Stars of Heaven Flower Essences created by Sophia Ovidne


CHIRONVIRGO (Westringia)                              TOUGHNESS

For surviving harsh conditions or woundings through healing and connection.

Possible Symptoms

  • Feeling things are tough, conditions are bad, and needing to survive it all
  • Been through catastrophe or disaster and need to keep going, even though exhausted or drained or grief-stricken
  • Have been giving too much of self, but still need to give more before you can be finished
  • Being forced to let go of the old and start anew
  • Being wounded by someone or something, emotionally or physically. Feeling vulnerable in that area, probably your “Achilles Heel”, where you get wounded time and time again
  • Not open or willing to be vulnerable with someone, or even anyone
  • Cannot believe in someone or trust them
  • Feel someone is being cruel or callous towards you, or they are putting duty before your feelings
  • Feel separate from someone, or everyone in general. Alienated, isolated or left out
  • Feeling insecure, unsafe, or that you have no control over your life
  • Feeling someone may have too much power over you
  • Needing to place defences around yourself for protection, physically or emotionally
  • Feeling resentful that you have to be of service in some way
  • Needing healing to occur, for yourself or someone else, perhaps a miracle
  • Stomach and digestion problems
  • Needing to pay more attention to health and exercise
  • Things needing to be repaired around you
  • Needing to clean and be more hygienic
  • Feeling disorganised or chaotic. Need to make lists or get organised, and get methods, routines, or systems in place
  • Listening to your head and not your heart. Lots of thinking happening and not enough feeling through your intuition
  • Needing a teacher of some sort to come into your life and help you

Potential benefits after taking essence

  • Feeling strong and energised enough to survive any harsh conditions you are undergoing.
  • Feeling like a survivor
  • Feeling more optimistic
  • Extra perseverance to keep on going.
  • Discovering a depth of ability and strength in yourself you didn’t know you possessed
  • Ability to give of yourself in a noble way or make big sacrifices
  • Being your own hero
  • Better adaptability to fresh or changed circumstances. Can let go of the old and embrace the new
  • Take action to attend to your health physically, emotionally or mentally
  • Can allow yourself to be vulnerable instead of surrounding yourself with defensive barriers. Feel safe enough to dissolve protective shields
  • Allow people to see who you really are, and get close to you
  • Allow yourself to connect with others
  • Receive key awareness of where you are most often “wounded” in life, and taking action to toughen up in this area. Able to heal yourself permanently
  • Enhanced trust in someone or something. Prepared to believe
  • Better understanding that sometimes “tough love” is called for from others towards you, not because they are being cruel, but for best intentions
  • Toughens you against feeling small, marginalised, or ignored. Can stand up for self and what you believe in, but allow others to “take you or leave you” without feeling hurt
  • Better sense of security and inner power within oneself, that you can cope with life and people and take back more control
  • Able to be of service without feeling resentful
  • Take action to implement systems to make life easier and more organised
  • More able to reconnect with others, or the Divine, or Inner Self. No longer feel separated
  • Enhanced healing abilities for self and others. Amplifies power of prayers
  • Enhanced intuition and connection with own heart. Ability to connect with other dimensions or realms and act as a bridge
  • Recognise the teachers within your life already or take action to find an appropriate teacher

Chiron is often called The Wounded Healer and brings awareness about holistic health and alternative healing modalities for us and planet Earth. He represents a person who discovers the key to healing his woundings and ultimately becomes a teacher in this field. He also represents the connecting bridge between people and also between this world and other dimensions.



EARTH-TAURUS (Lady Sedna) (Wisteria)                             GODDESS

For enhancing the feminine aspects in both females and males.

Possible Symptoms

  • Feeling overly masculine, or lacking in feminine energy or attributes
  • Wanting to be more like a goddess
  • Too gung ho or aggressive; want to be gentler or more refined
  • Don’t value people or things enough
  • Don’t feel connected to planet Earth, or the land, or humanity
  • Feel spacey, dreamy, not practical or concerned with day-to-day details, ungrounded
  • Lacking in creativity or have a creative block
  • Too down-to-earth and solid; need lightening up
  • Unbalanced within self regarding earthliness and spirituality
  • Wanting to bring Heaven to Earth
  • Wanting to put down roots, to settle, to feel grounded
  • Needing to let go of old roots and form new connections
  • Tired of changes and being unsettled; stressed by change
  • Feel weary with little physical strength
  • Not interested in gardening or the environment but would like to be
  • Overly emotional, unstable, needing inner harmony and peace
  • Sexual or sexuality issues
  • Wanting to give birth – to a baby, idea, or project
  • Find it difficult to manifest things on earth
  • Needing material things to feel happy or secure
  • Not giving out enough – love, talent, time, effort, money, sharing possessions, help
  • Needing to flower into your full potential
  • Feeling unattractive, ugly, overweight, inelegant, stupid, dull, plodding, unworthy
  • Low self-esteem and confidence; can’t seem to find value in yourself
  • Have neglected your looks and body
  • Feel little connection to your body, don’t enjoy it, or don’t care for it
  • Don’t like to touch or be touched, or haven’t been touched for a while

