later life, treating others as they themselves have been treated, covering up pain by closing off the heart and connection with others.
This morning when I woke, I had to deal with this Inner Child of mine who needed a lot of love and hugs today, and there were no family or friends close by to give it. The Masters of my Divine Family came through to me and displayed their beautiful and nurturing love to me and hugged me etherically, and then I took myself off to a nearby country town to treat my Inner Child to a day out of fun and sun.
The drive there was actually through torrential rain, at first, and I wondered at my insanity in being out on the road in it. But I had faith in my intuition which had guided me here, and I offered up the challenging conditions to the universe as representing “driving through all my emotions and pain”. Ten minutes or so into the drive, the rain stopped, the sun came out, and I was driving through the beautiful and verdant Mary Valley (named after another famous mother, I wondered?), on my way to coffee and cheesecake at a very nurturing cafe, aptly named, “Nanna McGinns”.
As I write these words in this cafe, I am feeling hugely buoyed by my experience and by the universe, and by the opportunity of sharing this with you all, my dear friends around the world.
I hope you will find it in yourself this week to love and hug all those around you, to spend time looking into the eyes of children and parents and truly communicating, connecting, and listening to their needs, spoken and silent. Sometimes, all that is needed is to feel loved, even just to be acknowledged and seen. Our childhood years set us up as adults and parents. Let us prepare the children of today for a future where love and hugs are the natural order of things. And let us heal the children of yesterday who are still hurting in their adult years and just need love and hugs no matter how old they may be on the outside.
Wednesday, 14 January, and also Monday, 19 January, would be excellent days to further these bonds of love. Thursday, 15 January, and Tuesday, 20 January, are major transformational days for everyone’s destiny, so this preparatory ‘love’ work the day prior to transformation can only benefit us all. This month is a major turning point for everyone, with last Monday’s Full Moon just the start of things to come. Hold onto your hats! And I will see you at the other side next month.
Until then, all my love and hugs most sincerely, for we are all children of the One God, all brothers and sisters together.
‘The Getting of Wisdom, Book Two’ by El Morya and Sophia Ovidne
‘Lady Sedna’s Ascension Handbook’ by Lady Sedna and Sophia Ovidne
A second volume of wonderful wisdom from El Morya with “The Getting of Wisdom, Book Two”, and the first ever book channelled by Lady Sedna, “Lady Sedna’s Ascension Handbook”, all about reaching Ascension and what is expected of you as an Ascended Master walking on Earth.
Available from Amazon.com and other online bookstores in paperback and e-book formats.
Click on the link below to take you straight to them in Amazon.com.
Lady Quan Yin – A Full Heart
Thank you for this opportunity for setting the record straight, for I fear that many are confused right now, even you yourself, by these energies that are tumbling through the universe and down upon this Earth. Many are being frightened by what they are seeing and hearing and, more importantly, feeling, for they cannot contain these implosions that are detonating within their heads and their hearts.
And so it is we must turn to other means to calm ourselves. For there is nothing out there in the present external world that can do this job, not even Valium, or sex, or a $1000 dress, or a shining Ferrari. Nothing will calm these qualms that are being set off inside you.
And so it is we must turn to a higher dimension altogether. For the rays of love know just what is needed and how to wreathe you in their glory, in their sustenance, and leave a trail of ecstasy in their wake. For there is nothing that the Earth can offer that will match what our souls desire. And it is only when we have found this holy grail that we shall feel satiated and all confusion will be gone.
So we can trick ourselves for a little while and think that our yearnings have been met. But it is the heart’s true needs that we need to meet now. And until this happens there shall always be a leaking in our hearts and all the joy shall drizzle out and we will forever be needing to top it up again. But when a heart can stay full, then we shall remain replete always, and there will be no need to go searching for other forms of nourishment.
The food and the fun that we need is love. So set this on your table and let all partake of it. For there is more than enough to go around and you never need to go hungry. Love is available on tap and on time. It is in the very air that you breathe. It is in the very substance that you are.
I am Lady Quan Yin, mother of the children upon Earth. I give you my heart.
Lady Quan Yin channelled by Sophia-Ovidne, 7 Jan 2015
December 2014
Dearest Friends,
Welcome to the final Message From The Masters for 2014. What a year of transformation it’s been! Read Lady Sedna’s message below to find out what 2015 might be like.
All is about to change again, as Jupiter starts his retrograde (backwards) journey tomorrow, which will last for four long months (more on this below), and Saturn enters the sign of Sagittarius on Christmas Eve after more than two years in intense and transformational Scorpio.
But let us start with this past weekend’s Full Moon in Gemini which is being exacerbated by today’s Sun conjunction with Mercury. It’s all about minding your mind for the next couple of weeks. Some people will have a thirst for learning and teaching, others for communicating and networking (a perfect day for writing my message to you!). Some people will feel it as stress or even insanity.
Breathe deeply and meditate as often as possible to bring on your body’s relaxation response to counteract all your stressors which release cortisol into your system and have you on edge all the time ready for ‘fight or flight’. Meditation releases different chemicals which calm the nerves and relax you. Fun and orgasm have the same effect. Take your pick!
The Gemini Full Moon can also have a balancing effect on Twin Flame relationships or any relationship of soul mates or partnering of polarities. Thus your human self and spirit self will also feel the need for balance and good teamwork. Any relationship imbalance will be highlighted, especially by your partner mirroring back to you any behaviour or beliefs that need to be transformed within yourself. Any disconnection will be exacerbated by Mars in Aquarius right now which could have us desiring separation rather than resolving issues. Forgiveness will be necessary and wiping the slate clean of old grudges and projections onto others.
Monday, 15 December, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day are all days fraught with triggers for anger, frustration, and the tantrums of the inner child, but these days could also be life-changing with opportunities for openness and clearing the air.
Speaking of the inner child, this part of our consciousness, the part that gets easily wounded and triggered off, will be the focus of Jupiter’s four month retrograde sojourn in Leo until Easter. Expect to get wounded and triggered as Jupiter’s energies highlight what needs to be resolved so we can act like mature adults in all situations.
Saturn enters Sagittarius on December 24. Saturn is a prime mover in astrology and wherever he is at any point in time causes the world, and us, to learn massive lessons. If we thought we already had religious conflict across the globe, watch it spiral to new heights in the next two to three years. (Saturn leaves Sagittarius in Dec 2017). Hopefully by the end of 2017, we will see new tolerance and acceptance of other’s religions, cultures, races, and politics. But we can expect the violence and refugee crisis to worsen before it gets better. For our part, we need to examine our beliefs, intolerances, and prejudices until we have unconditional love for all. We need to see ourselves not as a collection of separate nations but as one world, all needing to co-exist harmoniously together. We may need to start with our own families!
Saturn in Sagittarius can also represent a great urge to study and/or travel. Education for ourselves and the educational system at large will also be the focus of Saturn’s spearhead for change during the next three years.
So we come to the close of another year. I hope you will be able to look back and appreciate all the changes that have occurred and to see how you have reached a new level in your evolution.
I am available to help you with any issues, by phone, by Skype, or personal visit to my home in Gympie, Queensland, Australia. The cost is $75 for half an hour or $120 for an hour.
If you are wondering what your own astrology has in store for you at this time and into next year, I can also give you information on this. Prices as above. I need to know your date of birth, time of birth (accurate to 10 mins), and place of birth (nearest large town if it’s a small place).
Just send me an email and we can set things in motion. I have a Diploma in Hypnosis, NLP, and Coaching as well as having many years experience of spiritual counselling and channelling Divine guidance. Assistance is just a phone call or email away. Please reach out and get yourself some understanding and inner peace. The guidance that comes through me is from Masters who can see to your core, who know your spirit and mission and blockages. It is different for each person, insightful and respectful to your own personal journey, with the best minds in the universe utilised to help you transform your mind and heart!
I wish you many blessings and positive energy this Christmas and as the year turns, and may 2015 truly be the year you have been waiting for all your life.
With much love and thanks for all your support and friendship during the year,
P.S. Two new books are due out in January. A second volume of wonderful wisdom from El Morya with “The Getting of Wisdom, Book Two”, and the first ever book channelled by Lady Sedna, “Lady Sedna’s Ascension Handbook”, all about reaching ascension and what is expected of you as an Ascended Master walking on Earth.
AVAILABLE NOW! ‘The Getting of Wisdom, Book One’ by El Morya and Sophia Ovidne
Great Christmas gift!
Channelled exclusively from Master El Morya (Master of Power and Action). Available from Amazon.com and other online bookstores in paperback and e-book formats.
Morya has given us the benefit of his wisdom on 70 different topics, and his strength, statesmanship, humour, and insight will delight you and give you many ‘ah-ha’ moments.
Click on the link below to take you straight to it in Amazon.com.