Potential benefits after taking essence

  • Feel more feminine, or like a goddess, more caring, refined, elegant, intuitive, gentle
  • Feel Sedna’s energies, a combination of Venus and Pallas Athena energies – the harmonious sensual artistic muse combined with the intelligent warrior woman
  • Less aggressive, action-orientated and outward, more relaxed, restful and inward
  • Better sense of values, for people in your life and material things
  • More connected to the earth and to the land; more grounded and practical
  • More able to put down roots and to settle down
  • Feel more connection to all of humanity
  • Enhanced inspiration and creativity; feel more artistic or drawn to the arts
  • Feel less weighed down, solid, or burdened
  • Better able to pull up roots, sever links, move elsewhere, or make new connections
  • More able to balance earthly and spiritual concerns, externally and internally
  • Increased sense of being able to bring Heaven to Earth
  • More able to handle change without stress
  • Increased physical strength, less tiredness
  • Increased desire to be in nature, or work for the environment
  • Not so emotional, more stable with inner and outer harmony and tranquillity
  • More able to understand sexual issues and take the appropriate action to resolve them
  • Enhanced fertility; more able to be seeded with new ideas, or to give birth to babies, ideas, or projects
  • More able to manifest desires, and more quickly
  • Letting go of the need for material things for your happiness or security
  • Increased desire to give of yourself, to give out, to be more charitable
  • Better able to let your inner self come through, to shine with your full potential
  • Increased sense of self-worth and confidence, begin to value self
  • Enjoy being who you are, love yourself and what you look like
  • Increased desire to improve yourself and more able to take action to do this
  • Enjoy your physical body and caring for it and exercising
  • Enjoy being touched and touching others, more earthy
  • More able to bring light into the body, for healing or lightness of being
  • Enjoy being on earth and being human; it’s no longer a burden

Lady Sedna, Goddess of the Sea, from the icy planet, Sedna, which connects our solar system with the galaxy, and new ruler of planet Earth, bringing Galactic Christ Consciousness to Earth. A 6th dimensional Master of creativity and instant manifestation. Legendary mermaid in Inuit legends.



JUPITERSAGITTARIUS (Ixora)                         QUESTING

For wisdom and understanding, optimism, focus, faith, freedom, and expansiveness.

Possible Symptoms

  • Needing/wanting to be guided by own inner wisdom
  • Needing more fire within, or extra passion and zing
  • Needing to find one’s passion in life
  • Feeling pessimistic, unhopeful, unlucky
  • Taking silly risks because feeling overly optimistic or abundant
  • Feeling restricted, yet yearning to travel, or get outside, or expand beyond current limitations of your life
  • Wanting adventure and freedom
  • Scared to try something out for the first time. Need liberation from fear
  • Going over-the-top about anything and needing to be more centred and balanced e.g. excessive retail therapy
  • Lack of faith and trust in people or situations
  • Not understanding the way things are. Lack of clarity, knowledge, or communication prevents this
  • Scattered thinking and action. Find you are “all over the place”. Need to focus and concentrate and get things finished
  • Needing to replace old beliefs and thinking and philosophies
  • Physical issues with the hips, thighs, or sciatica
  • Act overbearing, or like a preacher or school ma’am
  • Feeling constricted regarding space. Feel cramped or claustrophobic
  • Taking journeys to search for something. On a quest to find answers or the right path
  • Wanting to know the truth
  • Things keep expanding, including your weight and waistline

Potential benefits after taking essence

  • Able to access own guidance and inner wisdom
  • Finding one’s passion and fire again
  • Feeling optimistic, hopeful, lucky and abundant, on a high
  • Able to take calculated risks but not over stepping the mark
  • Feeling free and liberated, like you are flying through life
  • Putting into action the longing to travel and see new things, or taking new and adventurous directions in your life
  • Feeling centred and balanced, able to be rational and moderate about things
  • More faith and trust with people and situations
  • Greater understanding about things. Becoming wiser
  • Able to focus and concentrate more and get more done. Better use of energies
  • Able to absorb more knowledge, do better research and piece things together
  • Better integration of knowledge and of aspects of Self
  • More acceptance of how things really are, seeing the truth, having more clarity
  • Ability to get point across without preaching or seeming to be overbearing
  • Wanting to teach what you know
  • Feel expansive, wide open, airy, able to move, free to fly outside limits
  • Able to reduce things that have become too large or unwieldy or overwhelming
  • Able to let go of old thinking and beliefs that no longer serve
  • Finding the answers you have been searching for
  • May find a connection to your Twin Flame

Jupiter is the Lord of Expansion and Ruler of Sagittarius. He represents everything that is larger than life, and our quest in life where we need to grow and expand continually into new beings through new wisdom and passion. He is also regarded as the planet of luck and hope. He was known as Zeus to the Greeks and was the king of all the gods.