Lady Sedna – Immersed in Heaven
It is my privilege to be here today and I would like to extend my love and thanks to all the people of Earth and especially to all those who have been on target this year, who have completed the phases of their mission. We are eternally grateful to you for holding the fort and building the foundations for the Bright New Day.
Heaven is not around the corner now but it is right here on top of you, in your face, in your heart, I hope. You are immersed in Heaven, if you did but know it. And yet people are acting like frightened rabbits. They are resisting all these good things coming to them. They do not want to make the changes that they need to make in order to be able to receive this Bright New World. For if you are filled up to the rafters with your old junk where shall there be the space to put these new energies and higher vibrations and all that shall emanate forth from them?
So there is still a way to go with the clearing out process for many of you; old possessions, old emotions, old grudges, old ways of thinking and believing. Mark my words, when Saturn gets hold of you next year, he will shake those beliefs out of you like nobody’s business. So it’s better to come clean now then there will be no need to be shaken. But do remember you are being shaken free. This is no malevolent action on the part of Saturn. All that we Masters are putting in place is to secure your freedom and your place in a world of love.
Your ego and inner child may not see it like this and they may dig in protectively, closing the heart off to all that is coming towards it. For most people are averse to change, yet change is here, change must be accepted. And there needs to be a willingness of spirit to enter this new paradigm, this new paradise. All of us wish for a better world, a world of more freedom, more love and kindness, more ease and enjoyment. So allow this world to enter and let go of your neediness for the old. One day you shall look back in hindsight and you will laugh that you ever huddled in a corner resisting and unaccepting this Bright New World.
We cannot always know what is good for us just like a child cannot know that the parents serve its best interests. And so we must trust, dear people, we must trust like never before. We must trust this process and this adventure which awaits us. Abandon all fear and open your hearts with courage as we proceed into a new year, a new light. It is the unknown, but when you arrive there you shall know it as the place you have been waiting for all your life.
I am Lady Sedna, wishing you an intrepid journey as you move from one world to the next. I shall be your chaperone, never fear.
Lady Sedna channelled by Sophia-Ovidne, 8 Dec 2014
November 2014
Dearest Friends,
November 2 is All Soul’s Day (the Day of the Dead), coming after Halloween which has seen many people around the world embracing ghouls and ghosts and the Dark Side of life in general. Although it is seen as a bit of fun and an excuse for socialising and partying, we do need to be careful about where our thoughts about the Dark Side lead us.
The recent New Moon in Scorpio and the solar eclipse, along with four planets/asteroids currently in Scorpio (Sun, Venus, Saturn, and Pallas Athena), all conspire to make this a challenging time for dark thoughts. The Masters tell us time and again that ‘like attracts like’, so if our thoughts are dwelling on the Dark Side then this is what we will attract to us. I always think about the writer of horror fiction, Stephen King, and how he, himself, ended up in the most horrific accident.
So, if you are feeling the Scorpionic energies of late, have a read of El Morya’s words below, which I hope will help you.
The Taurus Full Moon on November 7 should go a long way to restoring love and harmony in your life. Taurus is ruled by Venus, so leisure and pleasure, friendship, and the manifestation of beautiful things will be the focus here. Values, finances, and self-worth will also be highlighted by the Moon reflecting back to us any issues that need to be looked at.
Those Scorpio energies will be around for a while yet, and the key to coping is to let go of any old dark emotional baggage. Scorpio is all about transformation, dying to the old self and being reborn as the Phoenix into a brand new self. Think rebranding, rebirth, new path, new phase, new paradigm. Clear away the old to make way for the new. Scorpio is also the sign of the wizard and of metaphysics, so get out your magic wands and transform yourselves from base metal into gold! When we are positively utilising Scorpio energy, we are standing in our fullest power and potential.
I wish you all a very magical month where you are able to manifest your happiest dreams.
With love and many blessings,
Let us speak about downheartedness today, for it is on the agenda for many people. The heart needs to be up, not down. It needs to be raised, not depressed. So, when the heart is flat and on the floor, we must do something to lift it up, to elevate it, to get it flying again, for heaviness does not become it, but it must become lightheartedness again.
So fill your Creation Realm with thoughts of joy, with images of peace and fun, with feelings of goodness and balance. That is all it takes to replace the movie running in your head, that features darkness and terror, with a comedy or a nice romance. We have a choice as to which movie to play. So pick the better one and fill your consciousness with optimism and hope, with clarity and calm, with persistence and prosperity, and let go of those tilts towards tragedy and trauma which some might find entertaining but which Masters find worrisome and woeful.
If you can choose between feeling good and feeling bad, what do you select? How many of you go down the dark route, the root of all evil, for something within you resonates with this lack of light, these vibrations of Hell. Once you have achieved the vibrations of Heaven, you will never want to visit those fearful places again. But as you slip towards them, remember where your home truly is, amongst the sunshine, amongst the diamond light, the love of the universe. And you can bring yourself back here again through your intention, through the force of your will, and soon be feeling bright again, full of courage, resilience, and verve.
So do not let the stuffing be taken out of you by those deadly hooks that snare you from the Dark Side. Keep well away from these places and you will not be enticed to go back there again. Skip along the bright roads, the sunny avenues, the streets of success, and the groves of gold. Keep your consciousness in this safe and protected place where all is love and loveliness surrounds you. Here your spirit can fly free and there is much blue sky to fly around in.
Downheartedness is for doomed souls, not for those with futures as a Master. So let us have upheartedness from now on. Turn your heart around to point upwards, for this is the direction we are going in now.
Heaven is a higher place, so don’t reach down, but look up to the stars and here you will see yourself sparkling despite the darkness.
Master El Morya channelled by Sophia-Ovidne, 30 Sept 2014
For Products and Services by Sophia-Ovidne visit www.ovidne.com
Books, CDs, astrology readings, channellings, counselling, ‘Stars of Heaven’ flower essences
STARS OF HEAVEN FLOWER ESSENCES (potions for the emotions) 20 Ascended Master Essences, 12 Goddess Essences, and 12 Planetary Essences
Recommended this month:
For transforming yourself or your life, resolving issues of power and darkness.
Personal channelling for clarity
If you need help with clarity, I am here to assist as a Messenger for the Masters. A half hour channelling from one of the Ascended Masters may be exactly the key you need to open the door to your future, or to allow you to even find the door in the first place. The Masters are uniquely placed to be able to tell you precisely what you need for your evolutionary journey at this point in time.
I have been able to help many thousands of people through these channellings. Gift one to yourself today! The cost is AUD$75. The recorded channelled message will be posted to you as a CD. (The file is too large to email.)
Just send me an email to request a channelling and I will send you details in return.
‘The Getting of Wisdom’ by El Morya and Sophia Ovidne
Help is also available through my new book ‘The Getting of Wisdom’, channelled exclusively from Master El Morya (Master of Power and Action). Available from Amazon.com and other online bookstores in paperback and e-book formats.
Morya has given us the benefit of his wisdom on 70 different topics, and his strength, statesmanship, humour, and insight will delight you and give you many ‘ah-ha’ moments.
Click on the link below to take you straight to it in Amazon.com.
October 2014
Dearest Friends,
This month may see you going batty! It may be no coincidence it’s Mental Health Week this week. This coming Wednesday’s Full Moon in Aries, coupled with a Lunar Eclipse, plus the Sun opposing ultra-weirding Uranus, will all contrive to test our wits, resilience, and loyalties.
Sudden, unexpected things are likely to happen, be it crisis, miracle, or Eureka moment. We need to take deep breaths, stay grounded and centred, and let the emotions flood over us and drain away. The energies will pass and the initial intensity will lessen. Hang in there!
Separation is often the collateral damage of a Uranus transit, a feeling of abandonment, disconnection, and not belonging. However, what Uranus really wants is higher consciousness, for us to be aware of any disconnect and to actually join forces and work and live together in cooperation and harmony. Uranus energy fosters rebellion, too, and a desire for change. Once again, Uranus does this so that we move ourselves and humanity forward and don’t get stuck in the status quo and old traditions that no longer serve us.
Remember times when you’ve been resilient and resourceful in the past, and tell yourself, “I can do this!”. Aries energy is fiery, independent, and loves to take action and initiate things, so new beginnings could be on the cards. The Lunar Eclipse coupled with Mercury Retrograde (goes Direct again on Oct 26) will urge us to investigate our deep inner emotions, thoughts, and beliefs, with a big push to letting go old baggage in head, heart, and home.
The transition of this world into the 5th Dimension and the bringing of Heaven to Earth is not without its struggles and battles. The New Light is triggering many people to commit terrible atrocities, but even people with lots of love in their hearts are finding any remaining dark spots in their being are being identified, flushed out, and need to be flushed away. None of us is immune from this transition into the new world of light and love. It’s not an overnight transition for our planet and may take several generations before it is complete and we can truly say we are living in the Age of Aquarius (the sign ruled by Uranus!).