MARSARIES (Azalea)                                           ACTION

For initiating action and balancing masculine energies and anger.

Possible Symptoms

  • Feeling hot, fiery, feverish, inflamed. Inflammation in a part of the body
  • Feeling angry, aggressive, out of sorts, fractious, ready for an argument or confrontation, abusive, headstrong
  • Too much excess male energy
  • Experiencing road rage in self or from others
  • Having tantrums
  • Impatient, with self or others. Frustrated with lack of action or progress
  • Overly competitive, everything’s a game to be won
  • Too self-centred, barely aware of others around, inconsiderate, thoughtless
  • Feel stuck and cannot seem to take any action
  • Too much energy, overworking, cannot seem to take a break or stop
  • Lack of physical exercise or sport in your life
  • Unenergetic, lack of energy, overly tired
  • Lack of creativity or passion, unmotivated, lacking fire
  • Lack of a man in your life, or the masculine side of yourself is lacking in some way
  • Males in your life causing issues, or the masculine side of yourself too prominent.
  • Lacking in courage, not able to be a warrior
  • Not able to start things up or take the initiative, unenterprising, non-entrepreneurial
  • Wanting to do things independently. Uncooperative or uncompromising
  • Can’t stand up for self, being bullied
  • Experiencing head or teeth problems

Potential benefits after taking essence

  • Feel calmer, cooler, more balanced and peaceful
  • More considerate, take into account the feelings and situations of others. More interested in others
  • More able to take action and initiative
  • More able to balance work, rest and play
  • Have more patience and tolerance
  • More able to negotiate calmly and with inner strength
  • Take action to do more exercise or take up a sport
  • Feel more energetic, want to get things done, dynamic, eager
  • More fire within and become more enthusiastic, creative, passionate
  • Better able to balance the masculine energies within, or deal with the males in your life
  • Feel more courageous, more able to take on challenges, fearless
  • More cooperative and co-creative
  • More able to stand up for self and be assertive
  • More energy and warmth in heart centre instead of head centre
  • Better balance of competitive nature. Don’t need to win all the time. Become a better loser

Mars, traditionally the God of War and ruler of Aries, is the fiery planet of energy and physical action, urging us to get going, take action, be a brave warrior, and face the challenge. He represents the masculine aspect in each of us.



MERCURYGEMINI (Wild Strelitzia)                 COMMUNICATION

For clearer communication, focus and thinking, and expression in any form.

Possible Symptoms

  • Wanting to speak but can’t find your tongue or your voice, can’t express yourself properly
  • Find yourself speaking in a spiteful way, or with a “forked tongue”
  • Wanting to be heard but find you are largely ignored or dismissed
  • Fearful of speaking in public or in front of groups
  • Your thinking is muddled, ugly, or contains lots of “deadwood”
  • Too much in your head with thoughts careening around
  • Needing peace, space, and time to be more thoughtful, more meditative
  • Needing to go into inner self and contemplate issues, desires, goals, etc
  • Experiencing complex issues or puzzles that require thinking through
  • Needing insight and understanding about certain things, or a totally new mindset or attitude
  • Lack of communication with friends or family
  • Don’t feel sociable
  • Feeling dizzy and fuzzy-headed, or faint
  • Confused about what you want
  • Unable to make decisions or choose between options
  • Lack of concentration and focus
  • Can’t seem to “get” things or understand something, no matter how hard you try
  • Shy away from mentally challenging or complex things, or going deeply into things
  • You don’t know your own mind and ego, and how it tries to influence all you do
  • Experiencing problems with your Ego’s thoughts
  • Experiencing distressing noise pollution around you
  • Feeling as if you don’t fit in, with your family, society, friends, because your values, thinking, or beliefs are different
  • Tipping over the edge mentally, feeling like you are going insane
  • Feeling fragmented inside, like there are several different personalities within
  • Stuck in your thinking and cannot move forward
  • Not able to listen to people, either through lack of concentration, or don’t want to hear advice and guidance, or don’t believe or trust them
  • Experience fears that are really all in the mind
  • Sabotaging yourself, can’t face your fears of what you imagine might happen if you went ahead and did what you were planning

Potential benefits after taking essence

  • Clarity of thinking and understanding, less confusion. Increased mental acuity
  • Increased ability to concentrate and focus, and complete things once started
  • Ability to sort out wheat from the chaff in your thinking
  • Understanding of what you want from life or any situation. Helps manifestation
  • More able to make decisions and choose between options
  • Can let go of harmful, negative, dead, unhelpful, or unspiritual thoughts
  • Able to more easily and naturally express yourself, even to large groups
  • Desire to stop speaking with a spiteful tongue
  • Desire to speak the truth
  • Find that others are more willing to listen to you or take you seriously
  • Better able to listen to others and what they have to say, and more open to them
  • The mind is calmer, more centred and balanced
  • More able to meditate and ponder, and to find the time and space to do this
  • Enhanced desire to go inwards and work on deep issues
  • Increased ability and desire to face mental challenges or exams
  • Increased capacity for solving thorny problems or puzzles and think things through
  • Enhanced insight and understanding
  • Able to open to new beliefs and attitudes and adopt them where necessary
  • Increased desire to communicate with others or to be more sociable
  • Better at communicating and integrating with others, find similar wavelengths
  • Able to reintegrate scattered fragments of self
  • Able to balance and find harmony between the masculine and feminine aspects within self
  • Better understanding of your mind/ego and how it works for and against you
  • Better able to control the ego and its thought forms
  • Less bothered by noise pollution. The mind remains calm
  • More able to face your fears and deal with them and change your thinking