For ourselves, we have this lifetime to make our transition, so let’s not waste the opportunity. It’s not about achieving some profound victory like finding the cure for cancer (although some are making this their mission, it’s true). The victory is achieved when we overcome the darkness within us, all the thoughts and emotions that are not full of love and radiate light. I call it NOT-LOVE. Awareness is the first step, so be aware of any Not-Love each day in your feelings, attitudes, beliefs, opinions, and actions, and set your intention to turn it around. I can assure you, this is the cure for cancer, if truth be told!
So, I wish you all an amazing month of new beginnings and clearer futures, and feeling yourselves living in the bright and love-ly New Dimension.
Many blessings,
It is astonishing we do not have more to do with each other than we do. I am very active in your region, so speak with me more often and I can help you more.
Let us get straight down to business for it is an eventful week ahead and we will need to keep our balance. We will need wings this week to fly above the morass of humanity, if we are not to get caught up in it. Having wings means that your consciousness takes flight. It does not mean that you sprout them from your back, but that you elevate your thinking so that vibrationally it begins to fly, to hover in higher places.
If you lurk in the lower worlds with your thoughts and emotions, then you will get caught up in the tsunami that will follow. So get yourself to a higher place, a more heavenly place, where the sun shines brighter and it is more open and the air fresher. If you are tied down still to the lower vibes, unanchor yourself, detach yourself, and float free. You may think you are losing your stake, but there is a lot at stake here, and what you are losing is nothing compared to what you will be gaining as you move across to the New World and a new life. From here you will be able to look down on the old world, and you will see its passing. And it will make sense to you now, how things are unfolding, just as your wings are unfolding too.
So open yourself up now. Breathe in the new air. Let it fill your veins and blood so that you are renewed and revitalised and you begin to understand how you now belong to a new species of human and that you are not the same as you were before. You are becoming more angelic, if you like.
So we hope to see you here soon in our little part of Heaven. And soon you will be able to see us too as your eyes adjust to the new and marvellous revelations about you. These are promising times; they promise our future, and there will be nothing to look back on and feel remorse for. So gather your wings about you now and fly to this higher destination in your mind. Gather your energies and go for gold, and leave the gloom behind.
Our new species shall be special and that includes you. There is none judged or left for dead if your being is glowing with light. So wing your way across to us now. We are waiting to welcome you in this wondrous New World.
I am Archangel Michael, way-shower for the New World.
Archangel Michael channelled by Sophia-Ovidne, 6 Oct 2014
For Products and Services by Sophia-Ovidne visit www.ovidne.com
Books, CDs, astrology readings, channellings, counselling, ‘Stars of Heaven’ flower essences
STARS OF HEAVEN FLOWER ESSENCES (potions for the emotions) 20 Ascended Master Essences, 12 Goddess Essences, and 12 Planetary Essences
Recommended this month: HYGIEA(Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow) WELL-BEING
For taking action to return to, or maintain, a healthy body, mind and soul.
For taking action TODAY, to get rid of YESTERDAY,
so that TOMORROW all is well!
Personal channelling for clarity
If you need help with clarity, I am here to assist as a Messenger for the Masters. A half hour channelling from one of the Ascended Masters may be exactly the key you need to open the door to your future, or to allow you to even find the door in the first place. The Masters are uniquely placed to be able to tell you precisely what you need for your evolutionary journey at this point in time.
I have been able to help many thousands of people through these channellings. Gift one to yourself today! The cost is AUD$75. The recorded channelled message will be posted to you as a CD. (The file is too large to email.)
Just send me an email to request a channelling and I will send you details in return.
‘The Getting of Wisdom’ by El Morya and Sophia Ovidne
Help is also available through my new book ‘The Getting of Wisdom’, channelled exclusively from Master El Morya (Master of Power and Action). Available from Amazon.com and other online bookstores in paperback and e-book formats.
Morya has given us the benefit of his wisdom on 70 different topics, and his strength, statesmanship, humour, and insight will delight you and give you many ‘ah-ha’ moments.
Click on the link below to take you straight to it in Amazon.com.
September 2014
Dearest Friends,
Tuesday’s Full Moon in Pisces (9 Sept in Australia, AEST) will create very different energies from the previous week’s Virgo focus where many of us will have felt the urge to be busy and practically productive, probably cleaning up and cleansing too (I did a major pruning of my entire garden over four days!). Pisces energy is dreamy, feminine, wafty, ethereal. At its best, it is about connection with the Divine Dimensions, playing out in the Creation Realm and astral travelling, meeting with Masters and Angels, and making the most of being both spirit and human at the same time.
If Pisces energy is acting out negatively, it can visit us as confusion, misery, depression, and even suicidal tendencies. The past projects itself into our consciousness and it’s difficult to feel hope or that things can ever be different in future. We can feel life isn’t fair and play the role of victim and ‘poor me’. With the Sun also opposing Chiron, the Wounded Healer, this is a time when any feelings of woundedness will be highlighted and brought to the fore for healing.
This is then an opportunity to raise ourselves up from the watery Piscean emotional depths and fly into a higher world. It will take intention and will to do this, for it’s easier to just slide (and drown) in the waters and hope someone else will rescue us. No one is coming to save us, unfortunately, but ourselves. This is where we must learn to lift up our own wings out of the water, like a dragonfly, and take off into the blue sky. Be kind to yourself as you struggle with this, for compassion and forgiveness are mightier than the sword or abuse.
Thoughts are the main reason for our misery, and thoughts can be turned around in a moment to gain new perspectives and understanding. Don’t let your lower consciousness thoughts control you, like some wayward and wilful child, but be the strong higher consciousness parent and impose your higher will to lift you up, away from damaging and self-sabotaging behaviour.
When you arrive in the realm of higher vibrations, the air is crystal clear and you will be able to see your path, direction, and future with great clarity and know what must be done. Purifying yourself, your life, and your environment is a great way to get to this place. (Hence the Virgo energy before the Piscean energy!).
There is no greater happiness than having a pure heart in Heaven.
Personal channelling for clarity
If you need help with clarity, I am here to assist as a Messenger for the Masters. A half hour channelling from one of the Ascended Masters may be exactly the key you need to open the door to your future, or to allow you to even find the door in the first place. The Masters are uniquely placed to be able to tell you precisely what you need for your evolutionary journey at this point in time.
I have been able to help many thousands of people through these channellings. Gift one to yourself today! The cost is AUD$75. The recorded channelled message will be posted to you as a CD. (The file is too large to email.)
Just send me an email to request a channelling and I will send you details in return.
‘The Getting of Wisdom’ by El Morya and Sophia Ovidne
Help is also available through my new book ‘The Getting of Wisdom’, channelled exclusively from Master El Morya (Master of Power and Action). Available from Amazon.com and other online bookstores in paperback and e-book formats.
Morya has given us the benefit of his wisdom on 70 different topics, and his strength, statesmanship, humour, and insight will delight you and give you many ‘ah-ha’ moments.
Click on the link below to take you straight to it in Amazon.com.
I wish you a clear and clean month ahead and a delightful journey travelling in the higher realms with a full and happy heart.
Many blessings,
Lady Master Ceres – Birthing Creations
Yes, I thought I would surprise you today, and all the others too, for it is not often my words reach humanity’s ears. I am grateful to you all for listening.
Let us begin at the beginning, then, for it is where we must always start, with the sowing of seed, for we cannot get out what we have not put in. And so, if we should like to reap a harvest then we must begin sowing first. And even before we do that we must prepare our soil. And prior even to that we must have some idea of what we want to grow there. For there is soil and soil, and we need to get the conditions right for whatever it is we envision placing there.
So get your imagination working first, and cultivate in your mind what it is you wish to bring to Earth and manifest there. Visualise your completed dream and work backwards from there, following the pathways to determine how you must set it all up in the beginning.
If you think you can get from where you are now to where you wish to be in the future without a pathway in between, you are very much mistaken. There is always a journey to be had, experiences along the way, and effort and issues too; it comes with the terrain. There is no magic teleportation to that spot in your future world where all is magnificent and grace-full and fine. There is only the journey from A to Z with all the letters as stations in between. There are no shortcuts. Some journeys are short; a matter of days. Some will take years and even decades. But know that you do not want to be standing where you are now in future days to come, for the feeling of standing still and getting nowhere is not to be relished by anyone.
So, give birth to your dreams now, from conception to delivery, and you will hold in your arms your heart’s desires. Bring the light and tenderness to your creations and give support from beneath and you shall surely find growth and graciousness, and your heart shall know the happiness of human manifestation from the Divine World.
Let the magician in you come out to play. This is the mission of everyone on Earth.
I am Lady Ceres, protector of the birth of creations upon Earth.