Mercury, also known as Hermes to the Greeks, was the Winged Messenger of the gods. He represents all ways of communicating, along with clearer understanding, thinking, expression, and language. He is said to be descended from the Ancient Egyptian god, Thoth, the god of writing and knowledge.



MOONCANCER (Vinca)               LETTING GO

For mother energy, feeling overly emotional, insecure, or unable to let go.

Possible Symptoms

  • Highly emotional, moody, even irrational. Maybe depressed. Emotions heightened at times of potent Moon cycles such as Full Moon and New Moon
  • Needing to let go of the past
  • Overly sentimental or attached to things
  • Needing to get rid of junk and things that no longer serve you
  • Needing to resolve any hoarding tendencies. What are you trying to fill your emptiness with?
  • Feeling separate, lacking connection with people on earth or the greater universe
  • Wanting for someone to come and save you. Feel needy
  • Feel like you are dying inside, and needing to die to old self
  • Needing to cleanse self or house of old energies
  • Past lives that need to be resolved. May need to dig into the depths of your past and confront what you find there
  • Bowel problems e.g. constipation or diarrhoea
  • Needing to let go of any self-sabotaging beliefs
  • Overweight and needing to let go of unwanted fat
  • Insecurity issues, not feeling stable or safe in this world for any reason
  • Needing to let go of old self, perhaps get a new image physically and/or adopt new attitudes and new thinking
  • Needing to stand on own two feet and not look to others for support and security
  • Not trusting own instincts
  • Needing to let go of fears and step into own power

Potential benefits after taking essence

  • Less emotional and more rational. Less affected by Moon cycles
  • Feeling more connected to people and the universe, less separate. May find reunions happening, especially within family
  • Feel stronger and more powerful, more able to stand on own two feet and do whatever is necessary to live a full life
  • Feel less fearful and more secure about life, have more trust in yourself that you can cope
  • Take action to recreate yourself with a new image physically
  • More able to transform old beliefs and attitudes, and able to die to your old self
  • Able to let go of the past
  • Find ways to delve into the past and confront all that is found there that needs resolving
  • Feel like throwing away old junk and less like hoarding anything
  • Happy to cleanse inside and out, and feel spring-cleaned afterwards with more clarity
  • Willing to detox the body and feel the benefit from this
  • More intuitive and willing to trust this intuition

The Moon, influencer of water and emotions, is the Goddess of Reflection and the Ruler of Cancer. She has no light of its own, merely mirroring back to us our own emotions, fears, and past lives for resolution. As a water Goddess, she deals with the need for cleansing. She is also the Wise Mother and excellent as a counsellor and intuitive psychologist.



NEPTUNEPISCES (Angelsword)                         DISCERNMENT

For connecting with the Divine and clarity, overcoming confusion, illusion, or distrust.

Possible Symptoms

  • Experiencing illusion, in that what you had first assumed to be true wasn’t for some reason
  • Illusion of lack when in reality there is abundance all around
  • Feel totally confused, veiled, dreamy, wafty, “out there”
  • Mind is like a fog, lack of clarity, cannot think clearly
  • Have no idea which direction to take in life, feel lost or disorientated
  • Feeling disillusioned, hopeless, stuck
  • Life doesn’t seem to flow naturally, feels bitty and all over the place
  • Crave to know the truth, experience total clarity, follow your true path
  • May be in illusion about a relationship
  • Perhaps projecting own fears onto someone else
  • Don’t trust someone or a situation or even yourself, lack of faith
  • Feeling duped, had wool pulled over eyes
  • Feeling over-emotional, crying a lot, overly sensitive
  • Feeling weak and watery inside
  • Experiencing lack of compassion from others or within self
  • Having trouble connecting with the Divine
  • Cannot seem to hear your intuition, or trust it enough to follow it
  • Cannot discern whether it’s your intuition or Ego speaking to you
  • Desire to channel beings from another dimension
  • Experiencing déjà vu, or glimpses of the past or future
  • Living your life too much in the past or the future; need to live a full life in the Now and react to your intuition in the moment, not forcing action to happen
  • Needing to trust in the Divine Plan for yourself and the World
  • Needing patience to allow for things to unfurl according to God’s Timing
  • Scared of the unknown
  • Desire to escape, from people, a situation, job, yourself
  • Not willing to surrender to God’s Will, or say “Yes” to the Universe
  • Lack of creativity or inspiration, feeling flat, dull, unmotivated, uninspired
  • Hiding creative talent because of fear, shyness, lack of self-esteem
  • Wanting to feel more like a goddess: ethereal, inspirational, elegant, beatific
  • Needing to undergo a really deep cleanse of self or environment
  • Wanting to rescue or save others
  • “Poor me”, or “It’s not fair” attitude, victim mentality
  • Physical issues with feet