Lady Master Ceres channelled by Sophia-Ovidne, 8 Sept 2014
For Products and Services by Sophia-Ovidne visit www.ovidne.com
Books, CDs, astrology readings, channellings, counselling, ‘Stars of Heaven’ flower essences
STARS OF HEAVEN FLOWER ESSENCES (potions for the emotions) 20 Ascended Master Essences, 12 Goddess Essences, and 12 Planetary Essences
Recommended this month: CHIRON–VIRGO (Westringia) TOUGHNESS
For surviving harsh conditions or woundings through healing and divine connection.
August 2014
Dearest Friends,
Last Sunday, two days before Robin Williams died, I channelled the message below from Master El Morya. It was as if he knew of the actor’s intentions and was feeling the sadness of seeing a great soul unable to cope with life on Earth.
Depression and hopelessness are prevalent in our society today, and with Neptune and Chiron in the sign of Pisces for many years to come, we will all need to turn our focus to assist those who are struggling in this area. Piscean energy, if used dysfunctionally, can be linked to mental instability, addiction, and suicide. The positive aspect of Piscean energy is a connection with the Divine world and with our soul. If we feel separated from our Source, no amount of material success on Earth will compensate and we will rarely feel fulfilled. Keeping our hearts completely open and filled with love, and feeling that we are on purpose in carrying out our divine mission, are the antidotes to a sad or meaningless life.
I hope that the coming month will see you enveloped in love and strong of heart,
Master El Morya – Tributes
Let us speak on the topic of tributes today, for it is not something we often give thought to. And yet we need to be more gratified in our lives and we need to pay tribute to those who have made our lives easier and more blessed. Often we only pay tribute when a person dies, and that is far too late, to my mind, for a person needs to hear accolades and acknowledgement, for it may help to keep them on this Earth a bit longer. Many die feeling helpless and hopeless and that they have been a failure, for not many have served them the truth and thanked them for every kindness.
We are quick to judge and lay blame but how quick are we to show our gratitude for every small mercy that comes our way? Life could be much harder than it is, you know. And it is only when you get a taste of the hard life that you realise how easy you had it before. So, be grateful for all you have and don’t dwell upon your lack, and make sure you count your blessings to everyone involved.
When people are taken from you quickly, there is an outpouring of grief for all the things you failed to say while they were with you. So, pay a living tribute to those who are still alive. Let them know how they have helped you, and people will let you know in return. Do not snub a person’s offer to help, but gratefully receive all support and be sure to thank them afterwards.
There are many kindnesses done in unseen and unknown ways, and it is not that we can notice these all the time. But be aware when the wind comes beneath your wings and lifts you up, even if only by a millimetre. As you become aware of the kindnesses of others, so too will you become aware of opportunities for you to show your kindness as well. There is no shortage of places where we can act. And then you will find that people are paying tribute to you for all you have done, all you have accomplished, and the difference you have made in someone’s life.
Pay tribute to yourself too, for it is hard to walk this Earth and you will need your own encouragement and support. Do not knock the legs from under you but strengthen your position through your gratitude for who you are and what you came here to do. Be the recipient of the greatest tribute that can be given—a smile from God.
Master El Morya channelled by Sophia-Ovidne, 10 Aug 2014
For Products and Services by Sophia-Ovidne visit www.ovidne.com
Books, CDs, astrology readings, channellings, counselling, ‘Stars of Heaven’ flower essences
STARS OF HEAVEN FLOWER ESSENCES (potions for the emotions) 20 Ascended Master Essences, 12 Goddess Essences, and 12 Planetary Essences
Recommended this month: NEPTUNE–PISCES (Angelsword) DISCERNMENT
For connecting with the Divine and overcoming confusion, illusion, or distrust.
July 2014
Dearest Friends,
On Thursday this week (July 17), the planet Jupiter leaves the sign of Cancer, where it’s been for the past year, and enters the sign of Leo where it will play out for the next year. Play is the operative word because Leo is definitely the sign that loves to play and have fun. One way to remember what Leo is all about is that everything starts with ‘L’; Leo = Love, Laughter, and Leadership. Leo is the party sign, full of flamboyance, extrovert extravagance, charm, entertainment, and romance. Leo loves to love. There is a childlike quality to Leo energy where the Inner Child is highlighted and can be innocent and joyful – or a tempestuous, selfish little monkey! Children will figure prominently in the coming year; your own, other people’s, or the child within your psyche.
Leo is ruled by the Sun, so Leo energy is brilliant, shining, warm, and light-filled, and we should all feel lighter and brighter in the next 12 months, especially from Christmas onwards. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and brings a huge influence to wherever he resides currently in astrology. Therefore, everything I have described above will be doubly illuminated by Jupiter’s positive, lucky, and optimistic touch.
The heart will be the focus over the coming year, and the need to fill it with love and happiness and a sense of purpose that makes us shine. We will want to feel brilliant and in the spotlight, and there is a danger we could overreach ourselves since Jupiter tends to push us over-the-top. If there are any blockages in our hearts, we will definitely have them highlighted during Jupiter’s transit through the Sun’s sign, so there is a likelihood of an increase in heart attacks, strokes, and heart-related conditions. Anything that is not-love in the heart will be identified for letting go.
Jupiter in Leo until August 2015 will see us honing our hearts into strong, courageous, resilient tools for helping us to establish Heaven on Earth. Heaven exists in the heart, in the deeper consciousness that resides in our hearts, so until we get our hearts into good shape we will not be able to experience Heaven as we would wish to.
The Leo Inner Child that we all carry within us is sure to put up a fight at times and resist our soul’s urgings, so try to work with your child like a good parent and persuade it to work with you and cooperate for the benefit of you both. The Inner Child, (or children, for we have lots of them), is a part of our consciousness that has been programmed in a certain way due to life’s experiences. It is not bad or wicked; it just needs a different program to run with, and understanding on our part as the parent while we help it to transition to a new way of thinking. Dealing with our Inner Child is no different from being a parent to a 5-year old. In fact, our Inner Child can be any age, particularly the age we were when we were emotionally wounded at some point. We tend to get stuck emotionally at that age and repeat our reactions when we encounter similar situations to the original.
So, let us see a world of shining hearts this coming year; lovers of love, warriors of wisdom, leaders for a New World. All it takes is for each of us to clean out our heart and fill it with light. Then each of us will be our own star, shining like a beacon in the darkness, beaming light and life for countless others, as well as floating in a universe of joyful love. Start with your intention, and the Sun and Jupiter will expand and explode you into a being you could never have imagined yourself to be.
Many blessings for a starry month ahead.
LADY SEDNA – Alive Hearts
Let us get down to brass tacks here. I am in the unenviable position of leading the cohort of Masters that is bringing Heaven to Earth. It is the hardest and most distressing job I have ever taken upon my shoulders. And this is because I am trying to turn hearts of stone into hearts of fire and brilliant diamond-like qualities; dead hearts into alive hearts. And I am scraping the barrel trying to find suitable candidates for transformation.
That said, there are multi-millions of us now whose hearts are shining in the darkness, who are being lanterns to show the way. So all is not lost, and if we can only get others to follow us and our light then we shall turn the corner, turn the page, and a very different Earth shall begin to reveal itself.
I do not beat about the bush with my words for we must be realistic here. There are more dead hearts than alive hearts on this planet and we need to reverse that ratio. There are many people with good hearts but is a good heart enough to be an alive heart? There are many who are just treading water, just enough to stay alive. But I am wanting those who can walk on water, who can fly above water, for merely surviving is not what I would call Heaven.
Heaven is where we can all breathe easy. We can feel safe in our beds and on our streets. We can know we are supported by everyone around us. We can know that what we eat is healthy and what we watch and hear is good for us. There is no one in the back quarters trying to bring us down and take us beneath the waters. I am wanting a world where every heart is alive and full of passion, and all are working for one cause, all in harmony despite race, culture, or gender.
Are we there yet, my good ladies and gentlemen? I think not. So there is work yet to do. And the work will fall naturally from our hearts when they are filled with love, filled with enlightenment. Then we will know what to do.
In the meantime we must stay strong and not be taken under. Stay above things and put your heart at the forefront of all you do. Your heart will lead the way, and the way is beautiful and shimmering like a mirage on the horizon. But I tell you, it is no mirage, no illusion. It awaits us there, all we have ever dreamed of and aspired to, a land where hearts are king—and queen.
We are making our way there. Shine your light strongly that others may follow you and find their place within Heaven’s realm. Be the star you truly are and shine on.
I am Lady Sedna, way-shower for mankind and queen amongst the stars.
Lady Sedna channelled by Sophia-Ovidne, 14 July 2014
For Products and Services by Sophia-Ovidne visit www.ovidne.com
Books, CDs, astrology readings, channellings, counselling, ‘Stars of Heaven’ flower essences
STARS OF HEAVEN FLOWER ESSENCES (potions for the emotions) 20 Ascended Master Essences, 12 Goddess Essences, and 12 Planetary Essences
Recommended this month: SUN (Helios)–LEO (Cymbidium Orchid) STRESS
For feeling calm or courageous in stressful, chaotic, or challenging situations.