Potential benefits after taking essence

  • Experience greater clarity of mind and direction
  • Can see clearly now what was hidden before, know the truth
  • Feel more on purpose because now you can see your path
  • Have a better understanding about a relationship or situation
  • Cease projecting own thoughts and fears onto others
  • Have a clearer sense of the Divine Truth or your own truth
  • Greater trust and faith in all things
  • Feel brighter and lighter, more airy
  • Stronger inner core to cope with things, less emotional, more down to earth
  • Greater resilience to endure life’s challenges, less desire to run away
  • Greater degree of compassion within oneself, and understanding and acceptance
  • A more balanced desire for helping others rather than rescuing them
  • More able to connect with the Divine or beings from other dimensions
  • More able to hear intuition or experience “gut feel”, and act upon it
  • Clearer discernment about what is being channelled through to you and by whom
  • Protects and clears aura/channels of dark energies or blockages
  • Better understanding of how the Past or previous patterns or skills interact with your life now
  • More able to live a fulfilling life focused in the present
  • Cease plotting life artificially by thoughts and allow life to unfold naturally
  • Able to place total trust in the Divine Plan and Divine Timing for Self and World
  • Better acceptance of one’s true destiny
  • More able to surrender to God’s Will and say “Yes” to the Universe
  • Can allow yourself to leap into the unknown, knowing you will be cared for
  • Enhanced creativity, inspiration, and motivation
  • More able to display creative talents
  • Heightened feelings of etherealness, about yourself or the surrounding air
  • More aware of the rhythm in your life, the natural flow, the Oneness
  • Take action to deeply cleanse self or environment
  • Take responsibility for own reality, don’t allow self to be a victim
  • Feet feel stronger and less sensitive

Neptune is the Lord of Illusion and ruler of Pisces and the Oceans. He helps with faith, trust, and clarity, and to expose illusions, and to clear any blockages regarding connections with the spiritual realm.



PLUTO-SCORPIO (Cosmos)                      TRANSFORMATION

For transforming yourself or your life, resolving issues of power and darkness.

Possible Symptoms

  • Feeling stormy inside – deep intense emotions going on
  • Feeling as if you are a volcano about to explode
  • Feeling like you are in hell on earth
  • Feeling a bit wild and out of control
  • Wanting to be different, to stand out in the crowd, to be individualistic
  • Feeling bitter about a situation, person or life in general
  • Feeling powerless and weak, or not able to reach your potential, or step into your power
  • About to give birth, to a baby or a project or a new you, or wanting to give birth to something you created
  • Feeling miserly, not wanting to share yourself, your time, or your assets
  • Feeling separate and keep yourself to yourself
  • Bad experiences concerning lots of water, floods, washaways, leaks, storms, winds, caves, or underground problems
  • Accumulated rubbish, problems with pollution or bad smells
  • Wearing emotional armour so that others cannot reach you, and you can’t show the real authentic you. Not being sufficiently vulnerable
  • Being too powerful, too warrior-like, or too controlling
  • Wanting to be more heroic and more courageous and able to make a difference
  • Feeling hatred towards others or self
  • Judging others or self and finding them/you lacking, especially regarding power or weaknesses
  • Lacking compassion or the ability to forgive
  • Overly passionate and intense, not able to balance emotions or desires
  • Needing to completely transform old beliefs and thought patterns, to die to the old you
  • Wanting to transform your life
  • Needing to embrace “What Is” in life and stop resisting what is happening to you
  • Overly sexual inclinations, or addiction to sex
  • Sexual and intimacy issues
  • Feeling you have been betrayed, duped, tricked, manipulated, deliberately confused
  • Unable to experience the magic of the universe or all the synchronicity that happens
  • Not realising the magical powers that you possess and your ability to manifest
  • Inclined to project own feelings and assumptions onto others.

Potential benefits after taking essence

  • Calms and relieves inner turmoil
  • More able to balance intensity, emotions, desires or passions
  • Able to forgive and be compassionate, and let go of resentment
  • Greater sense of clarity and purity after the “storm of transformation” has passed
  • Wanting to embrace and protect children, to give nurturing, motherly unconditional love
  • Wanting to share your love and your hearth with family and friends. Feeling community-minded
  • Willing to share anything you have with others which they need from you
  • Feeling sociable, open, welcoming, inviting and smiling
  • Able to open up inner defences and show authentic self
  • Enhances strength and stature, and the ability to take on disproportionate burdens
  • Increased sense of safety and protection and being held and helped as a child of God
  • Able to stand up for who you are, not afraid to be unique or different
  • Enhanced comprehension of motives behind seeming grievances done to you
  • Increased inner power and self-assurance and desire to take on the world, discover potency of self. Become your own hero
  • Increased sense of courage and “can do” attitude
  • Willing to die to old self and rebirth into new paradigm, to open to new beliefs
  • Renewed creativity or fertility, able to give birth to babies or projects or manifest ideas
  • Able to fix and repair things damaged by nature
  • Desire to get rid of rubbish or fix pollution problems
  • Open to inner transformation, understand it is necessary
  • More accepting of “What Is” in life, embrace change and transformation
  • More accepting of others as they are, and of yourself as you are. No more judgement
  • Let go of wanting to control things or people and work in co-operation
  • Open up to intimacy, relax about sex, seek help where needed
  • Better understanding of sexual proclivities and more able to master inclinations
  • Realisation of metaphysical gifts you have been endowed with, and desire to use them
  • Appreciation of the magical universe around you, more experiences of synchronicity
  • Understanding of how to co-create with nature
  • Greater awareness of how and when you project your own “stuff” onto others
  • May feel inclined to explore caves or the depths of the ocean, or to withdraw into own “cave” to process intense emotions
  • Begin to manifest heaven on earth for yourself and others

Pluto is the Lord of the Underworld and ruler of Scorpio. He is a great metaphysician, trickster, and performer of magic. He initiates profound change in order to completely transform people, society, and the planet itself, destroying and killing off in order for people and things to be born anew.





For taking responsibility, utilising potential, planning and control, and handling authority.

Possible Symptoms

  • Dislike taking responsibility, especially for self
  • No recognising the love inherent in “Tough Love” when it’s administered to us
  • Resentful of authority
  • Not allowing ourselves to develop into our full potential
  • Feeling a failure, unsuccessful, unfulfilled, or empty inside
  • Unable to persevere or persist long enough to become successful
  • Feeling weak inside, unmotivated to take things on or go after something
  • Don’t believe in yourself and that you can achieve your goals
  • Restricting the love for ourselves and for others. Not seeing or feeling the underlying love that we are
  • Lacking in self-discipline to get things done or meet deadlines
  • Feel you need a mentor or trainer to keep you on track
  • Not willing to push self harder to new limits. Want it easy
  • Feel that people in your life are repressing, crushing, limiting, or imprisoning you and that you are weak, defenceless, or powerless against them
  • Feel as if you have no control over your life. Makes you depressed, frustrated or angry
  • Feel like a puppet of others or that you are boxed in. Want to break free of limitations or imposed conditions
  • Feel great resistance towards being told what to do by certain people
  • Want to improve your status in life, or change your marital status
  • Lack of interest in world affairs, business, economics, or politicals but needing this to be more influential, interesting, or come from a position of strength
  • Overly serious, rigid, inflexible, formal, or too down-to-earth.
  • Feel bah-humbug about celebrations or even socialising. Saturnine, tactiturn nature
  • Can’t accept the existence of other realms besides earth, or don’t wish to connect with them
  • Find it difficult or stressful to provide adequately for self or others.
  • Feel like a child sometimes wanting to be provided for by your father
  • Want to be totally autonomous, not allowing others to help or support you. Feel you have to do it all by yourself
  • Feel weighed down by the burdens in life, or that you have to shoulder the whole burden alone. At breaking point
  • Feel stuck, that you are anchored and cannot move on
  • Act in an overly authoritarian, pompous, or overbearing manner
  • Experiencing difficulties in business, or with organisation, systems, or planning
  • Not organised, structured or methodical enough
  • Have no goals to aim for
  • Have some issues with your knees, or other inflexibility problems such as arthritis

Potential benefits after taking essence

  • Able to appreciate that “Tough Love” is appropriate in certain situations and that it helps us to grow
  • Respectful of authority, more relaxed about it, appreciate its necessity
  • Less likely to view people as being controlling, bossy, dogmatic or overbearing. Less projection of own control issues onto others
  • Allowing ourselves to blossom into our full potential by not limiting or restricting ourselves in any way
  • Feel like dancing through life, or climbing mountains, or taking on the world
  • Feel much lighter, no longer weighed down. Possibly lose weight physically
  • Able to fill ourselves up with life and all it has to offer, and appreciate who we already are, and what we have already accomplished.
  • Feel successful whatever we’ve done or haven’t done
  • Discovering the love within ourselves and others and feeling comfortable with it, sharing it.
  • Increased desire to persevere and persist with things
  • Enhanced motivation, strength, and belief in self to go after goals and desires
  • Take more interest in the world around you, feel more passionate about topical subjects, able to be more influential or interesting
  • Increased self-discipline
  • Willing to push yourself harder or faster to achieve goals
  • Take action to find a mentor, teacher, or trainer to help you achieve your goals
  • Feel more inner power, resilience and strength to deal with people who are pushing you or trying to control you. Feel equal to or as powerful as others
  • Feel more freedom, extra desire to break free from bonds or get out of a rut, or overcome boundaries
  • Less overbearing or commanding demeanour. More open, friendly, sociable, flexible, relaxed, spontaneous
  • More open-minded and open-hearted, leading to better connection with other people, other realms of beings, and with own Divine Self
  • More able to accept responsibility for, and provide for, self and others.
  • Greater strength to be able to take on greater burdens or bear burdens you already have
  • Wanting to share with others – your life, love, time, support, resources, and able to ask for same when appropriate
  • Enhanced desire to get organised, to plan, to define goals, to construct something, or get problems sorted out. More practical and grounded in reality
  • Allow yourself to daydream about goals, ambitions, desires, and success

Saturn is the Lord of Lessons and Ruler of Capricorn. He represents the father figure, or authority figure, and being responsible, strong, structured, a good leader and provider, seeking success and status. He dispenses ‘tough love’ to teach us. He also acts as a timekeeper, triggering off events that need to occur, and pressurising us to feel the constraints of time.



SUN (Helios)–LEO (Cymbidium Orchid)                           STRESS

For feeling calm or courageous in stressful, chaotic, or challenging situations.

Possible Symptoms

  • Stressed out, in turmoil or chaos, nervous, anxious, agitated, pressured, buffeted
  • Fearful, trembling, feeling unstable, insecure
  • Weak with little strength, physically or emotionally
  • Overly delicate, need a lot of hand-holding or care
  • Not enough courage or nerve to do what must be done or to go forward
  • In shock from receiving a fright, or fearing the unknown
  • Affected too much by the elements or environment or harsh conditions
  • In need of protection, trying to survive, taking a beating
  • Mood swings, depression, darkness, lack of joy or hope
  • No inner glow or fire
  • Not enough energy
  • Little or no motivation to push oneself faster or further, or to lead others
  • Little ability to endure pain or hardship
  • Feeling wounded, especially regarding the Ego self
  • Little desire to serve humanity
  • No connection to one’s own source of passion and fire
  • Heart is closed down, little connection to it
  • Experiencing little love or creativity
  • Rebellious, fiery, angry, livid, confrontational, childish tantrums
  • Self-righteous, needing to be right whatever the cost, justifying one’s actions
  • Abuse of power or leadership
  • Lack of humility

Potential benefits after taking essence

  • Feel calmer, more steady, stable, secure, unruffled
  • Feel solid like a rock within when all around is chaos and turmoil
  • Discover inner strength and courage, feel fortified
  • More able to overcome fears
  • Joy from feeling own strength
  • More able to take action to do what must be done
  • More able to accept what is happening
  • Not bothered by the elements, environment or harsh conditions
  • Increased physical and emotional strength, stamina, toughness, and endurance
  • More able to stand on own two feet and take care of self and survive
  • Feeling of protection because of own sturdiness
  • Increased joy, hope and optimism, lightness of being
  • Emotions better balanced, Inner Child is placated
  • Heart is more open to give and receive love and to express creativity
  • Increased energy, passion, and motivation, feel enlivened
  • Feeling bright and sunny, like you are glowing inside
  • Feeling on fire, alive, shining, brilliant, radiant
  • Better understanding of woundings to Ego and how to resolve them
  • Better understanding of what triggers anger in self and more able to resolve it
  • Better connection to the Source, one’s Sun, within self
  • Enhanced desire to put others or humanity before self
  • Allowance of others’ points of view or methods, more consideration and humility
  • More appropriate use of power or authority
  • More able to lead others in an appropriate way

The Sun, also known as Helios to the Ancient Greeks, is the central star of our solar system, thus representing the calm, stable centre around which all life revolves. He provides light to overcome darkness and represents the sun within ourselves, our own source of energy.




For enlightened thinking, new connections, and overcoming separateness and nervous tension.

Possible symptoms

  • Low energy, feeling flat, and may be experiencing problems with electrical equipment, like flat batteries
  • Energy comes only in short spurts, then dies down again, and a darkness comes over
  • Feels like you are electrically short-circuiting, or going crazy
  • Feel extremely restless and on edge or nervous, and can’t settle to do anything
  • Experience unusual or bizarre behaviour in yourself or in others
  • No lightness of being. Feel dense and heavy. Cannot get off ground with self or a project
  • Cannot access higher guidance, or make contact with other realms or species
  • Wanting to evolve to a higher vibration or dimension
  • Feelings of separation or abandonment or loneliness
  • Wanting to detach from relationships as they are too difficult to manage
  • Fear technology. Cannot embrace new inventions

Potential benefits after taking essence

  • More energy, and more consistently
  • Fewer problems with electricity, electrical equipment, electrical spikes, or lightning
  • May receive sudden realisations or “light bulb” moments
  • Feel calmer, more settled, with less nervous tension and energy
  • May feel more vibrant, zany and “out there”
  • Can better accept unusual, odd or eccentric behaviour as individuality and uniqueness
  • Feel lighter, and freer, as if you are flying. Things begin to “take off” around you
  • Enhanced intuition and connection with higher guidance, other realms or species, and the universe in general
  • More open to change and evolvement into a higher consciousness
  • May feel the bliss of experiencing higher vibrations
  • May experience initiations into higher consciousness or dimensions.
  • Feel as if you want to join with others, in groups or reunions. Want togetherness
  • Feel more inclined to want to serve humanity in some way
  • More able to embrace technology or science fiction
  • May feel more inventive or innovative

Uranus is the Lord of Enlightenment and Higher Consciousness, and Ruler of Aquarius and Chaos. He represents charged electrical energy in ourselves and the universe and is responsible for invoking sudden crises or realisations that lead us to different thinking.




VENUS–LIBRA (Aloe)                                RELATIONSHIPS

For improving self-confidence and self worth. For feeling good about yourself and others, having harmonious relationships.

Possible Symptoms

  • Feeling disharmonious, out of tune with the universe
  • Not in harmony or alignment with your Soul/Higher Self
  • Lack of balance or integrity within self or others, perhaps compromising self
  • Heart is not open, has closed down for some reason
  • Heart needs healing
  • Noisy mind is going like the clappers
  • Lack of brightness, glow, or passion in your life
  • Things feel dark, or over-emotional, or something is coming to an end
  • Lacking in confidence, self-assurance, and self-esteem
  • Feel lacking in charm or personality
  • Don’t love yourself or feel good about yourself
  • Feeling unloved
  • Feel worthless, don’t value yourself
  • Sabotaging yourself
  • Feeling shabby, down-at-heel, dowdy, worn down, untidy, scruffy, ageing
  • Don’t do nice things for yourself or care for yourself properly
  • Find others don’t care for you (reflecting how you feel about yourself)
  • Angry or impatient with self for not being the way you want to be, e.g. clumsy, ugly, inelegant, old, or overweight
  • Hating or despising yourself for being less than perfect
  • Lacking finances, feeling poor, impoverished, hard up, miserly
  • Need to take better control over financial issues
  • Physical body needs attention – health, exercise, beauty, weight issues
  • Experiencing serious relationship issues with those around you, prickly towards others
  • Low libido, or lack of sex life, or sexual issues
  • Need to bring romance back into life or a relationship
  • Feel alone, isolated, have too few friends
  • Find your friends let you down, can’t rely on them
  • Feel your partner/friends don’t value or respect you enough, or you don’t value or respect them enough
  • Haven’t considered your values and priorities enough
  • Overindulgence in comfort food or comfort behaviour e.g. shopping, drinking
  • Lack of creativity or artistry
  • Overly masculine in dress or behaviour, need to integrate feminine aspects more

Potential benefits after taking essence

  • Feel more harmonious, aligned, and in tune with the universe and your Soul/Higher Self. Things flow better. Synchronicity returns
  • More balanced and centred, feeling more integrated and whole
  • Enhanced clarity about your values and priorities and less compromising of self, more in your integrity, which, in turn, leads to you experiencing this from others
  • Heart is more open, less wounded, has less barriers from fear.
  • Mind is more peaceful and calmer, less emotionally-wrought
  • More able to let go of the past, or of the fear of ageing
  • Life takes on a better glow and passion returns
  • Feel more confident, self-assured, personable and charming
  • Stronger in character, feel more worthy
  • More love for self, feel good and accepting of who you are, value and respect self
  • Feel loved or cared for by those around you, no matter how you look
  • Take action to sort out relationship issues, from a loving basis and open heart
  • More able to forgive others for who they are, and self for who you are
  • Feel more like bringing romance back into life or allowing it to come.
  • Take action to smarten up yourself and your life, care for yourself properly
  • Do nice things for yourself but don’t feel the need to over-indulge
  • Take action to attend to physical well-being and sort out issues with health, diet, exercise, weight, beauty, ageing, sex, etc. More able to make the right choices.
  • Increased libido and sensuality
  • Take action to sort out financial matters and adopt abundance-consciousness
  • Approach friends or groups with a view to enhanced sociability and interaction
  • Increased attention to valuing and respecting others, being loyal and dependable
  • Better able to articulate your own values and priorities, and stick to them without compromise
  • Better able to protect self from sabotage of efforts
  • Enhanced creativity, artistry, inspiration
  • More attuned to the feminine aspects within oneself and able to integrate them

Venus is traditionally the Goddess of beauty, love, relationships, harmony (including music, singing, dancing), values, finances, abundance, and possessions, and traditionally the ruler of both Libra and Taurus. For clarity within this flower essence range, she is associated only with Libra. Venus’ Higher Self is Lady Sedna, who is now the ruler of planet Earth and Taurus. Venus is helping to bring in the feminine ray for the Aquarian Age.

